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Heart of a Wolf: A Wicked Series - Book 2

Page 27

by K. D. Friedrich

  He used his magic to remove her pants, leaving her naked.

  She opened her legs. "Come and mark me, my wolf."

  Tristan settled between her thighs, moistened his cock with her honey, and entered her with a sharp thrust, owning her pussy with each stroke, as he burned himself in her soul for all time.

  Chapter 30

  Winter woke realizing two things. One, the space beside her was empty and two, there were a number of voices carrying throughout the house. She glanced at the clock. "Kind of early for a meeting," she mumbled.

  She stretched, took a deep breath, and let it out. She bit back a smile, remembering how thoroughly Tristan marked her with his seed. He had staked his claim for all the supernatural community. His possessiveness didn't surprise her. Shifters, even after mating, continued to mark their females. Their wild nature demanded it.

  Winter hopped out of bed and walked over to the dresser mirror. He'd left other marks too. Small remnants of his teeth littered her throat and traveled down her chest. The only thing missing was his claiming bite, the one act that would bond them for life.

  All night, she had longed to feel his canines sink into the curve between her neck and shoulders. From what her sister had described, the bond is instant between witches. As if turning on a light in a once dark room. With Tristan being a witch and a shifter, would bonding with him be more intense? Not only would she be tied to him by magic, but his shifter spirit as well. The thought alone made her shiver with anticipation.

  Aric's sudden shouting drew her curious gaze to the door. The meeting going on downstairs sounded heated. She decided to forgo a shower and find out what was going on. After a quick freshen-up, she dressed and hurried downstairs.

  When she turned the corner, her heart dropped into her stomach.

  Lina Vicks stood in the living room beside Tristan. The smirk plastered on her manicured features made Winter's entire body tense.

  Magnus, Grayson, and Aric eyed Lina with contempt. Kian and Summer must have sensed the aggressive power within Winter rise, because they moved closer, taking a position beside her.

  Winter's father cupped her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

  Not by a long damn shot. This was her mate and standing next to him, too freaking close, was the woman who had once ripped them apart.

  When Lina's hand settled on Tristan's forearm, Winter had had enough.

  "Get your hand off him…now." Her magic stormed within her. She hadn't been this close to losing control since she started her magic training as a child. If that damn she-wolf didn't remove her pink-tipped fingers from him this instant, she'd lose an extremity. Winter snapped her gaze to Tristan. "What the hell is she doing here?" Her eyes must have been glowing, because her magic boiled within her like lava ready to blow.

  Lina grinned, but released him.

  Aric glared at Lina with disgust. "She has information on Maxwell and the labs and is requesting protection from Tristan's pack."

  Of all the packs, of course she picked Tristan's.

  Everyone present knew this was the she-wolf who had destroyed Winter's relationship with Tristan and hurt her. What they didn't know was the bitch still wanted him. Winter sensed the smugness and lust rolling off Lina's wolf. Each crashing wave made Winter nauseated.

  Clinging to Tristan's arm once again, Lina begged. "Please, you have to help me." She must want to die today. "You have no idea what he's capable of. He'll kill me if he knew I was here."

  Tristan stepped back from her, shrugging off her hand. He scowled at Lina. "As much as I hate the idea…my pack will offer you asylum."

  "You're not serious." Winter glared at Tristan. The wounds of the past tore open fresh and new, blazing as if he doused her in acid.

  "You know the laws, Winter. We cannot turn away another shifter without a damn good reason. The fact of our past won't fly with the shifter community. I must offer asylum." Winter knew he was right. Shifters took care of shifters. There were rules to follow. Tristan frowned at Lina. "At least, until another pack can take her in."

  Winter scowled at Lina. "Call Ren. I'm sure the Peyton pack will…"

  "I did, five minutes before you walked in. Only the alpha can approve and Niles is MIA." Winter fought the tears, because she’d be damned if she allowed this bitch the satisfaction of knowing how much this situation bothered her. Tristan no doubt sensed her volatile mood. He reached for her. "Win…"

  She pulled back with a sneer. "She could be working for Maxwell, you know. Sent here to be a damn spy."

