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Page 8

by Amarinda Jones

  Mary turned her head, dazzled once more by Simon’s beautiful green eyes. “No and you know that.”

  “I really do think you like me.”

  I really know I love you. “You’re okay.” He chuckled at her words. “Back to the door conundrum.” It looked like something that a couple of good kicks could demolish but then that would probably cause another problem. Her gaze ventured upwards to look at the supports holding the doors up. They in turn were connected to the roof that formed a veranda over the whole structure. “You could detach the whole thing, take it away and then blow it up somewhere no one will notice.”

  Simon looked from the woman to the structure. “It would be a big job.

  Undoubtedly questions would be asked.”

  “Dress like council workers. No one pays attention to the crazy things they do because they would expect no less.”

  Simon’s gaze took in the same path Mary did. He stopped and smiled at her.

  “I’ve always believe women could see more things than a man ever could.”

  “That and we don’t like loud noises. Blowing up the Bungalow post office would upset a few people.”

  He smiled and came to stand before her once more. “You’re so smart.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And sexy.”

  He made her feel that way. “Do go on.” Mary pushed her body against his. No other man made her feel so free and wanton.

  “And sweet to lick, suck and fuck.” His mouth went down to nuzzle her neck Oh yes, please. “Simon—”

  “Yes Mary?” He murmured against her skin.

  “I’m calling in sick.”

  He looked up into her eyes. “Whatever will the boss say?”

  “He’s sick, too, and has to stay in bed.”

  * * * * *

  “Why were you at the wedding, Socia?”

  “To catch the bouquet.”

  Sholto had tied her naked onto a table, legs spread-eagled and hanging over so her feet tied to the uprights. Her body was strained in an awkward, bow like angle with her hands over her head and also tied. She had fought him as he knew she would. That was part of the game. He was aware that Socia acted like she was being forced and he made her do it. Restraining this woman gave him a feeling of power.

  He knew she was incredibly strong and that powers she had were legendary and unfathomable. Yet her fetish for pain and sex was her one weakness and Sholto enjoyed exploiting it.

  Sholto felt his dick harden as her gaze wandered over her body. There were the faint marks of old scars and discolored bruises. Seeing them made him want to fuck her until she was screaming. And he would have if she hadn’t been at the wedding and helped the Dalton woman. That annoyed him. It wasn’t her business to intrude into. His plan had been to take Mary Dalton and kill her. Sholto wasn’t sure if she knew it yet but she was the power behind Mayhew. When powerful soul mates bonded, there was no defeating them. He didn’t doubt they had sex. He would have in Mayhew’s position. But if they were to marry? That would be disastrous. While actions usually spoke louder than words, a simple marriage ceremony binding these two together would cause problems for him and others. “Damn angels.”

  Socia knew exactly what Sholto was referring to. Simon Mayhew was protected by those on high and it had to be frustrating to him and others that there was every likelihood that Simon and Mary would marry. That would be a strong, unbeatable bond that would ruin the plans of many. Angels chose carefully the mate for the protected ones like Simon. Mary Dalton had to possess great power to be so aligned with him.

  Socia pulled at the restraints around her wrists. The ropes burned as they rubbed into her skin. Unlike others, pain was good for Socia. It made her feel alive. But there was also shame. Deep, soul destroying shame at what she was allowing to happen to her. She could have stopped this. Fighting it would have been a moral victory and proved to herself that she wasn’t weak. Oh, but I am. So terribly weak.

  And Sholto knew it. In her heart, Socia wanted to be better than this. She wanted to fight the gnawing sexual hunger for pain and humiliation but she couldn’t stop what she felt and needed. But she couldn’t. She was addicted. Lost.

  Sholto slapped her pussy. “I know you saved Mary Dalton.” He slapped her flesh again but harder this time. “Why?”

  She winced at the pain, yet wanted more. The need to be filled by driving cock and defiled by barbaric acts was more intense than her hatred of him. “Because she is innocent.”

