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Azra of the Burning Sands (Genesis Project)

Page 11

by Arlin Fehr

  Azra sighed and turned away from the sea. ‘I have not,’ he said.

  They were silent for a moment as the Wyzard turned back to the sea.

  ‘Master... do you mind if I ask you a question?’

  ‘Go ahead.’

  ‘With your ability to teleport... why not just go on your own to look for these creatures that Shakla is so intent on finding?’

  ‘I can’t teleport to places I’ve never been.’

  ‘You’ve teleported with just the image on a map before.’

  'You mean the map I found at Sallock? Of the area near the Zharin Fortress?'

  'Yes Master.'

  'No, I'd been to the the outcrop of rocks that the caves lead to. I'd gone there with John some time before you'd became my apprentice. Though even then, since I hadn't been there in so long, it was still a dangerous risk. If they had changed since then, I could have been killed. It was very dangerous...'

  ‘So is a sea voyage... and even more so on a ship that travels as fast as this one.’

  Azra grimaced and leaned on the railing of the ship, letting out a long sigh.

  ‘What?’ Jahnyz asked.

  ‘In truth... I believe it might have been out of my own selfishness... I worry for my niece... I don’t want her out of my sight. I want to help her if I can, save her if it’s possible.’

  ‘Not tactically sound.’

  ‘No,’ Azra chuckled. ‘I suppose not.’ He was silent a moment and then asked, ‘Kia... is she comfortable?’

  ‘As much as possible... You know it as well as I.’

  ‘Yes,’ Azra grumbled, ‘when she’s in her room, the snake watches.’

  ‘She can move freely around the ship, but it’s always following,’ Jahnyz added. ‘The sailors give her a wide berth, as you told them to.’

  ‘And she stays in her cabin, for the most part, alone,’ Azra said sadly. He looked up at the blue sky. There were a few clouds moving across the night time sky, pushed by the same winds that helped move the ship. Azra didn’t know what he’d do if he couldn’t find the Nehhom. He’d have to think of something.

  ‘It’s a shame,’ Jahnyz voice.

  ‘What is?’ Azra asked.

  ‘I’ve heard stories from Anciantos of ships... air ships and space ships, much better and more advanced than our void ships... It would make this trip tremendously quicker. Dykyn talks of his homeland... the vessels they have... it’s like something from a story book.’

  ‘One of the many disadvantages of living on the fringes, my Learner.’

  ‘I suppose,’ Jahnyz smiled.

  ‘I’ll be below deck if I am needed,’ Azra said, after a moment. ‘Good evening.’

  ‘Yes Master Hemnoth, good evening.’

  Monsters in the Deep

  ‘Mahgic has helped us perfect travel on the sea, and it has made the world smaller for us all... but the great deep is still a place of wonder and mystery... and monsters... We tread there with great care and greater respect for the things we don’t understand...’

  -Captain Phips giving his regular speech to new members of his crew


  Through the eyes of his snake, Shakla watched Princess Kialandria, in her quarters on the Summer Wind... as she tried to sleep. Shakla stood in a dark chamber. Directly ahead of him was a round, marble, pedestal, that had, atop it, a glowing, crystal, sphere. Within was the image of the Princess.

  She was secure.

  She would not be a problem, and neither would Azra.

  He would do his job.

  Shakla turned from the pedestal and walked across his sanctum. As he crossed the room, at the far end, a pool of water started to glow in the darkness, and bubble, and steam. The water was blue and frothy. As Shakla approached the pool of water, he disrobed and stepped into the pool, walking into the depths, until the water was at his neck. He felt the tingle of Mahgic energy from the water coursing through his body.

  It was one of the reasons why Shakla had wanted to come to this fortress.

  The waters heightened his own powers. He closed his eyes, and let himself lean back, floating on the surface of the water.

  A presence touched his mind.

  ‘Sssshakla, you have found a way to report in?’ hissed a voice in his mind.

  ‘Yesss, Lord Ranssst. The fortresss hasss a location of much power. It allowsss me to reach further than otherwissse,’ he replied within his mind.

