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Kodiak: Infinity Verge Trilogy: Book I

Page 18

by DJ Morand

  Abel reveled at the beauty of the planet. The swirling purple in the clouds and the lush green valleys below the mountains were a stark contrast to the dark space around him and the Kodiak. He considered calling Zee to come and look at what he was viewing, but he didn’t want to disturb him.

  The battle had taken a toll on them all and their nerves were strained.

  Escaping had been too easy, he thought. He was reluctant to request an approach vector just yet. He felt there was still something he didn’t know - some unforeseen danger. He contemplated the events that led the trio to this point. The sudden appearance of Echo Shade, daughter of the man who had sworn to hunt him down, unnerved him in the least. At the same time he felt a bond with her, maybe more than mere attraction.

  He couldn’t really be certain what he felt. It was all mired in excitement, near death experience, and flight from enemies. What had they really accomplished? Echo showed up and requested help, then left abruptly. She saddled him with news of her father’s demise, along with the loss of his life’s work. To top it off Echo had given him a pardon and a request to rejoin the EFNF.

  He didn’t know what to think about it. If he was honest with himself, he didn’t trust her and he certainly didn’t trust the EFNF. Zee seemed to trust Echo and that was almost enough for Abel - almost. He honestly wanted to believe that Echo was here for his help, but something felt wrong about her presence - like she was hiding something.

  It was that nagging feeling in the back of his mind that wanted to lash out or at the least get her off the ship. She was a capable pilot and an excellent crew member. He could use someone like her on the Kodiak, if only to give Zee a break from managing both defense and offense. Abel sat up from his chair and decided that he was going to have a talk with Echo.

  He descended the ladder to crew berthing and found that Echo was already awake. She was sitting up in her bunk and scanning through a Transfilm, a thin piece of electronic film made of a thinner, more flexible metal than Transteel, but otherwise serving the same function. He noted that the text was Quintarran in nature and he watched curiously for a few moments. Confident that it wasn’t anything important he cleared his throat. Echo looked up, as if she knew he was there already.

  “Hello Captain.” She said lightly.

  “Hello Captain.” He said in kind.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” she inquired. Abel shifted from one foot to another. Her voice was so melodic he forgot what he had come to ask. He imagined her in his arms and the curve of her breast against his chest. He must have blushed because she let a small smile play across her lips. Clearing his mind he took a deep breath fixing her with a serious look. The smile faded into a curious expression.

  “I need some answers. Admiral Shade would not have signed off on your search for me and I do not recognize the Vice Admiral’s signature on this pardon.” Abel began, holding up the Transfilm pardon that had been a part of Echo’s package she had left with Zee, “I think there is more to the story than you are telling me.” Echo took a deep breath and stood up to face Abel.

  “There is more to the story, a lot more.” She started. “I think it is time we had a long discussion. The EFNF is not whole, it has split into several factions. One of these was led by my father, another by the officers of the Terran Veil and other military vessels…” Abel nodded. He had figured there would be a lengthy explanation.

  * * *

  Quintar VII Orbit - Kodiak: Command Deck

  2972 ESD - Tuesday, November 10th 03:31 hours

  Several hours and a few cups of coffee later Abel stared at Echo. She had explained much of the political and military maneuvering in the EFNF since he had left nineteen years ago. Echo explained that her father had decided, alone, to eliminate the EXO Shield. She cringed when Abel asked if it was because of him and she had to confirm his suspicions. She explained that despite having wed a Quintarran woman, James Shade had never come to fully trust the people enslaved by the AI. Echo then dropped one of the largest details she had been withholding; she told Abel about a remnant of Quintarrans who had not been influenced by the AI. This group, although small, had maintained the level of Quintarran technology without utilizing nanites.

  “The Remnant has been a part of your Exodus Fleet since the first foray into Quintar Prime space. They arrived in secret and swore my father and the rest of the leading members to secrecy. My mother was a part of that remnant, and shortly after meeting the Admiral, they fell in love.” She had not realized it would be so liberating to tell this part of the story. Abel took it all with a grain of salt, somewhere in the back of his ever-working mind, he had figured out the details. It did not surprise him overly much.

