Peter and the Kuroneko (War of Contractia)

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Peter and the Kuroneko (War of Contractia) Page 10

by Dixon, TJ

  “Thanks.” I say after a few more deep breathes.

  “It’s called a port barrier, but there are holes in it. How utterly worthless to create a barrier and then leave holes in it…” Sor says appearing out of nowhere with Emi beside her. “I’ll take her back now. It gives me an excuse to leave this gloomy place. I can’t stand the scent of death either. You coming too, slave?” Asuna looks a little shocked but nods. Nobody else seems to know what to say so they just stand there looking unsure. “Then stand close to me, but don’t touch me or I’ll kill you. Same goes for you, excuse girl.”

  I manage to stand and walk the few steps towards her. Then she ports the four of us. Sor looks at me a moment with a weird expression on her face. Then she ports away with Emi, leaving me and Asuna alone. I look around and see we are in our room at the inn.

  “Thanks Sor.” I say weakly even though she is already gone.

  “I really don’t understand that girl, but you seem to have some sort of connection with her.” Asuna says. “You look like you’re feeling a bit better now. You don’t have to talk about what happened, but I will listen if you want to.”

  “That plant doesn’t just eat people’s bodies. It eats their soul. Even feeding it a corpse will feed it their soul if they died recently. If they didn’t it refuses to eat their body.” I say wiping away tears.

  “I don’t really believe in souls, but if what you say is true I can understand your reaction.” Asuna says with a frown. “Nobles pray to the Queen to guide people’s souls after death, but we mostly just do it for the sake of the feelings of those left behind. We don’t actually believe the Queen does anything of the sort.”

  “She doesn’t.” I say shaking my head at such an absurd idea. “Only gods and angels can do that. People can pray to those gods and angels, but nothing more. Even that is useless if you don’t have their favour.”

  Chapter 7 (Multiple)

  (Yu Kii)

  It is the afternoon now and I have calmed down. The rest of the class returned to the inn for lunch and now we are heading out again for the afternoon. Professor Schwarz hasn’t said a word about earlier. Rin, Hermes and Emma seem a little cautious around me as if they are unsure of what to do or say.

  “Everyone seems to be here on time for once.” Professor Schwarz says with a relieved look on her face. “We will be visiting IEHQ, the Information Exchange Headquarters. For those with an interest in the more subtle ways magic can be used, this is an ideal opportunity to see the ingenuity of some of Contractia’s best mages at work. Anyone can throw a fireball or port, but how many mages are capable of keeping communications open between the many worlds within Contractia? The Queen and our forces can make the correct decisions, because of the people you will see today. This is the place where the war against the Fallen Angels will be won.”

  “Don’t you think the mages who actually fight on the battlefield are rather important too?” One girl asks and a few others laugh.

  “Of course every mage and even many non-mages play an important role in the war. The role they play though is determined by mages at IEHQ. Now let’s go before we fall behind schedule yet again.” Professor Schwarz says dismissively.

  We follow Professor Schwarz through the streets. The building is the least impressive one we have been taken to. Even the inn is much more impressive than this rundown little building. On the outside and in the reception area that is. It seems most of the work is done downstairs and after being led down a deep dark staircase I blink to adjust to the bright light.

  There are hundreds of neat rows of desks as far as I can see. At each desk is a mage. Most of them seem to be old women. I can tell they are using dimensional magic just by looking. I have no idea what they are using it for, but I can only assume they are using it for communication just as Professor Schwarz said. We are greeted by a woman who is a bit younger than most of the mages here but certainly isn’t young. I don’t get the impression she is a mage.

  “Hello girls. I am your guide for today. Due to the war many areas are strictly off limits for visitors but there is still plenty to see. We only have half an hour so please don’t dawdle. Also under no circumstances are you allowed to talk to any of our mages or use magic. They have important work to do that requires the utmost concentration. Now please follow me.” The woman tells us and then sets a fairly fast pace. We do follow but Sor seems to struggle to keep up.

