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The Benefactor

Page 26

by Nana Malone

  So we were doing this. We were really going to pull this off. It still twisted my gut, but we would make it work. We needed Rowan Downs. And to get him, we needed that jewel. I could do this. All I had to do was shimmy through a hole and wait in the vents. It was going to be fine.

  At the door of London Lords, I pulled Livy aside while everyone else climbed in their cars or the van. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Relax. I’m going to be fine.”

  “Yeah, I’m working on relaxing. This is my relaxed face.”

  “Really? It looks like the I want to spank you face.”

  I flashed a grin. “Well, I mean, if it’s on the table…”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Bennett James Covington.” The use of my full name sent a shiver up my spine. Why did it sound so damn good coming out of her mouth? Because out of her mouth, it was said with love. Out of her mouth, it was important.

  “Yes, Ms. Ashong?”

  “We can do this. We’re part of a team, and that team is counting on us to do our part. So let’s do it.”

  I nodded and swallowed. “Right. Part of a team. We can do this.”

  “Yes, we can.”

  She stepped outside, and the streetlights shone onto the crystals in her dress, making a spitfire of rainbows. She was so fucking beautiful.

  East came up to me carrying his bag of equipment. “Let’s go.”

  I took one last moment to watch her as she climbed in the limousine before settling my attention on the task at hand. She was right. We were part of the team. We were going to make this happen.

  As we rode the elevator down to the garage access, East smiled at me. “So, does she know you love her yet?”

  My brows furrowed. “I haven’t told her yet.”

  If I loved her so much, why the hell had I agreed to let her do this? So far, I sucked at this love shit.


  I could do this. I wasn’t alone. I was a strong-ass boss bitch. After all, how hard could it really be to steal a priceless bracelet off of a woman’s wrist?

  Don’t ask yourself questions like that. It will only choke you up.

  God, I needed to relax, but I knew everyone was counting on me.

  Across the room, Roone and Jessa chatted with the museum curator. And in the far corner, the ridiculously gorgeous Chase brothers stood together looking every bit the part of royalty.

  My hair was down, and my corkscrew curls were full-on big hair don’t care. But bonus, it completely covered my ears and my comm piece.

  In my ear, East’s voice was calm. “You’re going to be great, Olivia. Just wait for the signal. The lights will go out, and it’ll all be fine.”

  Ben’s voice came over the comms. “Is that for me, or is that for Livy?”

  Next was Bridge. “It’s for me. I’m already on my second scotch. I haven’t been this nervous since East lost his virginity. I thought it was never going to happen.”

  I coughed a laugh into my champagne. “Would you three stop? I’m nervous enough as it is.”

  Lucas couldn’t let anyone have fun without him, so he chimed in. “Are you sure East isn’t still a virgin? I’m convinced he’s working on his digital robot girlfriend as we speak.”

  Jessa’s voice was stern. “Would you lot shut up? This is a serious situation.”

  There were snickers, but everyone shut up. Well. Everyone but Lucas. “Leave it to my little sister to be a killjoy.”

  Jessa turned from her corner. With the champagne glass still in her hand, she managed to erect her middle finger toward the direction of her brother. When I slid my gaze over to Lucas, he just grinned at her and bowed.

  Jesus, this was my new family. They were complete loons. And we were all about to go to prison together if we didn’t pull this off.

  It was Roone’s voice that calmed us all down because he was the one giving the signal.

  “Everyone, look alive. April is entering the building. I have confirmation she is wearing the piece. Repeat, she is wearing the piece.”

  Roone’s voice silenced us, so there wasn’t any more nervous bickering going on. He was the one who actually worked in security, so if he told us to shut up, it was time to shut the fuck up.

  As the plan went, from the time April entered the room, it was a five-minute countdown until the lights went out and we went Ocean’s 8 on everyone’s asses. Except, unlike Ocean’s 8, I was going to have to get up close and personal.

  I was basically Awkwafina.

