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The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2)

Page 4

by Eden Rose

  Ever since then, I haven't been able to keep a relationship with anyone. Some guys tried to make it work but as soon as they find out what I do for a living, they either get too nosy or seem scared. There is no happy medium.

  Steve followed me into my bedroom and I threw his rope for him. He chased it under my bed and it got lost.

  I am laughing at Steve when Christine came in with a big smile on her face.

  "Let's go to the piano bar. We are going to walk." She stood there watching me throw clothes around my room until I found a pair of jeans that made me feel sexy. Christine followed me over to Steve and watched me put him in his crate. As we walked out she finally told me what is on her mind. "He asked about you."

  We were ascending the stairs and by the time we got to the bottom I finally had a response. "Right." So, it isn't clever but it is what I had. Grant is a touchy subject.

  "He is moving out here too. Maybe we can have him stay with us for a while until he gets on his feet." Christine is never this nice.

  I ignored and tried to keep up with her big steps. "Hello! I'm short here!" She stops and puts her arm around my shoulder.

  "Come on, shrimp." As I slap her, we walk into the bar. "Hi, Alex!" She flirts with this bartender that has it so bad for her that it is ridiculous. He excuses himself and then comes back with our drinks.

  "Wow. When are you going to give the guy a taste?" We sat down at a table and she laughs at me. "Come on, the poor kid has it bad."

  She pushed my arm and I almost fell out of my chair. "I will give him a chance when you admit that you still have a thing for Grant!"

  Grant. Oh, shit. There is no amount of denial that could mask that he actually hurt me. I was not one to be in a relationship and it isn't as if I were expecting us to run away and get married. However, I did expect us to try and see what is going to happen with us. We were best friends and then after we slept together I only thought that would deepen our relationship.

  "Hey," a hand touches my back and I turn to see Colin. "I thought that is you."

  Colin is with another guy that is equally attractive as him and is checking Christine out. I could already hear the gears turning in his mind as he sized up my friend. I want so badly to tell him to piss off. Christine is not the type to give it all away.

  "Hi. How are you? This is my friend, Christine." I turned to look at his friend. "Hi, I'm Chloe. I work with Colin."

  "Justin," the other man said.

  His fingers traced the back of my neck carefully. It tickled. "Can we buy you ladies a drink?" Colin asked as they sat on each side of the booth. Colin sat by me, obviously.

  We drank a few rounds and flirted. Colin is very grabby tonight and it is interesting to see him this way. It might have been the vodka talking, but I pulled his face into mine and kissed him. When I backed out of this kiss, he pulled me back in.

  I wanted to tell him to not make a big deal out of this but I didn't. He put his hands around my waist and I fell into him more to deepen the kiss. My legs were slightly parted, and he slipped his hand up them to play with my inner thighs. Colin slipped his hand towards my zipper and I encouraged him by letting out a little moan. I dug my fingers into his neck as he gives me a bruising kiss and started to undo my zipper.

  Mindless... A mindless night with a coworker. People do that, right? However, I am not mindless. I kept thinking of Grant and the way his lips felt on me. All over me. When I closed my eyes while kissing Colin, I could see Grant and the way he looked at me after we had sex. His eyes showed me everything he's feeling and in those moments I felt it too.

  "Chloe, I missed you," Colin said against my lips and I withdrew my hands from his neck and pushed on his chest. There it was! He ruined a no strings attached kind of relationship and I am not going to do this shit with him. If I couldn't have made a relationship with my best friend work, how am I supposed to do this with someone who thinks they like me because I'm always down?

  "We talked about this. Colin, you know how I feel..."

  Colin pulled on my waist more to pull me back in but I didn't follow. "I just thought... I just thought that we could..."

  "Could what? Date? Be boyfriend and girlfriend?" I had to be as blunt as possible. I looked over at my friend for help but she had her tongue down his friend's throat. Some friend.

  "We don't have to be any of that. I just want you to say that you won't see anyone else."

  I jumped out of his hold and walked out of the booth. This is too much. I'm not ready to be monogamous. This is insane. Too much. It's time to run. How could I be in a relationship with anyone? I don't even understand the fundamentals of the whole thing.

  Now, it's not as if I'm trying to hook up with the whole male population or anything. It's more of an options concept. In my line of work, relationships don't usually work and with two people who work at the same place... that's like signing a suicide note. Colin will make one girl very happy... but unfortunately, I'm not going to be that girl.

  On my way back to my apartment, I walked by myself. It is getting cold since my buzz is wearing off and I shivered. Walking home this late is like asking to be assaulted but I had no other way to get home. Also, going back to the bar to wait for Christine did not sound appealing because I will probably run into Colin.

  Due to what I see and hear at work, I'm constantly scanning my surroundings. I held my phone in my hand and my car key in my right in between index and middle finger. Since it is midnight, it is only to be expected to see the normal street punks on the side of the road and my expectations are right.

