That could include the FBI, TSA, Homeland Security, CIA, and so on.
WL: It sounds like you are just a bit pessimistic about the future. I can see your point about how it looks like there is not much chance of change, revolution, or even collapse right now, given the docility of most people, including those “Liberal” elements who are working toward change. I also share your concern that those who are looking forward to a collapse and preparing for an Armageddon like battle are probably the very ones who are going to be in charge, yet are also the very ones who shouldn’t be.
So, what would you like to see happen, just in case a collapse did happen?
PT: My idea of a post American society would be a lot different than what we have today, or even the idyllic view of what most people have about what they think America was prior to the fascist nation we had prior to the current situation.
WL: Don’t you think that America was, in the past, a noble enterprise, worth going back to?
PT: I think that there were a lot of good elements that America did stand for, but there are some things that will not work in the current world we live in. Besides, this country and its ideals were perverted almost from the beginning.
For one thing, it is questionable whether or not it was even meant to be one nation instead of many. It seems to me that the bigger the nation, the more powerful it might be, and the greater the temptation to project its power on to the rest of humanity. We have enough problems to worry about right here.
Here, I would like to mention that, if there is ever a collapse, it would probably be worldwide, and include most, if not all nations. At least one can hope for this. I don’t see where any nation is that much of a beacon to the world as to be worthy of exemption from the improvements that starting over again with something better wouldn’t improve.
Of course there are other nations that are, more or less, better than this one has proven to be, at least in recent history. I am thinking about the Scandinavian countries, Switzerland, some of the smaller countries, and the like. For the most part though, there is much room for improvement almost everywhere. A nation should always try to improve the lot of its people, especially starting with its most disadvantaged elements. This should be, but isn’t often, the role of nations and their institutions.
To start off then, I would like to see more regionalism, if not all out independence in the organization of a post American society or societies. Just like what the West and the U.S. is doing in the Muslim world, dividing populations in various countries, and making new, smaller states. I wouldn’t mind seeing a hundred or even a thousand “Bantustans” in place of the U.S. First I’d like to see the states secede from the Federal government, and then the counties secede from the states. The reason I wouldn’t like to have the fragmentation stop at the state level, is because the states are just as fascist and racist as the Federal government is, if not more. Besides, by having the counties secede before the states turn on their citizens, it will be easier for the people to reign in their fascist, racist, redneck tendencies at the smaller, county level.
WL: It seems like you are assuming trouble before anything even happens.
PT: Exactly. Like they say, “An ounce of prevention…” This country and its people are rifle with racism, prejudice, and the drive for hegemony, to name a few of their many attributes. I wouldn’t trust any government, no matter how small, to do anything right or justly. That is why I would not like to see a pure democracy of republic as a model for any government.
WL: How can any American not want Democracy?
PT: Yes, that is why it will be a “Post American” government. Who was it who said, “Democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner, and freedom is three wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner, but the sheep has an AK-47”?
I suppose that a certain amount of “Democracy” could be appropriate, as long as a way could be found to first preserve the rights of all the citizens, even the sheeple who are too “Good” to speak up to defend themselves. The major protection to the people would have to be a government of laws, not of men. A government with laws that could not be voted out by a hysterical mob, like what happened in this current country we are living in. In any case, the smallest government possible, in the smallest state possible would be the best deal for the people.
I think it also might be a good idea to have an end date to any government. This would avoid the unfortunate tendency of any government to move toward fascism and dictatorship over time. Maybe there could be a time limit of 50 years say, after which the people would meet and form a new government. If parliamentary governments can do it every few years, why can’t we?
All of this pie in the sky daydreaming is very nice, but I really don’t see anything coming about to change the way things are. Too many of the people are too deeply asleep, and able to withstand almost any onslaught against their rights, and the few that are anticipating a collapse – guns at the ready – are the very types that support this current fascist government and its culture. What a situation. In any case, I suppose it is a good idea to have some sort of an idea of what you would want, just in case it does happen after all.
Maybe there should be a two-step process for after the collapse. The first step would be, maybe, where the local governments would take over for a while, like the city or counties. After a short period, a new government could be worked out as above or, just leave it at the city or county level, to provide a government, and just modify the laws by vote or other deliberation. The hell with organizing on the state level.
No matter what happens, people should be, not just thinking about, but talking and planning for, a possible collapse. This means, not just stocking up on shot guns, canned goods, trading goods, and getting a good rice bowl, it also means developing plans so that any period of disorganization or civil unrest is as short and mild as possible, and if possible, how to avoid it all together. It seems like there are many people sitting around, hugging their guns fondly, and dreaming of the day when they can play Rambo and shoot anything that is brown, black, commie, or Muslim. Others are sitting around holding hands and singing catchy protest songs, thinking that this is going to bring about change. Still others are wrapping themselves in the flag and praying for the Republicans to save the union, and the day.
None of these efforts seem to have produced a viable plan for what to do if a collapse does come. To avoid as many problems as possible, and to make the change as quick and smooth as possible, someone better figure out something to do now, not after the collapse comes, if ever. For God’s sake, don’t leave it to the government or any members of the government to do!
WL: Well, that sounds like a tall order. How did the people let themselves get into this mess in the first place?
PT: The problem with Americans, and every other people, is their belief in their government, country, culture, and race as the best, most perfect, and most benevolent one in the world. They believe the propaganda that the elites feed them, about the purpose of the government is to take care of the people, and provide for them that which they cannot provide for themselves, and so on. These people will never see that the purpose of their government, like any other bureaucracy, is to maintain itself in power. The people cannot ever see that to do this, the government will do anything it has to. The people are objects to be used and manipulated for the benefit of the government, elites, corporations, and so on. After a while, the government and the elites have nothing but contempt for the people that they depend on to keep them in power. That’s why I and others say that the problem is not the government, but the people.
Even if the whole population were to realize the urgency for change, they would never do anything violent to immediately bring about change. They would never, for example, start shooting the bastards. The prohibition against violence has been so programmed into the people, that this will never be a possibility.
That is why many critics have just given up on trying getting the people to go the traditional armed resistance route, and try come-up with some alternative that will work. In the case of this country, this is probably the only logical thing to do. The Americans are too soft, sweet, and naive to do anything else. Besides, like I said, the only ones who have the guns to try something stupid are the very ones whose thinking created and support the fascist system in the first place. If you let these retards run things, you will just end up with the same old system, with a different name. Why bother with this type of change? No, the best thing is to try something new. Besides, the government is too powerful and ruthless, and their gun-toting lackeys are too loyal to fight with violent means.
WL: Well, you certainly have some unusual points of view about what is going on in this country today. You paint a bleak picture of the American people and the situation they are in today. You don’t to have much that is positive to say about much of anything.
PT: I am sorry if I come off so hard on this country, its people, and its culture. It is not just this country that I see as having serious problems. It seems that most, if
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