indoctrinated into the ways of super-nationalism, or anyone who is brown, black, Muslim, liberal, and so on. The people who are trying to change this government’s warlike ways, are like deer in headlights, wondering what is happening. They can’t imagine how it is possible that Americans are being tortured and shot in the back by their own police, just like the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan are being shot in the baqck and tortured by the U.S. troops over there. The poor saps still worship their police and military.
WL: What a state of affairs. Well, I did want to ask you what you thought about all the recent commotion about gun control.
PT: I think it is sad to watch. I certainly don’t want to give up the right to defend myself from criminals, so I plan to keep mine one way or another. As far as using your guns to defend yourself against the government gone wrong, forget it! That is why God made mouthpieces and key boards. As far as the whole issue of the government trying to grab the guns in order to protect the citizens from criminals and crazies, I think that this is just a smoke screen. The real agenda is to get the guns away from the people so that the government can send in the police to get anyone they want without fear of getting shot.
The government has absolutely no concern for the welfare of children or any other citizen. They just want control. Likewise, the government doesn’t give a damn whether or not criminals have guns. The criminals they can handle, it’s the citizens that the government still fears, although this fear is diminishing as the citizens grow weaker and more compliant and disorganized.
It’s kind of ironic that the vast majority of persons who are protesting the government’s gun grab are the very red necked super patriots that the government depends on to provide cannon fodder, gun toting lackeys, sniveling little toadies , and undying loyalty to all things status quo.
In a way, these super patriots are caught on the horns of a dilemma. On the one hand, they love and support their fascist murdering government and culture, but on the other hand, they can’t wait for the anticipated collapse of their government. They want the collapse, so that they can use their wonderful guns to eliminate all of those unfit to live in America – the Latinos, the Muslims, the tree hugging liberals, etc. The police and military are looking forward to leading the way in this great adventure. They will get a chance to use what they learned in Iraq and other war zones, on the undesirables in America.
After the country has been cleansed of all of the liberal, colored, and foreign elements, they will be free to create a more perfect America. They will usher in a new, more homogenous fascist state – a fanatical, fundamentalist Christian, red necked paradise, where only the pure at heart, loyal, patriotic Americans are welcome.
So these are the majority of the people who are fighting to keep their guns, while the more liberal – and more normal types – are generally wishing someone would disarm all the citizens – and leave the police and other criminal elements to their guns, to run freely over them. I would propose that the government take away the guns from the red necks, and require every hippy, commie, gay, immigrant, liberal, and so on, to be armed. In any case, I don’t see what the big deal over gun control is. The Americans have been disarmed for decades. They just don’t know it. The government disarmed the people by passing all of these laws, new criminal legislation, rules, etc. Anyone carrying or using a gun nowadays is walking a legal tightrope. You are asking to be shot first and asked questions later, by any cop that happens to come in contact with you.
These poor dumb rednecks think that they are going to standoff the government if they come to take their guns. Personally, I would love to see them try. If one of these red necked gun nuts points his fancy looking guns at the pigs, he will get a chest full of lead for his trouble. But, let him live in his Rambo fantasy world for now.
I just wish that the more liberal types would get with the program and man-up and realize that, if a collapse should happen, they are not only going to have to defend themselves against the collapsing government types, but also against the fascist, red-neck types, as well as from the rogue police. These types will be running around playing Rambo, and ridding the world of Commies, Liberals, Muslims, Mexicans, and Blacks. All this while the good white liberals are holding hands and singing “We shall overcome”.
WL: Do you think that this, much anticipated, collapse is really going to come?
PT: It should have come in the 80’s, with the Savings and Loan bailout, or after this recent bailout of Wall Street. The fact that there was no collapse is a testament to the power of the government, corporations, banks, and ruling elites. They have such a stranglehold on the minds of the masses, that they can do almost anything. It isn’t just that they control their hearts by filling them with patriotic fever, but they have so propagandized them that the masses cannot conceive an idea unless it is first suggested to them – or should I say “Implanted” - by their masters.
The idea that the possibility of a collapse is ridiculous , or that stocks and bonds are still good investments and not totally crooked and fixed, or that giving thieving bankers or corporations billions in tax money will solved all the problems, are planted in the brains of the masses, and reality is created. It’s like magic. If the idea that the dirty, corrupt system has to be brought down is never planted in the minds of the masses, it will never come up, and everything will continue to go along nicely – for the elites. The masses do not know what reality is until they are told. The few that are awake, and can see that there are problems, are so marginalized, that no one pays much attention to them, other than to comment on their lack of patriotism and communist and terrorist leanings.
The people are too ignorant, docile, naive, and brainwashed to ever revolt, or even question the wisdom or goodness of their masters. The elites have too good of a thing going to let the masses wake up, or, if they should awake, to revolt. Besides, the government has too many willing stooges to help it and work against the people. Reality is whatever the masses perceive it to be – the masses, not the dissidents and not the elites. The elites are the ones that dictate what the masses are to perceive, and they dictate that there will be no collapse.
The people seem to have an infinite capacity to insist upon not doing anything until the powers that be draw first blood. Combine this with their infinite capacity to not be able to see the thousands of times that the government, police, corporations, bankers, and the like, have already drawn first blood, and it appears hopeless to think that the people will ever get fed up and say enough is enough.
The status quo can go on for quite a while yet. There is still plenty of money to be milked from the people, the people are still able to work and give their children’s lives for the elite’s wars, and still love the elite’s country.
For the foreseeable future, it seems that the country will stabilize. The poor will get poorer, the middleclass will get poorer, and the elites will get richer. The bankers will make more money by making more wars, and the people will continue to fight in those wars, believing that they are fighting for freedom and democracy. Should things get too bad for the working poor, the elites will figure out a system to keep them alive and producing, maybe through even more draconian “Workfare” laws, etc.? A new prosperity will be ushered in for the elites, through exploiting the ever increasing cheaper labor of the increasingly stupider, more docile, fearful, and patriotic masses. The masses will be ever more docile through increasingly stricter laws about gun control, restrictions on assembly, protesting, unionization, and privacy. The excuse for these measures will continue to be for the safety of the people from the terrorists. Dissidents will continue to be vilified and seen as mentally defectives. Instead of being told to eat cake, the masses will be told to go prostitute themselves if they require more.
Actually, this state of affairs may be better than the alternative of collapse or revolution. As mentioned above, if the ones who are
maintaining their arms and most looking forward to a collapse are the fundamentalist, fanatic, Christian rednecks, then they will be the ones who can dictate the new order. They will surely bring in their own brand of fascism and tyranny to replace the current one. Brown people and liberals beware. Would it be any better than what we have now? I just wish that some of the more liberal elements of this society would stop being so afraid of using whatever means are necessary to defend themselves and their fellows, and try to prepare for a world where holding hands and singing gumbuya will continue to be ineffective. You could say that I am totally for keeping your firearms. I just wish that the more liberal elements would not be so afraid of them, and would realize that, should a collapse happen, the ones with the guns are going to be the ones that survive, and have the input into what reorganized society will look like. I further believe that, if one must have gun control, it should be the good old boys that supported this fascist society in the first place that should have the guns taken away from. It wouldn’t hurt to include the police, and other criminal elements of our society in that gun ban either.
Conversations Page 15