  Echo continued to tell Abel of how the EFNF had split into thirds. A faction to follow Admiral Shade, a faction paired with the remnant, and a third faction that colonized Eden and Quintar VII. Abel had known about both planets near the edge of the Quintar Prime system. He had even worked with the Exodus faction on Eden for a time before things went awry. Echo was explaining the intricacies of the politics and the creation of a second fleet to rival that of Admiral Shade’s supporters - as well as the EXOs - when Abel interrupted.

  “So you’re telling me the EFNF is fractured into several different military forces? How is that even possible? A second fleet? I did not even realize that manufacturing had begun on new vessels, let alone weaponry. The last I knew the Kodiak was the last military vessel created.”” Abel asked incredulously.

  “We were preparing for an EXO invasion. Many of the weapons are low yield and designed to shut down electrical impulses. The EFNF wanted to a find a cure for the EXOs. Others wanted to eliminate them.” Echo sighed, “There were several inner conflicts and finally the true EFNF,” she had referred to the Remnant and the EFNF Alliance as the true EFNF several times, “broke off from my father and settled on Quintar IV. We set up a base of operations there and implored my father to reconsider his choice to continue a genocidal path against the EXOs.” Echo finished.

  “You’re telling me that the great Admiral Shade went against the people and they left as I did?” Abel seemed confused. Admiral Shade had been a man of action and the people loved him. This sat wrong with him. Abel, despite his voiced disgust for Admiral Shade, still looked up to the man. This course of action left him feeling as empty as when he found out James Shade was dead.

  “It’s been a very long time Abel. My father was not the same man that cast you out, but he was still stubborn and the lives lost at the hands of Alek Vale and the AI were still too much for him to forgive. The EFNF broke away from him, leaving him with a small fleet. I think that is why he took the measure he did to destroy Quintar V. As you know by now, he failed.” Echo had tears in her eyes. “My mother wouldn’t leave his side, so they both died thinking they were eliminating the threat, but in truth they only unleashed it. Our intelligence says that Alek Vale escaped from Quintar V.” she lowered her head in sorrow. Then with a sort of determination looked up at him again.

  “I was sent on a two-fold mission. The first was to establish a link with the Sol System, the second was to enlist your help. After I found out what I did…” She said cryptically.

  Abel looked thoughtful. Something about this information unsettled him and made him feel like he’d been a selfish child. In truth, he had been. He was sure this is what was most unsettling. While Humans and Quintarrans alike were squabbling over who was right, he was out here preying on the EXOs inciting their wrath, and likewise preying on his own kind to fuel his revenge. He was a pirate and he was a fool.

  “This is a lot to take in Echo. We’re still heading for Quintar VII, but I will consider what you’ve told me. Thank you for telling me everything.”” Abel was sincere in his words, but his heart was still conflicted. “Wait, what did you discover? After you started your mission.” he asked and then clarified.

  “When I left to start my missions, I intercepted a transmission from an EXO source. I had been ordered to
radio silence until the first comm relay was placed. I sent word back to Quintar IV and I was tasked with finding you.” She paused trying to collect her thoughts. ““The EXOs believe that the hybrid of Quintarran and human nanites in your system is the mark of their undoing, or everyone else’s undoing. With what I have discovered from you, and from Zee, that research is also on the Kodiak.” She paused again, sighing. “That was months ago and I don’t know what they’ve been up to since I haven’t been able to report …” she let it hang in the air.

  “What if you had made contact with the Earth Coalition or the Outer Mars Federation? What were you going to tell them?” Abel asked, changing the subject.

  “To be honest … I don’t know. Everything I guess.” Echo shrugged.

  “The Sol System needs to stay out of this. Can you imagine if the EXOs got hold of the factories there!? They could be putting out dreadnoughts of their own and we wouldn’t be able to stop them. It is bad enough they have the Infinity.””