  Jesus, I hoped my hands were ready. I wiped my palms down my breasts, and in my ear, Roone gave everyone the countdown notice. “Set your watches. Countdown starts… now.”

  The Winston Isles royal siblings would greet her, thank her for coming, and shower her with attention. Lucas would excuse himself, so she’d just be left with Jessa. Then Lucas and Bridge would take their positions on the opposite end of the room, ready to start lifting the jewelry pieces off of the targets once the lights went down.

  Roone and the Chase brothers made up our armed gunmen and were meant to lock down the room, tell everyone to settle down, and say they weren’t there to hurt anyone, and all they wanted was the art.

  I was to make my move toward April, do the release and catch of the bracelet, and then tuck it into my dress. Then the mystery robbers, Roone, in particular, would grab me and say that they were going to need a hostage. I was supposed to fight him and hand off the jewel while Alexi and Xander changed out of their stick-up clothes and shoved them in the vent Ben was hiding in. Roone was supposed to drag me only to the doorway and the lights would come back on before the cameras came back online so everyone could see me actively fighting him off. Once the place was lit up, he’d release me, sprint to make his getaway, then handoff his burglar clothes and the jewel to Ben before quickly returning to the party. What could possibly go wrong?

  East started to count down. Fifteen seconds. “Everyone, on your marks.”

  Sweat pooled between my boobs. How in the world did thieves do this on a daily basis? The adrenaline alone was enough to keep me on tenterhooks for the rest of my life. I shifted on my heels.

  Stay calm. Stay relaxed. You can do this.

  My mother had told me to find some adventure in my life. I hardly thought this was what she’d meant.

  In the comms, East continued the countdown. “Three, two, one.”

  Everything went pitch black. A woman screamed, and someone near the door told everyone to relax, stay calm, and they would go check out the generator. That was the security guard.

  I kept my gaze on April the whole time. I knew exactly what corner of the room she was in. But suddenly, a shiver of awareness went up my skin, and I glanced around. The glasses I had on included night vision. This was some serious spyware stuff that I had only see in the movies, but Telly’s friend had come through with equipment for us, whoever the hell he was. Apparently, Alexi, Xander, Roone, and Lucas knew him as well, and I wondered why everyone had such interesting friends. I could still make out April trying to inch her way to the door.

  The other countdown had started. Ten seconds till the boys showed up. I could tell Bridge and Lucas were doing their thing. Gently reassuring as they unclasped, redirecting as they touched a shoulder while releasing a clasp at a wrist or a neckline, moving quietly and efficiently. Though Lucas was going a lot faster than Bridge was.

  Jesus. Just who the hell had he been before he was a prince?

  I approached April Van Linsted. “Mrs. Van Linsted, hi. Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “Who am I speaking with?”

  “Oh sorry, I’m Olivia Ashong. I worked with the Royal Agency Trust on this exhibition and fundraiser gala.”

  She pursed her lips. “Oh yes, this is very unfortunate.”

  “Yes, I’m just letting the guests know that we have a contingency plan and we’re working to get the generators back up. They said it’ll just be two minutes.”

  I could see the purse of her lips. “Wel
l, thank you for the notification, but I will think twice before working with you or this museum again.”

  East’s countdown was at five. We needed to get her right at the point of destruction before her maximum fear kicked in and she suspected something. I placed a hand on her shoulder. “Please understand that I’m here if you need me. Again, I’m so sorry this has happened.” I went ahead and pressed her shoulder. My other hand touched her arm. “If there is ever anything I can do to assist you, please let me know.”

  And while I had one hand on her shoulder, I knew it was show time.

  The door slammed shut, and one of the boys shouted, “Everyone stay calm. If you stay still, no one gets hurt. We’re not here for you; we’re only here for the art.”

  Another one of them shouted, “Three minutes.”

  And then one of them shouted, “Roger.”

  Was that Roone? They’d all disguised their voices, adopting south London accents. It was hard to tell which was which. Roone was slightly bigger than the other too, but no one could tell in the dark.