  “No one is.” He slapped her again,

  Her gazed locked on his. “Mary Dalton is and you know it. The angels would not allow them to be together otherwise.”

  Sholto snorted. “Mayhew has shagged hundreds of women without the permission of the angels.”

  “Yes, but we both know this woman is his soul mate.” There was small satisfaction seeing a moment of fear in Sholto’s eyes.


  “She’s not like you or me, Sholto.”

  “So few are and that’s a pity.” He rammed three hard fingers inside her cunt.

  Socia shrieked at the sudden intrusion. “I know you like that.” He pushed his fingers in and out, deeper each time as if he was going to shove his whole fist inside.

  “No.” Yes. Please.

  “Liar.” His other two fingers joined in, pushing in between the lips and stretching her.

  The pain was intense yet Socia bore down on it. Her need was more important than reason.



  Sholto laughed and pulled his hand out. It was wet from her juices. “I’m not going to fuck you tonight.”

  Socia whimpered. “But—”

  He smirked. “You need me.”

  “No.” Yes. I don’t know any more. I am lost. Please help me angels. Even as she said the words in her mind she knew they would never help her. There was too much history that had doomed her.

  “If I give you cock will you stay away from saving Mary Dalton?”

  “Yes.” No. Socia still had her honor and helping others revolved around that.


  “As are you.”

  “True.” Sholto walked to the door and opened it. Four large, naked men came in. Their attention locked on her naked and bound body. “She’s all yours boys. Fuck her hard and make sure to mark her because she likes pain.”

  Socia was scared and excited. Never before had he done this. It had always just been her and him and the pain. “You’re leaving?”

  “Yes, you don’t deserve me after what you did.”

  His pain was the best type. He understood what she needed. Would these men?

  She wanted more than one dick after another inside her. “But—”

  “Your problem is Socia that although you lust after pain and like to be treated like a whore, you have the inherent problem of being a good person who wants to save people. You can’t have both. Whores aren’t supposed to have hearts.”

  Two hours later, Socia dragged her sore and worn out body to bathroom. Her legs trembled with every step. She felt the imprint of each man still on her body.

  There had been no finesse at all in what they did to her. Sholto toyed, teased and fucked her, making sure there was a high level of pain that made her come. These men just filled her cunt and mouth again and again. When they untied her and made her drop on all fours to be taken in the ass, she knew Sholto was right. She was nothing but a whore.

  Socia looked at her pale face in the bathroom mirror. “Angels please forgive me. Please help me.”

  “I think it’s time,” murmured the angel looking on at Socia’s despair. Three of them were assigned to watch her.

  “I’m not so sure. She’s so apt to work against us and herself,” murmured the second sounding unconvinced. “Look how many good men, our own warriors, were sent to their doom because of a Siren.”

  “She is only one Siren. She cannot be blamed for the deeds of many,” argued one.

  “Yes, but she
’s like all of them.”

  “She’s an inherently a good person,”

  The third chimed in. “But she betrayed us.”

  “Agreed but we’re in the business of forgiving.”

  There was silence among them as they each thought about that.

  “But do we forgive? Of late we spend more time fighting evil than anything else.”

  “She’s not evil. Socia’s a loner who needs to be understood.”

  One of them sighed in doubt. “Do you think she would even accept someone like him in her life considering…”

  “What she inflicts upon herself? There are reasons behind even human action.

  She is lost and lonely and her actions stem from that.”

  “And she is a good person.”

  “True,” came the grudging concession.

  “Besides she’s not the first to turn away from their faith and seek the dark side.”

  “Hadrian would be a kindred spirit to her.”

  “Added to that, he is just as annoying. Maybe they deserve each other.”

  “So we help her.”

  “Bringing them together could be a mistake.”


  “Be it on your head.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Yes, I quite understand Vernon. A man of your talents is wasted working at a shed company.” Sholto looked at the weedy man before him. Humans. They could be so disgusting. But, this one was a means towards an end so he would deal with this one.

