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Wild Defender

Page 4

by Fel Fern

  He studied the photographs hanging on the wall. They were mostly of Sam growing up. No new photos. Kris lingered by a photo of three people. Mom, dad, and Sam in happier times. Hearing footsteps, Kris turned.

  Sam emerged from his room, wheeling luggage behind him. Sam smiled at him, and then his lips formed a thin line. Sam wasn’t seeing Kris. Not really. Kris watched Sam give the room a slow look. Sam’s shoulders tensed up.

  Kris thought Sam’s cheerful reaction in the hospital felt a little odd. No sane person would be excited being holed up with a bunch of dangerous shifters on Ashfall Mountain. He understood what was happening with Sam, because he experienced the same thing when his own mother died.

  Sam let go of the luggage handle. Kris walked up to him and opened his arms. An invitation. Sam sagged against him, and Kris pulled him into an embrace. His human began to shake badly. Kris stroked Sam’s back, wondering if that would help.

  Kris had never comforted anyone his entire life before. He’d been raised a killer, just like his brother, and they’d both been taught emotions made them weak. Kris never believed that for a second.

  “He’s really gone,” Sam whispered, looking up at him. “The thing is, I only feel relief. That makes a bad person, doesn’t it?”

  “Not at all. He wasn’t a good father, Sam. You worked yourself to the bone to pay for his expensive drinking and gambling habits.” Kris got worked up thinking about Sam miserably working his ass off just so his dad wouldn’t get into trouble.

  “You’re right, but I still like to believe he killed himself to save me.”

  Kris didn’t comment. Certain kinds of men didn’t change, Kris knew that, but he held his tongue. Let Sam’s last memory of his dad be a good one.

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here. Better to travel in the daylight,” Kris said. They exited Sam’s apartment.

  “That sounds ominous.” Sam sounded lighthearted again, like himself.

  “I can see in the dark, but you can’t.” They left the building. Kris placed Sam’s luggage behind his truck and opened the door for Sam. Sam slid in his truck. He got behind the driver’s seat. Kris started the engine.

  “I never expected you to be a gentleman,” Sam said as they started to roll.

  “I’m not. I’m just playing nice for now.” Kris flashed Sam a toothy smile. They drove past residential neighborhoods, then finally the main town square. Kris drove towards the mountain. There were no longer any proper roads. Kris entered a dirt path that took him uphill.

  “I like being with you,” Sam blurted. “You make me feel good. Okay, that sounds kind of lame, but when we’re together, I can be myself. Does that make any sense?”

  “It does. I know what you mean.”

  “Can I turn the radio on?”

  “Sure. Any station you want.” Kris’s thoughts went back to his recent argument with Alec.

  He had to admit. Seeing Alec in the hospital took him by surprise because his brother seldom left the mountain. Dom and he sometimes headed to town to get supplies, but Alec and the others? They kept their asses firmly planted on their land, because the monsters that shared their skin didn’t do well with crowds.

  “What’s on your mind?” Sam asked, lowering the volume of the radio.

  Could Sam tell he was troubled?

  “I was thinking about what Alec said. Humans aren’t normally allowed on Ashfall Mountain.”

  “Because we’re weak and fragile?”

  Kris didn’t mince his words. “There’s a reason folks in town call this place Murder Mountain.”

  Sam shuddered. “Kris, I know what I’m getting into. I have the scars to prove it.”

  A snarl slipped from his lips. Kris wanted to rip out Cyrus’s throat for hurting his human. The score between his pack and the Black Claws wasn’t settled by a long shot. He intended to make those pathetic panther shifters hurt.

  “Kris?” Sam asked tentatively. “It feels suddenly hot in here and, you know, not in the sexy way.”

  Kris’s anger evaporated at those words. “You trying to seduce me, human?”

  “Is it working?” Sam asked him.

  Kris grinned. “Maybe. We’ll find out soon enough.”

  God. It had taken all of his self-control not to rut Sam in the hospital. Kris doubted Sam would resist him either. The human wanted Kris as much as Kris wanted him. The kiss they shared earlier sparked a fire in him he knew wouldn’t go away soon. How many times had he looked over Sam, sleeping in bed, and debated whether he should slip in those sheets? Kris only held himself back because Sam was still injured. He decided Sam should heal up soon before making any moves.

