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Secret Service Setup

Page 14

by Jessica R. Patch

  “Let’s wait here until he lands. Trees can shield us.”

  “Good plan,” Jody said, and leaned against the tree, resting her head on the trunk and closing her eyes. “I want to clean up and crawl in my bed. Nothing better than Egyptian cotton and a heated blanket. And a soft drink. I want a two-liter of anything carbonated and loaded with caffeine and sugar.”

  Evan chuckled. “I want loaded BBQ nachos with extra cheese and jalapeños and a pitcher of sweet tea.”

  A low whistle had Evan drawing his gun.

  It came again.

  “Get down.”

  “No.” Jody grinned. “That’s Beckett!” She whistled back, and the former navy SEAL popped out from behind a tree, dark hair curled around his brow and in full camouflage.

  He gave a lopsided grin. “You left cold coffee for me back at that last site. You can apologize later,” he teased.

  They hadn’t even drunk the coffee the old man had been brewing.

  Jody hugged him. “It’s good to see you.”

  He patted her back and shook Evan’s hand. “You leave heavy boot marks.”

  Evan smiled. “With your tracking skills and Jody’s smeller, no wonder you don’t have dogs on your team.”

  Beckett laughed and Jody punched Evan.

  For the moment there was hope.

  Chopper blades whirred in the distance.

  Wilder was on his way.

  Hope soared. It rested in Evan’s heart. On Jody’s face.

  “Who’s ready to take a ride home?” Beckett asked as a sleek black chopper began its descent, tree branches wobbling from the commotion. Freezing air.

  Evan clasped Jody’s hand and they hauled it from the trees into the clearing. Running against resistance from the powerful wind from the chopper. Squinting against it, they barreled toward safety. The door was open and ready.

  The noise deafening.

  Hunching over as they came closer, Evan squeezed Jody’s hand.

  She squeezed back and smiled, then shock filled her face and she crumpled to the ground.

  What happened? Had her leg given out?

  Blood seeped through her pant leg. Too much blood.

  She’d been hit and he hadn’t even heard the shot because of the helicopter’s blades.

  Jody lay still, eyes closed. She’d passed out.

  Her entire pant leg was turning crimson. Gunshot must have nicked an artery.

  Wilder hollered, but Evan couldn’t hear him with the heavy sound of the chopper blades and engine. Wilder returned cross fire into the woods.

  Evan grabbed Jody up and ran for all he had toward the chopper. Beckett covered him from behind.

  Oh, God! Please let her live. He’d promised Wilder he’d get her to him in one piece, but she’d been wounded. “Stay with me, Jo.”

  He powered his legs harder and ducked below the blades, jumping into the chopper. Blood continued to seep from the wound. Beckett bounded inside. “Go!”

  Wilder turned, headset and dark sunglasses on. “Don’t you let her die, Novak!”

  Evan ripped the thigh of her pant leg open and blood spurted. Oh, no. “Get to a hospital, Wilder. Now!”

  “Roger that!” The chopper lifted off and Wilder took them through the air while Evan applied pressure to Jody’s wound. “Get me something to make a tourniquet. Wake up, Jo. I need you to wake up.”

  Beckett grabbed a medical kit, his mouth a grim line as he made a tourniquet. Evan tied it on.

  “Jody, please wake up. We’re losing her!” He couldn’t lose her. She could not bleed out in this chopper before his very eyes.

  Her eyes fluttered open.

  “Evan,” she barely whispered.

  “I’m right here. Right here, Jo.” He leaned down and kissed her softly.

  “Don’t...don’t leave me.” She held his gaze, but her pupils were dilated. Too dilated.

  He leaned down to her ear. “I won’t leave you. I’ll stay by your side. I promise.”

  “Promise,” she whispered again.

  “Promise. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her eyes shuttered.

  “Wake up, Jo. Wake up!” His pulse ran at a dangerous speed. He looked at Beckett in a panic.