  “Do you need help?” Emi whispers to Sor but I am close enough to hear her.

  “Mind your own damn business.” Sor whispers back with a dark glare. She is struggling but she manages to just about keep up.

  “Here we are.” The guide tells us. “The large desk here is a map of all the worlds under Contractian rule as well as many allied and enemy worlds. It doesn’t of course go into detail about each world but strategically it is very important. Most mages here make use of it in their work.

  “It also tells us when a world has recently changed hands. Here for example we have a world that used to be allied, but has unfortunately fallen to the enemy. That is why it shows as a flashing red instead of a constant red. Here we have a world which used to belong to the enemy but is now under our control, and is of course a flashing green. In war it is not uncommon for worlds to change hands frequently. It is essential that all mages here only relay communication to our worlds and those of our allies. Imagine if we relayed everything to the enemy!”

  “There seem to be an awful lot of worlds in red that were in green last time I visited here.” Professor Schwarz says sounding rather shocked.

  “You’ve been here before?” The woman asks in surprise.

  “Yes, but it was back when I was a student.” Professor Schwarz says.

  “What are the lines between the worlds?” Rin asks.

  “Those are dimensional streams that allow us to travel and communicate between worlds.” The woman says.

  “Where the lines cross is it possible to change onto a different line?” Rin asks.

  “Yes, with enough skill, but only our more talented mages can communicate like that.”

  “What about when you travel between worlds?” Rin asks.

  “Only if you feel particularly suicidal. It is theoretically possible, but it would be incredibly difficult and failure would leave you permanently lost between dimensions. You would also need to be using a direct control port with a magical booster and not simply walking through a portal.” The woman says.

  “So how did the enemy take that world?” Rin asks pointing.

  “Oh, they probably passed through one of these two worlds. They are still mostly under our control but we know the enemy also have forces there. The small yellow circle above them represents enemy forces believed or known to be present.

  “There is writing in it which if you, and please don’t, use magic you can read. You don’t even need to be a full-fledged mage to use it so even I can do that much. In this case some minor settlements in a region called the Kuroneko Mountains have fallen to unknown enemy forces. They must be pretty powerful enemies though, because we lost five whole companies in an attempt to retake the region.” The woman says.

  The Kuroneko Mountains, my former home, have fallen? It is hard to imagine. The spirit of the mountain and the Kuroneko herself are powerful guardians. Five companies also sounds like a lot. Just how powerful was the enemy?

  More importantly though, what happened to everyone living there? My family and the other villagers would be protected by the temple, but that also means when it fell they would be completely trapped. And what of Ara Kii and everyone at the temple itself? Tears are falling from my eyes before I even realise it.

  “It’s the cry baby again.” A girl says. I don’t recognise her but suddenly everyone is looking at me.

  “How would you feel if your home had fallen to the enemy?” I ask her bitterly wiping away my tears.

  “There’s no way that could happen because, unlike you, I come from a proper Contractian world.” She laughs at me.<
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  “That’s enough.” Professor Schwarz warns her sharply. “Yu Kii, if you wish to leave I can take you back to the entrance and we can wait there.”

  “No, I’ll continue.” I tell her.

  “Ok, but if you change your mind please let me know.” Professor Schwarz says.

  “Thank you, but I’ll be ok.” I say and my tears have stopped flowing. I know that they’ll be back later but for now I will be ok. Today hasn’t been a good day!

  The rest of the tour is probably very interesting but I don’t really take any of it in. It just seems like a blur. When the tour is over Professor Schwarz tells us the rest of the day is ours but offers to take anyone who is interested to the city arena to watch the wind races. Apparently it is an important match. It sounds like she has been looking forward to it.

  I decide to head back to the inn because I am in no mood for doing anything else. Asuna and Rin come back with me but both Hermes and Emma have something they want to do. So Emma ports away, Hermes walks towards the city centre and we head back to the inn.