  They finally passed the ‘don’t enter’ signs that led to the pack compound. Sam peered out the window. Kris knew what Sam was looking at. The row of cabins, the campfire at the center where the pack usually ate. Kris didn’t miss the little gathering outside. He gritted his teeth. It looked like Alec came back early to rouse everyone. What the hell?

  “This place doesn’t scream creepy. It looks nice. Almost picturesque,” Sam remarked.

  “Almost.” Kris killed the engine and got out, ready to confront his pack. He’d stand his ground no matter what.

  Kris had stood guard by Sam’s bedside day and night, because he knew Cyrus and his cats might try again, but now, they were in Wild Manes territory. Kris could sleep easier. At first, he didn’t understand why he’d been so protective of this particular human, but he was beginning to.

  Fate put Sam in his path for a reason. The moment he caught sight of Sam in Cyrus’s repulsive embrace, he knew he’d brave heaven and hell to retrieve Sam because Sam rightfully belonged to him. Sam didn’t know it yet, but Kris would fight Cyrus and all his cats. Kris would even battle his entire pack to keep Sam.

  Chapter 6

  Sam noticed Kris had grown tense as he got out of the truck. He followed Kris’s gaze to the group by the dead campfire. They were talking amongst themselves. Kris’s pack mates? Kris unloaded his luggage, returned to him. Kris held out a hand, which he took.

  Kris led him to the group. Every male there looked big, menacing, and unfriendly, save for one. A slender man about Sam’s age, in his early twenties, ran right up to him, a big smile on his face.

  “You’re all right,” the guy said. “I’m Teddy. When Kris brought you here, I didn’t think you’d make it. I’m glad you did.”

  Sam recalled Kris telling him about a fellow pack mate driving him to the hospital. “I’m Sam and thank you. For helping Kris save me.”

  “Kris. He doesn’t belong here,” said another guy. Sam blinked. He could instantly see the physical resemblance between Kris and Alec, except Kris’s hair was a shade darker.

  “You must be the infamous Alec,” he said. “I heard you and Kris arguing at the hospital.”

  Alec looked at him like he was a bug that could easily be squashed. Alec ignored him completely and looked at Kris. “He’ll get us all killed.”

  What a dick, Sam thought. He decided to keep that comment to himself, because he didn’t want to start any fight. Kris had warned him his fellow pack mates might not be welcoming, so Sam was prepared.

  Their other option was staying in town. Kris wouldn’t leave his side, but if Cyrus hunted them both down, they’d be vulnerable. Outnumbered. This was supposedly the safest place on earth, but he was beginning to think Kris’s fellow pack mates were also monsters.

  “Don’t be dramatic,” said the dark-haired guy wearing a cowboy hat. This one looked easy on the eyes, except Sam distrusted that smile. “I’m Ryder. You already know Alec and Teddy. That quiet one over there minding his own business is Max. And oh, here comes the Beta, Dom.”

  One of the cabin doors opened, revealing a scary, big male who walked towards them. Sam froze up completely. He was human, but he could almost sense the strange change in the air. Up here, it was cold, but he swore he could feel the temperature spike up.

  “You brought the human here,” Dom said in a flat voice.
  Sam felt Kris pulling him close. Kris slid an arm over his shoulders.

  “He’s not going anywhere,” Kris said firmly.

  Woah. Sam looked from Kris to the other men’s faces. They were in some kind of staring contest. Someone tugged at his arm. Teddy.

  “Come on. Let’s take your luggage inside Kris’s cabin,” Teddy said, beaming at him. “Don’t worry about them. They do this all the time. You know, pull this dominance shit.”

  He didn’t even know what that meant, but he nodded. Teddy grabbed his luggage. Kris released him. Teddy was a chatty one, but he didn’t mind at all. Sam could use a friend here.

  “What do you mean by dominance shit?” he asked once Teddy ushered him inside what he presumed to be Kris’s cabin. It looked cozy as hell. Dark wood ran everywhere. The furniture looked worn-in but sturdy.

