Peter and the Kuroneko (War of Contractia)

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Peter and the Kuroneko (War of Contractia) Page 9

by Dixon, TJ

  “There’s no way that Sor would join you.” Claire says looking at Emma in utter disbelief.

  “Well she did, so the contract prevents you from harming her. The same goes for her friend. You’re lucky it didn’t trigger when you attacked her the first time.” Emma says with a shrug. Claire spits at me but I shield.

  “Same goes for you then. Harm me and you’ll trigger the contract.” Claire says and ports away.

  “Who was that girl?” I ask Emma.

  “Claire Ippy. She was sentenced to death for treason. Her mother was executed but she escaped. I didn’t see you here and you didn’t see me.” Emma says and hides her presence again. Even though I know she is there I can’t sense her. She is better than I thought.

  “Emi!” I whisper urgently and shake Emi awake.


  The second book I am looking for is still missing. I have the first hidden in our room. I used an enchantment so I am confident nobody will find it. Why Yu Kii chose now of all times to get suspicious of me I have no idea, but I am glad it wasn’t someone a little better at hiding their feelings.

  Rin is smart but not very good at hiding her feelings, so wouldn’t have been any more of an issue than Yu Kii. If it had been Asuna and she had kept quiet I doubt I would have figured it out, but she would probably have openly challenged me. Hermes would have been the real problem. She may not be as smart as Rin but she is no fool and knows exactly how to hide her feelings.

  I don’t like deceiving my friends. They even saved me and my mother. I am committed now though. I have one book but alone it is as good as having none. Actually it is worse, because with even just one book I can still be executed. Why does the other book choose now to go missing!? It isn’t checked out so it is most likely undergoing repairs, but that means it should be back by tonight at the latest. I will return later.

  My presence still hidden I leave the library. I may as well test my skills like I said I was going to. That way I don’t have to lie about anything trivial.

  The first shrine is easy because it is in the air way above the city arena. I find that in five minutes. The second shrine is predictably in the city moat. Where else would a water shrine be…? Earth isn’t too hard either. It is at the top of the mountain in the northern city sector.

  The other two shrines are more interesting to find. Fire and dimension. Fire I would have expected to be near the main city forge but it isn’t. I stumble upon dimension by chance. Fortunate really, given how rubbish my dimensional magic is. I was sure I’d need a map to find that one, but where is the fire shrine?

  I return to the top of the mountain and look for clues with my eyes and my senses. It is my earth sense that proves crucial. The shrines are as old as the Ancient Library so my thinking was off about the main forge. That is a modern building but with my earth sense I find the old forge. The old forge is gone now but its ruins lie buried outside the city walls, although still within the city shield. I realise there must have been a disaster, because the whole area around it clearly used to be part of the city. Perhaps it was even the original city, because it seems even older than the Ancient Library.

  Having visited all of the shrines I decide to retry the library. I get inside with my presence hidden again. Again the book is missing. I don’t see anyone I know this time though.

  (Yu Kii)

  It is dark by the time we return to the inn. We found all five shrines using the map. After that we just had fun exploring the city. We had a nice lunch in the city centre, although it cost almost a gold each, so we can’t afford to do that again!

  We figured that Professor Schwarz will take us to the Circle of Portals so we didn’t do that, but we saw the Great Shield when we visited the fire shrine. For a city shield it is spectacular. I doubt even a Fallen Angel or an army of elves could destroy it. The others talk about using the power of earth but it is actually connected to the spirit of the land. A powerful spirit it is too.

  When we get back to our room Emma is already there and has just come back from the hot spring. Everyone else decides to go in, which just leaves the two of us. I am sure it will be awkward and almost consider going in the hot spring too. I consider it for about half a second before deciding that no matter how awkward it is with Emma there is no way I am going in the hot spring.

  “So just the two of us now.” Emma says with an awkward smile.

  “Um, yeah.” I say smiling back just as awkwardly.

  “So how did your shrine hunt go?” Emma asks.

