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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

Page 27

by Anna LaVerne

  “Garrik, we should sound alarm. Dark Elves have shadow magic. I can't tell we are about to be attacked from the trees.”

  Garrik shouted out, “Stay alert! Arms be ready!”

  We were in the middle of the progression. The tail of our forces were just entering the open field. That is when the first arrows began to fly from the trees. None near my party were hit but those along the edges were on both sides. There were shouts to pull everyone in tighter and to bring shields up. I sought out as many arrows as I could burning them as they were in flight. I was having a hard time focusing on both sides. This is a small attack to try to take down some of our numbers, there are not going to be more than a hundred of King Talon's men within the trees.

  “Keep moving!” I shouted. I could feel the panic within the ranks.

  “Vera, don't forget your power. Uproot the trees. Use the wind and stop this onslaught before any more lives are lost.” Besa was right. I have power.

  I stopped with my men and guard following suit. The rest of the line continued forward. Sitting upon my horse I tried to focus, but was struggling with all the people around me. Nerves. At first nothing happened. “Come on Vera you can do it.” I sent to myself. I reached down and felt the wind bend to my hand. Reeling in the power a breeze started to swirl around me. My horse began to dance in anticipation ready to take flight. I took a brief second to send my love to calm his heart. It worked. I felt his muscles relax and was able to bring my focus back to the job at hand.

  The wind picked up I worked one side at a time pulling with all my strength directing it towards the tree line. The wind hit with the force of a hurricane. The wind went hit at an unnatural angle bending the trees backwards so hard they began to crack and snap in two. I felt a tinge of guilt destroying the trees but I knew that nature always rebuilds. The onslaught of arrows from that side had stopped. I didn't have time to worry if any of King Talon's men were injured. I directed the wind above our head to the other side and did the same thing.

  When I was done a cheer went out through our forces. The army had continued to progress and I knew we needed to return to our position in case any more sneak attacks occurred further up the line. My group moved out to the side. I reached down to grab Besa's hand and hauled her up to the back of my horse so she would not be left behind. We urged our horses on and sped up to our original position just in time for the army to split into position.

  When we came to our position Besa slipped from my horse and I overlooked the battlefield. The cold breeze shot across the open plain. The tall summer grass was bent to the ground brown and dry. The weight of the world was weighing upon my shoulders and a sense of deep dread was pooling within. My horse felt my nerves and began to dance again. There were multiple rows of scouts in front of me as was agreed. At that moment I saw the golden flags of King Talons men and those who thought it wise to take up arms with the two Kingdoms of Solas and Ter.

  I did not know how this was done. Do we meet in the middle or will it be a full on onslaught from the beginning because King Talon no longer has any bargaining chips. I didn't want this. I do not want death. Each life is valuable. Each one felt like my child. All this time I thought I needed to have children, but I get it now. I get why I chose to not have a flame in past lives. Not because I wanted a life of loneliness, but because I was devoted to my people. I wanted to grow with them and be connected to them. I was a Mother to all. When I was re born in the Human Realm I had no control over my flames and future. I gave myself the best odds that would return me to Elmora. It all clicked. These people are my children on both sides. These are my people and I did not want any of them to die. I did not want them to hurt, and I did not want revenge on King Talon.

  “That is the love of a Goddess.” Echo sent to me. He was eavesdropping on my thoughts. I am not sure about this Goddess thing, but what I know is King Talon never knew me. He was born after my torture and demise. He only knows what his traitorous Father had taught him. Langly and King Talon's advisers, on the other hand, they knew. They will pay, but first I need to prevent any more death. How will I prevent any more death? The cold wind pushed through my hair making the tips of my ears burn. I looked up and realized how close King Talon's forces have come and then I heard the call of the elven horns. Drums picked up a cadence. This was happening. I felt a verge of panic as I looked over at my men whose eyes were big with adrenaline. Garrik sent me a reassuring smile. Tomilson was staring ahead. I heard battle cries got up in the front row. I saw a flag on our side drop and our first section of men took off running towards the center. The bowmen around us notched their bows and arrows began to fly hitting the front row of King Talon's forces. No. No. No. I felt when the arrows had found their marks. Some landed into the cold ground but others hit the approaching forces on both sides. The source of my power in my core screamed. This was not natural. My anger was rising. How did I endure the last battle in my previous life? How did I kill my own people who were attacking me? I felt the second barrage of arrows hit their mark again. My head fell backwards and the scream I felt previously vocalized. Louder than any of the fighting the screech pierced the ears of everyone near. My people dropped to their knees hands covering their ears. My body felt like it was on fire. I had this feeling before and it needed a release. Desperately.

