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Peter and the Kuroneko (War of Contractia)

Page 18

by Dixon, TJ

  “If you are lying the Kuroneko will know and she will kill you. If you speak truly she may help, but it is not my place to answer for her. All I can do is help you find her.” Nico Na says.

  “I’ll help too.” Kai says with a childish grin despite her size.

  “So why couldn’t you tell me this earlier?” I ask Lucy.

  “It’s more fun to keep you in the dark.” Lucy says with a grin.

  “You mean it had nothing to do with David’s power?” I ask rather shocked.

  “There’s no way he has such a ridiculous power. He must have used the fact that he is a spirit to trick people into believing that.” Lucy says with a laugh. I am so annoyed at her, but I cannot spare the time to be angry right now.

  “We can’t just stay here. There’s no telling how long it will take the enemy to find us.” I say suppressing a strong urge to complain.

  “The Kuroneko isn’t far from here, but we need to be quick or she will move on to somewhere else. The elves are hunting her and even with her power it doesn’t take them that long to find her.” Nico Na tells us.

  “Emi, have the prisoners all signed the contract?” I ask.

  “Yes.” Emi says and the elves are standing nearby looking rather unhappy.

  “We need to get moving and quickly. Is everyone going to be able to do that?” I ask. Hinata nods and the elves nod too. Lucy isn’t a problem since she’ll be sitting on my shoulder. Kai and Nico Na seem fine too but Emi is looking at Sor in concern.

  “I’ll ride the cat.” Sor says after a moment.

  “I am not some animal for you to ride!” Nico Na snarls.

  “You let Kai ride you.” Sor reminds him.

  “That was an emergency.” Nico Na says sounding embarrassed.

  “So is this. There’s no way I can walk far or fast right now, and I’m not going to let anyone else carry me. So it is let me ride you or we wait here until the morning.” Sor tells him. He snarls for a moment and then goes silent. Then he sighs.

  “Fine, but only this once.” Nico Na says very reluctantly.

  We are an odd group as we follow Nico Na who is walking on all fours like a giant black cat with Sor on his back. Beside him a cheerful looking Kai walks on one side constantly ducking branches and on the other side Dairon walks looking much more serious than normal. I have Emi and Hinata back with me and Lucy at the rear. Between us are five scared looking elves. They are all much shorter than Kai, but taller than Sor and Emi. Hinata and I are shorter still.

  The five elves all have very similar features. They all have light brown hair and pale skin with a very slight hint of silver. I can’t see their eyes from here but they are all pale green. They are all really thin as if they have been almost starved. I remember my days in the arena. I passed slaves who were as thin as they are, but I don’t recall seeing anyone that thin since. Unless you count Lucy, but proportionally they are much thinner.

  Looking at the elves I realise they aren’t all about the same height. They are exactly the same height, or at least they are as far as I can tell by looking. They wear dark green leaf patterned skirts and shirts. Their shoes are brown and fade into the earth that they walk on. After a few moments I realise the shoes actually seem to change colour and pattern every step they take. It is only a slight change but it is why they blend in so well.

  Nico Na is a very sleek, muscled black catman and completely different from Neko who is much more of a cute friendly catgirl. Walking like he is now on all fours with Sor on his back he may seem almost cute, but even now there is a sense of strength and danger in his aura. Sor looks equally amusing at a glance. Nico Na standing upright, close up is very imposing with deadly claws and razor sharp fangs, but Sor stood up to him like it was nothing and not even her aura shook. She may be easy for Lucy to tease and she may at times seem like just a cute girl, but she has a strength and determination that should not be underestimated.

  Emi walking beside me isn’t as strong or assertive as Sor but Emi is not weak either. Her determination at least is equal to Sor. It is clearly a determination to support Sor, but I suspect it is as much as her friend as her servant.

  Kai has me confused more than anyone. Her aura seems a little bit off, but I can’t quite tell why. She is a tall woman with a very athletic build. She doesn’t seem as hardened as a warrior, but she is clearly physically strong. Her skin has a light golden tint to it like Yu Kii’s. Her hair is short and the same white as Yu Kii’s too. Are they from the same village? Perhaps her traits are common in this world, or at least this area of it.

