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Safe Guard (The DeLuca Family Book 2)

Page 9

by Amy Reece

  “Don’t even think about it, buddy.” Hugh’s voice was a low, sleepy growl behind her.

  She rolled over carefully and saw he was awake, but barely. “Does he need to go out?”

  Hugh mumbled something unintelligible and pulled her close, tucking her head under his chin.

  She went willingly and smiled when she felt the bed give way as Bob took her place. She heard Hugh mutter something that sounded like ‘damn dog.’ “Good morning.” She whispered the words against his naked chest and followed them with a kiss. The night before had been something of a revelation to Chris, as Hugh had taken her to heights previously unknown in her limited sexual experience. Her first serious boyfriend in college hadn’t had a clue how to do more than the bare minimum in bed, but she hadn’t known any better either. There had been a couple of short-term boyfriends in between him and her last relationship, a long-term live-in boyfriend, with whom she’d shared an active sex life; she now realized it had been fairly tame compared with what Hugh offered and expected in bed. Or on the couch. They hadn’t exactly made it to the bedroom last night after she moved to sit on his lap. Once he’d realized she was serious about wanting to be with him, he’d had the robe off her in less than thirty seconds and had begun learning what brought her pleasure. Intense pleasure. Twice, in fact, before he’d even removed his own clothing, retrieved a condom from his wallet, and brought her on top of him to take him deeply inside. It had felt so incredible—being touched and held again after two years—she’d closed her eyes and thrown her head back to just feel. But Hugh insisted she look at him as he urged her back up to the heights of another, even more intense climax before he let himself find release. Once they’d recovered, she wondered if she should offer to leave, but before she could speak, he’d gently lifted her from his lap and kissed her softly, apologizing for rushing though their first time. Then he’d taken her hand and led her upstairs to his bedroom, where he’d demonstrated his diverse talents, making slow, sweet love to her. She’d always feared she wasn’t good at the whole sex-thing because she’d never found much satisfaction in it, but with Hugh it was an entirely different story. He was a demanding lover, asking what she liked, and finding with unerring accuracy the places which brought her the most pleasure. He also wasn’t shy about telling her what he liked and how he wanted to be touched and tasted. He’d poured himself into her three more times between short naps and, cuddled close against him this morning, she could feel he wanted her again. She smiled and reached down to stroke him, letting him know she was more than amenable.

  “As amazing as that feels, angel, I think I should feed you first. I didn’t exactly offer you any food last night before my mind was on other things for the rest of the night.”

  She laughed and brought her hand up to cup his cheek, loving the scratchy feel of his night’s growth of whiskers. He had a heavy, dark beard, and looked rather rakish in the dim morning light. She’d only ever seen him clean shaven and smooth and she realized he probably shaved in the evening before their dates. “Can you hear my stomach growling?”

  “It’s either yours or Bob’s. That’s why he’s up here nagging us to get up. He has a doggy door, but he hasn’t mastered getting his own kibble yet. I keep working on it, but his lack of opposable thumbs is presenting a challenge.”

  She laughed again and traced the crinkles at the corner of his eye as he grinned. I’m falling in love with him. Her laughter ceased abruptly with the realization. Slow down, girl! You had sex with him and, yeah, it was great, but love? Too fast, too much. She retracted her hand and turned to get out of his bed, searching the floor fruitlessly for her clothes or even the robe. She had a regrettable tendency to fall too fast, too hard into her relationships and she was determined not to make the same mistake this time.

  He noticed her sudden change of emotion and crossed the room, unashamedly naked, and pulled her against his strong body, tilting her chin up and looking intently into her face. His ice blue eyes saw entirely too much. “Hey. What’s wrong?”

  She tried to smile but failed. “Nothing. I’m fine. And starving, but I can’t seem to find anything to wear.”

  He raised an eyebrow, clearly realizing she wasn’t being entirely forthcoming but seeming to accept her need to keep some things to herself for the moment. “Okay,” he said as he nodded slowly. “Good thing it’s a clothing-optional breakfast.” He tweaked her nose and let her go, crossing to his closet. He reached inside and grabbed one of his button-up shirts. “Here. You can fulfill another one of my fantasies by wearing this to breakfast.”