  "Hey, honey! You lookin' to party?" I ignored the voice and kept walking. When I got to my block, someone grabbed my elbow and pulled me around. This is a kid. Probably eighteen and out on the streets. Where are the parents at? "Honey, I am talkin' to you!" He rubbed my elbow harder and I tried to think if I should let this fool finish or defend myself. I will let him finish. "You want to come back to my place and party? You are so sexy!" His hand trailed down and up my arm.

  Time to shut him down. "Sweetheart, I'm so out of your league that you wouldn't know what to do with me in order to keep up," I pushed his hand off of me and walked away.

  Ever persistent, "Hey! Haven't you heard of the whole teacher student thing? I can be your student..."

  I reached into my purse and grabbed my wallet. "Okay, we can party. How about you tell me your name?" I turned to face him and pulled my wallet out.


  After opening my wallet, I flashed my badge. "Did you still want to party?"

  Travis looked at the badge and his eyes bugged. "Sorry!" He ran away and this left me to walk in peace with a smile on my face. The badge always worked.



  The punching bag swings in the humid air as I rear up to hit it again. My aggression has gone through the roof since I heard the news that fate wanted to throw me off. Yup, fucking fate wanted to dangle the forbidden fruit in my face.

  Quickly, I shower and get dressed in the locker room at the agency. Every day is the same. I get up and go work a swing shift. I'm hoping for a promotion so I won't have to live like this anymore, but who knows what will happen.

  I heard that Chloe is coming to do a sting here. The chief told me and also told me that I needed to pretend that we didn't know each other. So many things have changed since then so pretending shouldn't be too hard. Hell, she won't have a problem since she ignored me after I sunk deep inside her snug body.

  Was she seeing someone? Maybe she got married... Yeah, right. Chloe would never get married. What does that mean for me? Her face would sometimes flash in my mind and I want to kiss her so bad.

  Those luscious lips would tempt the devil into being good.

  I couldn't help but remember how she felt under me. Her little body so snug under me. I could still hear her moaning in my ear after four years. Shit. I need to stop. I will be walking around with a boner.

  My mind drifted back to Kayla. Kayla is beautiful
and a good fling however she isn't Chloe. Of course since Chloe isn't here, I needed something to occupy my time. Things with Kayla were difficult especially when I told her that I am moving to Denver and leaving this precinct. She isn't very happy, but I knew if I didn't accept this offer that I would regret it. I knew in the back of my mind that by my moving to Denver, I am hoping to be around Chloe again.

  Chief Thomas walked into the office space and stopped in front of two people. From the way the heels clacked on the floor, I knew one of them had to be a girl. "Detective Burke. What a pleasure to have you here."

  "Its nice to be here. This is my husband, Joe. Should we speak in private?" Fuck. That is her. She is still tiny and adorably hot. However, now she is confident in the way she walked and demanded attention. People snapped their heads up to take in turned girl and all I wanted to do is call her out.

  Call her out for snubbing me after I made her come on my dick so many times. Call her out for how I fucked her pussy with my mouth and let everyone know that my dick has already been there. Call her out for...

  Damn it.

  I raked her body over with my eyes and undressed her as well. Chloe would look good spread out on my desk. I noticed that she changed some with her body but she is still beautiful, her curves were more defined but soft and her legs were much more muscular than in college. She looks better now that she has filled out more. I like my women with a curve. This is going to be hard...

  Speaking of hard... Maybe I'm going to have to take care of this.

  "Sure, I will get your mentor. Officer Brandon? Come on," I peeked around the corner and seen her eyes get huge.

  My boss is a sadist! Whatthefuckisthisshit?

  Chloe looked at me when I walked into the room. She watched my movements and did a pecker check. Oh yeah, she remembers. I caught her twitching the corner of her lips as she took her gaze up to my mouth.

  "Hi," she immediately went into business form. "I am a Detective Katie Burke. Nice to meet you," she held her hand out and I shook her hand while trying to not linger on it. It didn't work. Her fingers dragged along the muscles of my hand and it took everything in me to not kiss her.

  I stared at her mouth as she talked. It looked so juicy and I wanted to kiss it right here. I remember her lips sliding down my... Fuck.

  "Nice to meet you too. Let's go to that meeting room."

  The chief led them over to the room and I walked behind her. Chloe had a beautiful ass and I can tell she started working out again. Christine mentioned that she isn't seeing anyone exclusively. Maybe... calm down.

  "As you know, I'm Special Agent Chloe Delacruz. I'm here for an open and shut internal affairs case. William is my assistant and he will be my acting husband." William sat behind her and I found it funny how he's afraid of this little woman. "You guys will pretend that I'm here because he or I are looking to transfer. While I'm here, you are to never call me by my real name. If you jeopardize my case, you will be putting your career in danger. And I won't hesitate to report this to my director," she took a break and sipped her water. "I need to be placed with Officer Castle."