  “Did you read that contract?” Emi asks me.

  “No.” I admit a little embarrassed.

  “That’s always a bad idea.” Emi says with a laugh. “I didn’t think you did though. It was a little harsh.”

  “Why, what did it say?” I ask nervously.

  “If they disobey you they die.” Emi says and I gulp. “It isn’t a bad idea given how powerful they are. That way they really do have to obey you, but you’d better be careful what orders you give them. Anything impossible would be like executing them.”

  “I’ll be very careful then.” I say still in shock.

  “I’m still amazed we beat five elves though. I thought elves were meant be virtually invincible, but they didn’t seem as powerful as I expected.” Emi says.

  “None of the elves we have fought here seemed as powerful as the ones I fought before this.” I say realising she has a point.

  “You’ve fought elves before, and not just Dairon?” Emi asks.

  “Yes. At Minerva.” I tell her.

  “Were you there when Minerva was conquered?” Emi asks in shock.

  “No. It was just three elves that time and I fought them off. I had a couple of allies with me. I captured Dairon, killed one elf and the other escaped.” I tell her. I don’t like the idea of having killed, but it is the truth and I don’t want to hide the truth. All too likely I’ll have to kill again before we return home. I like that idea even less.

  Chapter 13 (Multiple)


  The elves are never far away but now I smell a very different group approaching me. They seem to be led by a catman. Six are elves but I smell a contract binding each of them to one human. Is he human though? His body smells like a human, but his soul smells a little odd. I recognise this smell but I can’t quite place it. I think back a few hundred years, but nothing seems quite right. I think back a thousand years and still I can’t recognise it.

  The others smell like humans too, though a couple don’t smell quite right either. I think on the smell and realise I can still smell the remains of immortality. The immortality is broken but it is not completely gone. It is probably enough to still slow down her aging, but not stop it. I think on the smell of the last one that seems a bit odd. It is faint, but it doesn’t take long to place that smell.

  The elves are close by and this odd group is taking too long. Do I meet them, or do I move on? It would be wise to move on, but I am curious. Perhaps curiosity will kill this catgod, but I decide to meet them anyway.

  It only takes one quick jump in spirit form and I am in front of them. Only the catman and the oddest of the humans see me. The catman stops and throws the little girl off his back without warning. Her expression makes me laugh, but I do not have time to waste.

  I sit and create an illusion around my spirit so they can see me. With all the trees so close together a physical form is impossible, at least without revealing myself to the enemy, but this also uses less magic. The humans and elves gasp at the sight of me towering over them. The catman kneels with his forehead touching the ground. I am still below the forest canopy, but only just. I had best take care not to rise above it or the elven hunters will see me. Even if they don’t see me we do not have much time before they find me with their senses.

  “Speak quickly.” I say looking the odd human boy in the eyes. They are bright blue and remind me of the sky. In fact looking into his eyes I see his soul a
nd it scares me. I recognise his soul, though his body seems nothing more than that of a weak one armed human boy. It would not do to show my fear.

  “I am Peter of the Wind. Are you the great Kuroneko?” He asks.

  “Yes.” I say with a low purr, not daring to look away from his eyes.

  “I have a favour to request of you, and an offering I wish to give you in return.” He says.

  “I am listening.” I say and I am listening very intently indeed.

  “My offering is the freedom of your people and their safe passage to the land of Contractia. The favour I would ask of you is your assistance killing an evil spirit.” He says and I frown. Why would he need my assistance killing an evil spirit? Surely he could do that as easily as breathing. The freedom of my people would be a great offering, but if he cannot kill this spirit, will I be able to?

  “What evil spirit?” I ask cautiously.

  “Its name is David Ishki.” He says. I do not recognise the name. It would not do to give in to fear or doubt. I could kill the elves, but not their masters. His offer may be the only hope I have.

  “Where can this spirit be found?” I ask.

  “We would defeat it at the Heart of the Mountain where your temple rests.” The small former immortal human tells me.

