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Baby Mine: A Hudson Family Series- Book Two- Lucas and Sara

Page 6

by Chontelle Brison

  “I-if your h-hungry you should go home and eat something.” She managed to squeak. Strong stay, strong.

  The expression in Lucas’s eyes was liquid heat, and Sara knew if she didn’t put some distance between them she was in trouble.

  “Where ever you and Logan are is my home and what I want, sweet Sara is not on any menu, it’s between your legs.”

  Lucas’s mouth absorbed Sara’s surprised exclamation as he branded her with a fiery kiss that she felt all the way down to her toes.

  Yep, she was in trouble.

  Lucas ran hands down her sides and lifted her up behind her thighs. Instinctively her legs wrapped his waist as her hands sank into his thick hair. His mouth ravaged hers, their tongues thrusting together. Sara couldn’t get close enough and was cursing the clothing that was keeping them from being skin to skin. Something in her mind informed her this was a poor idea, but as Lucas broke the kiss to trail kisses down her neck, she couldn’t recall why. Still pinned against the wall, Sara threw her head back to allow him further access to her sensitive flesh. She moaned when he arrived at the spot where her neck met her collarbone.

  “God sweetheart, I missed you, I missed this.” Lucas groaned into her ear before drawing the lobe between his teeth.

  Sara hissed at the sensation, she pulled his head backward and slammed her mouth on his. She let all the fear, anxiety and pent up frustration pour into her kiss when Lucas finally broke away and leaned his head against hers they were both panting.

  “Say yes, Sara, say yes.” Lucas pleaded.

  Sara bit her lip. She needed this, she needed him, so very much. Her lady parts were practically screaming for release. You're getting sucked back in, one hot kiss and you ready to jump the man with your panties around your ankles! Sara’s voice of reason suddenly chimed in. Sara took a sharp breath and tried to will her thumping heart to quiet down.

  She shook her head, “I-we- we can’t Lucas, it won’t solve anything, it’s just sex, it’s just chemistry.” She lied, she knew it was more, but she couldn’t tell Lucas that.

  There was too much between them that didn’t work, and there was that nagging trust issue. She didn’t trust him to be there for her when she needed him, and he hadn’t trusted her enough to believe her about Travis. When she put those two things in perspective, the rift between them seemed as wide as the Grand Canyon.

  She stared down at the floor and realized Lucas still held her against the wall. She pressed on his chest so that she could get down and put some distance between them.

  He lifted one hand and raised her chin so her eyes matched his. “You never could lie sweetheart.” He told her, his face tight.

  That broke whatever spell Sara had been under. How dare he suggest she couldn’t lie after he had accused her of that very thing four years ago!

  She slapped her fists against his chest. Startled, his hands dropped her legs and her feet again touched the ground. Sara's shoulder checked him as she swept past him toward her desk.

  “What? You're mad because I can see you still want me Sara- You do want me, there’s no deny it, darling.” He drawled in his cowboy arrogance.

  Sara turned back to him, brown eyes flaming with hurt and anger. “How convenient for you Lucas, that now after all this time you can tell when I’m lying, but that hidden genius of your was absent when I told you that Travis raped me!” She shrieked. She winced at the fury in her own voice. She was supposed to be past this, she was supposed to have moved on, but it seemed everything always brought her back to that night.

  Lucas took two steps, grasped her waist and lifted her to a sitting position on her desk. She was about to hop off when his arms caged her in, and he leaned down so that they were nose to nose. She resisted the impulse to lean back away from him; she needed to stand her ground.


  Lucas felt like he was about to explode. His cock was so hard it was nearly bursting through his jeans. He felt like every time he started making headway with Sara, she pulled back. Not that he could blame her, he had been the one to let his feelings about Travis ruin his relationship with Sara. It had been he that walked away from her when he couldn’t handle looking at Sara’s child knowing a reminder of his failure to protect her would be around forever.