  “We used a map so it wasn’t too bad. We had a great time exploring the city though. You should have joined us.” I say.

  “I had a good time too, and I found all the shrines without a map. The fire one was difficult and I figured I might need a map for the dimensional one, but I found them all in the end.” Emma says with a smile that seems less awkward now.

  “So what did you do with the rest of the day?” I ask.

  “It took a lot of the day, and the hot spring was great. You really should try it at least once.”

  “Sorry, but that’s not possible.” I say shaking my head wildly.

  “You’re the one who’s missing out, so no need to be sorry to me.” Emma says with a laugh. We end up talking easily enough and I soon forget any awkwardness. Before we know it the others return and we go down and eat dinner. We are still a little full from lunch so we only order a light meal. Then we return to our room.

  “Just one more day and then it is our day off.” Emma says with a nervous smile.

  “Are you still worried about your aunt?” Rin asks.

  “You would be too if she was your aunt.” Emma says with a nervous laugh.

  “She doesn’t know you are in Portalis, right? So if you are that worried, you don’t have to see her.” I suggest.

  “I couldn’t do that to her. It’s true that I am worried, but to come here and not see her would be cruel.” Emma says shaking her head.

  “We’re all betting it’s the Circle of Portals tomorrow, but what’s your bet?” Rin asks Emma, perhaps trying to distract her.

  “My bet is the Sky Garden. We’ll pass the Circle of Portals on the way home, because the queue for the return gate goes right past there.” Emma says.

  “Oh, I didn’t know that.” Rin says. “I hope it is the Sky Garden. Do they sell rare herbs there?”

  “If you can afford them, but their prices are just as high as the garden itself.” Emma says and Rin’s disappointment is obvious. Seeing this Emma thinks for a moment and then says. “I know somewhere you can get rare herb seeds at a more reasonable price. There’s no such thing as cheap with rare herbs, but if there are herbs of particular interest to you it may be worthwhile.”

  “You must show me this place!” Rin tells Emma enthusiastically.

  “So what herbs do you need?” Emma asks.

  “I’d like to know what they have first.” Rin answers.

  “Ok.” Emma says, clearly a little dubious.

  We talk a while longer and then go to sleep. The morning as always seems to arrive too soon. Still sleepy I get up and have breakfast. Then we meet at the main entrance again.

  “Where are Sor and Emi?” Professor Schwarz asks as everyone else is here already.

  “They didn’t return to their room yesterday.” A girl I don’t know the name of says.

  “So, why didn’t you inform me yesterday?” Professor Schwarz asks clearly in a panic.

  “You know what those two are like.” The girl says with a shrug.

  “We’re here.” Sor says appearing out of nowhere and glaring at the girl who goes pale.

  “Where have you been?!” Professor Schwarz yells at Sor.

  “We did a quick job last night. It took longer than I expected.” Sor says with a shrug.

  “What job?” Professor Schwarz asks quietly angry.

  “Hunting a criminal. We caught her in the end.” Sor says with a yawn.

  “What criminal?” Professor Schwarz asks with a frown.<
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  “Claire Ippy. A traitor.” Sor says and I gasp.

  “She used to be a student at our academy. How did you find her?” Professor Schwarz asks intrigued.

  “With magic, of course.” Sor says as if to an idiot.

  “But…” Professor Schwarz starts to say.

  “Don’t you have a schedule to follow?” Sor asks innocently.

  “Yes, and we’re late.” Professor Schwarz says with a sigh. “We’ll continue this conversation later, but for now everyone please follow me and be quick about it.”

  We follow Professor Schwarz as she rushes through the streets until we arrive at a large black granite circle resting on and surrounded by a huge white marble square. The granite is only about a foot high and it clearly has earth and wind magic enchantments on it. There is a fair crowd standing on it already but there is plenty of room left. I don’t see any men or boys in the crowd. We all follow Professor Schwarz onto it.

  “It must almost be time, ah there we go. We just made it in time. We’d have had to wait ten minutes for the next one if we had missed it.” Professor Schwarz says.

