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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

Page 24

by Anna LaVerne

  “Good news is you and Garrik do not need gates.” Echo responded.

  “True, but we don't even know where we are in the Human Realm. What if we cross and we are in Alabama or something?”

  “You are in Kansas City.” A voice whispered from outside of my shields. I stood rapidly pulling my sword. Echo and Tom stood with me. The voice came from a spirit of sorts. He was a young man in a union civil war uniform. He was more solid in form than any spirit I have seen before, yet there was no doubting what he was. His eyes were sunken and dark. His skin paler than pale. The only thing that was bright was the red ginger mop of hair he had on top of his head.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  “Calvin. That is all I remember. My name is Calvin. It is all I have held on to. You need to go quickly I am not the only one who would have been called to your power, and some of us have the ability to take power from the living. Those are not one's you want to meet.” He turned and began to walk away.

  “Wait! Where in Kansas City are we in relation to the Human Realm?”

  He turned slightly and said, “I don't know I am guessing near the tracks,” and then he faded into the gray landscape.

  Tracks? “Okay, so we could be near Union Station then. That is not too far from my old apartment," I closed my eyes and touched all three of my men. With what felt like only a half step up we were pulled into the Human Realm. It was true we were very close. I pulled the hood of my cloak up over my ears.

  “So, how are we going to carry Garrik through the Human Realm and to where?” I asked.

  “It would do no use to take him to Elmora now. It would be too much travel to Tindril and take too much time to get him to Castle Bluff. I don't think teleporting him is a good option being this weak.” Tomilson said.

  “We need a place for him to rest right now. Even if we took him to Elmora there would be no immediate place for him to rest. I have no human money here anymore.”

  “That is not exactly true,” Tomilson spoke up, “Garrik paid for your apartment. He always worried you would want to return. So, he paid your rent for you. He told me that no matter what he wanted you to always have a choice and a place to go.”

  That brought tears to my eyes again. I am too emotional of late, “Okay, that is where we will go then. Echo carry him, we can catch the tram about a block up we will need to blend the best we can. If we can.” Echo nodded and lifted Garrik on his shoulders. He walked close to the walls of the buildings. No one gave the oversized man carrying another tall man on his shoulders a second glance.

  “Most humans won't be able to see us unless we wanted them to. Remember, our energy is different,” Tomilson was quick to remind us as we continued blending in to be safe.

  The falling snow had kept many off the streets even though the streets were still pretty clear of snow and ice. Cars were driving at normal speeds. We made it to the tram stop safely. Echo and Tomilson supported the weight of Garrik. We all but dragged him onto the tram. The only person on other than us was the driver and he gave us a look.

  “He had too much to drink,” I said not even knowing the time of day.

  “A bit early for that eh?” The driver asked me, “Costume party?”

  “Yes, we were celebrating with the Ren-Fest crowd. My boyfriend here drank too much too early and so we are taking him home,” I left it at that. I was using all my energy to make my skin and eyes appear as normal as possible.

  “Every group has that one friend who can't hold their liquor,” The driver said as the Tram began to move. Less than ten minutes later we reached our stop and dragged Garrik off out into the elements again. The snow had picked up into thick big white snow flakes.

  “One more block north to my apartment. It isn't much. Please do not judge me.”

  I couldn't believe I was so insecure when my flame was unconscious, but I had nothing before entering Elmora. My three men had always had something. Well, maybe not Tomilson as much as Garrik and Echo, my two Princes. I watched Tomilson and Echo carrying my tall Garrik. He was in the same tunic he had left in. It was dirty with abuse and travel. It was obvious they did not treat him well, but I guess Talon never said he would. His hair was much longer than the first time I had seen him. Sandy blond strands loose falling over his face as his head was tilted down. When would he wake? I had no idea. I only knew I needed to get him somewhere warm and clean. Tom and Echo were tiring. Both focused on the extra weight they held. They have carried him so far already. The snow was falling faster now and we were leaving footprints on the sidewalk. Two men, a small female and two lines of a man being half carried and half dragged.

