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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

Page 22

by Anna LaVerne

  “Killian is bringing us sustenance to the war room. So, come on let us go. I walked up grabbed their hands and willed us there. I saw the two guards jump as we appeared from thin air.

  “Jasper and Tara, right?” They both nodded and gave me a little bow, “I am sorry about the abrupt arrival, but I am looking for Garrik. He didn't come back last night. Have you seen him?”

  Both of them told me that they hadn't. No new messages had came through the crystal either. Fuck. I could feel the panic starting to rise in me, and when I am on edge I don't always think clearly.

  “Do you know where he would go in the Human Realm from here?” I asked Tomilson.

  “No, I have never traveled with him.”

  “Okay, well I want to go look for him. I will put all my barriers up and blend in. I need to be in the Human Realm to sense him there and hopefully find him.” As I was talking Killian delivered me fresh scrambled eggs and some fruit. I ran over to the table and started stuffing my face per usual.

  “Echo, you will go with me and Tomilson you will stay here. We shouldn't be gone long. We will go into the realm cloaked.” I tried to reassure him, since I could see the frown washing over his face.

  “Sir Tomilson should also go talk to Finley and question him about your sister while we are gone. Give him something productive to do instead of worry.”

  I nodded, “Good idea. Okay, boys grab a biscuit and let's head up to the inner courtyard to realm walk. Do you think we will be on the top of a small mountain if we realm walk there?”

  Tomilson replied, “Most likely in some trees. I remember Garrik saying that humans built houses around this lake with docks and boats for summer sport. There is a possibility you would end up in a house. The good news is that not all humans would be able to see you any longer, you are full elf again. Your energy vibrates a little different than before.”

  We began walking down the hallway to find our way through the maze that is Castle Bluff to the inner courtyard. “Before my coma Garrik and I went to visit my mom. She saw us both fine.”

  “Because you wanted her to, Vera. Also, there is a chance that her genetics might be a little more evolved then some of the other humans. She may have seen you even if you didn't want her to. Go into the Human Realm cloaked. If you end up in a house realm walk back and try a different spot. Simple,” Echo explained it all in his deep voice that makes everything sound a smidge better.

  Before I knew it we were entering the courtyard. The sun was beginning to come fully into the sky it was red, “Red sky in morning, sailor take warning.” I said. My stomach filled with dread. It was no longer a bad feeling it was the knowing that something awful had happened.

  “What was that?” Tomilson asked.

  “Something my Mom always said when the sky was red in the morning. It is a warning of the storm to come. The storm is here.” I turned and gave Tomilson a big hug. “Remember you can always find me even through the realms. I should not be gone long, but if I am still gone by late afternoon please find me.”

  His chin was resting on my head as we hugged tightly. I could tell he could feel the dread I had swirling inside me. I stepped away and grabbed Echo's hand. Before leaving I put a barrier around us both and then surrounded us with mental mirrors. There will be no way that anyone would sense us. We would still be seen by other elves if we were near them, but they could not sense us coming. If we hid in the shadows as well we wouldn't even be seen.

  I closed my eyes took a deep breath and then a big step down into the Human Realm. I felt the familiar tug at my navel that indicated we were pulled through. Opening my eyes I could see we were on a very steep hill, the mountain. Trees towered above us. The ground was rocky so there was not much vegetation. I am grateful I had the foresight to put on some boots under my dress, however I should have put on pants instead. I could smell wood stoves or camp fires on the wind.

  “Sweetling, can you sense him?” Echo asked as I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. I felt my energy go into the earth through the trees looking for him. I could feel him. He was here but he is gone now. There is a trail, but nothing I can follow.

  “He was here. I can feel his trace, but he is no longer in the valley and if he is something or someone is hiding him.”

  Muffled voices worked their way up the hill to our ears. Echo instinctively pulled me in close to him and put his finger over his lips. I tilted my head to try and hear something clear. Nothing. Echo and I started down the hill hugging the trees as we moved. I willed my dress to blend in. I am sure I could feel Echo's magic adding to mine to intensify the effect of blending.