  “Is the Sky Garden up there?” Rin asks excitedly.

  “Yes and I suppose an alchemist’s daughter would be interested in this place.” Professor Schwarz answers.

  “You’re an alchemist’s daughter?” Emi asks sounding interested for the first time.

  “Yes.” Rin says looking at Emi in confusion.

  “Probably a rubbish alchemist though.” Sor says and glares at Emi.

  “What did you say about my mother?” Rin asks taking a step towards Sor.

  “Enough, both of you.” Professor Schwarz warns them before things can get out of hand. Rin glares at Sor but doesn’t say anything else. Sor however just ignores Rin and walks to the edge to look at the city below us. Emi follows Sor but keeps her eyes down on the ground. I am sure the view is really good but I can’t see it because the whole edge is lined with people looking down at it. I look up but can’t see the Sky Garden.

  It takes almost five minutes but eventually we reach the Sky Garden. One moment there is nothing in sight above us and the next moment we are plunged into darkness as we continue straight up through a stone tunnel in the sky. It only takes a few moments and we are through the tunnel. It is bright again and I find myself blinking.

  “Everyone off!” Professor Schwarz calls out and so we follow everyone else off of the granite disk. There is a long queue following a glowing green stone tunnel that winds out of sight, but it is moving quite quickly. After a few minutes we can see three huge green stone gates. The queue splits into three and people are going through each gate. Seeing the gates Professor Schwarz tells us. “We’ll be using the middle gate everyone. Make sure to stay together and don’t stop the moment we get through the gate. We don’t want to hold everyone up.”

  It doesn’t take long to reach the gate and once we do we are just waved through. I had thought there would be a fee to enter, but it is nice that there isn’t. Through the gate there is a large open area where the roof is far above us. There are large slabs of stone glowing green, red, orange and blue forming a colourful patterned path from the gate and into the distance.

  “This way everyone.” Professor Schwarz tells us and leads us to the left of the path. The ground we are on is a dark stone but the light from the path and the glowing green roof allow us to see easily enough.

  “This smell reminds me of the garden back at the academy.” Rin says with a sniff. I sniff too and can barely sense a sweet smell. It is a bit like the academy garden if I recall correctly, but it is much fainter.

  “We will meet back here in three hours. Do not be late. Until then explore the Sky Garden and make the most of this rare opportunity to see some of the most valuable plants, stones and animals in all of Contractia. The Soul Stone is a must see for any mage, so don’t miss it. I’m going to be busy until we leave so goodbye for now.” Professor Schwarz tells us and ports away. Right after she does so Sor and Emi port away, though I doubt they are porting to the same place as Professor Schwarz.

  “We may as well follow the path.” A girl I don’t know suggests. We all seem to be in agreement so we wander along the path again. Soon we reach a split in the path.

  “Let’s go this way. I think the smell is coming from this direction.” Rin suggests and so Asuna, Hermes, Emma and I follow her. Most of the class head the other way but some make the same choice as us. The path splits a few more times and each time we follow the direction that the smell is coming from. Soon it is just the five of us from our class, although there are still plenty of other people going in both directions along the path.

  “It is definitely the same smell.” Rin says. I can’t tell since it was so long ago that I went to that garden at the academy.

  “What’s that up ahead?” I ask mostly to myself.

  “It looks the same as before to me. Do you sense something with your earth sense?” Rin asks.

  “Yes. It’s still a fair way but I sense powerful magic.” I tell her.

  “Maybe we’re about to find the source of the smell.” Rin suggests.

  “Maybe, but I didn’t sense anything like this at the academy.” I say. We walk a little further and then arrive at the source of the magic. “Here it is.”

  “I don’t see anything.” Rin says with a frown.

  “I do sense something, but it is very well hidden. I am amazed you sensed it from so far away. If I hadn’t known it was there I would have walked straight past it without noticing.” Asuna says.

  “I still can’t sense anything.” Hermes says sounding embarrassed.