  Sara’s child and maybe his child. Lucas couldn’t have fucked up more if he’d been given directions. He had made a mess of everything, and it may have cost him four years of his son’s life. His son, the thought made his chest swell up with pride while his heart withered in pain. What would she say if it turned out Logan was Lucas’s child? Baby steps, man, you gotta get her to admit she still loves you, and then you can sort everything else.

  His inner voice had a great plan, however judging by the stubborn set of Sara’s adorable chin, the execution was going to be a little sketchy.

  “I’m sorry babe, nothing I can ever do can wipe away what I did, I was proud, I was hurt, and I was angry, and I let it cloud my judgment, I let it make me bitter, and I’ve regretted it for years.” He told her honestly.

  He watched her lean away from him, her brown eyes narrowed. “So what are you saying Lucas? Are you trying to tell me there’s been no other women in your bed since me?” Lucas swallowed hard. He knew this was some sort of test, and he was about to fail. Did he tell her no one had been in his bed? That would be true, mainly because he never brought sex home, he had it in hotels, their place or sometimes in his truck but never home, not in the bed where he had made love to her. Somehow, he didn’t think Sara would find that gesture as romantic as it sounded in his head.

  He must have taken too long to answer because he didn’t see Sara’s hand flying toward his face until right before she smacked the hell out of him.

  “Fuck.” He shouted backing up a few steps. The girl has a good swing. Fucking Synclair!

  “Don’t you dare come in here and act like you’ve been the poster child for abstinence Lucas Hudson when you and I both know otherwise. Don’t give me your sob story of how angry you were, how hurt you were.” Sara bellowed at him.

  “You lost your best friend, a pretty shit friend at that Lucas, I lost my confidence in my own judgment, I lost the life I should have had with you and your family, and I lost my trust in myself and in everyone around me. So you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t want to sit here and entertain your little pity party for how terrible your life was because your friend raped me.” Lucas let her back him up against the wall. He saw the pain and anger radiating off her in waves.

  “You know why Lucas, because I don’t need pity, I have Logan, and he was worth everything, I would suffer through that horrible night all over again if at the end I got him, I will never regret him, I will never put him second and I will kill Travis and anyone else that gets in my way, Hudson!”

  Not able to stop she went on, “And I don’t need you to try to tell me how all the women you’ve slept with over the past four years didn’t mean anything. You know how many people I’ve slept with Lucas?” She demanded to know.

  Before he could answer, she was poking his chest, “None, nada, zip, there has been no one before you or since.” She stopped, looked at him for a moment then raged on, “and don’t you even mention Travis, that was not sex, that was rape, and I know the difference you ass!” When she finished, she was breathing heavy. Lucas didn’t know if he should be turned on by her rant or furious that she would think he would compare what happened to her to consensual sex.

  He kind of felt like an ass that he was excited that no other man had slept with Sara that she hadn’t been with anyone else. Yet, Lucas felt now was not the time to explain to her that those other women were just sex, a meaningless release that he needed from time to time when the loneliness got to be too much. He had never kissed them, and he was out the door as soon as the condom hit the trashcan.

  Lucas thought she was going to hit him again. Instead, she reached up, grabbed each side of his face, and brought his mouth to hers. It was an angry kiss, she bit his
lip and sucked his tongue, things she had never done before. He had always had to be gentle and slow, even the few times she had let him tie her up, he had been careful not scare her.

  He wanted to let her set the pace; he wanted to let her take what she wanted so she would be in control. His resolve lasted about two seconds as soon as she rubbed her mound against his straining cock he was lost.

  In one fluid movement, he backed her up and hoisted her onto the desk again, making sure to never let his mouth break from hers. Her sandals hit the floor, and her eyes blazed with passion. Inwardly he smiled when she wrapped her legs around him and grabbed his shirt to pull him down toward her on the desk. Unbuttoning her shorts, he pulled them off her toned legs, along with a red thong that he would have to compliment her for later.