  “The Infinity?” Echo asked.

  “It was a carrier ship, the only one part of the Exodus Fleet, it was the first to fall to Alek Vale. It was why we were unable to turn back the tide. The sheer number of fighters on that ship alone are enough to challenge an EFNF dreadnought, if there were any left - your father blew the last one up. Enough of this talk though. We’ll take the fight to them soon enough and when we do we’ll have a plan.” Abel declared.

  “The true EFNF doesn’t want to kill them Abel. They want to cure them.” Echo said solemnly.

  “I’m not sure it is possible Echo. I don’t know if I have any more ideas for reversing the process and as far as the research and my nanites …… I don’t know.”

  “What about the upgrade to Zee’s nanites? The one that freed him from the AI?” Echo pleaded.

  “The AI wasn’t as invasive as the EXO virus. The fix was implemented before Alek Vale merged with the AI. It’s evolved; adapted. If I were to apply the fix now the results could kill them all, change them back, or simply do nothing. We’re going to have to catch one for me to be able to even start on a fix.” It was Echo’s turn to be thoughtful. If she could get back in contact with the EFNF she may be able to garner them some assistance.

  “Understood. We should land and get the supplies we need.” Echo offered Abel an exit to the conversation. In truth she was starting to think thoughts outside the mission parameters again and she’d rather not be alone with the Captain, not until she’d figured out what it was she was feeling.

  “Right. See you on the command deck.” Abel said abruptly. He was dealing with conflicting feelings himself and it was just as well that she ended the conversation. He turned on his heel and headed for the command deck. Looking around he thought that perhaps he spent too much time alone with Zee on the Kodiak.


  Quintar VII - Kodiak: Kodiak Entry Vector

  2972 ESD - Tuesday, November 10th 07:20 hours

  The crew of the Kodiak did not encounter any issues entering the atmosphere. All queries for an approach vector went unanswered, so Abel was surprised when a communication line came through his system.

  “Unidentified URSA GS-I class gunship. You are ordered to land at the following coordinates: Bravo Delta Echo Four Niner. Keep all weapons systems offline and main thrusters powered down.” The communications came through the command deck. Abel looked to Echo and Zee with a look of concern.

  “Zee. Get me a reading on that signal. What kind of ship is it?” Abel asked.

  “Scans are not returning a positive identification. It appears to be an atmospheric range personal ship. No EXO present.” Zee intoned, although he did not seem to believe it.

  “At least there is that.” Abel grumbled. He opened a line of communication to the vessel. “What authority pilot?” Abel demanded.

  “New Exodus authority. Identify URSA GS-I.” the pilot came back. Abel knew that New Exodus is what Mercury had originally called Eden, before he was overridden. The name concerned him some. He looked to his crew. Both Echo and Zee nodded their heads. None were looking for another fight when they wouldn’t be able to make it planet-side anywhere else in the system without more fuel.

  “Call-sign Kodiak. Captain Abel Cain.” Abel responded. Giving the pilot his full name and the call-sign of the Kodiak should have been enough to identify them. He was still concerned about hostilities though.

  “Put down on previously ordered course Kodiak. Captain Abel Cain once landed remain onboard, unarmed.” The pilot came back again. Abel ground his teeth and almost responded with a few choice words. Echo and Zee shook their heads vigorously.

  “Understood pilot. Heading Bravo Delta Echo Four Niner. Main thrusters offline, weapons powered down.” He turned to Zee and Echo, “You two better be right about this!”” Abel exclaimed as he directed the Kodiak for the new coordinates.

  The city of New Exodus on Quintar VII was beautiful. The towering skyscrapers and various platforms did not look of human design and had been present for more than a few years, certainly predating the split from the EFNF. Echo’s timeline matched with the activity he and Zee had seen in Dark Space, as well as the numerous traveling ships they had encountered. The buildings were constructed of the same blue stone on Quintar V. Abel noted that the buildings were of similar design as well. The contrast to the lush green jungle growing up around the base of the buildings gave him a sense of awe.