  She chuckled and put it on, rolling up the sleeves while she watched his muscled backside disappear into a pair of jeans. God, he was gorgeous with a chiseled, olive-toned chest and abdomen lightly sprinkled with dark hair, which disappeared enticingly into the waistband of his jeans. He pulled on a t-shirt, called to Bob, and left the room, telling her to come down when she was ready. She finished buttoning his shirt—it was so weird that guy’s shirts buttoned the wrong way—and sank back onto his bed. Okay, calm down. You can’t help how you feel, but you don’t have to blab to him. He certainly doesn’t need or want to know this early in your relationship. You’ll likely scare him off after what he’s been through with Lauren. When he’d told her what Lauren had done, how she’d had an abortion without even warning him, her heart had hurt for him. Oh, she knew the whole “my body, my choice” bit, and part of her even agreed with it, but Lauren had been in a loving, committed relationship. She hadn’t given Hugh a chance to disagree or try to change her mind. Knowing him, he would have gladly agreed to raise the child himself rather than have her abort it. Lauren had taken matters into her own hands, completely disregarding Hugh’s desires. What. A. Bitch.

  She shook off her melancholy thoughts and went downstairs, following the alluring aroma of bacon. “What can I do to help?”

  “I got this. Coffee’s ready. Mugs are above the microwave.” He turned the bacon and began cracking eggs into a bowl.

  She poured herself a mug and leaned against the counter to watch him cook. Bob sat close by, no doubt hoping Hugh would drop some bacon. “You’re quite a catch, Mr. DeLuca.”

  “Oh? How so?” He didn’t turn from his chore.

  “World-class sex and a hot breakfast. Wow.”

  He laughed and continued beating the eggs. “World-class, huh? I think I’m blushing.”

  “I doubt it.” She crossed the room and put one arm around him as she stared into the pans on the stove. “That looks delicious.”

  “I’m not a great cook, but I get by. And you didn’t have dinner last night, so I don’t think you’ll be terribly discriminating.” He leaned down and kissed her quickly. “Last night was amazing for me too, Chrissy. I’m so glad you ran over to my house. I hope you’ll run over here often.”

  She laughed and kissed him before returning to her coffee. “I might even drive occasionally.” Being with him made her happy, she realized. She’d been devastated by his coldness in the wake of Lauren’s visit, but now that she understood and they were back on track with their relationship, she felt joy infusing every corner of her being. She hugged those feelings to herself and concentrated on the plate of steaming food he placed in front of her. He’d cooked the bacon perfectly—not too crisp—and the eggs were fluffy and light. She waved away the jar of salsa and watched, amused, as he slathered it over his own eggs.

  “So,” he said around a mouthful, “what have you got going on today? Do you have to work?”

  “Nope. Being a detective is a Monday through Friday gig for the most part. Why? What do you have in mind?”

  “Nothing specific, but I was hoping we could spend it together.”

  “I’d like that. I need to grab a quick shower and stop by my place to pick up some clothes, if you don’t mind.” She stood to fetch them each more coffee.

  “Thanks,” he said and reached for her hand across the table. “I’d be happy to show you the finer points of my shower right after breakfas
t. I’m sure there are a few features you didn’t notice last night.”

  She giggled—she couldn’t remember the last time she’d done that—and squeezed his hand. “I’m sure that would be a big help.”

  It was, in that he showed her how to adjust the dual shower heads. She was grateful for his apparently huge hot water heater, as it was a rather lengthy shower. She was also grateful for how large the shower was, capable of allowing two large adults to indulge in all sorts of fun things without once cracking an elbow or knee on the hard tile. She’d never been a huge fan of shower sex before, but she’d clearly been doing it in the wrong shower and definitely with the wrong guy. Her fears that her responsiveness and sensuality of the night before had been a fluke were soundly put to rest over the course of the weekend spent with Hugh. They didn’t spend all their time in bed. They went to lunch after stopping by her apartment to pick up extra clothes. He convinced her to bring enough for the whole weekend, plus work clothes for Monday morning and she happily complied.