  “Well, everyone here fights all the time.” Teddy paused. “Say, what you do know about the shifters living here?”

  The other shifters outside didn’t bother keeping their voices down. Sam could still hear them arguing.

  “Um. The other locals in town steer clear of Ashfall Mountain. They call it Murder Mountain.”

  “Yeah, because outcasts and killers are usually sent here.”

  The matter-of-fact way Teddy said those words chilled him to the bone. “What? Are you pulling my leg?”

  Teddy’s smile faded. The werewolf sighed. “It’s true. The groups here are at war all the time because the shifters living here don’t exactly have full control of their beasts.”

  “You mean they’re on the verge of turning Feral?” Sam whispered. He might not participate in town gossip, but he was aware of the news. Feral shifters who lost their human side were no better than animals. The paranormal government even sent out hunters to track them down so they wouldn’t hurt or kill innocents.

  “That’s right.” Teddy looked at the ground. He seemed a little sad. “The paranormal government leaves us alone because they expect us to kill each other off eventually, doing their work for them.”

  “That’s awful, but Kris looks fine to me.”

  Teddy finally looked at him, then bit his lower lip. “He hasn’t told you?”

  “Kris fights with his brother sometimes, but don’t all brothers?”

  Teddy swore, something he didn’t expect. “You’ll just have to see for yourself.” Teddy shook his head. “I really hope you’re cut out for this life, Sam. Kris is different since he met you. Better.”

  Before he could get a word out, Teddy was walking to the front door. “I can hear Kris returning. I’ll let the two of you settle in,” Teddy added. “Also, I have to warn you, my brother might drop in tonight.”

  “Your brother?”

  “Talon. He’s the worst out of all of them, but I still believe he can be saved. Whatever happens, stand your ground, okay?” With that strange advice, Teddy left.

  “Talon can’t be a bad guy. He fought off Cyrus so Kris and I could escape,” he yelled at Teddy as Kris entered the cabin.

  Kris closed the door behind him. Seeing the bruise on his jaw, Sam ran up to Kris and touched his face.

  “What happened?” he demanded.

  Kris shrugged. “No big deal. Let me show you around.”

  Kris nodded to the space. “This is the living room, kitchen. Bathroom’s over there and next to it is my bedroom. You can take the bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “No way,” Sam blurted. “I can’t do that. Won’t it be better to share?”

  He wiggled his eyebrows at Kris, hoping to defuse the situation. He knew things were tense right now between Kris and his pack. Kris chuckled. Such a sexy sound. They were in the kitchen now. Kris pressed a hand to his chest and maneuvered him backwards, so his ass hit the edge of the dining table.

  “Keep teasing me like that and you’ll regret it,” Kris told him. Humor faded from Kris’s bright yellow eyes. The werewolf looked intense and all kinds of hot now. Kris leaned in close, breath warm against his neck.

  “Are you sniffing me?” he asked. He stood still as Kris licked at the right side of his neck. The clean side. His left side still bore the gigantic bandage which covered Cyrus’s bite. Sam felt the edge of Kris’s teeth right over the sensitive skin between shoulder and neck. He moaned when Kris nipped, leaving a hickey there.

  Standing this close, Kris’s big body was pressed up against his own. The werewolf burned hot and he felt so solid, like a brick wall. He couldn’t help himself. Sam ran his hands down Kris’s stony chest, breathed hard when Kris pressed his denim-clad groin against his own.

  Damn but the shifter was hard for him. Sam fared no better.

  “Kiss me again. Please?” Sam never took charge before. He’d always taken the back seat when it came to relationships. Sam didn’t want to appear needy or pushy, but right now, he felt different. Bold.

  Kris slid one muscle arm around his waist, then cupped his ass to push him closer. Sam tilted his head to receive Kris, and boy, it was a stunner. Kris kissed him hard and deep, as if he’d been holding back in the hospital. Kris took his fill of him but Sam wanted more. He wanted his big bad wolf to have his way with him.

  Kris settled his hands on his waist and with apparent ease easily lifted Sam, sitting his ass on the edge of the table. He squeaked, amazed at Kris’s strength.