  “It can’t be the source of the smell. That gets stronger further on.” Asuna says and Rin nods.

  “I think we’re still a fair way from the source. What is it that you sensed here though?” Rin asks.

  “I’m not sure.” I say and kneel by the source of the magic. I focus all of my earth sense on it but I am still confused.

  “What are you girls doing?” A young woman asks. She is wearing green clothes with a name tag on her left breast that I can’t read from here. She must work here.

  “We were just wondering what this magic here was.” Rin says. The woman frowns.

  “There must be a flaw in the enchantment if you can sense it. It is meant to be undetectable except by the most talented of earth mages. There’s no way a mere student mage could detect it if it was done correctly. It must have been that lazy Nell that did this one. This is one of the many enchantment points that keep the Sky Garden in the sky. If they were all destroyed we would fall onto the city below us. I’ll get one of the senior mages to take a look at it, but please just go about your business instead of standing around here.”

  “Oh, ok. Let’s go everyone.” Rin says and so we follow her towards the source of the smell. “I bet the enchantment was fine and you just happen to be talented enough to find it anyway. I wish I could see the look on their faces when they discover there wasn’t a flaw.”

  “I’m not that good. There probably was a flaw.” I say shaking my head. After a while and a few more splits in the path we arrive at the source of the smell. It is a red plant with long tendrils about the thickness of my arm covering the whole area ahead of us. It has one large red flower. The whole plant is surrounded by a magical shield that allows the smell to permeate the air, but doesn’t allow us to get too close.

  “It really isn’t much to look at, but the smell is lovely.” Rin says. “I wish they hadn’t stopped us going into the garden at the academy.”

  “I recognise this plant.” I say in horror.

  “So what is it?” Rin asks not seeming to notice my feelings.

  “This plant drinks blood and eats people. I only saw one plant like it before. I don’t remember the smell from that time, but this is definitely the same.” I say shaking slightly.

  “Do you think they feed it slaves?” Asuna asks with a horrified voice.

  “I don’t think they’d kil
l anyone to feed it, but they might feed it slaves who are already dead. I used to really enjoy this smell, but if it is the smell of death… Let’s go.” Rin says bitterly and turns away from the plant. Everyone turns to follow Rin but I stand there shaking and unable to move.

  “Yu Kii?” Hermes asks noticing I am just standing there still. I can’t answer her. I burst into tears unable to suppress my sorrow any longer.

  “Yu Kii, what’s wrong?” Rin asks urgently. She runs the few steps to reach me and grabs my shoulders.

  “Port me.” I manage to say through my tears.

  “Ok, back near the gates everyone.” Rin says and ports me. The others follow moments later. I sit and try to stop my tears but they just flow even faster.

  “What’s wrong?” A young woman asks.

  I look up and see a name tag on her left breast. Another member of staff… I take deep breaths until I can talk and then talk in a rush through my tears. “The hell flower, how, why?”

  “Hell flower… Oh that. We only feed it dead black male slaves. We don’t even kill them. There are plenty to use already and it saves us burying or incinerating them. They should be grateful, because it is the only way a male or a black person will ever enter this place.” She says and every part of me just screams out in anger. She is only a foot away, so it would only take a moment to grab her throat, reinforce my grip and kill her. My very soul yells at me to do so but somehow I resist.

  “Get out of my sight, now!” I yell at her whilst fighting my soul’s fury.

  “What…?” She starts to ask.

  “Go, now.” I tell her quietly but with a voice as cold as ice. She jumps back clearly alarmed and ports away.

  “Yu Kii…?” Rin asks in utter shock. I sense everyone’s eyes on me. Not just Hermes, Asuna, Emma and Rin. Everyone’s eyes. The people passing by. Other members of staff.

  “What do you want to do?” Asuna asks. I am grateful for her calm words.

  “The, inn.” I say with a few deep breathes.

  “We’ll need to walk to the exit but I can port you back as soon as the disk takes us out of the port block around the edge of this place.” Asuna says.


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