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Coming Full Circle (the Pembrooke series Book 2)

Page 19

by Jessica Prince

  Her expression morphed into one of immense pain, and I hated myself for hurting her. “Because of me?” she asked in a small, heartbroken voice.

  “Fuck! Harlow, I never wanted to have this goddamned conversation because I never wanted to see this look on your face.”

  Her golden-brown eyes swam with tears as she sniffled. “Well excuse me for being upset when I just found out my baby brother abandoned home because he didn’t want to be around me. You’ll have to forgive me for having my heart broken!” she snapped back, turning on her heels in an attempt to storm out of the kitchen.

  I couldn’t possibly let her leave thinking that I had wanted nothing to do with her. Grabbing her by the arm, I spun her back around and pinned her to my chest, holding tight as she started to struggle. “That’s not it,” I whispered into the hair at the top of her head. “That’s not it at all, Low-Low. I love you more than anything. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be around you. I swear.”

  She pulled back enough to look up at me, sniffling and batting at the few tears that had broken free. “Then what was it exactly? And you better make it good, or so help my God, Ethan, I’m going to punch you right in the throat.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at my sister’s tough girl act. “You have to actually listen, okay? Don’t interrupt. Just let me say what I have to say before you lay into me.” She huffed but nodded her head. That wasn’t good enough. I knew her too well. “Promise.”

  She rolled her eyes dramatically, but said, “Fine. I promise.”

  Leading her back to the table, I pulled out a chair for her and took the one right next to her. My only option was to just dive right in, so that’s what I did. “I left because I thought I needed to build a life for myself where I’d never be stuck depending on someone else. I thought that was the only way I could guarantee I’d have the security I never had growing up.” She opened her mouth to speak, but I held up my hand to stop her. “I’m not saying it was a rational way of thinking, but it was mine. Our parents died and we were forced to leave everything we knew to come here and live with Gram. It was good for a while, but then, one day, you just… left. I get why now. I understand that you needed an escape, but back then, I was just a kid. I felt like you abandoned me, and that killed, Low-Low.

  “I eventually let that go, but when Gram died that just brought all those feeling back to the surface.” I leaned over and grabbed her hands in mine, holding tight. “You came back, and not a day goes by that I don’t love you for giving up your whole life to come and take care of me. But once you got here, you and Noah started up again almost instantly. Then if felt like I blinked and you were pregnant with Lucy. Noah moved in, and you guys had your very own family to worry about. The two of you never once made me feel like I was unwanted, but, subconsciously, I felt like I didn’t belong. This went from being my home with Gram to being yours and Noah’s. I felt like I was just a guest in your lives. I left because I wanted something that was just mine. Something I knew I wouldn’t lose. But I never, ever stopped loving you. I never resented you or Noah. I was so glad you’d finally found your own happiness. But at the same time, I was struggling to find my own. Once my feelings for Eliza started to change, I couldn’t handle everything I was feeling. It was the coward’s way out, but I decided to just run and leave it all behind.”

  I gave her hands another squeeze, imploring her with my eyes to understand. “I’m so damn sorry if what I did hurt you.”

  She remained silent for several seconds, clearly fighting — and losing — against crying. Finally, in a move that was so fast it startled me, she jerked her hands from mine and shot from her chair. “You jerk!” she shouted, planting both her palms on my shoulders and pushing. “You stupid jerk! Why didn’t you ever say anything? I could have fixed it if you’d have just told me, you… you… stupid—”

  “Jerk. I get it,” I said, standing to my full height and grabbing her hands to stop the blows she was landing. “I’m a stupid jerk. I know.”

  Some of the fire drained from her and she quit hitting me, moving in and wrapping her arms around my waist in a tight hug. “Gah! If you would have just said something…”

  “Like what?” I asked on a small laugh, hugging her back. “That I was unhappy because my sister had finally found happiness? I might be an asshole, but I’m not that big an asshole.”