  My horse bolted through the bowmen that had moved in front of me to get within the distance they needed. My arms were spread wide as the heat continued to build. All of this happened within seconds. The two forces had not met in the middle yet. The little sanity that I held on to while the full power of Elmora flowed through my body told me I had to stop this. I had to. The land, the realm, and my soul demanded it.

  With all of my power I screamed, “STOP!”, as my horse was gaining ground on the charging army. The wind picked up my voice and amplified it across the field and the earth rumbled with emotion. I saw many pause and then continued on. I felt the heat leave my hands as fire erupted in a straight line between the two armies. With that everyone on my side stopped dead in their tracks and my horse slowed to a walk as we had reached the charging army. There was no getting through my wall of flame for those on either side. Everyone parted to let me through. I rode my beautiful black horse right up to the wall and dismounted.

  I had become oblivious to my surroundings. I needed to reach King Talon's men. I needed to reach out to them to show them who I am and who I want to be. I want the best for my people and I want to protect them from any more violence. They all deserve more than what war and strife could bring. I approached the flames feeling the heat caress my body.

  “Stop, Vera. You can not go through alone.” Echo's hand landed on my shoulder. I turned and looked up to him.

  “This is something I have to do. I have to show them how I feel. How I have been hurt and how I have been reborn.”

  “Then take me with you.” I nodded. I had no idea what was going on on the other side during those brief moments. I vaguely remember Garrik and Sir Tomilson voicing the same concerns and insisting to join me, but there was no way I would allow it. It was not safe for them. I knew King Talon wouldn't harm Echo, but my other two men could be seen as weakness and fair game.

  I raised my hand and parted the flames just enough for Echo and I to step through. I then closed it back up so fast singed the back of Echo's tunic. No chance for Tomilson or Garrik to follow us through. “I am sorry,” I sent them both hoping they could understand. Upon the other side people were in a panic. Running around trying to reform their formations. Generals were shouting trying to rally their troops to the edges of the fire. In response the fire curled up at the edges pushing the forces back to the center. We were spotted. It took a span of a few seconds before people began to pause and then move backwards. I allowed the wind to lift me off the ground so I floated gracefully. People began to back away and arrows zoomed overhead. I visualized one of my barriers up around Echo and I. The arrows bounced off.

  The Dark Elves had used earth magic to prep the l
and. There was a ravine between the first of King Talon's forces and King Talon giving him extra security. I nodded at Echo and brought the cold wind into me. I knew now I could use it to project my voice. I lifted myself high where none could touch me. I took that moment to also lift the earth that Echo stood upon to protect him. He dropped to his knees upon the earth to steady himself as it rose to a height that kept all those beneath him at bay.

  I now had a good view of King Talon, his advisers, and Langley. I was not far from them at all at this point. I was suspended in air near the center of his armies. The hatred I had for Langley began to bubble there was so much power I was losing control over my emotions. Before I knew what was I was doing Langley and King Talon's three advisers who I could not remember the names of burst into flames. I watched as someone used earth magic to tamper the flames I started. Once out they began to panic and took off. A wall of earth blocked their way. It wasn't from me, Echo.