  I was amazed at how well we were maneuvering the rocks. We came to a spot that appeared to look over a camp. There was a giant flat rock directly below us. I knew I was going to regret my decision since I liked my simple dress so much. I threw myself on the ground and began army crawling down the hill.. The earth responded by gently wrapping my body in loose rock and red clay soil. My dress was officially ruined.

  “That is, wow, Vera. Impressive,” Echo spoke into my head. We finally reached the top of the rock, everyone below us was a Dark Elf. They were dressed in all black simple scouting uniforms. I tested the area for Garrik. He was here. He was here not long ago. I could almost see his teal coloring leaving the camp. I tried listening in on the conversation's below, but I couldn't understand anything they were saying.

  “What language are they speaking?” I looked over to Echo who had a confused look cross over his dark coffee colored features.


  “Crap, I don't speak Elven.”

  “Yes you do. Except for when you swear, every word you say is Elven.”

  I shook my head, “I am thinking in English, right now.”

  Echo snorted quietly, “Trust your magic, Vera. I don't know enough English to communicate with you. The language of the humans in my area of Elmora is a mix of native and Spanish.”

  Okay, I had to admit that actually makes sense. I closed my eyes letting my elf self come into full control. I wondered if I tempered it a little bit with the barriers and camouflage. Okay, there are the words I was looking for. Unfortunately, they were not talking about much. Complaining about having to stay behind. Behind from what?

  “I am guessing from taking Garrik where ever they took him. I am betting it was to my Father,” Echo is right. My stomach twisted so hard I almost vomited. I shook off the wave of dizziness then closed my eyes willing myself to focus. I pushed the energy down through the ground and felt the pressure on the earth where each of them stood.

  “Six, there are six of them. I am taking them to Castle Bluff.”

  Before Echo could protest I took a deep breath and pushed myself through the rock. Rock is earth after all. It was almost as if it melted to a thick liquid allowing me to slide through immediately closing up behind me again. Damn. I am awesome. I finally broke through the roof of the cave landing on my feet in a crouching position. I must have looked like a wild mud woman. They all stepped back in surprise and drawing their swords. I had two at the entrance of the cave one to my right and the other three were into the back of the cave. One of the more brave ones started forward with his sword drawn. I twirled allowing the wind to come into the cave strong enough to lift up the hem of my heavy mud encrusted dress.

  “Tsk Tsk Tsk. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Do you know who I am?” I asked as I twirled again bringing in another gust of heavy wind. This time I pinned four out of the six Elf-men against the wall. Dark Elves. Sure enough everything soon went dark. I pushed my magic into my core and began emitting light. Another thing I discovered I could do by winging it in anger. I was angry. Oh so angry. They stole my Garrik.

  “Last chance. Do you know who I am?” I asked again. They all shook their heads. The two at the cave were now on their knees. Echo standing behind them with a sword. They knew who he was or they would have put up more of a fight. The other four remained pinned against the cave walls.

am Vera. The High Queen of Elmora.”

  “Not possible. There is no High Queen anymore.” I brought my hand up and with the flick of my wrist restarted the fire pit that was in the middle of the cave.

  “Really? Do you know any other elf that could do all that you have seen me do in such a short time? Now I want you to tell me where my Prince Garrik was taken.” I put emphasis on Garrik's name.

  No one spoke up. I was not opposed to torture, but if I do it, it will be in Castle Buff deep in the earth. I brought the wind in again with such ferocity that the two at the door of the cave were pressed to the ground on their stomachs. The others were pushed harder into the walls of the cave like they were on a spinning ride at the a local fair. They couldn't even lift an arm. I walked through the wind taking each of their swords then I let the wind drop. They all fell from the wall onto their knees.