  They met Finn and Mel for dinner Saturday night and spent a few enjoyable hours with the other couple. It was clear Hugh and Finn were close friends as well as brothers, and she enjoyed getting to know Mel without Cara or Izzy there. She loved both the other women, but Mel was quiet and easily overshadowed, by Cara’s personality, especially. But, although she was introverted, she wasn’t shy. She had a great sense of humor and was highly intelligent, able to speak knowledgeably on a wide range of topics, which elevated the conversation and made for a memorable evening. Sunday was spent lounging in bed, making love, reading the paper, making love, eating a late brunch, making love, napping, and making love again before heading to his parents’ house for dinner. Seamus brought his girlfriend and she made everyone uncomfortable by conspicuously refusing to eat anything with carbs. He thankfully took her home early and the rest of the family visibly relaxed in her absence. Hugh spent a half hour sitting on the floor with Janey, playing Memory, while Chris, Izzy, Mel, and Cara did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, refusing to let Moira help. It was her second Sunday with his family as his girlfriend and she was gratified by how quickly they accepted her.

  They were seated on the sofa Sunday night, watching the news and trying to make the most of their last night together before the world intruded the next morning with work. She had her feet in Hugh’s lap and was nearly distracted by his rough hands rubbing and sliding higher and higher with each pass, when a story on the television grabbed her attention. She swung her legs off his lap and snatched the remote to turn the volume up.

  “The FBI is cooperating fully with local law enforcement, but we want to reiterate that this is not something the public needs to be concerned with. The bodies are several decades old. It is not thought to be the work of a serial killer at this point in time.” The name below the man talking on screen was FBI Special Agent Jared Daniels. The man himself managed to look like he was posing for a spread in GQ, with his tan face and blond hair.

  “Son of a bitch,” she muttered.

  “That’s my job site! How the hell did they get out there without me being notified?”

  “Fucking media vultures!” she exploded and collapsed against the cushions. But she had a sneaking suspicion Agent Daniels had tipped them off. He must have a reason for wanting to start the media circus, but Chris had no idea what he hoped to gain. It would greatly increase the difficulty of the investigation, as they would now have to navigate reporters calling for interviews and statements, as well as the public calling with an endless supply of mostly useless tips. Shit.

  They watched the rest of the story, and Hugh grabbed his laptop to check what the other stations had posted. All the other stations had very similar stories and she fully expected a front-page story in Monday’s Albuquerque Journal. While he scrolled through the various web pages, she called Finn to make sure he was aware and forewarned of what they would face in the morning. Hugh finally clicked the computer closed and set it aside. She stood and tugged him up from the couch.

  “This sucks, Hugh.” She reached up to kiss him. “But let’s not let it ruin tonight, okay? Starting tomorrow I’m going to be swamped with this shit-show of a case, but for tonight I’m still all yours if you want me.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and lowered his lips to hers. His deep kiss left them both panting slightly. “Definitely. Come to bed.”

  Chapter Nine


  He was late to work. He would have been on time, but the gorgeous blonde woman in his bed was simply too tempting. He grinned as he balanced the cardboard tray of coffee cups and reached for the door handle, remembering how he had woken earlier that morning with Chrissy sprawled across his chest, her long bangs hiding her eyes. He’d gently brushed them aside, trying not to wake her, but wanting to see her beautiful face. She had an adorable sprinkle of light freckles across her nose and cheeks he could only see when he was close. He was extremely fond of them. He liked the ones on her shoulders too. He was supremely satisfied with the way the weekend had turned out, especially considering the crappy start on Friday. Chrissy was everything he’d ever dreamed about in a woman: smart, beautiful, sweet-yet-sassy, and amazing in bed. She didn’t hold back any part of herself, her physical strength freeing him to meet their needs in ways he’d never felt comfortable exploring before. He and Chrissy simply fit well together in so many ways. He knew he was falling fast and couldn’t seem to make himself care.