  “Only a few of you remember me, and those that do would rather tell you lies then the truth of who I am and what was done to me.” My voice echoed throughout the plains as if it was in a cave with speakers. I wanted all to hear, “I do not blame King Talon for his greed and hate. I blame is father, King Ramsey and his advisers, and Councilman Langley. The wind picked up around me pulling at my clothes. I felt my tunic rip and tear as the force of a tornado hit me. All of my emotion and power was lost. I was no longer Vera that once was a human. In that moment I was Vera, Goddess of Elmora and I laid myself bare before them all. My clothing had been ripped away. I felt the piercing winter cold hit my flesh. I could not judge the reaction of those around me because I had one focus.

  “Centuries ago I had to go to battle against my own people,” I allowed the flames to drop so both Dark and Light could see me and my scars. “It hurt. You are all my children. I spent life after lifetime giving the people of Elmora my all. All that I gifted was not enough for King Ramsey. Together with his adviser's he conspired against me. Their greed knew no bounds. I was beaten with an Amulet taken from the Fae that tampered my powers. They kidnapped me on the battlefield and took me to the Human Realm where I was tortured. I was whipped and my soul was tattered. Then to finish of the torture they cut off my ears and left me to die. Which I did and it took over five hundred years before fate would bring me back changed. I was reborn in my raw form. I have both Dark and Light Elven flames burning within me. Flames from which you were all born. I am here to keep balance! I am now and forever in this reincarnation! I am Vera Goddess of Elmora and your High Queen.” I said the words without realizing what they were. It was all flowing through me from a place I did not know. In this moment I no longer had any doubt because it was not my confused mind speaking. It was Elmora. I continued while everyone stared.

  “Look upon my body. See my scars. See what I had endured to return to you. Now feel my love!” I felt the same heat of love I had sent in the past exit my body from a never ending well. Like before when people dropped to their knees, “My heart breaks for what was done to me, but it breaks even more from what was done to you. The Fae Wars that followed my death could have been prevented. Your numbers are smaller than they have been in centuries yet you still rally behind a greedy King to fight battles that are not worth fighting!”

  I lowered myself back to the ground and brought Echo with me walking toward King Talon bare for all to see. King Talon had not moved. He stood in stoney silence. When I approached he said nothing. His stubbornness on full display. He stared at me intently not even acknowledging his son who walked by my side.

  “If you bow to me and acknowledge who I am in you will be permitted to stay in Elmora, but you will lose Solas regardless. You will not get to remain a King, and I am taking your gifts either way. If you do not bow, both you and Queen Maria will be banished to the Human Realm. It is your choice. In the Human Realm you both will lose all gifts, and both Kingdoms of Solas and Ter.”

  “You will never be a Queen of mine. I do not know who you were before. What I see is an elf with Fae powers. You can be anyone or anything. I was only ever told of a false Queen who someday will return to rule and in doing so take everything from me.” He paused to look at Echo. “You stole the only thing that ever mattered to me, my son.”

  “So be it.” I closed my eyes and reached for Queen Maria using the power of Elmora. The tall Queen of Ter appeared before us still in her iron shackles.

  “Queen Maria I offered King Talon a choice. He chose to be banished without his gifts to the Human Realm for the remainder of his life. He could have chosen to be stripped of his gifts and kingdom but to continue to live here with you and yours. Now I offer you a choice. Bow to your High Queen and you get to keep your gifts and your Kingdom of Ter. I will severe your bond with King Talon. You will be confined to Ter and Elmora until the end of your days, but you will remain Queen. Or, you can lose it all to be with Talon in the Human Realm.” When I finished Talon spoke up.

  “You did not tell me that Maria would have a choice!” He took a step towards me. With that I took his gifts with one swipe of my arm. The power of Elmora still flowing through me. The wind picked up and I felt my eyes glowing gold.

  “I choose my son, and my Kingdom.” Queen Maria took a knee, “Please forgive me for not seeing clearly.” She didn't even look up. I reached my hand out touching her shoulder calling her to rise. I then allowed Elmora to lead me and touched her core with the palm of my hand. I found her flame and that of Talon's. I closed my eyes and focused on the energy pulling Talon's flame from her core and releasing it to Elmora. It caused Talon to cry out in pain but was a gentle experience for Queen Maria.