  The Quintarrans had managed a large degree of beauty and a striking cooperation with the landscape. Abel navigated the Kodiak to the landing platform at BDE49, even though it felt to him like the slow march of death. He trusted Zee and he was beginning to trust Echo, but he still thought this plan of following along blindly with gods knew whose instructions, was foolhardy in the least.

  Circling the platform once, he lowered the power on the nacelles essentially backing in the ship onto the platform. This allowed the cargo bay to be opened and act as the entry to the ship. It also, made it easy for a quick escape if they needed one. As he finished his landing he powered down the port and starboard nacelles settling the URSA GS-I onto the landing pad softly.

  “Please remain onboard, unarmed.” The pilot commanded over the system communications systems again. “Prepare for boarding by the New Exodus Law Enforcement Division.””

  Abel looked at Zee and Echo, “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  “You have nothing to hide Abel. Do you?” Echo worried.

  “Nothing against the NELED,” he pronounced it nel ed. “I didn’t even know about them until we cut atmo.” He slipped into the pilot’s colloquial terminology in his nervousness.

  “Captain, I think it best we cooperate with the authorities here. The government may be new and it would behoove us to have an entity not seeking our death or imprisonment.” Zee piped in.

  “I tend to agree Zee. Something doesn’t feel right though. Before we were being directed to land, no big deal, but now local law boarding the ship?” Abel was getting antsy and very nervous. Anytime law enforcement boarded your ship, either they were looking for contraband or they were looking for prisoners. It was the latter he was most concerned about.

  “It may be standard routine for them Captain.” Zee proffered weakly. The Quintarran thought it was odd as well.

  “Alright, but if I get arrested I am holding you responsible.” He eyed Zee more than Echo, but his look included them both. They could hear soldiers boarding the ship and the clank of metallic boots echoed throughout the ship.

  * * *

  Quintar VII - Kodiak: Kodiak Entry Vector

  2972 ESD - Tuesday, November 10th 07:40 hours

  Abel, Zee, and Echo remained where they were on the command deck. They could hear the increased chatter in the lower levels of the ship and all three were beginning to feel nervous. Abel, more than Zee or Echo, began to fear this was not routine and something to do with him specifically.

  “Captain Abel Cain identify your location.” It was the same pilot who had dire
cted them to land. Abel considered using the communications system to hide his actual location. If the pilot couldn’t locate him he could have easily armed himself from crew berthing. Looks from both Echo and Zee changed his mind.

  “Forward section of the ship. Command Deck, two decks up from the cargo bay.” He called back down the ladder leading to crew berthing. A moment later he was met face to face with a man in full uniform. It appeared to be very similar to the EFNF uniforms, however the patches on the shoulders read NE with the LED printed below.

  So it’s NE LED not NEL ED, he thought.

  The man was well groomed from head to toe and bore no visible signs of facial hair save for his eye-brows. His hair was cropped short and shaven on the sides. The appearance was similar to that of the marines onboard the Terran Veil last time he’d been there. He placed the man’s origins as Earth born, maybe born before the exodus from the Sol System.

  His dark brown eyes scanned Abel obviously searching for weapons. What caught his attention was the telltale light brown coloring to the man’s outer iris. Abel recognized the discoloration as the use of nanites, but these were men born in the Quintar Prime system, judging by their age. Nanite injections had ceased as soon as humanity realized that they could be infected with the EXO virus. Yet this young man, no more than ten years past puberty had been injected with nanites.

  “Step down Captain.” The officer said. Abel complied, moving slowly down the ladder to crew berthing. He did not want to incite the officer to violence. Once he reached the bottom the officer pointed to the empty space on the wall. ““Put your hands on the wall please.” He ordered. Abel continued to comply, but gave the officer an angry look. Stepping forward the officer, whose name Abel failed to get, began searching him for weapons.


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