  He slipped in the front door of DeLuca Construction and shut it softly behind him, hoping Izzy was busy in her office. No such luck; she was leaning over Malva’s work station and glanced up with an evil smirk as he struggled not to drop the coffee.

  “Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence. Exhausting weekend, big brother?”

  “Not at all.” He set the tray on the countertop and handed his secretary a cup. “Caramel macchiato for you.” He handed one to Izzy. “And a skinny vanilla soy latte for my nosy sister.”

  “Yes! Plain coffee was just not cutting it this morning. Thanks, Hugh.” She took her coffee and reached up to kiss his cheek. “I’m just teasing. There’s a fairly decent chance I won’t call Chris to tell her to take it easy on you and let you get more sleep.”

  “That’s really big of you, Izzy. Thanks. Sorry I’m late, by the way.”

  “It’s not a problem.” She waved his concern away. “Hey, any chance you’d be up for having Janey for a sleepover this weekend? She’s been missing her Uncle Hugh and asked about it again this morning.”

  He realized he’d been ignoring his niece a bit since he and Chrissy started dating and felt horrible about it. He usually had her to stay overnight at least once a month, but he’d been so wrapped up in his love life he’d forgotten about the little girl. “Of course. God, I’m sorry I haven’t spent much time with her lately.”

  “Hey,” Izzy said as she placed her hand on his arm. “Don’t worry about it. It’s fine. She just misses you.”

  “I miss her too. I love having her over. Let’s do Saturday night, okay?”

  “I know you love having her and you always spoil her rotten. Maybe I’ll see if I can tempt Chris and Cara out for a girls’ night. It’s been way too long.”

  “Sounds good. See if Mel can go too; Finn can come to my place and help me with uncle duty.”

  “Janey will be in heaven. I’ll see if the newlyweds can stand to be apart for an evening. All right. I’ve wasted enough time. I need to get started on payroll.” She raised her cup in salute to both Hugh and Malva, then disappeared into her office.

  Hugh got his messages from Malva and took his own coffee—a plain, dark brew since he despised the overly sweet drinks his sister and secretary loved—and began returning calls. The first was to the developer of the construction site where the bodies had been discovered, who had left five increasingly frantic messages starting at eleven o’clock the evening before. He must have seen the news. Hugh spent a solid half hour trying
to calm him down and assure him they would be able to restart the construction later in the week.

  “Hugh, I have too much tied up in this project to let it just sit out there on the West Mesa, blowing all to hell!”

  “Yeah, Marty, I know, but there’s nothing I can do until the police release the scene. We’ll be out there the second they do, okay?” Hugh felt for the man, but he had better things to do than spend his morning placating a nervous developer. He was finally able to calm him down and get off the phone, only to have Malva buzz him on the intercom almost immediately.

  “Hugh, there’s a Theodore Marcone here to see you. He doesn’t have an appointment. Do you have time to see him today?”

  Well, shit. The stars seemed to be aligned against him getting any work done today. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, Malva. Send him back.” His secretary knew good and well who he was, but she’d never seemed to like him. He stood and crossed the office to open the door. “Uncle Teddy, it’s good to see you.” He accepted his uncle’s hand and pumped it vigorously.

  “You too, Hugh. It’s been too long.” The other man was in his 60s, slim, and rather dapper in a navy suit and purple tie. “Since your brother’s wedding, in fact. You haven’t brought that beautiful young lady you danced with all night in to the restaurant yet.”

  His uncle owned an upscale Italian restaurant in downtown Albuquerque. “You’ve obviously been talking to my parents. I’ll be sure to bring Chrissy by for dinner soon. So, what can I do for you? Have you finally decided to open a satellite location in Rio Rancho?”

  Uncle Teddy laughed and sat in the chair Hugh gestured to. “Maybe next year. I’m not quite ready to take the plunge yet. No thanks.” He waved away the coffee Hugh offered.


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