  We turned the corner to the bleak parking lot I haven't seen in months. Last time I was here I looked so different. I was so different. The parking lot was full of cars. Everyone must be holed away to keep out of the coming storm. It is going to be a doozy. The gray clouds were hanging low and ominous.

  “That door there!” I yelled through the wind pointing at an off colored dirty white door about fifty feet away. Tomilson and Echo picked up speed. I ran ahead opening the door. My apartment complex wasn't fancy. In fact it was downright cheap. There was no buzzer on the door to protect the residents within.

  “I am sorry but my apartment is several flights of stairs up.” I frowned as Tomilson the smaller of my two Elf-men groaned. His dark hair was wet with melted snow and hung loose around his shoulders. Echo adjusted Garrik and took the heavier end holding him beneath his arms and across his chest. Tomilson picked him up by the boots and up we went. Up and up and up. Neither man stopped. I was impressed by both their strength and their endurance. We finally made it to my hallway.

  “Shit, We have no key to get in.” They dropped Garrik next to the door leaning him against the hallway wall. Neither man had spoken much as all of their strength and focus was on getting Garrik somewhere safe.

  “Simple, realm walk back to Elmora and then do your teleport thing into the apartment.” Echo's deep voice was right it was as easy as that. I am surprised that I am still finding myself forgetting that I am no longer just human. I did as he suggested. I didn't even open my eyes in Elmora, I went smoothly from there right into my small quaint apartment. I looked around, it still smelled of the same nag champa incense and spicy apple candles. My plants were still alive and all inside with the curtains to the old parking lot wide open. I went straight towards the door unlocking it and dropping my barriers enough my men could enter.

  Echo lifted Garrik on his own and drug him to my bed. Tomilson grabbed him by the feet and lifted him up laying him out. I immediately started stripping him of his dirty clothes. I ran to my little bathroom which was also very clean. Cleaner than I had ever kept it, but it was still most definitely my bathroom. I grabbed a washcloth and soaked it in hot water and ran back to start cleaning some of the grime off of Garrik. I went over every bruise carefully. His body beneath his clothing was riddled with them. I went down his arm to the hand with the missing finger. They had chopped it off and cauterized it. Not really knowing what else to do I ran back into my bathroom and pulled out my first aid kit. I coated the stump with neosporin after gently washing it. Tomilson then stepped forward and used the dressings to wrap it up and protect it from infection.

  We shimmied the blankets from underneath Garrik and tucked him into my small bed. I stood back and sighed realizing the apartment was still cold. On the wall I saw that the heat was off and turned it on. I was in a daze. I knew we could not stay here forever, it just felt so nice to feel safe again. I didn't want to think of our problems, but I had no other choice. Tomilson and Echo have been quiet while I was caring for Garrik.

  “What now I asked?” as I walked over to start the coffee I knew would still be good.

  “You will need to realm walk back to Elmora and then to Tindril to let the Queen and King know we have Garrik. That he is safe and will wake shortly,” Tomilson said. His violet eyes boring into me. He was willing the words on me even though he didn't possess that gift. I
nodded and went into his arms. I needed comfort. I breathed him in as he hugged me tight.

  “Are you sure he will wake soon?” He patted me on my back.

  “Yes, he is in a state of healing. They had beaten him badly and he is also in shock from losing his finger. He will most likely wake by tonight.” I felt hope in his words, that was enough for me. I pulled myself free.

  “I am going to take a hot shower and change into some clean human clothing before I leave.”

  “Good idea, you stink,” Echo sent me a wink which brought the first smile to my face in days. We did it, we really did it. We got Garrik back.

  The shower was a little disappointing after the magnificent bathing rooms I had used in Elmora. I wrapped my body in a towel and stood in front of my small steamy mirror. I needed a release. I wasn't sure what kind though. All of my obligations were weighing heavy on my shoulders. My wet hair was dripping a small puddle on the floor. Every time in my human life that I faced change I cut my hair. This time I faced the biggest change ever and my hair had continued to grow. It was long and very hard to manage. I pulled open the drawer and found my scissors. My eyes were shining green instead of the gold they had been stuck in while I was in emotional turmoil. I needed a re-do.