  "That's why she's leaving with your father and Summer. They're taking her back to pack land, where she'll be watched."

  "What?" exclaimed Lina. "I'm not going back there to the sticks. I thought—"

  "If you want asylum that's the fucking deal, or else take your tears to someone else. Now sit down and be quiet."

  Lina scowled at Tristan for a second before she plopped down on the closest sofa with her lips pouting and her arms crossed.

  Winter had to get out of there. Even if the woman was sent away, the idea that Tristan would someday return to Lina infuriated her. If she had to look at the woman one more second, she'd snap. She marched toward the door.

  "Winter, where are you going?" roared Tristan. She ignored him.

  Aric grabbed her arm as she attempted to pass. Tristan's feral growl filled the room. Doesn't feel good does it, she thought. Passing Tristan a glare, Aric shook his head. His focus returned to her. "Don't leave like this."

  She sighed. "I need a run."

  Aric let her go, but he moved closer. "I'll come with you."

  "No, I need to be alone right now."

  Aric sighed, but nodded and let her go.

  She walked away from her friend. The minute she hit the hall, she took off toward the door. The cold air hit her like a vicious slap. She arrived at the nearby park quicker than any human. She slipped in and out of the shadows of the trees with ease and speed.

  Finally, she came to a stop by the man-made lake centering the intimate little forest. Breathless, she clung to a thick tree trunk.

  Thoughts of the past and present collided, crushing her beneath the impact. Damn, after last night, she swore she had put the past pain behind her. She'd offered him her trust only to have life throw it back in her face.

  She thought back to the moments earlier, remembering the look in Tristan's eyes and the anger on his face. He wasn't welcoming the she-wolf any more than she was. Yet, at the time, she didn’t see his distaste. All she noticed was Lina's hands on her mate.

  Winter leaned back on the tree and covered her face with her hands.

  "Winter," her sister's soft voice broke through the dark clouds in her mind. "Are you okay?"

  "Not really."

  Her sister drew closer. "He loves you, Winter."

  She frowned. "I know…I just couldn't…just the idea of her being near him infuriates me."

  Summer smiled as she wrapped an arm around her. "I fully understand. I can't even bear the thought of Kian with another. The Leery women are a possessive bunch. Remember when Mom noticed that witch flirting with Dad at one of the clan meetings? She turned the woman's hair green with a flick of her wrist. Nana was furious, but Dad found it endearing."

  They both laughed at the memory.

  The sudden snap of a twig caught their attention in an instant. Only the warning came too late.

  "Trouble in paradise, ladies?"

  Both sisters stared down their enemy with disdain.

  Winter fisted her hands. "You're either extremely brave or incredibly stupid."

  Maxwell grinned. "I consider myself more of an opportunist." To the left a large figure stepped from the shadows. To the right, another towering shadow emerged. "The men in your life are so exceedingly arrogant. They think themselves untouchable, when the truth is I can touch any of you at any time. I was informed by my sources that Summer liked to frequent the park around this time, but this must be my lucky day. Two for one."

  Winter su
rveyed each one of her threats. "I won't go as easy as I did the first time and I doubt my sister will either."

  "Counting on it, princess." Maxwell moved in a flash, pulling her back against him. At the same time one of his goons went after Summer.

  Maxwell sank his fangs into Winter's throat. She twisted her shoulders, knocking his bite loose. Blood trailed down the side of her throat. The bite burned, but she ignored the pain.

  "Breaking you will be a fucking pleasure." Maxwell growled. He licked his lips.

  A few feet away, Summer struggled with her attacker. She struck him with a power orb, causing the large vamp to stagger backward.

  Maxwell attempted to sink his teeth again. Not one to fall for the same move twice, Winter reacted with a sharp jerk forward. Catching him off guard, she flipped him over her shoulder. He landed on his feet. She threw a punch before he fully righted himself, catching his jaw. His head snapped back. A human would have suffered a broken neck at the hit, but the vampire merely laughed it off.

