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This Plague of Days, Season Two (The Zombie Apocalypse Serial)

Page 27

by Robert Chazz Chute

  Special thanks to the beta teams who gave me early feedback on the advanced reading copies. A tip of the hat to Johnny, Sean and Dave at SPP for inspiring me to create This Plague of Days as a serial. More banana bread beer for horror author Armand Rosamilia for his support, advice and friendship.

  To J, C & C, only we will ever know all the sacrifices made. Mighty love to each of you.

  And last?

  For Father


  Author's Note?

  Previously, in Season One?

  Season 2, Episode 1?

  Miles away in the Last Cafe?

  We count every cost, each rueful day?

  But knowing will not lessen the surprise?

  When you see the truth beneath the guise?

  The puzzle is not Death, but Life neverlasting?

  The answer is under the stars and moon shadows casting?

  Light, revelation, and fearful truth?

  The stuff of old age and disappointed youth?

  In dreams we find the connection to what will last?

  What won’t survive and what’s best left in the past?

  Season 2, Episode 2?

  Adam is the first of the worst?

  As the Red Queen rises?

  Small heroes fall while villains gain bloody prizes?

  Wraiths and ravens stalk the dead?

  You might have lived, had you fled?

  Creatures of old return with a vengeance?

  Same appetites, plus dangerous sentience?

  Persuasive street preachers’ eyes shine?

  With truth, crocodile tears or persuasive lies??

  It’s a fight to devolve from monster to man?

  So few enter that battle, very few can.?

  Season 2, Episode 3?

  Ploys and traps, poisons and scandals?

  Death and disease, mires and mangles?

  Today’s solutions are tomorrow’s tangles?

  The webs we weave are deceits we can’t handle?

  The clues are there for the very aware?

  Grim fun is found between the scares?

  We are all bound for the ghost parade?

  Apple sauce and one last pink lemonade?

  These are the thoughts that keep us awake?

  We pray for sleep, our minds to take?

  Amid the birches, between the meanings?

  Sharpened teeth and thin clowns seething?

  With simple rhymes from simple minds?

  Complex weapons in displaced space and time?

  Season 2, Episode 4?

  When what dreams may come do not arrive?

  We pace the small hours in dreaded exercise?

  God’s too high to reach with tiny voices?

  Lament the living and their poor dead choices?

  He watches, but what good does that do?

  When you turn on a spit, turned into stew??

  The Nexus is the nerve plexus of hopes and dreams?

  Boils of hawks, clouds of bats and sentient trees?

  Fortress of Truthful Lies and Nightmare Screams?

  To the Dreamer, nothing is as it seems?

  Each one and everything is about something other?

  Mother, father, sister and strange brother?

  Season 2, Episode 5?

  The Last Cafe lies to the East?

  North of the Sun On Earth and the Queen Beast?

  We need guidance but we get silence?

  From You Know Who?

  About Who Knows What?

  While crazy prophets gain outrageous profits?

  Delivering kicks to your thin wallet and empty guts?

  To exorcise demons, we must stand up?

  We cannot refuse this overflowing cup?

  From Job to job, we’ve suffered and fought?

  From trees to thee, evolved and sought?

  Meaning to our lives amongst empty lines?

  Awake and drink deep to free your slave minds?

  From the Call, the Cull and unkind confines?

  If you liked this serial?

  To discover more?

  Acknowledgements and Dedication?




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