  Beckett’s eyes held a calm he needed. He breathed in. Out. Willed himself not to panic. Not to go berserk with the fact that he was unable to heal her. To save her. To protect her.

  “How much longer, Wilder?” he called.

  Below, Evan saw Atlanta come into view and the hospital helipad. Wilder radioed that he was making an emergency landing and told them Jody’s condition.

  What was her condition?

  She’d turned white.

  Her nails had a bluish tint.

  “Starting CPR!”

  * * *

  “She’s blessed to be alive...full”

  Muffled voices tickled Jody’s ears. She was floating. Head fuzzy.

  She’d been running for the helicopter when a searing pain had ripped through her leg, dropping her to the ground.

  Bits and pieces came back to her.

  Evan had carried her to the chopper.

  Stayed with her.

  I won’t leave you. I’ll stay by your side. I promise.

  The promise had come through loud and clear and embedded like a treasure, shattering what was left of the wall she’d built, leaving it open to trust. To possibly love him again. There was no question she cared for him, deeply.

  Jody had nearly died.

  She needed Evan and he’d promised to be here. And he was. Right now, holding her hand. She felt the warmth; heard him speaking to the doctor or the nurse.

  He’d proved he wouldn’t abandon her.

  What did this mean for them? Did it mean he might be open to love again? To give it a second chance?

  Her lips felt like heavy towels soaked in water. She could barely pry them apart. “ long have I been here?”

  “Several hours. It was touch and go, kiddo.”



  Jody forced her eyes open and blinked as Wilder came into her vision. He was holding her hand. “Where’s Evan?” Had he stepped out for coffee? Water?

  Wilder cleared his throat. “He...left.”

  No. That couldn’t be. He’d promised her. She had almost died and he...he’d left her? Again? When she needed him most? “Where? Why?” She tried to sit up. Wilder eased her back down.

  “You were hit in the leg. Nicked a minor artery. They got the bullet. Doctor doesn’t think there will be nerve damage. So let’s focus on that right now.” Wilder’s green eyes held a don’t-fight-with-me glare. “I had to call your mama, but she knows she can’t come, which is killing her. And I called Locke. Because for a minute, I didn’t know, Jode. I didn’t know.”

  Jody fought back tears. “Where did he go?”

  “Wheezer uploaded the photos and the hit looks to be called off, finally. Lawman1 transferred the Bitcoin into an online wallet Wheezer set up, which we’ll turn over to the authorities in good time. Now, let’s hope all those gunning for you got the memo.”

  Agreed. “Where did Evan go? Mexico? Did he tell you?”

  “He needs to know if Terry Pratt is the corrupt agent. He’s decided to catch him dead to rights. He called him and asked for help laying low from the law until he can prove his innocence. If Terry is the corrupt agent, he’s probably already informed Lawman1 and he’ll know the deaths were faked—at least Evan’s, but he’ll suspect yours, as well. I doubt he’ll put another hit on either of you, though, because that clearly gives away Terry. But we can’t be sure of anything.” He patted the bed railing. “I’m on 24/7 care of you until we do.”

  “Why would you let him do that, Wilder?” Jody tried to sit up again. It
was painful but she pushed past it.

  “I didn’t let him. He was already on the phone with Terry when I found him and told him you were out of surgery.”

  “He didn’t call from the hospital, did he?”

  “I gave him a burner in case your escapee in the woods lets someone nefarious know you have his phone. I don’t need anyone tracing it here and finding you.”

  “I don’t, either.”

  “Terry told him he has a place he can stay on the DL until Evan can figure out who is framing him. I’d say that’s where he is now.”

  Jody pushed back tears. Of hurt. Anger. If Terry was working with Lawman1, then the safe location would be compromised and Evan was alone. With nothing but his Sig Sauer and a couple of bullets. What a stupid idea! “Did you give him a weapon?”

  “Do I look like this might be my first dance? I’d have gone with him, but I needed to be here with you.”

  But Evan could leave her. Did.

  “Beckett could have stayed with me or Shepherd.”