  ‘Thisss isss good. Our progresss isss sssteady, will you be ready for our arrival?’

  ‘Yesss, Lord. The two mossst powerful kingdomsss of this world are in disssarry, and I have dissspatched a local to find what we ssseek.’

  ‘Be careful of your faith in thisss local. The tasssk was left to you by the Massster. He hasss much faith in you, but I am yet ssstill cautiousss towardsss your abilitiesss,’ Lord Ranst said with disdain.

  ‘You will not be disssapointed, Lord. I will be ready for your arrival. The Massster will not be disssapointed by ussss.’

  ‘Sssee that he isss not.’

  The presence left his mind. Shakla continued to lay back. Lord Ranst was many things, though forgiving was not one of them. Still, even his fury would pale in comparison to the disappointment of the Master.

  Shakla lay in the pool, soaking in the power within the waters.



  Azra hadn’t slept well in the night. It had only partially been the feeling of the boat moving at enhanced speeds across the water... he’d had bad dreams too. They were disjointed things... Kia running from a snake... sometimes Azra was the snake.

  He’d woken up with the sun and had a light breakfast, because his stomach was bothering him a little. John seemed the most at ease of his cadre. He got along well with the crew, helped with tasks on the ship, and seemed to be able to eat as much as he wanted with no ill effects.

  Now, as the morning was growing long, into the afternoon, the Captain had called Azra to the bridge. He stood with the man, looking out over the ocean, and Phips spoke in a somewhat distant, and haunted voice... they way sailing captains did when they encountered something they didn’t understand.

  ‘The Ash Sea,’ Phips said, ‘every time I’ve sailed past it, I’ve always felt uneasy. This time is no exception.’

  Azra stood with the Captain, gazing port. The Wyzard had never seen the Ash Sea before, despite having been born on the southern part of Halli continent. The Ash Sea was the sea that had formed after the ancient meteor impact had shattered the continents thousands of yehvs ago. It was bordered on the north by Halli, on the south by Milla, and ringed on the east and west by jagged islands jutting out of the water like teeth – remains of the land that had once been whole.

  Jahnyz had been uneasy since they’d come within sight of the islands, and even Azra could feel the strangeness of the air.

  ‘I believe it’s Mahgic in nature,’ Azra told Phips, ‘I feel something centred in the sea... though there is little else I can tell you.’

  ‘I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I’ve always been careful around this place. It’s been like this since I can remember. Sailors have talked about this place since I was a deck hand. I hear some merchant ships even add time to their journeys just so they can stay away from this place,’ Phips explained.

  ‘Would you like to sail further out?’ Azra asked. ‘I won’t ask you to endanger you crew... if you think there is danger.’

  ‘I’ve never been one of the ones to do that. The Summer Wind is fast, and I’ve got one of the best crews in the navy. We’ll get you to Port Kuzo as quick as we can. The Princess is depending on us.’

  ‘Thank you Captain,’ Azra said. He turned and noticed Jahnyz standing by the hatch that lead below deck looking over his way intently. ‘I believe I am needed. I’ll leave you now.’

  Captain Phips nodded and Azra walked down from the bridge, towards Jahnyz.

  ‘What is it Jahnyz?’ Azra asked.

  ‘I feel something new. Something different,’ Jahnyz said, her eyes distant.


  ‘Not here... come below deck. I’ve found a quiet spot,’ Jahnyz insisted, leading them below deck.

  Azra followed in silence as they passed through the ship, to a cargo hold near prow. No one was present inside. Azra and Jahnyz made seats out of the boxes of supplies.

  Azra waited for Jahnyz to tell him what was going on.

  ‘I’ve been feeling the effects of the Ash Sea since this morning, but now I’ve felt something else. I believe we are being watched through Mahgical means.’

  ‘Shakla?’ Azra asked.

  ‘No... At least I don’t think so. This is different from anything I experienced during the battle, but it’s also different from anything I’ve experienced at all,’ she said, concentrating on trying to find words.

  ‘Can you direct me?’ Azra asked.

  ‘I believe so. Close your eyes.’