  “I have to taste you, sweetheart, I need it, baby.” He purred. He kissed her belly, lovingly kissing the small faded stretch marks she had gotten when she was carrying Logan, maybe his child. Gulping, he kissed his way down to her thighs. He kneeled on the floor and pulled her thighs toward his face. He was about to bury his face in heaven when she grabbed his hand. He looked up from between her legs, knowing he would stop if she asked but praying to God she wouldn’t.

  “This ch-changes nothing Lucas, I haven’t forgiven you, I don’t like you, we are not a couple, I just need this.” She stammered. Lucas nodded and smiled.

  For him this changed everything, she still wanted him, she still loved him and in a moment he would have her screaming his name; then they would talk about their relationship.

  Lucas waiting about two seconds, to see if she would stop him again, then he buried her face between her legs. He stroked his tongue between her folds. He was rewarded by her moan, wanting to hear more; Lucas caught her clit and sucked.

  Lucas licked, sucked and nibbled Sara’s wet clit until she was squirming beneath him, he knew she was close. His large hands clamped on her hips to keep her in place as her orgasm hit.

  “Oh God, oh God.” She cried out as her body convulsed.

  “No baby, just Lucas.” He chuckled.

  However, Lucas wasn’t done yet. Despite her groans and struggling he held her hips while he continued to slowly lap up her juices. She tasted like the sweetest honey, and he wanted more, he wanted to drown in her. Moments later when she reached her second peak, he took two fingers and plunged them deep into her core. He thrust in and out of her tight channel, she was pulling his hair so hard he would be bald when this was over, but he didn’t care. He needed more; he needed to make her forget her own name.

  “Lucas please I need you.” Came her desperate plea.

  Lucas didn’t need to be told twice; he dropped his jeans and pushed his boxers past his knees. He groaned as he placed his cock near her slick entrance.

  “Sara you’re late for Synclair’s self de- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Oh my god, put it away, put it away.” Lucas heard a horrified Rachel screech from the doorway to Sara’s office.

  Lucas jumped back from Sara in shock. There in the doorway stood his baby sister, desperately trying to stumble backward out of the room. When he jumped back, she screeched even louder, “Oh god, my eyes, it burns. Lucas put that thing away.”

  Lucas grabbed his boxers and turned away from Rachel to pull up his jeans. He risked a glance at Sara who looked mortified. By the time he turned back around Sara was buttoning her shorts and stepping into her sandals. With her head down, Lucas had no idea what she was thinking.

  “Jesus Rachel, can’t you knock?” Lucas hissed. Sara still wouldn’t look at him, and he was pretty sure he just traumatized his baby sister forever.

  Rachel’s face twisted up in anger, “Knock? I have been walking into Sara’s office for years, I even have keys, and never once have I come across anything remotely like this. Had you told me twenty-four hours ago I would come to get Sara, who Synclair asked me to get because she’s late for the self-defense class down at the rec center, and find you doing the nasty, I would have laughed.” Rachel snapped.

  “She’s right, I’m late, I go to Synclair’s classes at least twice a week, I-I- have to go, Lucas,” Sara told him as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Damn, she still wouldn’t look at him.

  “Sara wait, dammit.” He called, but she slipped past Rachel and was gone before he even reached the door. Sighing he put his forehead against the wall and groaned.

  “Come on big brother, I’ll buy you a drink,” Rachel told him pulling on his arm. He snapped his head up and looked at her.

  “Since when do you drink Rachel?” Has asked not sure he was comfortable with his baby sister taking him to a bar.

  One roll of her light green eyes told him how ridiculous he was being.

  “Lucas I’m twenty-one, not twelve, I worked in a bar, and I do drink on occasion and trust me, big brother, this is an occasion.”

  Lucas could not fault her logic, his hard on now deflated at the idea that his sister had seen it; he followed her out of the office and met her at her car after he locked the doors to the Diner.


  As soon Sara reached the Community Recreation Center, she slammed the car in park and headed for the gym. She was so flustered that she didn’t even hear Synclair come into the changing room. She had just slammed her locker shut and was changing into her workout clothes when she heard an annoying wolf whistle.