  “Shut up,” she mumbled against my chest, pulling one hand back to give me another weak smack. “You’re not an asshole.”

  “You really think so?”

  She breathed in deep, still holding on tight. “I know so. But I hate that you spent so long struggling with that, shrimp.”

  The use of her old nickname for me warmed me from the inside out, causing my arms holding her to squeeze. “I’m sorry I never said anything,” I whispered against her head.

  “I’m sorry too.” She leaned back, not breaking our hold, and looked up into my eyes. “You know I love you, right? So damn much. I know you’re my brother, but I always felt like you were mine, just like Lucy and Evan. I hate the fact I made you feel any differently.”

  “You didn’t,” I said fiercely. “It was never anything you did, Harlow. It was shit in my own head that I needed to get worked out. You and Noah both were never anything but good to me, and despite everything I just told you, I grew up feeling loved. You have to know that.”

  She searched my face for several seconds before finally accepting the sincerity shining in my eyes. “Okay,” she whispered.

  “And I love you, too. Even though you can be a total pain in my ass most of the time.”

  At that, she laughed and disengaged from my hold. I watched as she moved to the counter, grabbed the loaf of bread, and began making a sandwich. Once she was done, she carried the plate over to me and held it out. “Here. Eat. And let’s figure out a way for you to finally get your happiness.”

  Christ, but I loved my sister something crazy.


  “YOU OKAY?” CHLOE asked, coming up to me in the kitchen and slinging her arm across my shoulders.

  I wasn’t, not really. But over the past three days, I’d had the chance to do a lot of thinking, and in spite of everything that had gone down days before with Ethan, myself, and my father, there was one thing about that entire conversation I couldn’t stop thinking about.

  There weren’t many men who would have had the courage to stand up in front of my father, but Ethan had. And even with all the horrible things my father said, he’d still had the guts to tell him he was in love with me, and that he’d do everything in his power to prove himself. To me, that in itself spoke volumes about the actions my father was so intent on shoving down Ethan’s throat. He stood toe to toe with my father and never backed down.

  It had taken me longer than it should have, but I felt like I’d finally managed to pull my head out of my ass and see what was right in front of me.

  “There’s something I want to talk to you about,” I said, turning away from the stove to face Chloe, full on.

  “Yeah? And what’s that, sweetheart?”

  “What do you think…” God, I really wasn’t sure what to say. It was such a huge request, such a massive gesture. But the one thing I’d discovered over the past three days was that Ethan Prewitt was worth a massive gesture. “How would you feel about… expanding?”

  Her brows dipped down in confusion, “Expanding what?”

  “The café,” I answered quietly. “I know what I’m about to request is a big deal, and it’ll take some time for you to consider, but what do you think about opening another café in, say, Denver?”

  Anxiety clawed at my insides as her expression morphed from bewilderment, to excitement, before finally settling on what could only be described as complete exuberance. “I think… that’s a fantastic idea!” she shouted excitedly. “That is, if you’re considering expanding to a café in Denver for the reason I think you are.”

  “Well,” I giggled, her excitement for me growing contagious. “If
you think it’s because I finally realized I’m in love with Ethan and want to be with him, then you’d be right.”

  Chloe threw her hands in the air and began squealing so loud I cringed before pulling me into a hug and bouncing from foot to foot. “Oh my God! This is so amazing!”

  “Thanks,” I laughed, pulling away once she’d managed to compose herself. “I think so, too.” Some of my exuberance dwindled at my next thought. “Now I just have to find a way to convince Dad this is a good thing.”

  “Oh, sweetie, don’t you worry about your father,” she said, cupping my cheeks. “When he sees that Ethan makes you happy, really and truly happy, he’ll come around. I promise. That’s all he’s ever wanted for you.”

  I bit at my bottom lip, considering what she was saying. “You think?”