  “Shep had another assignment and Beckett has been awake for forty-eight hours straight. He’s no good to anyone right now. Besides, I’m going to be here. Watch over you. I should have protected you better, kiddo.”

  “Don’t even, Wilder.” Leave it to him to take full responsibility for something he couldn’t control. None of them had any control. “How long ago did Evan leave?”

  “Hour or two maybe?”

  Jody closed her eyes. “How far away is this so-called safe place?”

  “’Bout thirty minutes from here.”

  She shook her head. “Get me out of here.”

  Wilder laughed but sobered quickly when she tried to get up.

  She wasn’t staying one more minute in this place. “Get me some meds and let’s move.”

  “You just had surgery! You aren’t going anywhere for forty-eight hours.”

  “Watch. Me.” She wasn’t going to let Evan go it alone. That was the difference between them. She followed through no matter what. She struggled for strength to swing her feet over the side of the hospital bed. Wilder reached over and pressed her pain pump.

  Jody stared in horror. “What...what did” Her eyes drooped as the meds hit her system fast. “I for...this.”

  “Mmm-hmm. Night-night, kiddo.”

  Her last protests died on her lips as sleep overtook her.

  * * *


  Jody’s eyes popped open to darkness; something soft pressed against her face was suffocating her. Was she dreaming?


  She was being smothered in her hospital bed. Where was Wilder? Where was Evan?

  Evan was gone. Left.

  She used her right hand and gripped a slender but strong arm, gouging her nails into the thin, long-sleeved shirt her attacker wore. Jody couldn’t be sure if it was a male or female.

  Monitors beeped wildly.

  She thrashed her head to wiggle out from under the pillow. Trying to scream would give up too much precious oxygen and be too muffled.

  Need to breathe.

  She was about to lose consciousness...could feel it... No!

  “She’s asleep. I’ll call if anything changes.”

  Wilder’s voice!

  Suddenly the pressure eased up and she shoved the pillow away. Her vision focused as she caught a woman in scrubs rushing from the room. She must have heard Wilder coming back, too.

  He entered the room, phone in hand as Jody gasped for air and tried to hobble from the bed.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Wilder barked. “I told you—”

  “I was attacked!” Already she was removing the needle in her arm that linked to her IV.

  Wilder whipped his head around the room and out into the hallway. “You’re dreaming. A nurse just left.”

  “Well, she wasn’t!” Jody screamed, and found her footing. Cold feet on the even colder tiled floor. She couldn’t put much support on her leg.

  “Stay here.” Wilder sprinted from the room. All the nurses had scrubs. He’d never find her.

  One thing was certain. Terry Pratt was a traitor. The only way a killer would know that Jody was here was if Terry had told Lawman1, who’d arranged to have Jody clipped, or if Terry himself had someone do it. Evan had compromised Jody’s safety knowing she was vulnerable. Doped up. He couldn’t have waited until she was released from the hospital to call Terry? Did he have to play the hero so soon?

  Her blood raced hot. But as angry as she might be at Evan, as disappointed once again, she didn’t want him dead, and she knew he wouldn’t intentionally endanger her. But he wasn’t thinking about her. He was thinking about him. Again. She’d seen a change in him. Trusted him.

  And once more she’d been hurt.

  Wilder entered the room. “Whoever it was got away and my hands are tied asking for help. It’s out there, though, that you’re here.”

  “Which is why I need to get out. They’ll keep pumping me full of pain meds that make me groggy and you can’t sit here 24/7. You might need to go to the bathroom!”

  Wilder heaved a sigh. “As much as I hate to say it, you’re right.”

  Another attempt to kill her would come, and she wasn’t functioning on all cylinders. The overwhelming sense of helplessness swept over her and fear clutched at her chest, but she had to buck up. Pull it together. Fight.

  “That was Evan on the phone, calling to check up on you.”