  April stiffened. “Oh my God, they’re going to rob us then kill us.” She clutched onto my free arm, and I smiled. That was exactly what was supposed to happen. I settled my arm up her shoulder to her neck and then I gently patted her back.

  “I’m so sorry. Oh my God, Let’s just do what they say.”

  She clutched onto me tighter. “This is not how I was meant to die.”

  I smoothed my hand down her arm and held onto her hand as she clutched me. With the tool between my thumb and index finger of my free hand, I found the clasp, turned it easily and then embraced her in a hug. “Mrs. Van Linsted, no one is going to die today. You’re going to be fine.”

  Thanks to the night vision glasses, I could see her expression. She was nodding, and tears streamed down her face. Between my fingertips, I had her bracelet. I released her slowly and continued holding her hand and squeezing gently. “I’m going to see if I can get by the window in the balcony. If I can sneak out there, I’ll alert security.”

  She held on tight. “They’ll see you. And when they do, they’ll kill us all.”

  As I spoke, I tucked the bracelet into the cleavage of my dress. “We’re going to be safe. I know we are.”

  “You can’t promise that.”

  “No, I can’t. But it’s what we have to hope for.”

  I gave her hand a final squeeze and released her. In the pitch blackness, she couldn’t see me, but I could still see her. I had what I needed.

  One of the guys shouted, “Thirty seconds.” As they made their way to the exit door, I saw Lucas hand over his booty. And then Bridge did the same as the Chase brothers made their escape at the door, opening it and then easing through it. There was another three second pause, and then the lights came up.

  Next to me, one of the ‘gunmen’ remained, but it wasn’t Roone. It was Alexi with the silvery grey eyes. He was the one who grabbed me in a choke hold. “We’re taking insurance.”

  I struggled against him. “What? Let me go. I haven’t done anything.”

  April, who had been my closest confidante and dearest friend in the dark, sighed with relief that she wasn’t the one taken. While the choke hold appeared real, I was more leaning into it than anything. Alexi’s touch was calm. Gentle. “Stop struggling and you won’t get hurt.”

  That was the line he’d been given. Then he dragged me to the door.

  Prince Lucas made a fake play for me. “Let her go.”

  Alexi shook his head and held a gun to my temple. “One more step and she gets it.”

  He turned my body slightly to the right, shielding me from the onlookers. I reached into my cleavage, pulled out the jewel, and handed it over. He gave me a slight nod, and that was my cue to struggle, which I did. I could only whisper a quick “sorry” before I stomped on his instep. “Let me go.”

  He muttered. “Damn, you’re strong.” And then he also muttered his apology as he pushed me to the ground before running down the hall toward the vent where Ben was hidden.

  Adrenaline spiked in my blood, making it thick, and my head swam. I dragged in deep breaths. Lucas and Bridge pretended to come to aid me, but I shook my head and shouted instructions. “Someone call the police. Someone also find the security guard and make sure he’s all right. Anyone here need medical attention? I need to go after them.”

  In my peripheral vision, I saw a shadow slip out of the room to the left toward the security gate, the same direction where one of the guys was making his escape.

  Oh, hell.

  I needed to provide some kind of diversion or something so my teammate could get away.

  I took off running after them, heels clicking and clomping with each step. “I called out. “Are you okay? Do you need medical attention? We need everyone who needs help together in one area. The police and ambulance have already been called.”

  Shit, I just needed to slow their progression so everyone could get away. The blond woman turned then, and I exhaled. “Oh, Mrs. Van Linsted. Are you okay?” What the hell was she doing out there? And why did it look like she was trying to escape the chaos?

  “There is no way I’m staying to be possibly shot at again.”

  Shot at? None of the team had shot at anyone. Those guns weren’t even real. “I understand that you’re frightened, but we really must stay and give the police a statement.”

  “I’m a fucking Van Linsted. I will not be questioned like—” She stopped speaking abruptly, and I whirled around at the sound of shuffling feet behind me. My eyes went wide and my mouth dry when I saw the man in the black mask and body armor.