  “Lift your hands,” Kris ordered. He did as Kris asked, incredibly turned on by how natural it was, following Kris’s commands. Kris peeled off his shirt. He swallowed, remembering the stitches left behind by Cyrus’s rake marks. Kris ran his fingers over them now. The werewolf narrowed his eyes. Kris looked pissed now. At him? At Cyrus?

  Kris met his gaze. “I’ll be careful.”

  Kris was worried about hurting him? Relief filled him.

  “I thought you’d find them ugly,” he admitted.

  Kris peeled off his own shirt and his mouth went dry. He licked his lips. Sam couldn’t believe this was really happening. That this sexy man was all his.

  “Look at me. I have scars all over. The ink is there to cover them up,” Kris told him. “Be proud of yourself, little warrior. You’re a survivor. More than that, you’re a fighter.”

  Kris leaned in close then kissed him again, disabling his ability to think. Kris undid his pants and pulled his dick out. He moaned into Kris’s mouth as the werewolf began to stroke his thickening prick back and forth.

  “God,” he murmured when Kris released his mouth.

  Kris continued playing with his dick, working him furiously until he panted, begged for release.

  “Go ahead. Come for me.”

  Closing his eyes, Sam groaned as he spilled his jizz right over Kris’s fingers. He was still floating in la-la land when he felt Kris tugging at his belt loops. Sam opened his eyes only to see Kris pulling away his jeans, followed by his underwear. Kris lifted his other hand, the one coated with his seed, and licked them off. Sam stared, turned on.

  “Wait here.” Kris left him sitting on his dining table, buck naked, only to return with a bottle of lube.

  “Things are finally getting good,” Sam said.

  The werewolf laughed, dragged a chair in front of him. Kris took off his pants and boxers, kicking them aside to join Sam’s pile of clothes. Sam’s gaze lingered on the impressive package between Kris’s legs. Kris’s dick was thick and long, the red tip already leaking pre-cum.

  Kris sat on the chair and patted his lap. Sam didn’t need an order. He got off the table and spilled into Kris’s lap, his legs spread apart over Kris’s. Sitting like this, Kris had a good view of his balls, cock, and his asshole. He rested his hands on Kris’s shoulders, heart racing.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this,” Kris told him, uncapping the lube.

  “I’ve only been in the hospital for five days,” he said, moaning as Kris lubed up his fingers and slid one, two, then three inside his hole. The werewolf began widening him for access.

  Sam remembered how it gave him comfort to see
Kris sleeping on the chair next to the bed or standing outside his door every time he woke up. If Kris wasn’t there, he wouldn’t know what to do. Before Kris, Sam had felt so alone. All he ever thought about was work, and he constantly worried about not being able to pay the rent, the bills, the debts his dad racked up.

  Then again, if he’d never met Kris, he might already be dead, torn apart by Cyrus. He’d be buried in an unknown grave with his dad. Sam pulled himself away from those morbid thoughts and focused on the moment.

  Right now, Kris’s moving his fingers in and out of his ass felt so damn good that he moaned.

  “You’ve never left my side, not once. That means a lot to me,” Sam told him.

  “I won’t let Cyrus hurt you again, and besides, I had an ulterior motive.”

  “Do tell.” He had trouble stringing complete sentences together.

  Kris took his mouth again and Sam let himself get lost in this man. His man.

  “I intend to keep you,” Kris said, pulling away from the kiss.

  Chapter 7

  “Okay. Keep me.” Sam looked right into his eyes when he answered.

  Whatever answer Kris expected, it wasn’t that. His wolf growled inside him in approval. Sam was human, not well-versed in shifter ways. He expected resistance. After all, to a human, Kris was still a stranger, but Sam hadn’t lied to him. He would’ve known. Sam’s heart beat a little fast, but it was from Kris working his fingers and out of his asshole. He pulled his digits out and guided his cock into Sam’s well-lubed hole.

  Kris penetrated Sam, worked his dick slow and steady inside Sam’s tight ass. He gritted his teeth as Sam dug his fingernails into his shoulders, drawing pinpricks of blood. Kris prevented himself from pushing all the way in. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Sam.


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