  The chief let her speak and I watched her as she explained what she is doing here. It is so hot to hear her speak fed.

  "Grant, go get Castle."

  I stood up and walked over to where Chloe was. "Did you want a tour?" She shook her head and then looked away from me. Fuck me. She is still stubborn.

  "Wait, you all should exchange numbers," the chief suggested.

  I pulled out my phone and she pulled out two. After she wrote down two numbers she handed me a piece of paper. "The top number is my alias number and the bottom is my personal. You can text me to give me your number that way." With that, she turned away from me.

  Castle came running over to me and punched me in my arm. "Yo, who is pint size? Do you think she is seeing anyone?"

  Chloe would break him in four pieces if he tried to get on her. This could be fun.

  "I am pretty sure she is married, but maybe you should ask her if she wants a dick on the side."

  "Brandon, do you think you could put in a good word for me?" Castle is really close to my ear so I pushed him away from me with my forearm.

  "Get your own booty calls. Come on, they want to talk to you."

  We walked back to the room and Chloe sat up straighter. She looked at me and I winked at her, instantly she blushed. Oh yeah, she isn't seeing anyone. This is going to be fun. Her mouth curved on the side and I watched as she eyed me down. To give her a better look, I stretched my back out to show her my newly defined abs that I got from not drinking all the time in school. She let out a little noise from her chest and quickly looked away from me.

  "Hi, I'm Detective Kate Burke. I will be your shadow for a few days," she stood up and straightened out her jacket.

  Castle looked her up and down which I thought is funny because as far as he knew William is her husband. "Officer Frank Castle. Welcome. I can honestly say that I have never had such a beautiful shadow before."

  Chloe coughed and smiled big. "Do the words sexual harassment mean anything to you?"

  Castle looked at me and I shrugged. He will have to do with her wrath all on his own. She had a wicked temper when we lived together and I wouldn't be surprised if her fed training made her temper worse.

  "I am sorry. Let's start over. Come on, I will show you your desk," he picked up her briefcase but she took it from him. "Sorry, I am just trying to help, pint size."

  "Castle, I'm not the person you want to piss off. Let's go."

  I followed them out and into our office space. My desk is in the same space so I get to act like her mentor that way.

  Castle is discussing everything in the agency from where the gym is to where we ate lunch. She gave him a blank stare and took her computer out. I found it funny how her assistant followed behind her but I found it annoying when I caught him checking out her ass.

  About two hours into our new shift, she spoke. "I am hungry. Where is a good pizza place?"

  "You have a body like that and eat pizza? Damn."

  I took out my phone to text Chloe and seen that there is a text from Christine.

  Christine: How is it going? I didn't tell her you worked at the agency. Is she pissed?

  Me: I don't think so. She keeps looking me up and down. Man, she is still hot.

  Christine: She has changed since you stopped talking to her.

  Me:What does that mean?

  Christine: You will have to find out for yourself.

  I got out of our conversation on my phone and sent Chloe a message.

  Me: Ignore him, he thinks you're hot and now you are a game to him.

  She is laughing as she read it.

  Chloe: Yeah right. Well play ball because he won't be sleeping with me.

  After the message got sent to me, I laughed and tried to think of something to say. I have been dying to know if she were sleeping with someone and I think this is the time to ask.

  Me: Are you sleeping with someone?

  She smirked at her phone and then set it down. "How about you guys go get some lunch for us? I like anything on a pizza."

  My personal partner came in and looked Chloe up and down then smiled at me. "Hey, tonight at Mully's? We have to break the newbie in with style!" He winked at me. I hope he didn't remember her from college. Her eyes bugged out and she raked him over.

  "Hey, can you show me where the female locker room is?" She stood up and walked over to James. He held out his hand and she shook it.

  "Detective Howard James. Nice to meet you."

  "Detective Katie Burke." She walked out of the office space and he followed her.

  "Come on, let's get that pizza," I said to Castle. This is going to be a long sting. I still had to find a way to tell her that I'm moving to Denver and will be working in her bureau. Shit.

  She came storming down the hall and I took in her face. As I braced myself for her attack, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a conference room.
When she closed the door with her foot, she dropped her hold on my shirt. I already missed her hand on me.

  "Why did you not tell me the reason you are moving to Denver?" Each word is spelled out like they are individual sentences.

  I leaned against the door. "This move has nothing to do with you. I got offered a job and I took it." Which is true, this move does not have anything to do with her.

  "What division are you going to be in?" She came over to me and pushed on my stomach.

  My breathing stuttered as her fingers touched me. "Chloe, you know that we are going to be partners, don't you?" I didn't want to bring it up to her because I'm not sure how she is going to react. Well, I guess I got my answer. And she didn't react well.


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