  “Did you know that the jumped-up bitch of a receptionist is screwing Mayhew?”

  Sholto shook his head in mock disgust. The man was an idiot, however idiots were useful. He had listened to him complain as small men with small minds and irrational dreams did. “What if I could help you out of the problem you’re in by getting rid of the receptionist?” Sholto saw the gleam in the man’s eyes and knew he was hooked.

  “You could do that?” Vernon voice was eager with the sound of need. “How?”

  “Clearly Mayhew is thinking with his dick. If she was gone, than his thoughts would re-focus back on the business.” Though, Sholto knew that was highly unlikely because that business was dead in the water.

  “It’s all her fault.”

  Which of course wasn’t rational because even Sholto could see this was not a business that was ever going to flourish. It was no surprise to him the Mayhew was going to off load it. “Yes, so let’s look at what we can do about her.”

  “I don’t want her hurt. Well, not a lot. Just enough to make her leave.”

  Sholto wondered how Ms. Dalton would react to the pain he liked to inflict on Socia. Would she break as that one did and beg for more? Or would she be defiant.

  He hoped the latter. It was so much fun seeing women like that degraded. “I’ll take care of it but I need your help.”


  “Keep Mayhew busy with business. Act like you need his assistance.” The dweeb of a man would be useful in tying up his boss with business matters.

  “I could do that.”

  “I’ll take care of the woman.”

  * * * * *

  “Okay, I got a permit from the city council.” Simon held it up in two fingers as Mary opened the front door to her home to let him in.

  “How?” That was very fast. Like all city councils, they liked to waylay and stall things. That he even got one was a surprise. Doing construction work or major alterations to buildings, especially a post office would be bound up in red tape.

  “Ways and means.”

  “Bribery and corruption?” Not that Mary cared. She was just glad to see Simon.

  It was funny how in so small an amount of time he had changed her world.

  “More like flattery and seduction.”

  Her eyebrows arched up at this. A surge of jealousy grabbed at her. That was surprising. She didn’t own him. There was no exclusive commitment. “Oh really?”

  she wanted to sound nonchalant and bland but even Mary heard the tight sound in her voice. She slammed the door behind him.

  “I love it. You’re jealous.”

  “No, not at all. What you do is up to you. It’s not like we are bound to be exclusive to one another or any—” Before she could get the words out Mary was pulled into his arms, his mouth on hers kissing her hard and claiming her soul once more. She was breathless when it ended.

  “Aren’t we?”

  Mary licked her lips and looked in his eyes. She saw promise, hope and love. It warmed her. “What do you want from me?” What can I give you?


  Yes. That was exactly what she wanted from him. “This has all happened so fast.” Yet even as she said it, Mary knew she wouldn’t change a thing.

  “It was meant to be.”

  “But what if—”

  “Worlds collide? We don’t save the day? Good does not triumph over evil?”

  “Yes.” Mary was well aware life did not turn out as you expected. Simon himself was beyond anything she anticipated.

  “You and I will still go on—together,” Simon responded, kissing her lips in small quick nips.

  Together sounded good. Strong. Perfect. “You’re crazy.” Kiss “Sweet.” Kiss.


  Simon pulled on her hand. “Come to bed.”

  “Shouldn’t we save the world first?” Not that at that moment saving the world was high on her list of things to do when Simon was looking at her like he wanted to eat her.

  “That’s a hard call. You moaning underneath me, or saving the world.” His cell phone rang.

  “Ignore it.” Being underneath her man beat being a savior at that moment.

  When Mary looked at him with such love in her eyes, Simon wanted to ignore the whole world. But he knew he couldn’t. His phone only rang when there was something important. There was no other reason he had it. “I can’t.” He looked down at the display. No number came up. That wasn’t surprising in his line of business. Everyone was guarded. “Go for Swerve,” he answered in his alter ego’s voice. It was Socia. She never called unless there was an especially good reason.