  “Very well. The catman knows how to call me. It does not matter who calls me. I will answer the call, if it is made from the Heart of the Mountain.” I say and in spirit form again I jump away from the odd group. I jump a few times. It will take the elves a while to find me now.

  (Nico Na)

  The Kuroneko turns back into spirit form and jumps away from us. I can tell even with my eyes on the ground, but now she is gone I stand and look up. I am amazed how quickly she agreed. She didn’t even question whether Peter could keep his end of the deal.

  Suddenly I feel a kick on the back of my legs and I turn furiously to face the arrogant human girl. Snarling I barely contain the urge to tear into her with my claws. What holds me back most is seeing the obvious pain she is in. It must be from the magic she used to save us earlier. It still doesn’t give her the right to kick me like that though!

  “Human girl, if you kick me again…” I start to say and before I can finish she tries to do just that! I dodge and knock her legs out from under her. She falls backwards onto the ground, hitting her head on a large tree root.

  “Sor, Nico Na, please stop this.” Peter says and I look at him with a glare. How dare he try to blame me!

  “Peter’s right.” The elf boy who was walking beside me says. “There are elves not far away. They seem distracted, but that could easily change. We should head in that direction, and fast.”

  “Back where we came from.” The arrogant girl says with a tired sigh.

  “Kai will carry you from here.” I tell her and she glares at me.

  “That great big oaf of a woman is not going to…” The arrogant girl starts to say but Kai has lifted the girl onto her back before the girl can say anything more. Kai has one hand under the girl’s bum as a seat and the other hand supports the girl’s back.

  “Hey, let go!” The girl shouts but I cover her mouth before she can give away our position to the elves. I wince as she bites my hand.

  “Sor, stop this, please.” The other girl her age says sounding upset. Sor relaxes and stops biting my hand. I remove my hand and lick it. It isn’t bleeding thanks to my thick fur, but it still hurts. She bit really hard. Sor looks away from the other girl with her head held high.

  “Everyone follow me.” The elf boy says and leads us at a fast pace. Now it is Peter who struggles to keep up. After only a short while he calls us to a stop.

  “We need to move on quickly, or we’ll be found.” The elf boy says sounding worried.

  “Dairon, I think you said you were fairly strong. Are all elves physically strong?” Peter asks.

  “Fairly strong.” The elf boy says sounding confused.

  “Do you think one of our prisoners could carry me?” Peter asks.

  “Easily.” The elf boy says with a nod. The other elves look at Peter nervously.

  “You, try to pick me up.” Peter says to one of the elves. They all have the same smell and appearance so I cannot tell them apart. She quickly obeys and easily lifts him up into the air in front of her. Peter smiles in relief and tells her. “Carry me on your back.”

  The elf turns him so he is facing the same direction she is. She then lifts him over her head and puts him on her back. The elf supports him in the same way Kai is supporting Sor. So one hand is on his back and the other is acting as a seat. Sor has her hands on Kai’s shoulders looking very dignified, but Peter puts his arm round the elf woman’s belly fairly tightly as if afraid he is going to be dropped. It would be much easier with two arms, and he probably wouldn’t feel the need to grip her so tightly.

  It must be uncomfortable for her, but after all that the elves have done to my people I would rather she was dead. It also sounds like the Kuroneko is seriously considering abandoning our sacred land because of these cursed elves. Yes, I would much rather rip open her belly and tear out what is inside, but a little discomfort is better than nothing.

  I walk at the back with the youngest girl beside me. The elves are in the middle again and this time Dairon leads with Kai carrying the arrogant girl, Sor, to his right. The other girl the same age as Sor is walking beside Kai, but Sor is clearly trying not to look at her.

  “Lucy?” Peter asks sounding a little worried.

  “Yes?” Lucy, the mini winged human says.

  “Do you think the elves would notice if I had to use a little wind magic?” Peter asks nervously.

  “It’s not worth the risk. Why, what did you want to do?” Lucy asks sounding curious.

  “It’s just that if I was to fall, I was wondering whether I could break the fall with flight magic.” Peter says.

