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Bear it All (The Hidden Pack)

Page 12

by Gracie Meadows

  “Put the gun away, Billy,” he growled. The knowledge that no matter how fast he was, he couldn’t save her from a bullet to the brain in a matter of seconds.

  “No, I don’t think I will. He is coming. The Master wants her, I have to give her to him. When he has her, he will kill you, all of you fuckers.”

  Grey was running out of options and quickly looked around the small cabin and spotted Lily. She didn’t look too bad, thank God. She had been hit across the face but she laid crumpled, tied to a heater. Emerson stood next to him growling and knew the man's puma was on edge like his bear was.

  He took a step closer and the gun barrel was pressed into her skull making her cry out. Her voice was horse.

  Sam made his way to the cabin after killing the stupid fucker who shot at him. Thankfully it was only a flesh wound to his side, but the bitch hurt. Taking the gun with him after he changed back to human, he found the cabin. Crouching low he spotted Billy holding Cece, but the fucker had a gun to her head. He knew Grey was losing it as his eyes changed and his fangs peeked out. Emerson had started to sprout fur, but Sam knew that neither one of them could outrun, or stop a bullet that close. With the gun in his hand, he took slow deep breaths and dropped down to the ground. Granted it was a small handgun, but it would work for what he needed it to. Calling on all his training, he aimed and shot the son of a bitch in his leg making him fall and drop the gun. Grey ran to Cece before she fell and Emerson charged Billy as he shifted to a puma.

  Running inside he stood next to Grey who was holding a mangled Cece. She had a pulse, but everything else was broken. Unsure of what to do, Sam grabbed a blanket off the small cot and let Grey wrap her up. He didn’t care anymore about Billy. Emerson was making a meal of him. Tiny and Axel came in and checked on Lily.

  “Damn it, man, there is nothing let of him,” Tiny yelled at Emerson who stopped breaking Billy apart. “We need your help, man.” This seemed to snap him out of his puma state and he shifted back, running to check on Cece.

  “We need to get her out of here and fast. She is losing some blood, and I don’t know how bad she is. Hurry.” Running out of the house everyone was stopped short when a man in a hooded cloak appeared.

  “This isn’t over, not by a long shot. I will have you all.” And just like that, he disappeared.

  “Not now, we need to get out of here.” Emerson pushed past him followed by Grey holding Cece and Tiny with Lily while Axel took the rear making sure no one followed.

  “Head to the hospital,” was the only command given as they took off.


  Cece woke feeling as if she had been put through a meat grinder and then fried on an open fire. Wanting to open her eyes, she found it rather difficult.

  “No, baby girl, you need to rest. Go back to sleep.” The soft lips of Sam hit her forehead and like that she was out again.


  The urge to pee woke her up again. Trying to sit up she winced at the pain that shot through her. Her arms hurt and she couldn’t put any weight on them.

  “Oh, love, you need to lay still.” Lay still my ass, she thought, she had to pee. Shaking her head she tried once again.

  “Cece, you need to not move.” The commanding voice of Grey made her want to laugh.

  “Pee,” she croaked out. Damn was that her voice?

  “Shit, okay, umm, let me get someone.” Opening her eyes, she saw she was in a hospital bed. This was new. She had always seen everyone being taken to a house or something to heal, not a hospital. She could hear hushed words being said and then Becky’s mom, Lisa, came in smiling at her.

  “Hey, pumpkin, let’s see what we can do to make you feel a little better, okay?” She went to say something, but was hushed before helped up and moved into the restroom. Her legs were shaky and it made her want to cry like a five year old who was just punished for coloring on the wall. After she finished her business and stood to wash her hands, Lisa came in again, this time Sam was there to help lift her. But even that hurt. Soon she was laying back down in bed.

  “How bad?” she managed to say.

  The sad look on Lisa’s face, and the really pissed off look on Sam’s face, lead her to believe it was pretty bad.

  “Well, you’re alive, that’s important.” Lisa kissed her forehead and then left. Turning she looked at Sam, and was happy to see Grey sitting on her other side.

  “You almost died, Cece,” Grey said in a tone that chilled her.

  “But I didn’t.”

  “He took pleasure in breaking a ton of your bones, you have been in and out of consciousness for the last five days. Emerson has been in and so has Lily and Xandria. It took all of them. ALL. OF. THEM. TO. SAVE. YOU.” Each word was said slowly threw gritted teeth, though she could tell the pain behind it. “He beat you to an inch of your life. Never again will I allow that to happen. Do you understand me?” Sam snapped.

  Staring at him dumbfounded, she could only whisper “yes” to try to reassure him. But what happened next startled her more. Sam sat on her bed, rested his head on her stomach, and cried. This man, who was larger than two of her, was crying, for her. Unable to stop herself she ran her fingers through his hair trying to calm him while he held her waist gentle crying into her.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Big gold eyes snapped up and looked at her. “You’re sorry, baby girl, you scared the shit out of me, I died ten time since now and I, I love you so damn much. The thought of not having you is something I don’t ever want to face.” She smiled the best she could, wiping away his tears. Risking a quick glace she saw that Grey too had teary eyes as well.