  Azra closed his eyes. He took in several deep breaths, letting them out slowly, relaxing his body. He felt Jahnyz place her hands on either side of his head, and felt a tingle run through his body.

  ‘Envision the ship, sailing the seas,’ he heard her say. As she did, Azra saw in his mind’s eye, the Summer Wind, sailing steadily on the waves. The familiar shapes of the islands came into view as his vision pulled further away from the ship. The sea, on the other side of the islands, seemed to glow with a blue light. It was a most interesting view.

  ‘See the light of the Ash Sea. It’s a constant in this part of the world. I have not determined its source, but it is Mahgical in nature.’

  Azra could agree with that guess. He continued to breathe deeply, keeping himself relaxed. His vision shifted to the other side of the ship, out to sea.

  ‘See the lights not of the Ash Sea... these are the watchers, the new thing I’ve felt.’

  As he heard the words, he saw dull blue-green lights just below the waves. They were indistinct, and moving in patterns. Azra could feel, if not see, them observing the ship as it sailed. In the distance, he thought he could see a faint glimmer of a much larger light of this nature.

  ‘Let’s go to the larger light,’ Azra said softly, ‘We’ll have a look.’

  ‘Very well,’ Jahnyz agreed.

  They began to float further out to sea. As they did, the smaller lights moved back towards the large light, and Azra distinctly felt an attention on Jahnyz and him. The smaller slights began to move in a circle, and Azra felt a pressure on his head. Jahnyz’s hands tightened too. They were pushed back towards the ship. A column of green light rose from the sea, near the large light, and split apart into a vortex above the ocean.

  Azra tried to push back against the smaller lights, focusing his mind and pushing back against the pressure.

  ‘It’s too much. They are pushing me back,’ he heard Jahnyz say.

  ‘Draw from my strength. Protect yourself,’ Azra instructed. ‘You are more skilled at this sort of thing.’

  He felt Jahnyz focus her energies on the lights just as he was, he felt the pressure lessen. The vortex behind the lights was high in the sky now, and Azra saw the sky beginning to glow with the same green light as the vortex.

  Sounds from above deck worked their way into the hold, distracting Azra. The lights flashed once, and a piercing pain shot through Azra. His eyes snapped open and he saw Jahnyz was holding her own head.

  ‘That seemed most unfriendly,’ Azra said.

  ‘What was the purpose of the vortex?’ Jahnyz asked.

  ‘Some kind of Mahgic obviously, but nothing like I’ve seen before.’

  The sounds from above deck were constant now.

  ‘We should go above deck and see what’s happening,’ Azra said.

  They got up and took a moment to collect themselves from their session of Mahgical searching. The noise from above deck was getting frantic.

  ‘We’ll have to try again after we’ve had a moment to rest,’ Azra said.

  ‘Yes Master Hemnoth.’

  ‘Now let’s go above.’

  They moved for the hatch. When they came to above deck, they both looked starboard, where the vortex had been in their vision, and froze.

  The sky was almost entirely black in that direction. Lightning flared out over the sea, and the waves were beginning to be rough. Azra saw Captain Phips giving orders calmly from the command deck.

  Azra walked up the stairs to the deck and looked out over the storm.

  The Captain stepped to Azra, and said, ‘It’s come out of nowhere. One myno, the skies were clear as can be, and the next, this wall of blackness just formed from nothing. No warning, nothing. Never, in all my days, have I seen anything like this.’

  ‘What are we going to do Captain?’

  ‘The wind is still with us, though for how long, I don’t know. We’re going to try to get as far away from it as we can. If we have to, we’ll make for shore. Any help you can give protecting us would be appreciated.’

  ‘The storm is Mahgical in nature. I’ll do what I can,’ Azra promised.

  ‘That’s all I ask,’ Phips said as he went back to his task.

  A smattering of rain drops began to fall around deck. The clouds were expanding outward.

  The sandstorm at Jarridon had been one thing, but the source of this storm was many miles away, farther than Azra felt he could reach with his own power. Rather than try to combat the storm, he would have to concentrate on protecting the ship.

