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Ain't She Sweet

Page 26

by Marie Force

  Charley pulled off her glove and reached over to put her hand on his leg.

  He looked at her, smiled warmly, and covered her hand with his.

  When they got home, he took her coat and hung it next to his in the mudroom. When she was growing up, her coat had hung between Ella’s and Wade’s and now it was next to Tyler’s as if it belonged there.

  She went into the kitchen, as if it were hers, and put a kettle on to boil while Tyler lit the Christmas tree and the fire. Instead of her usual bedtime cup of tea, tonight she made hot chocolate with shots of Baileys that she found in the liquor cabinet above the fridge. She topped it off with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.

  Tyler came into the kitchen to see what she was up to.

  “I’ve made myself right at home here, rifling through your cabinets.”

  “You’re more than welcome to rifle through anything of mine. You know that.”

  She handed him one of the mugs. “How do you do that so easily?”

  He took a sip of the hot chocolate. “Oh, that’s good. What is it that I do so easily?”

  “Cede your personal space and make me feel like I belong here.”

  “You do belong here. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for weeks now.”

  “You really believe that, don’t you?”

  Tyler put his mug on the counter and slid his arms around her. “When I was building this place . . .” His voice trailed off and he looked away, as if he’d thought better of whatever he was going to say.

  “Tell me.”

  He looked down at her, handsome, adorable and sincere, like always. “I pictured you here.”

  Shock reverberated through Charley. “That was years ago! Before you ever even asked me out the first time.”

  Shrugging, he said, “I pictured you here.”


  He kissed the words right off her lips, keeping her pressed tightly to him as he devoured her. Tasting of chocolate and Baileys and Tyler, he thrust his tongue into her mouth. He kissed her until she forgot what she’d been about to say, until his hands were under her sweater and his lips were on her neck, clearing her mind of every thought except for one. He’d pictured her here years ago.

  “Let’s go in the other room,” he said when he finally released her.

  It took a second or two for her brain to unscramble enough to take her mug as well as his outstretched hand and follow him into the living room.

  When they were settled on the sofa, he turned to her and caressed her face while gazing at her lips. “Do you want your present tonight or tomorrow morning?” he asked.

  “Oh. We’re doing presents?”

  “I got you a little something.”

  “I got you something, too,” she said with a teasing smile.

  His fingers slid through her hair. “Tonight or tomorrow?”

  “Right now.”

  “Okay then.” He got up and went into his office, returning with a big box that was wrapped in gold foil paper with a huge bow on top.

  “That is not a little something.”

  “I could always send it back if you don’t want it.”

  “Gimme,” she said, making him laugh. Knowing he did nothing halfway, her hands trembling ever so slightly, she removed the top lid to find a box full of smaller presents. “You said a little something. This is a lot of little somethings.”

  “Can still send it all back . . .”

  “Stop that foolishness.” She dove into the box, her excitement trumping the anxiety. Each gift that she opened proved how closely he paid attention to what she loved—some of the sexiest lingerie she’d ever seen, high-end bath oil and body lotion and a new pair of running shoes that were lighter than air.

  “You’ll be needing them again before you know it.”

  “I hope you’re right about that,” Charley said, examining the pink sneakers in detail.

  “Is that color okay?”

  “I love them. Thank you for all of this. You went way overboard.”

  “There’s one more in there, at the bottom.”

  She sifted through tissue paper to find the small remaining box. “Tyler . . .”

  “It’s not what you think, so don’t panic,” he said, laughing. “Just open it.”

  “Don’t make fun of me. This relationship business is all new to me, and I’m at a serious disadvantage here. You’re excellent at it, and I suck.”

  “You most definitely do not suck at it. You’re much better at it than you think, and you know how I know that?”

  Charley shook her head.

  “Because I’ve never been happier in my life, so you must be doing something right.”

  She smiled at him. “See what I mean? That, right there. A plus.”

  “Sorry. I’ll try harder not to be so good at this.”

  “Now that would just be silly. As long as you’re aware of who you’re dealing with, it’s all good.”

  His fingers continued to slide through her hair, making her want to purr from the pleasure he gave her with even the simplest of touches. “I’ve never been more aware of anyone. Ever. Now open your present.”

  Charley slid the bow off the small package and opened the box from a jewelry store. Inside was a platinum charm bracelet. “Oh, that’s beautiful.” She held it up for closer scrutiny, taking note of the various charms he’d chosen—a runner, first aid, crutches, snowflakes, a Christmas tree and a heart with his name engraved on it. “Tyler, this is amazing and so sweet!”

  “It’s our story—so far—but there’s room for more. Much more.”

  “I love it.” Charley hugged him. “Thank you.”

  “I’m glad you love it.”