  Taking a deep breath, she was able to whisper, “I love you both too,” smiling shyly at them. It seemed to ease some of Sam’s tension and he just held her kissing her eyes, her nose, her jaw, her chin, and lastly a tender kiss on her lips.


  “Sam, I can walk you know.” Sam did know, but she had been in the hospital a whole week after she woke fully and home for four days now. She was better at walking, and because of whatever voodoo magic Xandria and the others did, she was almost completely healed. However, that didn’t stop him from carrying his mate around the house.

  “I know, baby girl, but humor me this time. I like having you in my arms. It feels right.”

  “Okay, Sam.”

  “He still babying you, love?” Grey asked as he walked into the kitchen from outside.

  “Yup, but its okay. I understand. If something happened to you I would do the same thing.” Sam set her down on a chair and went to get her a drink of juice.

  “Well, how about we go out tonight. I know a few people who are dying to see you.” Sam knew the girls were nervous about seeing Cece. Becky especially. It seemed she felt it was her fault for not catching any issues sooner, and Millie thought the same thing. Despite what their mates told them, Sam didn’t think they would be satisfied until Cece herself told them she was okay.

  “Sure, can I walk then?” smirking at them, before she drank her juice.

  “Well, okay I guess.” With everyone laughing, it seemed things were starting to pick up.


  Grey helped Cece walk into Becky’s parents’ house. He was happy she stuck to simple flat shoes, but a dress that he wanted to peal her out of. As much as his body and bear craved her intermittently, he knew it was best to wait a little bit to make sure she was fully recovered.

  “I should have brought something over.” He watched as she fussed with her dress and hair. She was simply adorable. Her concern was always about others instead of herself. While she was in the hospital she needed to see Lily to make sure she was okay and that Billy hadn’t harmed her, then she wouldn’t settle until she knew that Axel and Tiny didn’t get hurt fighting for her. Thank goodness Emerson told her to chill out or he would keep her ass in longer, she settled down.

  The night dragged on in the normal fashion, well minus alcohol for the women, which he heard was odd. He would have loved to have seen
what it would have been like to see those three causing trouble together. He thought they were bad now, but he couldn’t imagine them drunk on top of it. As the night wore on, Cece started to tire as did the other woman. He scooped up his mate and thanked everyone before heading home. He had never been so thankful to everyone for helping with the bar while they were out.

  Setting his now sleeping mate inside the truck, they made their way home.

  “You think she is really all right now?” Sam asked from the backseat.

  “Emerson assured us she was. We just need to move on. We have a bigger threat ahead of us, and we need to make sure everyone is aware of things. One day at a time, man, that’s what I am going to do.”

  “Sounds like a game plan, one day at a time.”

  “I like that too. Love you,” Cece mumbled in her sleep. She was a treasure and one he was glad he found. Pulling into the driveway he took a deep breath.

  Home—a word with meaning now. It wasn’t a house, but a real home. One that he would make with Cece and his best friend. What more could a bear want?


  The Master looked out over the compound. Things were coming along, but he wanted the final pieces to come out and reveal themselves. The Keeper was needed, as well as the others. Not many knew who was left, but he would acquire the witch, the half-breed, and the breeder. All would be his to create his army. As he watched, he knew the breeder was coming home. The stupid bitch didn’t even know who her father worked for. All would be revealed soon, and then the town, the pack, and everyone would bow down to the Master and he would be the ultimate power.

  Books by Gracie Meadows

  The Hidden Pack

  Dreamwalker's Duo

  Awakened by a Dream

  Panther Protection

  Bear it All

  Heels for Hire, Inc.

  Covered by Bubbles

  Eyes on the Target

  Stand Alones

  Till My Last Breath

  Valentine's Day Anthology

  Cowboys Candy

  Roping Candy's Heart

  Vampire Lords by Jana Leigh Gracie Meadows

  Sinful's Desire

  Would love to hear from you!




  Excerpt from Dreamwalker's Duo

  The Hidden Pack Book One

  by Gracie Meadows

  It was odd to have a brother. All she had ever known of shifters were that for some odd reason only a single child could be born, and even that was hard to do. Mike had called her a little wonder because she just left people wondering how she came to be. Her mom would swear up and down the great Luna had sent her to them for a reason. Either way, here she was, getting ready to celebrate her twenty-fifth birthday this weekend with a giant BBQ—country style.

  “Oh come on, squirt, you know I can’t resist chocolate. Especially when I know you made it. And if I am not mistaken there’s a hint of Kahlua in there. I swear it is a good thing you are moving out. It saves me from coming over here and eating the—whatever you are mad at—baked items. Anyway, I have to work tonight so I can’t stay to long. I just came over because mom said you needed to talk to me, and that something needed to be pulled out of the attic. She’s on one of those kicks again. She mentioned that she was turning your bedroom into a sewing room to allow more space for her office,” he said as he swiped his finger through the frosting of the cake one more time humming in appreciation.

  “I’ll save you a piece. Anyway yes, I need your help putting my TV on my wall. It seems I need a stud finder, whatever that is, because I just keep putting holes in my damn wall, and I don’t want to inflict more damage than I have to,” she explained.

