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Dark Ages: 2020 (Dark Ages Series Book 1)

Page 15

by JD Dutra

  “Well, I should have told you about the whole elongated skulls side of things, but it doesn’t make a difference until it does I guess. It’s a detail I wished I didn’t know myself…”

  “But do you agree with what’s happening? With how it›s happening? I saw the pictures of the infected people. The only photographed children who weren›t crying were the ones who were either asleep or too close to death to cry. The field agents brought back reports that were almost too disturbing to read. This is worse than Ebola, Lamar. Why create… and spread… a virus that puts people through so much physical pain and suffering?»

  “From what I heard there is just an initial discomfort as your body begins to spread the virus. It’s on the 20th hour onwards, right as body begins to shut down and you’re hours from dying, that the pain becomes too much to manage. The pictures were probably from people on the end of the virus’ infection. The infected people don’t look too bad in the beginning. It’s probably done on purpose so that the sick people mingle with the healthy ones for as long as possible.”

  “Is the virus really airborne?” Barry asked before stopping at their next hole.

  “Yes. It’s an amazing new form of nanotechnology. It behaves like a virus, going through your body and changing the structure of the DNA in your cells to create a copy of itself and multiply exponentially, so one virus cell makes two, which make four, which make eight, doubling to 16, to 32, to 64, always doubling etc. Now, normally the body would recognize the protein around the virus, create some antibodies and destroy it. This Nano virus’ protein structure never stops changing, it mutates inside of the person every few hours so people can never make enough antibodies to heal themselves. Soon the infected people don’t have enough cells for the body to function properly, and they die from either an organ failure or from internal bleeding from a vein that gets too thin to hold their own blood flow.”

  «Interesting, it corrodes people from the inside out,» said Barry, trying not to think about the people and the pain they would go through. «That’s why we can get away with not explaining what it is exactly, the symptoms and causes of death are all different.»

  “Yes, a trained Pathologist would classify the death as one type of cancer or another, or an organ failure, but by the time he got too curious, chances are he’ll be dead too,” said Lamar.

  “Won’t that wipe everyone off the planet then?”

  “There is a segment of the population who is immune to it for some reason. They estimated it to be around 10%. Also, what we got injected with a few months ago is the antidote. That will be released after the population levels drops to whatever numbers ‘they’ say is good. It’s another piece of nanotech that behaves the same way, but it targets that particular virus and it isolates the mutating protein with one that your body can recognize and fight it off.”

  “Do you think that’s going to work? I mean if the protein in the killer virus is ever changing, how is the new Nano virus going to know how to connect with it?

  “That’s what people keep asking me, but the truth is, I don’t know. All I know is that I came in contact with it and I’m still alive, so I have to assume it works. Don’t forget they tested it in Africa with a lot of success. It’s a pretty amazing piece of technology,” said Lamar.

  “What else can you tell me about this virus?” Asked Barry, not believing Lamar’s explanation.

  “Well, it can survive outside the body for seven to ten days in various surfaces and in water, also by the time the person is dead, their corpse is nothing but an infectious colony of this nano virus all the way until it’s completely decomposed.”

  “That’s interesting and horrifying at the same time. How is the virus being released onto the population?”

  “Well, it’s being done through several delivery methods. Thousands of infected people being dropped off at airports, going to sporting events, crowded places, local water supplies being contaminated and even commercial airliners are going to spray it out into the atmosphere all over the world.”

  “Like the chemtrails conspiracy theory?”


  “Then I better enjoy this round of golf, there probably won’t be another one in my entire life,” said Barry, taking his time to tap the golf ball just the right way, making it glide over the smooth green and down in the hole.

  “You are probably right,” said Lamar before walking towards the golf cart. “However, if you keep on doing what you are doing, you’ll die before the virus infects the entire country and that’s only 1 or 2 days away.”

  “What do you mean?” Aasked Barry, trying to read Lamar’s face and keep an eye on the path, driving at the same time.

  “’They’ know you still moved against ‘them’ Barry. Confiding your wild dreams in others from our sect is not safe or wise, you’re all bricks on the same wall… and ‘they’ are the Architects. They stack every world leader against each other, and build whatever they want. You have no idea of the danger you’re putting yourself and your family in.”

  “I know the risks,” said Barry, trying to think about his next move now that someone had betrayed him.

  “No you don’t. If you did, you would never have signed up to be President of the United States in the first place.”

  “I just think there is a better way to handle this, than unleashing a modern black plague on the world.”

  Barry stopped the cart at the next hole. They got out in silence, as they analyzed each other’s words. Lamar grabbed a brand new tee, placed a ball on it and pushed it gently into the lush green grass. He gripped the driver and prepared for another swing.

  “You think there is a better way? Why do you think you and I or anyone involved has a choice or say on any of this?” Said Lamar before bringing the driver down to smack the ball perfectly down towards the flag.

  “If people like us choose not to do as they say, they have no more power,” said Barry before he took a wild swing at his golf ball, not even looking where it went, he just walked towards the cart. Lamar followed and jumped in.