  “You are now free of your bond.” She rose and immediately pulled Echo in for a strong embrace. She was a strong woman who would weather the new challenges with strength. Talon, on the other hand, was going to live a life of hate and it was his choice. I reached up and touched him pulling him with me through the realms. I released him in the Human Realm where I felt the absence of Elmora's power. The vacancy sent me to the ground in pain. I had to quickly pull myself together before Talon could act on my moment of weakness. I took him to Los Angeles because I knew he spoke Spanish and this is a place I had been that I knew was a diverse community. It was the best chance at a new life I could give him. He stood and said nothing. He was beaten and the hatred I saw in his eyes reassured me I did the right thing. I wasted no time realm walking back to Elmora and transported back to the field.

  Once there I was knocked on my feet as Elmora's power reestablished itself within my body. As a result the earth rumbled and the wind picked up until I could reign it back in. I turned to Langley and the three advisers who I did not remember the names of. I did remember their faces. I saw the one who poured water on my face to keep me lucid as the whip ripped my back to shreds. I turned my back to them to look out upon my people who had worked their way forward. Garrik, Sir Tomilson,Besa, King Rew, King Si, Sarah, Finley, and all of my guard stood near. I smiled to them as I turned to face my torturers. Anger was an emotion I still felt deeply, but even more than anger I felt hurt. It hurt me through my entire being.

  I felt tears leave my eyes and work their way gently down my cheeks, “Fin should be here with us, if it were not for him none of this would have happened.” Langley spat out of his slimy mouth.

  “Finley at least felt guilt. Without him coming to me in that last moment I would not have survived to find a new body. I would have never had a chance to return home. Finley will lose his seat on the council, but he will continue to live as long as his body allows.” I paused, “You had such hate for me, all of you. You had such a thirst for power that you continued your attempts to end me right into my next life. I will never understand the why. What I do know is I vow to never kill one of my own again, as you are my children. So, for that I am allowing Elmora to take you all. There was a time I thought I would ask you why, now I know it no longer matters. Power and greed corrupt. I am not sure where or how the dark seed was planted or how
it was nurtured. Someday, I may return to you all for answers, but today you are Elmora's.”

  With no power of my own I felt the ground began to move and rumble. Black roots came from the ground wrapping around the legs of all four of them. The roots continued up their bodies thickening and twisting. Dark trees were being born from my children. Thick trunks were formed up into thick knobby limbs. Leaves sprouted in all colors of the rainbow. The bark was black as night. The most beautiful trees I had ever seen were born from darkness. I stepped forward and felt the power of the realm exit my body with a swoosh. The weight of it thrumming through my bones was gone and my body was tired.

  With the last of my strength I placed my hand upon the tree that was once Langley, “I will return every year. When you have forgotten your hate you all will be reborn,” I sent. His limbs shivered in response and I knew he heard me. Should I have given the same courtesy to Talon? Perhaps so, but I did give him a choice.

  I turned around and looked upon my men and smiled one more smile before the world around me collapsed and went dark. I had exhausted my body and my mind and now everything was dark.


  I woke at The Fort two days later muttering the typical “I am Vera.” I think that will be with me for the remainder of my life. All the main forces returned to their homes. Queen Maria was given temporary control over Ter and Solas so Echo could stay by my side. Once awake I took all three of my men and Finley with me back to Tindril. There was a lot of details to work out and so much for me to learn about the Kingdoms of Elmora.

  After having the power of the realm flow through my body many memories came back. I could transport to several areas of Elmora that I had not been to in this life. Including my personal castle. I visited once and was depressed by the dilapidated condition my home had been kept in. I asked Queen Maria if she could spare any earth workers to travel and repair it while I studied in Tindril. She granted my request. I left plans at Castle Loch for them to follow.


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