  Mike nodded and soon the two of them chatted a couple more minutes while she put the lasagna in the oven for dinner. Lost in thought about what she wanted for her birthday, Mike brought up ideas for him to bring to the BBQ. He had threatened to get her a puppy, but even she laughed because she was more of a cat person. This was something they had argued about even as children. She wanted a cat, he wanted a puppy, but in the end, their mom had decided on a fish tank. After that, they learned if they had issues with something not to let mom know. It worked out for both of them in the long run.

  “Sure I can come over in morning after my shift if that’s okay. It will save me from having to back track home. Do you want me to bring over coffee as well,” he chuckled. He knew her dark secret. Never disturb her until after she had a cup of coffee, well unless you wanted to have your balls shoved down your throat.

  She nodded in agreement and soon she caught the smell of something. It wasn’t the food, she was about to tell Mike, when a small rumbling sound caught her attention. She turned to stare at a man still in police uniform. He wore dark blue pants, followed by a dark blue uniform shirt with short sleeves. He looked like his arms were going to tear out of them by his bulging biceps. She continued her gaze upward. He had a strong jawline with big full lips that were slightly parted. Finally she looked into his eyes. The gray eyes looked back at her holding her attention. Not only was she lost in the depth of them but she felt the air leave her lungs as if she couldn’t catch her breath along with the smell of burnt wood assaulting her senses. Mike's coughing brought her out of her trance.

  The stranger smiled and looked at her brother as Mike spoke, “Um…sorry, dude, I meant to come back in. This is my baby sister, Becky. Beck, this is Dmitri Daciani, he and his brother just transferred from up north,” Mike stated as he made introduction.

  Dmitri stuck out his hand to her and she hesitated for a minute. She felt a sudden pull from within. Why was she drawn to him? Not wanting to appear rude because let’s face it, her dad would ream her up one side and down the other if she was. She placed her hand in his and shook it. Suddenly a warmth spread through her body as a spike of adrenaline pulsed through her veins.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Becky. Mike failed to mention he had such a beautiful sister,” he stated with a smile as he took her hand, flipped it over and oh so gently brought it up to his lips and placed a small kiss on the inside of her wrist. The zap of electric currently pulsated through her arm all the way down to her now throbbing sex, causing her to gasp and for him to rumble deep in his chest. What the hell just happened? She pulled her hand back quickly. Damn it, he is part of the real Neanderthal club! Shit…shit…shit.

  Excerpt for Covered by Bubbles

  Heels for Hire, Inc. Book One

  By Gracie Meadows

  “Don’t scream, if you do I will slit your fucking throat. We are going to have a little fun, you and I.” She wasn’t able to turn, but she could see the man through the reflection on her car window, and the knife sparkled from the light of the sun. Bubbles didn’t panic, but now she wished she hadn’t disconnected the mic to the girls. She stumbled back with the man as he started to pull her to a side alley that was blocked by the sun, creating a dark deserted area, perfect for assholes like this one to take unsuspecting women. There was one thing this asshole didn’t know—she was not some helpless woman. She was raised with all men after her mother died in a car accident. Her father was military and she had three older brothers, who right now were in various locations. Needless to say, she learned to shoot and fight better than most men. She just needed the perfect opportunity, and unfortunately next to her car was not one. Looking around, she saw the ground was uneven. Thank you, Rainbow, for the heels, and I promise to buy you a new pair. She found a small crack and dug her heel in, making him jerk when she couldn’t move. He let go of her to grab her boot and lift it out of the hole, and that is when she made her move.

  Bubbles brought her other knee to the man’s nose, making him cry out as blood started to spray her shoes. Bringing her hands together, she struck him in the middle of his back, bringing him down to the ground with a thud. The guy dropped the knife,
and she quickly kicked it away, then grabbed hold of his arms and twisted them behind his back. The man yelled in pain as Bubbles pushed her knee into his back trying to keep him in place. The man started yelling numerous curse words that she could almost guarantee he couldn’t spell. She reached over and tried to grab her purse to call the girls, and to call the police, but at the same time the man kicked back, bucking her off and she slipped off him. Fucking dress. She couldn’t move in the damn thing.

  Tumbling back, she scrambled to the ground trying once again to reach her purse, which had her phone and gun. She never left home without both of them. The man jumped and reached for his knife, coming at her just as she reached for her gun. He froze when he saw her shiny Glock pointed right at his dick. Yeah, asshole, move and I will blow your pencil dick into a million pieces, it would only make this day a whole lot better. Keeping her eyes on his, he moved and she kept pace with him with her gun as she twisted and turned on her ass to try to stay with him. She could feel her ass getting scrapped up from the cement, but it was nothing compared to knowing the asshole would have no issues putting a knife in her. Keeping her eyes right on him, she steadied herself.

  “Looks like we are at an impasse, asshole. I say put down the knife before you hurt yourself or I put a bullet in your dick.” She thought maybe rationalizing with him would help, but nope, he seemed a little desperate at that point. Blood still poured out of his nose, which was obviously broken.


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