  Blood rushed from the wound on her throat. If a vampire didn't close their fang marks the wound would continue to bleed. Her vision became cloudy. She used all her strength to stay focused.

  Dragging the back of his hand across his mouth, he wiped away a trail of blood leaking from his lip. "Unfortunately, I'm short on time, sweetheart. From the looks of it, so are you."

  He snapped his fingers. Two more vampires attacked from the shadows. Winter called to her magic to give her strength. The power within answered, rushed forward, and hit the larger attacker in the gut. He flew back into a tree with a loud snap, cracking the trunk. She dodged the second attacker's fist and countered. He dodged the strike. The burst of power had weakened her making her sluggish.

  A sudden flash blinded her.

  Something hit her head. She fell to her knees. From the clouds darkening her vision, she heard her sister cry out in pain. Winter's vision went from gray to black and she knew no more.

  Chapter 31

  Tristan's phone buzzed in his pocket as he marched toward the park. The others had kept him there long enough with their advice to give her some time. This was his damn mate. Not theirs. She may have said she wanted time alone, but deep down he knew, he needed to be there for her. To reassure her nothing had changed between them, regardless of that lying she-wolf's presence. She needed to know that woman meant nothing to him, and that she meant everything.

  When the phone buzzed again, he reached in his pocket, and answered.

  "Yeah," he growled.

  "No manners at all. Doesn't surprise me from a damn animal."

  "Maxwell, what the hell do you want?"

  "I tried to call my son, but he's never been reliable. I have something of his I'm sure he's going to want."

  There was a moment of silence and then he heard a weak female voice.

  "Tristan, don't," Summer murmured. Her words slurred.


  Maxwell's drawl came back on. "Sorry, she's not really up for conversation. Just know that she's alive…for now. Tell my son to await my call for further instructions. If he doesn't answer, I'll take it that he's forfeiting his property."

  "Kian is going to kill you for taking his female, if I don't get to you first."

  Maxwell chuckled. "I'd be more worried about my own mate." A spike of fear shot through Tristan. "I'd hurry if I were you, before she bleeds out."

  Tristan took off into the park, shifting into his wolf.

  Instantly, his senses intensified, flooding with the thick copper stench of fresh blood. He raced toward the heavy aroma, burst through the thick bush, and found her.

  Winter lay on her side. Blood caked the frozen ground beneath her. He skidded to her and dropped to his knees.

  "Damn it, Win." She moaned as he lifted her into his arms.

  Her skin felt cold. Blood soaked her shirt. Rage exploded in him at the sight of his mate, lying there pale and still. She was dying and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

  Heavy thuds on the ground behind him made him snap his head around with a growl. He spun just as Magnus burst into the clearing. His eyes burned bright crimson. "Give her to me."

  Tristan's wolf was too close to comply. "No."

  "If you don't, she dies, wolf."

  Knowing the vamp spoke the truth, reluctantly, Tristan handed her over.

  With care, Magnus tilted her head to examine the wound. "Son of a bitch tore right through her jugular. If she were a human, she'd be dead."

  He leaned in and slid his fangs into the wound. Tristan had to look away. If he continued to watch the vampire sucked on his mate's throat one more second someone was going to die. After a moment, Magnus pulled back, bit into his wrist, and fed her his blood. Tristan couldn't hold back the growl, but when she murmured his name, his attention shifted to her. The color had already returned to her face. Within seconds the wound began to close.

  "If I were a few moments longer, she wouldn't have made it."

  "That's twice you have saved my mate's life. Thank you." Tristan held out his hand.

  Magnus took it. "She is my family. I always take care of my family."

  "Tristan," Winter murmured.

  "I'm here, sweetheart."

  "He's got Summer."

  "I know. We're going to get her back. I promise."

  "He got the best of me again. He needs to pay."

  "He will. I swear to you." The vampire was going to die and soon.

  Tristan lifted her into his arms, drawing her close to his chest, and carried her back to the house. He marched into the foyer, entered the living room, and placed her on the sofa.