  I began chopping at my long locks. I have been cutting my own hair for years. I was broke and could never afford for it to be properly cut. It has paid off. I made quick work knowing that when my hair dried it would be about shoulder length. It was still long enough to cover my ears and pull back if needed. I ran some hair product through it and then dried it with my blow dryer. I walked out into my single room with the towel still wrapped around my body. My hair bounced right at my shoulders. I felt sassy and fresh.

  “If you would have told me you were chopping off your hair I would have demanded you keep every single long strand. Yet here you are with shorter curly hair and I like it. You look as beautiful as ever.”

  I couldn't help but grin. “He is right, you look perfect, it fits you well.” Tomilson sent from his seat on the floor near my book shelves. His violet eyes shined a bit when I looked at him.

  “Thank you both. Now I need to get some clothing and clean up my mess. I have enough weight on my shoulders my hair didn't need to add to it.” I pulled open a drawer on my bed grabbing undies, jeans, and a long sleeve white thermal shirt. I dressed in front of my men as they watched. It is not like they hadn't seen me in all my glory before. I topped my white thermal shirt with a black Pink Floyd t-shirt. My clothing was a little looser on me than when I was a human, but overall it still fit pretty good. I put on my Elven boots and fastened my sword belt around my waist.

  “Can you bring us some clothing back from Tindril as well? I can wear a pair of Prince Garrik's jeans he keeps here, but Echo won't fit any of it.” Tomilson asked.

  “Garrik keeps clothing here in my apartment?” I asked surprised.

  “Yeah, he stayed here frequently when you were in your coma and has a few sets of human clothing stored here. Echo will still need something though. “ I nodded.

  “So, I am going alone?” I asked nervous. I hadn't traveled anywhere alone since going to Elmora.

  Both men could feel my concern, “She is right. I will go with Vera you stay with Prince Garrik,” Echo said. “I can gather clothing in Tindril while she makes contact with Castle Bluff.”

  “That is a good plan.” Tomilson stood giving me a big hug. “Be safe my Queen.”

  With that Echo and I found ourselves standing in an empty field in the middle of a blizzard, “Come on Vera, get us to Tindril!” Echo screamed as I surveyed our location. I closed my eyes picturing the war room. When we materialized it was completely empty. I didn't waste a second. I walked to the Tindril crystal room and called King Rew at Castle Bluff.

  “We have Garrik safe and sound in the Human Realm. Is Queen Maria still at Castle Bluff?”

  I decided to stay put and wait for a response as Echo left the chamber to go get a change of clothes.

  The crystal dinged a short time later and King Rew's voice rang through, “That is great news! Yes, we still have Queen Maria. King Talon messaged a couple hours ago. He has moved up the meeting in Oklahoma. He says if we do not meet for battle in three days time that he will send all his forces to Tindril. Tindril is not set to withstand a full assault. Queen Lyra has been sent into hiding for her protection. Toby is now in control of the Tindril forces and Taryn is running the palace in Lyra's place. Be well Vera and take care of Garrik. Garrik has human money in his room. Use it. Tell Tomilson to bring you to The Fort. He will know which one. We will be waiting for you.” King Rew signed off. I took a second to send back a quick thank you and see you soon. I flashed myself up to Garrik's room and found the money, ID,credit cards, and a cell phone in the drawer of his night stand. I went back to the war room to wait for Echo. He appeared a short time later.

  “Toby told me plans have changed.” I nodded and filled him in on the new plan. Echo had changed into new more human looking clothing. He had on dark brown pants that went over his boots rather than in them. He also had on a dark tunic and a basic black wool coat. His sword still fastened to his wide waist. His golden eyes took in everything I had told him.

  “Can we get from Kansas City to Oklahoma in a day in the Human Realm?”

  “Yes, we will have to rent a car. Do you think Garrik is awake yet?”