  I could feel it around me again, that whisper of malice, the hint of despair. And before I knew what was happening, everything went black.


  Jessa checked in, as did Lucas and Bridge. Xander and Roone were with me. Finally, Alexi checked in. “Clear.”

  I frowned. “Livy. Where’s Livy?”

  I tried to climb out of the vent, but Roone shoved me back in. “Mate, you have a job to do. We will get Livy.”

  I wondered if I could take him, but at the moment he had the upper hand because I was stuck in a vent and would have to crawl out. He could just punch me. “Fuck you.”

  “Do your job. You said you needed that jewel, didn’t you? Alexi has it, so do your job.”

  I didn’t have a choice. Everything in my body was telling me to go look for her. Find her. Make sure she was safe. East kept checking in the comms. “Olivia, check in. Olivia, come in. Olivia. Status check, Olivia.”

  My heart hammered against my ribs. Why wasn’t she checking in? After all this? Everything we’ve been through, and she was just vanishing on me?

  Don’t be daft. She’s worked this hard. She’s not leaving you.

  I couldn’t shake the feeling of fear though. Where was she? Was she hurt? Had roleplay gone too far? Had she been caught?

  Roone was right though. I didn’t have a choice. I wasn’t on the guest list, so I couldn’t be there.

  I grabbed the vent cover and began screwing it back on, all the while glowering at Roone. “Go find her.”

  Roone nodded. “I’ll make sure she’s safe. I’ll hand her to you myself.”

  I inched back into the vent. Luckily, everything had been exactly to specifications on the blueprints. The vents led exactly where they’re supposed to lead, to the basement of the museum which had a tunnel that I found easily, thanks to the night vision glasses we all had. Unfortunately, once in the basement, I didn’t get any reception, so I booked it in the dark amongst the priceless artifacts and ran for my life. When I reached the tunnel, I hoisted the bags over my shoulder, easing back in the way that I had come and closing the grate behind me. There was nothing to do about the padlock, but I wound the chain around and hooked the padlock in so it would at least look locked to someone lazy and untrained. Then I ran the rest of the distance through the tunnel to the outlet that led to a set of unused maintenance buildings. And there o
n the street, next to the first building, was where East had parked. “Mate. Olivia?”

  His eyes were wide, already answering the question I was afraid to ask.

  “She hasn’t checked in?”

  He shook his head. “Anyone have eyes on Olivia?”

  I yanked my comm out and stashed the bags, ripping my balaclava off my head. I ran my hand through my hair and grabbed the mic. “Fuck, Livy, come on. Let us know you’re okay.”

  Nothing but silence. Alexi’s voice came through the comms. “Once I ditched my bag, I came back. She’s not here. She’s not at the party. She’s not in the restroom either. Bryna and Jessa checked.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Where is she?

  Roone’s voice was grim when he appeared on the line. “Ben, I found blood down the hallway leading to the security stand. What the hell was she doing down there?”

  “It doesn’t mean the blood was hers.”

  The next voice I heard was Xander’s. “Um, mate, we also found her shoe and blood."

  “Fuck. Someone has taken her.”

  Whoever had been trying to get to her, we’d walked her right into their trap.

  To be continued in For Her Benefit…

  Thank you for reading THE BENEFACTOR, Book 2 in the SEE NO EVIL TRILOGY. The deliciously sexy thrill ride doesn’t end here though! Be the first to find out what happens to Livy!

  * * *

  Tonight, I risk it all. My fortune. My freedom. My love.

  My so-called brothers in oath have betrayed me. Perhaps they forgot how many of their secrets I’ve been keeping.

  * * *

  Tonight, vengeance is mine.

  * * *

  READ For Her Benefit… now!

  * * *

  You can read Nathan and Sophie’s story right now! Find out what happens when a seductive, jaded playboy with a filthy mouth meets his uptight neighbor and they strike a little ex payback bargain.


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