  "What the hell happened?" Kian rushed over to them.

  Tristan stared at him. "I need you to be calm."

  He narrowed his gaze. He glanced around and then glared at Tristan. "Where the fuck is my mate?"

  "Maxwell has her."

  Thunder exploded outside. "He's a fucking dead man. If one damn hair is hurt on her…"

  "Join the club, brother."

  Kian's phone buzzed. He answered, his hand shaking with fury. "Give me back my mate, now." Wind whipped up outside, slamming a branch into a nearby window. "If you touch her, I swear to the Goddess—"

  Kian grew deathly silent. His eyes glowed with power. Suddenly, he propelled his phone into the nearest wall. The device shattered.

  It took the combined strength of Tristan, Magnus, and Grayson to hold Kian back from hunting Maxwell down.

  "Let me go."

  "Not happening. You go out after him and she's as good as dead." Tristan cupped Kian's nape tight as he continued to struggle. "You need to get your shit together. You hear me?" Kian stilled, but his body stayed tense. He took a deep breath and nodded.

  "What did he say?" Magnus asked.

  "He said to meet him at the abandoned train tunnels under Riverside Park with my kids tomorrow night. He'll trade Summer and as a bonus, Niles's mate for my babies. If I don't, he'll turn my mate into his breeding bitch."

  "I can see why you shot your phone like a bullet," said Magnus.

  "That wasn't why." He snarled. "He said my mate tasted sweet." His fists tightened at his side and shook. His gaze snapped up and pinned each one of them. "He doesn't leave those damn tunnels. You hear me. They will be his tomb."

  They all nodded. No matter what, Maxwell wasn't going to walk away from this.

  Tristan glanced at his top guard. "Grayson, check into the tunnels. See what we're dealing with."

  "I'm on it." Grayson hurried out the room.

  Tristan turned to Magnus. "Can you have some of your men escort Lina to my pack land?"

  Magnus nodded. "It will be done."

  Tristan cupped Kian's shoulder. "Tomorrow this ends. Maxwell is going down."

  Chapter 32

  The ruins where Maxwell instructed them to meet him had been abandoned for years. The city had tried to revitalize the area, but the project failed. Through Magnus's connections, he discovered that a rese
arch company called First Phase bought the land last month. Further investigation brought to light their main investor…none other than Maxwell Lancaster.

  Regardless of who owned the property, the place gave Winter the chills. Or it could have been the loss of blood she was still recovering from.

  Coming to terms with Maxwell's ability to catch her off guard wasn't easy. But it started with being a part of bringing the crazy sadistic monster down. Tristan didn't see it that way. He wanted to envelop her in bubble wrap and lock her away.

  Not going to happen.

  Nevertheless, she had to fight her way on this mission. Tristan refused to listen to reason at first, but eventually, he gave in. He wasn't the only stubborn supernatural. In regard to Lina, Winter chose to call a truce for now. Although, once this was over, the subject would need to be revisited.

  The north side of the tunnel served as the meeting place. Grayson managed to track down a map of the tunnels. Giving them at least an idea where threats might be hidden.

  Winter sat with Tristan in the back of the van beside Levi. He'd been sent by Ren to collect Celine, if Maxwell did indeed hand her over as he promised. She had her doubts.

  Kian filled the driver's seat with a dark sense of fury and vengeance. Winter worried about her brother. She'd never seen him like this before, his magic volatile. More so then when he first gained his powers. Even now a dark cloud hovered over them for miles.

  Kian snapped his head in their direction. "I'm not waiting anymore. I can sense her. She's close."

  "We have to wait for his—"

  "I'm not waiting for shit. She's here and I'm getting her back. Now."

  Kian thrust open the door, hopped out, and marched toward the shadowed entrance to the tunnel.

  The aged entrance gave Winter a creepy vibe. Graffiti covered most of the walls. From the reports Grayson collected, they learned that vagrants and drug addicts had made the channel a home up until its recent purchase. She got the feeling that more than a few tormented souls still roamed within the darkened walls.


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