  “Only one way to find out. “ Echo said as he grabbed my hand, before we knew it we were both standing in my old studio apartment. My traveling was getting smoother and faster.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  My apartment was dark both Garrik and Tomilson were asleep on the bed. The smell of the coffee I had started called to me. I poured a large cup and then peeked out the window on my balcony. The snow had stopped and there was a snow plow going down the street across from the parking lot. I looked at the phone to realize it was a little after eight at night. My stomach grumbled. I couldn't even remember the last time I had eaten.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked Echo.


  “Have you ever had pizza?” He shook his head no. I smiled big, “You are in for a treat then,” I used Garrik's smartphone to order pizza online.

  “Food will be here in roughly forty-five minutes. I always feel bad ordering delivery during a storm, but I know there is very little food here and we need to eat.”

  “You can call and order food like in a castle?” Echo asked bewildered.

  I laughed, “Not exactly. I have to pay for it. Garrik had a lot of cash and credit cards in his room at Tindril. He has spent more time in the Human Realm than most.”

  “Makes sense. I never had a desire to visit the Human Realm. Humans are always killing each other or chopping down the rainforests where I am from. Nothing but destruction follows most humans.”

  “Is that why you disliked me so much in the beginning?”

  He shook his head. “Part of it, but mostly that first moment I saw you pretending to be asleep I was drawn to you. I didn't understand it so I lashed out. I never expected you to be my flame. The world has an interesting way of twisting all that you have thought and known into something different. You were that something that challenged all my views of the world. I am forever grateful for that.”

  “I am grateful for you too. I love all of you, but there are times that I am sure you understand the true nature of my spirit. Garrik knows me the best, but you understand my actions. Tomilson will be my main protector I guess. When this is all over you will be a King, and Garrik will go back to being a Prince. Both of you will be busy with your own kingdoms and I will have to figure out where I belong and how I will rule. It is a bit overwhelming,”

  “I do not have to be King. To be honest I do not want it. I would rather you give my Mother back her kingdom and anoint a new line for the one I am to inherit immediately.” I gave it some thought. I can do that, but Echo and his Mother are the only Dark Elves I know. Who else would I anoint? He read my t
houghts, “It will not be an easy decision, but I may have a few good suggestions if you trust me.”

  “You know I trust you.” I sent him a smile. He had started going through a stack of old magazines that were on my bookshelf.

  “Hey! Do you think you could cut my hair short like this guy?” Echo held up a picture of an almost bald Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.

  “Do you think you can cut my hair like his? I like the look of it. It would suit me well, huh?”

  “Most definitely. I have clippers in my bathroom from when I had pixie hair. I can give you what humans call a buzz cut.” I have been itching to cut Echo's long locks short. He is a gorgeous Elf-man and I knew if we trimmed his hair it would amplify his strong face. I had him sit in a chair in the kitchen and went to work. I buzzed it all down. He now looked like a military man with pointed ears. I was showing him where the towels were so he could take a quick shower to wash off when the pizza guy knocked on the door.

  “Go ahead and shower, food will be ready when you are done,” I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a light kiss before opening the door. I made sure my hair covered my ears and focused on glamoring my face to be a less shiny version of myself. The pizza guy was holding five large pizzas. Go big or go home, right? I paid him and told him to keep the change then slammed the door shut in his face. I wasn't going to trust anyone, not even a poor pizza guy who is out driving on a snowy night. I set them on the counter and went to cleaning up Echo's hair spread across the small kitchen floor. Tomilson sat up in bed, “When did you get here?”

  “About an hour ago. We were quiet and wanted to let you sleep. I ordered pizza, cut Echo's hair. He is in the shower now. Did Garrik move at all?”

  “No, but it is okay, this is the natural healing process for our kind. He will wake by tomorrow and he will be ready.”

  “He needs to be. Tomorrow we have to rent a car and leave for some place called The Fort that is in the Oklahoma area of the Human Realm.” The floor was cleaned so I got busy pulling out some plates and opening pizza boxes.


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