  I breathe a sigh of relief. The book is back where it should be. In my rush to take it I almost forget to double check that I am not being watched. I’m not so I take it. Then I leave the library and head back to the inn. I take the first book without anyone noticing and head to my aunt’s home. It doesn’t take long to find it.

  I am welcomed by my aunt’s slave. He is an old black man that she captured in battle. He was a young mage when he became her slave but that was years ago. His magic was of course sealed. I have seen him before but I have only ever heard him referred to as ‘slave’, ‘brute’, ‘you’ or ‘him’. I have no idea what his name is.

  “Can I get milady anything to eat or drink?” He asks bowing low.

  “A drink would be nice.” I say.

  “Please wait here.” He says and points towards a few comfy looking seats in the first room on the left. There are only two rooms on each side and no sign of stairs up or down. The place looks like it has seen better days. I sit and it isn’t long before he returns.

  “Thank you.” I say and take a sip of the drink. It is cool and refreshing. I take a second sip and find myself feeling sleepy but happy. I take a third sip.

  I wake in darkness. My magic feels like it has been drained. My arms are bound and I am hanging from them. I can feel the weight of my whole body pulling down on my arms so my feet are clearly above the ground.

  “I’m sorry milady, but these are your aunt’s orders.” The slave says.

  “Why?” I ask in disbelief. I am only answered by silence. After a while I hear a door opening and then closing. I assume it is the front door because I could briefly hear distant voices. I don’t dare scream though.

  “I see my niece is here.” I hear my aunt’s voice as light floods the room. I blink for a few moments and then squint at her. “You have been in Portalis for almost a week and only now do you think to pay your poor old aunt a visit. I must say I am disappointed in you Emma.”

  “Is that why I’m hanging here like this?” I ask in shock.

  “Don’t be silly. You are hanging here, because I need a human sacrifice to use the books you kindly brought with you. This is convenient, because dead people don’t talk. I’ll need a few days to prepare, so please enjoy your stay.” She says and then to my shock kisses me. My magic was starting to return, but now it is completely drained again. “I can still taste that brute’s mouth on yours. I’ll have to punish him later.”

  “I’m not going to tell anyone, so you don’t need to use me as your sacrifice.” I tell her pleadingly.

  “Don’t be silly. Of course I have to use you.” She says and runs one finger across my eyes. “You know too much, and I always found you annoying, little brat. Two drakes, one boulder…”

  “Please!” I plead but I know it is useless.

  (Yu Kii)

  It is dark now and Emma still hasn’t returned. Hermes came back before dinner and everyone else has used the hot spring. We are all really worried. She didn’t say how long she would be or what she needed to do, so we don’t know for certain that she didn’t plan to be this late. If she had known though, wouldn’t she have said something? Maybe whatever she is doing has taken longer than expected.

  If we were back at the academy or in our local town we could just search for her using magic, but in Portalis that is of course impossible. We may as well search for a grain of sand on the ocean floor. Eventually we decide we can wait no longer.

  “I’ll tell Professor Schwarz.” Rin says with a sigh.

  “I’ll come with you.” I say.

  “Ok, but you two wait here.” Rin says to Hermes and Asuna. We head downstairs and check at reception to find out which room is Professor Schwarz’s.

  “It is room 231 on the second floor.” The woman says sounding bored.

  “Thank you!” I say with a bow and hit my head on her desk. She covers her mouth but she doesn’t manage to suppress her laughter. This really isn’t my day!

  We get to room 231 and find Sor and Emi standing outside talking to Professor Schwarz. Actually Professor Schwarz is the one talking to, or more precisely yelling at them. Rin looks at me nervously and I look back at her with a wince.

  “Professor, it seems that these two want to talk to you.” Sor says pointing at us.

  “What do you two want?” Professor Schwarz says barely containing her anger.