  “And how many ‘people like us’ can they find to replace us with?” Said Lamar, as Barry stood silently behind the wheel.

  “Lamar, they aren’t invincible, there are skulls from them all over the world.”

  Lamar’s hand went into the air for a moment, and his head moved from side to side, his expression suddenly even more serious. He cleared his voice, and turned to face Barry, as if preparing to say something, like a teacher to a rebellious pupil.

  “I won’t hear another word of this kind of talk Barry. Get that out of your mind and get on with the program, don’t make yourself or your family a target. When I told ‘them’ you requested a meeting with me here today, they said for you to be ready to meet with one of ‘them’ again… Soon.”

  Barry’s heart began to flutter inside his chest, his breathing came in short, quick waves. His eyes shifted from one side to another as a sudden fear gripped his senses. It was the desperation of a starving man who needed to eat the fruit of a tree that was still a seed.

  The rasta-haired man watched Barry’s demeanor change and got out of the cart. He walked around to the driver’s side, and Barry slowly scooted himself over to the passenger side. Lamar began to turn the wheel on the cart to the left as far as it would go, then stepped on the accelerator, going back to where they came from.

  Chapter 17

  The Fisherman’s Pier Restaurant, Phoenix, Arizona.

  Friday, October 23rd, 2020

  1:44 P.M.

  Nathan gave the order for his and Isabella’s meal and reached into the bowl of shelled peanuts, grabbed a few and cracked them open in his large hands. She’d been in the bathroom for twenty minutes and he wondered why she was taking so long.

  He looked around the seafood restaurant, gazing at the old pictures and antique fishing equipment that adorned the walls. He’d asked for a table away from everyone and they’d seated him in a little used section of the restaurant by the ki
tchen door, Nathan and his wife had the entire section to themselves. Every dish that came out into the large dining room made his mouth water and his stomach growl with hunger.

  “I’m sorry Nathan, I’m not feeling well,” Isabella said as she finally sat down on the bench across from him. She toyed with her phone for a brief moment under the table before putting it away in her purse. She slid her legs to interlock them with his and he squeezed them gently in between his powerful calves.

  “Something you ate?” Nathan asked, crushing another peanut. The thought of Chad entered his mind, about how she used to be on her phone all the time; then stopped after he disappeared. Her phone addiction had returned sometime back, he couldn’t remember exactly when.

  “Yes I think so, but I’ll be okay. I was so surprised when you called for me to meet you for lunch today,” said Isabella, smiling warmly at him. She reached out to him across the top of the table, caressing the top of his hands gently with her recently done fingernails.

  “I already ordered for you. What you always get when you come here.”

  “Thank you,” she replied, “I’m so glad you’re already home, you were only gone three days!”

  She sounded happy to see him, but he couldn’t see it in her eyes.

  “Yes, and now I have three weeks off at least, so we need to get the girls and go and do something fun!” He smiled warmly at her, but he was thinking of his girls at home.

  “I agree. Disney again?”

  “Sure, if that’s what the girls want. Now Emily’s a little older I guess she’ll enjoy it more and Julia may still be into it, don’t you think?”

  “Yes I do,” she said, letting go of his hand for a moment to drink a sip of the diet coke the waiter just brought. “How was your trip? You look more tan than when you left.”

  “It was good, just a training trip with some foreign people.”

  She arched one of her eyebrows, took a deep breath and said, “You promised me you would tell me more about what you did on your trips. Can’t you start now and not be so vague Nathan?”

  “Look, I will tell you certain things, but once you know them… well the way you see me will change. But let’s be honest, my work is killing our marriage and this is my attempt to keep it together. You and the girls are the most precious thing to me, above everything,” said Nathan, caressing her soft hands tenderly. He tried to sound as serious as he could, he had to be sure she would treat what he was about to share with the confidence it needed. She nodded slowly, and he continued.

  “I know I keep everything in the dark, but when I’m done telling you what you want to know, maybe you’ll understand why,” he said, interlocking his fingers with hers. Almost without thinking he gazed from side to side, making sure no one was close by.

  “Please remember the good times we’ve had together over the years as I tell you this, the person who shared those with you is who I really am, even if my line of work may make me seem completely different.”

  “You sound like what you have to tell me is pretty dark and serious Nathan,” she said with a mischievous smirk that was a thin veil over her fears.

  “It is Isabella. You want the truth, I’ll tell you, but how you’ll handle it is up to you. I hope you’ll understand.”

  She had been married to him long enough to know his way of speaking, and the way he said it wiped smile off her face.

  “Ok, tell me everything.

  “I know you’re never interested in politics or anything to do with the government, but that’s a big part of my job. I work to preserve the place and status of America within the global order of things. People out there look to us for direction, to get them out from under tyrants; we are the beacon of freedom of the world; that’s how we are seen. Things may be bad here now, with the government overreaching, but everything will always be a lot worse outside of the US… and it takes a lot of covert activity to keep a country on top.”

  Isabella nodded, trying to hide her discomfort when she heard the word ‘covert’.