  “You are much higher than this in the sky. Even if you fell the few feet to the ground, what does it matter?” Lucy asks.

  “It’s just that being carried feels weird, and I feel really vulnerable like this. If I’m in the sky I’m in complete control of myself.” Peter answers.

  “She’s not going to drop you. If she did that she’d risk the contract killing her. If anyone should be scared it’s the elf.” Lucy tells Peter impatiently.

  “I don’t want that!” Peter exclaims.

  “You could tell her it’s ok to drop you.”

  “I don’t want that either!” Peter protests. Then he thinks for a moment and tells the elf. “As long as it is an accident it’s ok if you drop me.”

  “I figured you’d think of that sooner.” Lucy tells Peter. We walk a while in silence.

  “I’m feeling a bit funny.” Peter says and his skin does seem to have changed colour a little. Lucy looks at him.

  “Well if you are sick, make sure it’s over her and not me. Or the ground works, but if you throw up over me…” Lucy warns Peter. The elf carrying him looks really worried. The other elven prisoners don’t look too happy either.

  “Maybe I should just walk.” Peter says.

  “This is much better. What if you get everyone killed by slowing us down walking, just because you’re a bit uncomfortable like this?” Lucy asks.

  “If we’re attacked I’m not going to be much good like this though.” Peter argues.

  “If we get found by too many elves we’re dead anyway.” Lucy reminds him, sounding like she is rather enjoying the situation. He shakes his head looking miserable but remains silent. Perhaps just to be on the safe side though, Lucy flutters away from Peter and lands on the youngest girl’s right shoulder. “Hinata, I’m going to rest here a while.”

  “You shouldn’t tease Peter when he’s feeling so bad.” Hinata scolds.

  “Sorry, but how often do you see Peter looking so weak and vulnerable like that? Right now he actually looks like a child. There’s no way I could just let the opportunity to tease him pass by.” Lucy says quietly with a chuckle and
an amused grin. Hinata shakes her head but doesn’t say anything more.

  “So just who are you?” I ask looking at Lucy.

  “I’m Lucy. You don’t have a very good memory, do you?” She says.

  “I know your name, but that wasn’t what I was asking.”

  “I’m Peter’s pet.” She says with a shrug. I don’t feel like I’m going to learn much from her so I just shake my head and walk in silence. Then she yawns and says. “Boring cat.”

  I growl and look at her with a murderous stare. “What did you say?”

  “I said boring cat. Are you deaf as well?” She asks with a laugh.

  “No, but if I listen to you for much longer I may get hungry. I don’t think you’d fill me up much, but at least I wouldn’t have to put up with the insults.” I tell her and she laughs whole heartedly with one hand on her stomach. Lucy seems entirely unintimidated, but Hinata seems rather scared, so I look away and try to ignore Lucy.

  (Ara Kii)

  I wake in my bed just like nothing has changed. The white sheets cover me and the soft bedding is as comfortable as ever. If I could just lie here everything would seem ok. It isn’t though. Everything changed that day the elves took the temple.

  The cat people who used to rule this land are now slaves. They work in the mines below along with the villagers we used to guard. Until now the mines lay unused since the dwarves fled these mountains. They were taken from the dwarves by the Fallen Angels, who long ago abandoned it. It was too vulnerable to Contractia, but Contractia never took it even when it lay abandoned for centuries. So the Kuroneko led her faithful from the forest below into the mountains where they built this temple.

  Now I am one of a handful of humans living here with our elven captors. We are slaves, but my life is easier than most. The same cannot be said of the miko. The only blessing is that Haru Kii is not sharing the same fate as the other three miko. It is past dawn now so I cannot afford to lie here any longer. I have work to do.

  I wash and dress. So far it is no different to my life before the temple was conquered. As I leave my room though, the difference is obvious. The grey corridors are empty and bare. The statues that once lined the main corridor are gone. Worse the cat people are of course also missing. I reach the room where my duty begins. I brace myself for the sight and smell that await within. It takes a few moments to work up the courage to open the door. I take a deep breath and then push the door open.


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