  She was not one to waste words. Simon listened without interrupting. He hung up when Socia did. “Damn.”


  “Sholto has convinced Vernon over to his side.”

  “And that’s supposed to be scary? He can barely match his shoes most mornings.”

  “It is because Vernon hates you and hate, especially with weak people, makes them do stupid things to impress their allies.”

  That was true. “So what do we do?”

  “I take out Vernon.”

  He said it so simply that Mary stared at Simon as she tried to work out what taking out involved. “Kill him?”

  “No, literally take him out of Sholto’s game plan.”


  “I promote Vernon.”

  “What the fu—”

  “—to a dead end job in Townsville that’s not designed to last more than three months because he won’t last the employment probation period in it.”

  Mary was doubtful. Vernon often complained about leaving Cairns city to go to Cairns south side. “Do you think a four hour drive from Cairns is going to make him quiet?”

  “Yes, because he is a man of limited thought and vision. If he gets what he thinks he wants, then he’ll no longer be interested in you.”

  “That sounds simple enough.” Yet Mary wasn’t totally convinced.

  “It will be.” He pocketed the cell phone. “You have to go to work.”

  That was the last thing Mary expected Simon would say. “I thought you wanted to—”

  “Fuck you until you can’t stand and the only words on your tongue would be my name?”

  “Well, yes.”

  Simon grinned. “I’m glad to hear it and I will, and soon, but for the moment we have to look like nothing has changed. We don’t want Sholto working out what we plan to do.” He leaned in and kissed her n
ose. “Don’t worry about Vernon. I won’t let him hurt you.”

  “Vernon is more a danger to himself.”

  “Yeah, and I can’t let Sholto play with him,” agreed Simon. “Duty calls.”

  * * * * *

  Socia snapped off the call to Simon Mayhew. It was weird but she felt lighter. A sweet, unaccustomed surge of strength flooded through her body. Socia hadn’t felt so good in a long time. The word reprieve came to her mind. That was crazy.

  She knew that was not something she would ever be allowed to feel. Forgiveness from angels, despite thoughts to the contrary, was almost unheard of. Socia knew she didn’t deserve it anyway.

  When angels went to war they called upon warriors who were like no other men Socia had ever seen. They were stronger, more fearless and thought to be invincible.

  But like all men, those who fought on the side of the angels were like all men. They were prime candidates for the seduction of Sirens. To test their strength and loyalty against the Siren call of seduction was a thrill that none of her creed could resist.

  And if a warrior died or was left a broken wreck because of what was done to them?

  Well, that wasn’t a Siren’s fault. They were born to do that. Problem was the angels didn’t see it like that. Their holy warriors were dying not in battle but in bed and they wanted it stopped.

  The thing with angels was they were no better than anyone else. They fought and squabbled amongst themselves. They harbored grudges and despite the aura of purity, they were always plotting against each other. Socia knew that for a fact. She had watched them entice strong, willing men into battle for them even when they knew their deaths would be a foregone conclusion. Socia could have pointed out to them that what the Sirens did was no different but she knew it was pointless to do so. The sanctimonious rarely listened to anyone else’s view. The thing that really upset the angels and sealed her fate was when Socia released their most valued prisoner — the time lord, Sholto.

  She had released a prisoner of heaven that they didn’t want released. At the time, what the angels did or didn’t want was of no interest to Socia. She had come across the man when she and her sister Sirens had infiltrated an angel stronghold looking for men to seduce. There she had met Sholto. Back then she had been intrigued by the blond man with the cool, ice blue eyes. He had not been like other men. Seducing him was an effort because he had the willpower to rebuff all attempts. Socia, not one to give in, had put maximum effort into her seduction of the time lord. This resulted in her releasing him from his prison. Looking back, she could see it was he who had seduced her with his coolness. It had been a come on any Siren would have found hard to resist. While her actions had upset the angels, and to a Siren, that was a bonus, she had unknowingly done more damage to herself than anyone else.


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