  “I really do.” As she watched him put the bracelet on her arm, she wanted to tell him she loved him, too, but the words were frozen on her tongue. Saying them would change everything, and as much as she wanted to give him what he’d already given her, she couldn’t. She wasn’t ready to change everything. Not yet anyway. “Do you want yours now, too?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  Charley got up and limped into the bedroom where she’d hidden the presents she’d gotten for him, hoping he’d like them as much as she’d liked his. What did one get for the man who had two hundred million dollars? That question had kept her awake on more than one night recently. He’d done so much for her that she wanted to get it right. But as always where he was concerned, she questioned herself and her judgment.

  The Baileys and the fire had her feeling overheated, so she removed her sweater and tossed it on the bed. When she returned to the living room, Tyler immediately homed in on the tank top she wore. His attention made her nipples tighten with awareness. Naturally he noticed that, too.

  Making the slow walk across the room with two wrapped packages in hand, Charley’s nerves went berserk as she second-guessed one of the presents. Quadruple-guessed, she thought grimly. She’d rethought the wisdom of one of these gifts for days since the idea first came to her.

  “Why do you look like you’re walking to a firing squad?” he asked as she approached.

  “Because I’m quintuple-guessing the wisdom of one of these gifts.”

  “Do you think I won’t like it?”

  “Oh, you’ll like it. I’m just feeling a little . . . self-conscious, I guess.”

  “After everything we’ve done together, you still feel self-conscious around me?”

  She nodded. “About this. Yes.”

  “Now I’m crazy with curiosity. As you would say, gimme.”

  Charley handed him the first one and watched him unwrap the video game version of Risk that she’d found online.

  “This is awesome! I didn’t even know there was a video game.”

  “Do you have that game console?”

, I’ve got all of them. Boys and their toys,” he said with a sheepish grin. “I really love this, and I look forward to kicking your ass on the video version.”

  “The way you haven’t yet on the board version?”

  “Exactly. Gimme the other one.” He tugged on it and she held back, her face burning as she imagined his reaction. “Oh this must be good if your face turns bright red.”

  “First some backstory. Remember the day you went to help your brothers get a Christmas tree for your parents’ house?”


  “My cousin Izzy came over to see me that day.”

  “She’s the photographer, right?”

  “Yes, and she brought her camera so she could take some pictures of your view. While she was here, I asked if she might take a couple of photos of me, and well, she had a few ideas and we sort of got into it a little and well . . .”

  “Give me that gift, Charlotte. Right now.”

  The sexy, gravelly tone of his voice made her heart leap wildly as she handed over the package.

  He tore the paper off it and stared at the black-and-white photo of her, wearing a sexy black push-up bra and nothing else, wrapped up in the rumpled sheets on his bed. While the photo was tastefully done, it left the curve of her ass on subtle display. She’d worn smoky, sexy eye makeup and her hair was messy. She looked as if she’d just been thoroughly ravished.

  “Charley . . .” He continued to stare at it while his Adam’s apple moved in his throat. “Holy fuck,” he whispered. “Except for the real you, this is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “You like it?”

  “I love it.” He put his arm around her shoulders and drew her into a lusty kiss that set her on fire for him.

  Charley broke the kiss. “You won’t let anyone else see that, will you?”

  “Never. For my eyes only. Are there others?”

  “Maybe . . .”

  “I want them. I want all of them.”

  “I might be able to work out something with the photographer,” she said with a coy smile. “I know it’s not much, but what do you give the man who has everything?”

  “You gave me the one thing I want that I don’t completely have. You gave me you, Charley. What could be better than that?” He studied the photo again, as if he couldn’t get enough of it, running his fingers over the glass. “I love that you did this for me.”

  “I wanted you to see me without the leg brace and the ugly scar and the limp.”

  “I don’t see any of that when I look at you. That’s all temporary anyway.”

  Charley took the frame from him and put it on the coffee table. Then she took hold of his hands and tugged on them as she lay back on the sofa.

  Tyler willingly followed. “What’s on your mind, honey?”

  “You are. We are. I’m thinking a lot about what you said before.”

  “I hope that didn’t make this harder on you.”

  She squirmed against his erection. “It seems to have made it harder on you.”

  His bark of laughter drew a smile from her. “Baby, I’m always hard for you. All you have to do is breathe for that to happen, or walk into the room wearing this sexy shirt.” He dragged his finger over the tops of her breasts. “Are you ready for me?”

  “Always, it seems. I’m not quite sure how you do that.”

  “It’s magic between us. I feel it. Do you?”

  She nodded, unable to deny for another second the magnitude of what she felt for him. “Make love to me, Tyler.”

  He released a slow, shuddering breath and captured her mouth in a savagely passionate kiss. Her request had undone something in him, something wild and untamed, and she loved it.

  Clothes came flying off, pillows fell from the sofa, hands and lips and tongues aroused to the point of madness before he pounded into her and took them both on a crazy ride that ended in simultaneous cries of completion.

  “Jesus,” he whispered.

  Charley laughed at the astounded tone of his voice as he said the single word. She was feeling rather astounded herself at the moment.

  “We didn’t even get our pants off.” His jeans were down around his thighs. Hers were tangled around her left leg.

  “Your knee . . .”

  “Is fine. Everything is fine.”