  How nice of him to check in on her. She bit down on the sarcastic thought. She refused to let old bitterness rise to the surface simply because she was hurt again. This time she’d take it to God. Lean on Him for support. God, I’m so upset with Evan and mad at myself for falling for him again. For trusting him with my heart. Help me overcome it. I don’t want to feel like I did all those years before.

  “He put me in jeopardy. Told Terry I was alive, too. Probably banking on the fact that you’d be here to protect me if someone came. And you did. I was passing out, Wilder. If you hadn’t come...” She shuddered. “But we can’t let that matter right now. We have to find him. He’s next if they haven’t already descended on that fake safe house.”

  Wilder pointed to a denim bag. “Cosette brought you a fresh bag with toiletries. I’ll be outside.”

  Jody held her arm up and pointed to the small bruised area where the needle had administered pain meds. “You still got a whuppin’ coming for that pain pump.”

  Wilder snorted. “The meds have made you delusional. Settle down, Feisty McFeister.” He closed the door, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

  Faking their deaths hadn’t worked. Evan had told the bad guys they were alive by baiting Terry Pratt to see if he was the corrupt agent!

  They weren’t safe.

  She didn’t have all her strength.

  Swallowing down a surge of panic and fear, she hoped they weren’t too late to save Evan.


  Evan sat in a recliner that smelled like mothballs. According to Terry, the 1500-square-foot home had belonged to his great-aunt, who had been moved into a nursing home a few months ago.

  When he’d called Terry, he’d seemed relieved and grateful to hear Evan was alive and had even offered to give Evan a ride from his location to the house, but Evan couldn’t give him that location because it would endanger Jody. A gnawing in his gut wouldn’t let up. He’d promised her he’d be right by her side and not leave, and he hadn’t—not until he knew she was going to pull through surgery. Then she’d need to sleep awhile in recovery. With her being so vulnerable, he needed to be proactive. Move fast. Take Terry down if he was the mole inside the agency and put the screws to him to find Lawman1 and arrest him.

  Her safety meant everything to him. This was the only way he could protect her. Wilder wouldn
’t let anything happen, so he’d felt safe to leave. Hopefully, in the next few hours he’d know if Terry was dirty or not, and he could get back to Jody.

  But what did that mean? Don’t leave me. Had Jody meant in the state she’d been in or...ever?

  Was he doomed to repeat his father’s mistakes or could he overcome them? If Jody could forgive him and even love him again, then surely he could find a way to break free from what history and his DNA told him he was.

  There was no doubt he loved her. Had always loved her. Now, with God’s help he might be able to love her better. Treat her like she should’ve been treated all along. Follow God’s ways. She deserved so much more than what she’d been left with. But how could he continue to move up in the agency if he was with her? The guilt alone would eat away at him like acid. She might end up resenting him.

  Even if he overcame all his private obstacles, that barrier still lay between them like an abyss. All he’d ever wanted was to serve and protect. To put away criminals. Every bad guy he caught and brought to justice was like defeating Dad over and over. Working in the Secret Service had garnered him respect and admiration.

  But all he really wanted now was Jody’s. And he wanted to keep it. Could he do that and take the promotion to Assistant Director of Protective Operations he was pretty much guaranteed if he brought these criminals down? He laughed. He was already giving himself a promotion and at this moment in time he was a fugitive!

  Evan had to prove his innocence. Bring down Terry first. It crushed him to know his friend had done this to him, but he’d had access to pick the lock on Evan’s desk drawer. He’d been in the Philippines. Asked to be on the task force. Paid off his house and bought a new boat in the past four months.

  The old refrigerator hummed and the heat kicked off and on. The TV was on a local station—no DirecTV and definitely no high-def. Didn’t matter. Evan couldn’t concentrate on whatever was airing. He had no way to work online. No way to find out if Terry had gone to Lawman1 with the news Evan was alive and here. Terry would have no fear of getting caught because he’d trust Evan would be dead and unable to prove Terry’s involvement. Wheezer hadn’t called to say if the hit had been reinstated or not, but maybe they’d be more careful now and put out a private hit without using the dark web. The possibilities were endless.


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