  “Line up and hold hands if you want a chance at living!” I screeched. I knew that Garrik was no longer in the valley. I had to be smart. I am not some dumb girl. I am a Queen. I will rip King Talon's head from his shoulders. I watched as the Dark Elf scouts rushed to do as I bid. As soon as they were in line I had them start out the cave and up the hill. About half way up to where we arrived two turned to try to fight. I pulled my sword killing the one closest to me by swiftly removing his head. I felt a little tear inside myself. That was wrong. I shouldn't be killing elves. I should be protecting them. I fell to my knees as Echo subdued the other one with a swift knock to the back of his head landing him on the ground unconscious.

  I began to sob and wail. All the pain of killing an elf and losing Garrik caught up with me. I am not weak! The earth below us began to grumble. Echo came up to me. “Pull it together, Vera.”

  “Look at you Prince Echo,” The one who appeared to be in charge sneered. “Helping a false Queen. Betraying your land, and your King. You disgust me.” Echo dropped me and rushed forward grabbing the elf scout by the throat.

  “I betrayed no one! It is your King who has betrayed the High Queen! Open your eyes you damned fools! She doesn't want to kill you because it is her job to protect you all! She is a Goddess!”

  “Enough Echo. Everyone hold hands. We are going to cross here. No matter where we land.”

  I knew I could take as many that were touching me while realm walking. I don't know how I knew it, I just did. I put my hand on the shoulder of the elf who was still passed out on the ground closed my eyes and willed us through the realms to Elmora. I felt the familiar tug at my navel, but this time I felt it over and over again as each one of the Dark Elves followed me through.

  We landed in the first courtyard. The one that is insanely busy with everyone working on something preparing for war. When we landed we instantly had the attention of everyone there. I was no longer giving thought to my appearance.

  “GUARDS!” I screamed into the crowd. Soon I had at least twenty come running.

  “Take these traitors to whatever dungeon is in Castle Bluff.”

  It was still morning. I made quick time of bringing them here. Now I needed a game plan, but first I needed to get clean. I walked through the second set of gates straight towards the castle doors. I ignored all who stopped to stare or bow. I didn't have time for it. Once inside the doors I closed my eyes and willed myself to the bathing room where I promptly stripped and got into the shower. I didn't have spare time to clean up, but I knew I had to if I was going to focus clearly these next few hours. I am not even sure he is with King Talon yet. I always thought no matter what I would be able to find him. Will myself to him, but either due to emotions or stress I couldn't. I could track him, but I don't have the time or speed for that either. As I washed the mud out of my hair I felt tears sting my eyes one last time. It was the last moment I had to cry because I am a Queen and my people can not see my weakness. I need to exude strength. I need to bring Garrik home.

  Pulling myself back together I dried off and walked naked to Garrik's room. I decided to wear tight pants with another tunic that was long in the back and short in the front. The pants were a dark brown and the tunic was gold it blended in to my new skin. I strapped my sword to my waist and grabbed my diadem from my vanity drawer. I needed to look like Royalty today so I could feel like it. I took a quick second to add eyeliner to my eyes to amplify their effect. My hair was pulled back and up as if I were going into battle. I feel savage. I feel dirty for the need of battle raging within me.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  “War Room NOW!” I sent out to Echo and Tomilson. I did not know where they were, but I knew where they would be soon. I closed my eyes and willed myself to the war room of Castle Bluff. When I materialized I heard the familiar ding of the crystal letting me know there is a message for me. I look to see the stunned guard pressed against the wall.

  “ I-I- I sent someone to find you.” He replied.

  I must have inadvertently shot the man daggers with my eyes because he shuddered. I wish my people didn't fear me so, yet I don't have the time to comfort a guard. I strode over to the crystal knowing I should wait yet I knew this message was for me, and I was lacking patience today.

  “I have your beloved Prince Garrik,” the voice was sneering and deep reminding me of Echo. “If you want him back alive I highly suggest you cooperate. Meet me on the prairie at the Oklahoma gate. There I will propose a trade. Give me my son and I will give you Prince Garrik. Bow to me in front of all and I will give you the Prince alive.” King Talon's message ended. I screamed in frustration. How dare he! There is only one man I want to kill now and that man is an Elf King not worthy of his throne.