  “Honey, I know.” She smiled. “Trust me, I’ve been with your father long enough to learn a thing or two. Behind that gruff exterior your dad’s a teddy bear. You know that.”

  I giggled again, because I really, really did.

  “Eliza?” Chloe and I were pulled from the moment at the sound of Megan’s voice. We turned to look at her and both of us grew still at the concern marring her face. “There’s someone out here asking for you.”

  Chloe rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go get whatever latest drama is waiting out of the way, then we can talk details of opening Sinful Sweets Café, Denver addition.”

  I laughed and followed her out, my heart full to bursting all because of the amazing woman who played such an intricate part in raising me. However, that euphoric feeling was smashed to smithereens at the sight of the person waiting for us on the other side of the door.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I grumbled under my breath at the sight of Shannon, standing there with an evil cat-that-caught-the-canary grin on her bitter face. “I’m pretty sure I’ve made myself pretty clear on how I feel about you in my establishment. Please tell me you have a really good reason for souring my day with your presence.”

  I hadn’t thought it was possible, but that that demented smile on her face actually managed to grow. “Oh, I’ve got the best reason. See, I was just shopping at Mabel’s, minding my one business when someone came in asking where she could find you.” My gut was telling me that the glee on her face didn’t bode well for me, but she wasn’t finished. “Now, seeing as everyone in this town knows the story, I know that it’s been years since you’ve seen her, so I felt it only right to bring her here so you could have your happy little family reunion.”

  At her words, ice filled my veins and I froze in place as a woman I hadn’t seen since I was a girl stood from one of the tables and came up next to Shannon. I vaguely heard Chloe suck in a huge gasp over the blood rushing through my ears.

  My voice came out strangled as I addressed the one person I never thought I’d lay eyes on again. “Mom?”

  “Hello, darling.”


  I DIDN’T HAVE a script prepared for what I had to say, but I was still riding the high from my conversation with Harlow, feeling relief that that two-ton weight I’d been carrying on my shoulders for years was finally gone. I knew it would take time and work for me and my family to fully come to get to the place I wanted us to me, but we made our start earlier today. So on the wave of that, I was ready to take care of the last thing keeping me from grabbing hold of my happiness and never letting go.

  “Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk asked politely once I’d pushed through the glass doors.

  “Uh, yeah. I was actually wondering if Sherriff Anderson was in. I’d like to speak with him.”

  “Oh, yes, sure. He’s back in his office. Let me just ring him for you.” I tried not to shift from foot to foot as she picked up the phone and hit a few buttons that would connect her with Derrick. “Yes, hi, Sherriff, there’s a…”

  “Ethan Prewitt,” I filled in for her when she glanced up at me.

  “Yes, there’s an Ethan Prewitt to see you? Yes. Yes. Okay.” She hung up the phone and looked at me with a bright smile. “He’ll be right up.”

  A few seconds later the sound of boots hitting the tile floor sounded through the front lobby. Shoving my hands in my pockets to keep from fidgeting as Derrick Anderson rounded the corner, coming to a stop, his hands resting on his waist, dangerously close to the gun on his belt.

  “Well, have to say, this is a surprise.” And not a happy one, judging by his tone. “What can I do for you, Ethan?”

  “I was wondering if we could talk…” My eyes scanned back to the woman who was sitting at the front desk, watching us with rapt fascination. “In private?”

  Derrick’s hands came off his hips as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ve got a busy schedule, son, so if you’d just say what you need—”

  “Oh, no you don’t Sherriff,” the woman chirped happily. “Your whole afternoon’s free and clear.”

  “Thanks a lot, Marlene,” he ground out to the oblivious receptionist before turning on his heels with a sigh. “All right, let’s go get this over with.”

  I followed him down the long hall and through the bullpen area before coming to stop at his office door. He stood to the side and waved his hand for me to enter, then came in behind me and closed the door before moving around his desk and taking a seat. I sat in one of the small, uncomfortable chairs on the other side and braced for whatever was about to happen.