  “Good,” he said, sounding relieved. “I didn’t mean to be so rough.”

  “I loved it.” Her fingers slid through the perspiration on his back while his chest hair tickled her breasts, making her squirm under him.

  He groaned, and his tongue touched the spot behind her ear, and just that quickly, she wanted him again.

  They began to move together, slowly this time. He gazed down at her, seeming to memorize her every expression, her every reaction.

  Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute he had chipped away at her defenses until all her walls had fallen, leaving her fully exposed to him in every possible way. A few weeks ago, the realization would’ve had her running from him as fast and as far as she could, injured knee or not.

  But now . . . Now things were different, and she had no desire to run. No, she wanted to stay forever, and that was far scarier than running had ever been.


  The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all.

  —Jawaharlal Nehru

  Christmas at the Abbott barn was madness. Tyler had thought his family was loud and boisterous, but the Westcotts had nothing on the Abbotts, who were joined this year by several additional extended family members who’d stayed in town after the wedding. Patrick Murphy spent the whole day glued to Mary’s side.

  “Are they dating?” Tyler whispered to Charley after dinner left most of the Abbotts in a turkey coma. Bodies were scattered throughout the great room, on every piece of furniture and the floor while a Christmas movie that no one was watching played on the TV.

  “I don’t know. I have to ask Cam.”

  Lucy’s dad, Ray, had spent much of the afternoon chatting with Charley’s aunt Hannah, while Emma and Grayson were huddled together on one of the sofas with her daughter Simone between them. Lucas Abbott was out cold in the middle of the living room floor. His twin was asleep on the floor of the den, where Hunter and Megan were snuggled in front of one of the two fireplaces that Colton had kept fed with wood all day.

  Gavin’s parents had come for dinner and were still at the dining room table with Molly, Lincoln and Elmer long after the others had headed for sofas and floors and other horizontal surfaces.

  Stepping over bodies, Max walked the floor with Caden, who’d been fussy all day. Molly said the baby was overstimulated by the noise and chaos of the holiday, so Max was trying to soothe him. Tyler wanted to offer to help the poor guy but didn’t feel it was his place. Not yet anyway. Maybe someday he’d be an official member of the Abbott family and Max would be his brother-in-law and Caden his nephew. Then he could offer to relieve the tired dad for a while, but for now, he held back, not wanting to overstep.

  Last night, on the sofa, he’d felt Charley’s surrender. He’d actually felt her let go and give in to the relationship she hadn’t wanted until it happened, but their accord was still fragile, and he had a long way to go in convincing her that his love for her would last a lifetime.

  He couldn’t wait for their trip to Boston tomorrow where he’d have her all to himself for a night—maybe two if he could talk her into staying longer. Tyler had spent hours planning their night away down to the last detail, and he couldn’t wait to leave in the morning.

  “Poor Max,” Charley said softly from their perch on the sofa. “He’s so exhausted.”

  “I was going to offer to relieve him for a while, but I didn’t know if that would be weird.”

  “That would be really nice. You should.”

  “Oh, okay.” Tyler kissed her cheek
, got up and stepped over Lucas to cross the room to where Max was standing in front of the biggest Christmas tree Tyler had ever seen.

  “Hey, Max, you want to take a break? I’d be happy to help. I’ve got lots of niece and nephew experience.”

  Max seemed surprised by the offer, but the surprise was soon replaced by gratitude. “Wouldn’t say no to that, Tyler. My arms are asleep, but he’s wide awake.”

  “Let me take a whirl. My sister Paula used to call me a baby whisperer because I was the only one who could get her older daughter to sleep.”

  “Work your magic,” Max said as he carefully transferred the tiny bundle into Tyler’s arms.

  “Go get a drink. You look like you need one.”

  Max laughed. “I need about ten.”

  “Start with one. We’ll be fine.”


  “Any time.” After Max had walked away, Tyler looked down at the big eyes looking up at him. “Hey there, little man. I’m Tyler, your aunt Charley’s boyfriend.” He walked through the big rooms that made up the first floor of the Abbotts’ barn, talking softly to the baby as he went, ending up in the mudroom where each of the ten Abbotts had a hook with their name on it. The hooks were laden with coats today.

  “I hope maybe someday I’ll be your uncle, but I shouldn’t say that out loud. Your aunt Charley isn’t like other women. She’s very, very special, and I have to be really patient with her. Someday you might love someone the way I love Charley, and you’ll know what I mean.”

  “So it’s love, huh?” a voice behind him said.

  Tyler turned and found Elmer smiling widely.

  “You heard that?” he asked, embarrassed to have been caught when he thought he had found the one unoccupied corner of the house.

  Charley’s grandfather smiled broadly. “I heard it, and I’m delighted. I had a feeling about you two kids.”

  “I know that feeling. I’ve had it for a while myself.” Tyler kept watch over Caden, whose eyes were beginning to get heavy.

  “So I’ve noticed, but our Charley . . . She hasn’t made it easy for you, has she?”


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