  “When I was in the war in the Middle East, as a Marine, you know I killed dozens of people… Right?”

  She nodded. “Yes, you told me. I’m sorry you had to do that Nathan, it must have been terrible.”

  “Well… “ He cleared his throat and continued. “Today, I continue to kill people for our government. I killed one man during my last trip, an American guy, right here in the US. In this last job alone a few dozen people died because of me and my team.”

  Her hands stopped the mindless caressing of his. He could see her chest sink into the booth, until she inhaled deeply again, trying to control mixed feelings of nervousness and fear. He squeezed her hands together and gazed deeply into her eyes.

  “Were they terrorists Nathan?”

  “Anyone who goes against the American government is a terrorist, Isabella…”

  “That is a little too wide of a net don’t you think? The government regulates everything, but the people ought to be free to live as they wish… right?”

  “But there are limits. The world has to be arranged a certain way, to make sure we preserve our way of life here. We have to be on top.»

  “What do you mean, on top?”

  “Several things, but mainly, other countries need to trade commodities, which are things that everyone needs, like oil, wheat, corn in dollars. We need to make sure they use the dollars we print, we need to create the demand for them, otherwise all that money would sit here; it would just inflate our economy and things wouldn’t be good for us here in the US. We’d look like Argentina but probably worse. Some countries want to get away from using dollars, so my job is to make sure they don’t. There are hundreds of people like me, maybe thousands all over the world, doing the same things I’m doing.”

  “I never heard of anything like this before. I know we fought some wars that were questionable, especially the ones in the Middle East, but I never thought twice about it. I just thought that’s how things were. I thought eventually things would go back to normal there.”

  “There will never be peace in the Middle East,” he said dismissively. “Too much money and power revolves around oil. That area will be unstable forever and that is why Israel was allowed back into Jerusalem back in the 1950s. It looked like an act of mercy from the world powers at the time, but it was to set up the area for constant instability. They blame it on religion, but it’s the US and Europe who tip the scales out there as needed, to make sure the oil keeps on flowing from everyone, in dollars.”

  “So you go around killing people who don’t follow what America wants?”

  Nathan winced a little at the sharpness of her tone and shook his head slightly as he took a drink.

  “No, Isabella, it’s not just about killing people and there are other ways to keep the balance around what’s important to our country. But sometimes, yes, it might need killing people to protect our interests and if that situation arises then I’ll just do what’s necessary.”

  “We’ve been married over ten years and I had no idea about any of this…” Her voice trailed off as it was her turn to shake her head. Disbelief was still winning over acceptance.

  “This is a burden, Isabella, one that I thought best carried alone,” he said, gazing deep into her eyes. “I’m one of those people who travel the world, disrupting lives, killing, breaking laws, organizing protests and even riots, doing all the dirty work the American government needs to have done. That is what I do for a living, that’s what keeps the house paid for and food on the table.”

  She removed her hands from his and one hand rested at her lip, as if waiting to catch a tear. She tried to say something, but her voice trembled. Finally she managed to speak.

  “Why, Nathan?”

  “Because we, here in America, don’t have a real economy anymore. Everything gets imported from all over the world, all the things you buy at the store, even the food we eat. Look around, all you see are businesses that serve the American people. We have a service based e
conomy here, Americans serving each other. Our only export that matters is the dollar and we need to trade something valuable for the valuable things the world makes. When other countries don’t see value in the dollar anymore… well they need to be reminded that they should.»

  “Nathan, don’t you see how wrong that is?” Asked Isabella, tears began to roll down her cheek. She pulled her hands away from his to reach for a tissue in her purse.

  “Like it or not, someone has to do it.”

  “My goodness Nathan, I… I don’t know what to say…” She laughed nervously, dabbing her fingertips on the corner of her eyes. Still looking away from him she added, “Sounds to me that the US is like an abusive husband who threatens to kill his wife if she tries to leave him.”

  “Yes, something like that.”

  “Would you kill me, if I left you Nathan?”

  Her question rendered him speechless for a moment and he was saved by the waiter who came with their dishes. He set each in front of them, asking if there was anything else they needed. Once he’d left, there was an uncomfortable silence between them. He was still stunned by her question.

  “Are you crazy? Of course not! You’re the mother of my children, the love of my life Isabella and I do what I do for you and the girls, to make sure you all have a good life here. I do this because I love our country.”

  “There are other ways of serving our country, Nathan. If that is something that has to be done, why don’t you let it be done by someone else?”

  “I was invited to join the CIA while in the Marine Corps, 3 years or so into our marriage, and I did. Once you are in, they own you. You have to do what you are told. The only way to avoid it is to get out completely.”

  “Why haven’t you? Do you like killing people?”

  “I don’t take any joy in killing people, but sometimes that’s what it takes to save lives here. If you knew how worse off we’d be if people around the world were dumping the dollar, you’d understand. We owe an unimaginable amount of money to other countries and if we break our currency and default on our obligations, our place of power in the world will be challenged. World War III will be at our doors… And it will be nuclear.”


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