  “Just so you know, if you’re here to discuss your relationship with Eliza, I stand by what I said the other day. I don’t support the two of you being together.”

  Squaring my shoulders and lifting my chin, I sucked in a breath and said what I’d come to say, whether he wanted to hear it or not. “I respect your opinion, Derrick, but I’m not here to ask your permission.”

  At that, his entire frame got tight. “Excuse me?”

  “I’m not here for your permission to see your daughter. I respect you more than you could ever know, and for Eliza’s sake, I hope that one day you can accept our relationship, but sir, I’m in love with your daughter, and there isn’t a damn thing I won’t do to keep her. I know I hurt her six years ago, and if she’ll let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it, but I’m not giving her up. She makes me happy, but more, I know, if given the chance I can make her happy. And that’s what I intend to do.”

  Sitting back in his chair, he steepled his fingers and studied me with an intensity the likes of which I’d never experienced before. “Thinking you should probably tell me what it was that caused you to break my little girl in the first place, son.”

  I’d been expecting that question from him, but that didn’t mean I was any more excited about giving him the answer, especially considering he was wearing a fucking gun. But if I had any chance of winning the man who meant the world to Eliza over, I was going to have to give him everything.

  “You know I cared for your daughter growing up. She was my best friend. I treated her like I would my own sister.” Shit, now comes the hard part. Please don’t let him fucking shoot me. “Before I entered the draft, my feelings for Eliza started to change. I knew it wasn’t right,” I hurried to add when I saw his face begin to grow red. “I knew she was too young, and I never would have dreamed about doing anything about it, but that’s the truth. I was starting to fall for your daughter, sir, and it scared the hell out of me.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” he sighed, sitting back in his chair and rubbing at his forehead with one hand.

  “I don’t know if there was a better way for me to have handled it, but I did the only thing I could think of at the time, which was to remove myself from the situation. I hate that I hurt her in the process, you’ve got to believe that. But what I need you to understand is that I’ve loved Eliza for a very long time, and I’d give up everything for her. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. That includes admitting my feelings for her to her Sherriff father, all the while knowing he’d be within his rights to put a bull
et in my ass.”

  Derrick remained silent for several seconds as he let everything I’d just laid on him absorb. “Fuck me,” he finally mumbled. “And she knows about this?”

  “She knows everything,” I admitted. “I’ll never keep another secret from her again. I swear that.”

  I was prepared to make more promises, including, but not limited to, naming our first born child after him, when my cellphone chimed from my pocket. Thinking it could be Eliza responding to one of the millions of messages I left her, I yanked it out and engaged the screen, only to have my blood run cold at what I read.

  Standing to my feet so fast the chair I’d been sitting in flew backward, I shoved my phone back in my jeans and looked at Derrick. “Let’s go.”

  “What? Where?” He asked, coming out of his own chair.

  “The café. That was Chloe. Shannon showed up to ambush Eliza.”

  Derrick growled as he rounded the desk. “That fucking girl. Never did understand what you saw in her.”

  “I was a young, dumb kid. Not that that’s an excuse.” I came to a stop at the mouth of the hallway, putting my hand on his shoulder to stop him. “But there’s something else I need to tell you, and you need to keep your head. Got me?”

  “Just spit it out, Ethan.”

  Then I said the one thing that was bad enough to make me and the Sherriff of Pembrooke lose our collective shit.

  “Shannon’s there with Eliza’s mother.”


  I COULDN’T MOVE. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t form a fucking sentence. And all the while I felt like I was trapped in my own personal Hell, Shannon was positively delirious with excitement that she’d just managed to fuck everything up for me… once again.

  “Eliza. Eliza, honey. Talk to me,” Chloe coaxed from my side. Her sweet, worried voice was enough to pull me from my melancholy.

  “Oh my God,” I turned to her and choked. “I can’t handle this. I can’t handle it.”


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