  “Emma seems to be missing.” Rin says in a rush. Professor Schwarz immediately calms her anger but it is replaced with panic.

  “Where and when did you last see her?” Professor Schwarz says.

  “When we all split up after the IEHQ. She had something she wanted to do so she ported away. She didn’t say what.” Rin says.

  “I’ll have to try to trace the port, but tracing a cold port isn’t easy.” Professor Schwarz says sounding worried.

  “I can do it.” Sor says with a sigh.

  “But…” Emi starts to say and Sor kicks her in the leg.

  “Your concerns are not required.” Sor says and glares at Emi. I had thought they were really good friends but Sor seems to have been treating Emi really badly whilst we’ve been on the trip. Emi just seems to put up with it too.

  “So Emma ported straight from IEHQ?” Professor Schwarz asks.

  “Yes.” Rin says.

  “Fine, everyone hold onto me.” Professor Schwarz says.

  “I’ll port myself.” Sor says and ports before anyone can say anything.

  “Just what is that girl’s problem?” Professor Schwarz asks not sounding like she expects an answer. This is good because she doesn’t get one. We all hang on and she ports us. Sor glares at us.

  “She went to the Ancient Library and then back to the inn. From there she went to a small alley off of West Street.” Sor says.

  “You’ve already traced it that far?” Professor Schwarz says in disbelief.

  “The ports weren’t far apart in time or distance, so it is really quite easy.” Sor says with a shrug.

  “She has an aunt in Portalis she was going to visit whilst we were here. I wonder whether that is where she is.” I say, thinking aloud.

  “I’ll check where she lives.” Professor Schwarz says and ports away. It takes a few minutes but she returns with a smile. “Yes, she lives in Dream Alley off of West Street. I bet it’s the same alley she ported to. Sor can…” Professor Schwarz says approaching Sor but suddenly we are all ported.

  “This is where she ported to.” Sor says taking a step away from Professor Schwarz.

  “Thank you.” Professor Schwarz says sounding a little disoriented. Then she points at a sign. “Dream Alley. We should look for number seventeen.”

  We walk slowly down the road until we find seventeen. Only a few houses are numbered but eighteen and sixteen are, so this has to be the right house. It looks a bit dirty from the outside but it is bigger than most of the other houses in this alley. Professor Schwarz knocks. After
a minute a black man answers the door.

  “How may I help you?” He asks.

  “We believe one of my students may be here. Her name is Emma.” Professor Schwarz says.

  “Emma was here, but she left a few hours ago. She was returning to the inn where she is staying.” He says.

  “You don’t mind if we come in, do you?” Professor Schwarz says in a tone that suggests he had better not mind.

  “I suppose you may enter, but please remove your shoes at the entrance.” He says. Professor Schwarz sighs but shrugs.

  “Fine, now move out the way.” Professor Schwarz says abandoning any pretence at politeness. He moves back a few steps and allows us to enter the house.

  “Who are our guests?” A young looking woman asks.

  “Apparently they know your niece milady.” The man says.

  “Well get them a drink, slave.” Emma’s aunt says.

  “I’m afraid we aren’t here for social reasons. We are looking for Emma.” Professor Schwarz says.

  “My niece left hours ago.” Emma’s aunt says.

  “Even so we would like to look around to make sure she isn’t here.” Professor Schwarz says.

  “Surely you aren’t accusing me of lying.” Emma’s aunt says.

  “I am not accusing you of anything but I need to rule out the possibility.” Professor Schwarz says.

  “Surely a mage could just check for the presence of another person in the house.” Emma’s aunt says mockingly.

  “There are ways to hide that.” Professor Schwarz tells her.

  “I suppose there are if the mage who is looking doesn’t know what she is doing.” Emma’s aunt says with a laugh.

  “Most mages can’t detect a hidden presence. In fact the number who can be sure of detection no matter what magic was used is probably no more than you could count on the fingers of one hand.” Professor Schwarz says sounding genuinely angry now.


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