  Not in the mood, she snapped her head up to a smiling Synclair and glared.

  “Looks like Rachel found you.” She said still smiling.

  “Whatever, I just need to hit something Synclair, I need to it hit hard, I need to break it and make it cry for momma, can we do that?” Sara growled tying her tennis shoes. Once done she stood up and place her clenched fists on her hips.

  Synclair regarded her for a moment and then sashayed past her to a door in the back of the locker room. “I’ve been waiting to bring these out since I started this class; originally I was going to wait until the last day of class.” She replied not making any sense to Sara, at all. “But I can see that today is the day.” Sara watched her friend clasp her hands and rub them together like an evil scientist contemplating world domination.

  Sara followed Synclair over to the door and waited for her to open it. Like a child in a toy store, Synclair whipped out a key, unlocked the door and stood back so that Sara could peer inside. “Holy shit.”

  Synclair clapped gleefully, “Yep what you said, of course without the swear word because then I’d owe the jar more money.”

  Sara just looked back at her and smiled, this was exactly what she needed.

  Twenty minutes later after she and Synclair had carefully set up the room, they stood back and smiled at their handiwork.

  Before them was a gym filled with hanging Piñatas, stuffed with chocolate, lip gloss, more chocolate, Amazon gift cards and of course, more chocolate. As the women started coming into the room, it was evident everyone was looking forward to tonight’s class.

  “Ladies.” Synclair bellowed. Once she had everyone’s attention, Sara watched her step to the front of the gym.

  “You guys have done great with your kickboxing and self-defense moves, but sometimes there are just days where ya just need to slap a bitch.” She shouted over the cheers of the women in the class. Sara watched as Synclair opened her mouth to speak again and stopped. Then she sighed, reached into her tracksuit, pulled out a dollar, held it up and slapped it on the folding table behind her.

  “Today we are going to use one of my favorite self-defense weapons, a Louisville slugger! What’s the rule about bats ladies?” She asked clearly in her element.

  “A bat in your car, in your room, where you work and behind the door.” The room answered her.

  Sara laughed, these classes were never dull, and Synclair seemed to really have a thing for baseball bats.

  Sara handed out a bat to each person present, then grabbed her own and went to stand over a Pinata shaped like a huge pair of red lips. She narrowed her eyes and pictured Lucas’
s smug face, Travis’s lies, and Amber’s evil deeds. Before Synclair even blew the whistle, she was swinging for the fences.


  Lucas followed Rachel into the bar across the street from the Community Center. The owner and namesake Jake Carter had owned “Jakes” for about ten years. Even though Jake had been a few years behind him is school, actually in Dalton’s classes, they had both been on the football team together in high school.

  Generally, Lucas would love to belly up to the bar, grab a beer and shoot the shit with Jake until it was time go home. He couldn’t even count the times he had crashed on the sofa in Jakes office because he was too hammered to make it home. Now he was following his baby sister into a bar, probably filled with men trying to drink away their troubles or look for it, and neither one sat well.

  “Stop glaring Lucas, you’ll get wrinkles,” Rachel told him as she steered him toward a booth. Once she had shoved him down onto the worn vinyl, she turned and grabbed a basket of peanuts off the bar top. Lucas was going to wave down Jake for a beer when Rachel grabbed his hand in midair.

  “I’ll get the drinks, I like the way Sandy pours better anyways,” Rachel explained in a rush. Lucas looked at her for a moment and could swear she was blushing. Too caught up in his own head, he decided he would press her on it later, but there was definitely something going on with Rachel and Jake. He was even more convinced when he watched Jake’s gaze track Rachel’s movement to the counter.

  “Two double whiskeys on ice, Sandy.” He knew it was Rachel ordering the drink, but he still swiveled his head. He’d never heard her order a drink before or seen her drink for that matter. Shit, his baby sister, the one that had played tea party with him and who had painted his toenails neon pink, was all grown up. Everyone has moved on with their life except, me. Ain’t that a bitch!


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