  The wind was rushing into the crystal chamber. Water from the moat in the floor began to spray around me. I could feel a fire burning in the pit of my stomach about to explode. He will not win. Not this time. I placed my hands upon the crystal.

  “I am Queen Vera of Elmora. King Ramsey took that away from me centuries ago. I have returned and I will return Elmora to balance! I will meet you in a week's time. Echo is mine, Garrik is mine, Elmora is MINE!” I finished by telling the stone to send message to everyone.

  Placing my hands back on the stone I send one more message to everyone except King Talon and his known allies. “I am Queen Vera of Elmora,” I state again, “King Talon is meeting me for battle in one weeks time at the Oklahoma gate. Anyone who would like to stand with me this is the time and that is where I will be. King Talon stole my husband, my flame, my heart. He will pay,” releasing my hands from the stone I turn back to the war room. The wind had calmed, the fire in my belly was a steady simmer. I could feel my eyes glowing. I didn't even try to contain them.

  Prince Echo and Sir Tomilson were standing in the door staring at me. Rose, Finley, and Sarah were behind them. Various generals and heads of guards were gathered even farther back.

  “Sweetling, my Queen. If King Talon finds out you called the other Kingdoms he will kill Prince Garrik.” I shot daggers at Echo.

  “I am not scared of your Father,” I snapped at him. He looked hurt. I didn't mean it like that but I didn't have time to reassure or coddle him. “What does your Father value as much as you Prince Echo?”

  There was a long pause before he answered. “My Mother, Vera, why?”

  “Let us go and fetch her," I replied. The silence around me was deafening. “We will be right back, right Echo?” He nodded and grabbed a hold of my hand.

  “I will do this for you, but know it will result in my banishment.”

  I looked over to Finley and Rose. “Would the Queen of Elmora's will trump any magical clause written and signed by the council?”

  “Yes, my Queen.” Finley responded.

  “Do I need to destroy said document or is it rendered null the moment I bring him back into Elmora?” I asked knowing the answer to give Echo the benefit of hearing Finley.

  “All you have to do is bring him back into Elmora, and the contract is voided.”

  I nodded and squeezed my big dark Prince Echo's hand “Let us do this. I wo
n't harm your Mother.”

  I was sent a picture of a lush jungle garden. It was still very hot there. I could see bugs flying through the air and hear birds chattering above. There was a fountain with murky water and a paved stone path that lead up to a Mayan style temple. I opened my eyes to see us standing in the same spot Echo sent me. Not another soul around us. As soon as we appeared Echo smiled and then poof he was gone. I had a moment of panic before I remembered he was taken to the Human Realm. All I had to do was step over and bring him back. I took a breath and stepped down through the realms.

  I felt the familiar tug at my navel before entering the Human Realm. Echo was there waiting. We were in the middle of a jungle. I had never seen a jungle before. Trees towered above me so thick I couldn't even see the sky. Echo pulled me into his arms.

  “Someday, when we have more time, we will explore this land together. I know many places I would love to take you.” I looked up and saw tears in his eyes. He is home. He loves it here, even in the Human Realm this is home to him. I squeeze Echo tighter as I realm walked us back to Elmora.

  Once there we separated. “So where are we? And where will we find your Mother?”

  “We are in her private forest or in her case jungle. She will be here. She would have chosen to stay back and watch over her people.”

  “Lead the way Prince Echo.” I gave him a deep bow. He knew I would not hurt anyone. I only needed a chess piece in this game I was playing with his Father. Nothing is as effective as swiping a Queen. We walked up the path into the temple. Echo allowed himself to be in full view. I on the other hand had chosen to blend into my surroundings behind Echo. I was sweating in my winter clothing. As we walked down corridors made of giant square boulders of stone servants and workers stopped to stare. Not one said anything to their Prince. Instead most took off running, “They are informing my Mother, no doubt.”

  Echo kept walking until we came to an archway that opened into a very small private courtyard. There was a small pool in the center that was covered in pink, yellow, and white flowers. The scent was enchanting and familiar. Spicy even, like my hair. Echo must have heard my musings and sent me a wink.


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