  Visualizing the ship and the surrounding area, Azra began to form a shield around the vessel. In fact he was adding to a thin one that was already in place, part of the Mahgics already imbued into the ship. In his mind’s eye, the shield was a shimmering bubble of light blue light.

  Azra opened his eyes. The rain was still pelting the ship, if he had blocked out water with his shield, it would have been more difficult and harder to hold, considering they were floating in the ocean.

  A flapping sound drew his attention. The sails were beginning to waver and twist.

  ‘The winds shifting!’ he heard the Captain shouting. ‘Reef those sails! Double time!’

  The crew was scrambling around, trying to get the sails in order.

  An officer hurried up to Azra. ‘Can you do anything about the winds? They’re blowing towards the centre of the storm now. The Captain needs any help he can get!’

  Azra nodded. The rain was coming down in sheets now, soaking Azra through his clothes. The sky above was completely black, the light of day smothered by the billowing storm. As he closed his eyes and began to pull on the currents of air around the ship, he felt whatever presence was controlling the storm, fighting against him. He saw the shield he had made start to waver, and felt the winds being pulled away from him.

  He strained against his unseen foe and then felt the familiar tingling in the palm of his hands. Power was building up within him, waiting to be unleashed. It flooded from his hands, moving up his arms and into his whole body. It drew his focus, and threatened to overwhelm him if not unleashed quickly.

  Focusing on the swirling waters around them, and the winds pulling them towards the storm, he unleashed the pent up power in a wave of Mahgical force. He felt the deck of the ship heave under him as the ship surged forward, towards the coast. He felt the focus of the unseen foe waver under the power of the Mahgic unleashed.

  His body now numb, Azra opened his eyes, and saw that they were moving towards the coast at a fair clip, though distressingly, the ship was slowing faster than he might hope.

  Azra saw Jahnyz on the deck and waved her over. ‘I’m nearly exhausted,’ he told the girl, ‘but we may need one more burst of speed to get to shore. Help me.’

  Jahnyz nodded, and Azra took her hands.

  Suddenly the ship came to sudden stop and they were thrown from their feet, hitting the wet deck hard and sliding towards the front of the ship.

  Scrambling to get back on his feet, Azra looked around. He saw the C
aptain and helmsman getting up, the wheel of the ship spinning rapidly.

  Azra looked over the side of the vessel, something dark was just under the surface of the water, but the lack of daylight made it hard to make out.

  A slight swaying of the deck started and the ship seemed to start moving backwards, the sails flapping uselessly.

  Azra ran to the command deck. ‘Have we run aground?’ he asked over the howling winds.

  ‘No, something’s got us and is pulling us back,’ Captain Phips shouted.

  A dull shuddering crack of wood interrupted them. It came from the stern of the ship. Azra and the Captain looked out over the edge of the railing. The water was surging as the ship pushed backwards against it. To the side, a large piece of wood rose to the surface.

  ‘That’s the rudder! We’re being pulled apart!’ Captain Phips roared.

  A man ran up to the Captain, and reported, ‘We’re taking on water! Breach down below!’

  ‘Man the boats, abandon ship!’ Captain Phips ordered, as he grabbed Azra’s arm and pulled him away from the side.

  The crew rushed for the few boats, but two scaly, blue, tendrils of some unseen beast rose up out of the sea on either side of the ship and smashed the boats against the side of the vessel. Sailors were thrown to the deck amidst a hail of wood splinters. A sickening crack cut through the commotion as the ship shuddered under the blow.

  The tendrils twisted towards the deck, and the ends of them opened like a grotesque flower. A clear liquid sprayed out all over the men on deck. Everyone was screaming in fear. Azra raised his arm against the spray, but as soon as it hit his body, he felt his limbs growing heavy. He struggled to stay on his feet, trying to call on his Mahgic to try to strengthen himself, but he fell to the deck. He lay on the deck, looking across the ship as the rest of the crew above deck started to fall to the deck too.

  He caught sight of someone coming from below deck.

  Kia! No! he thought, and then his mind went blank, and it all went dark.

  You’re All Surrounded

  ‘More people have been lost at sea than can probably be counted... learn carefully, do what I say, and you won’t be added to them...’


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