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G-Man and Handcuffs

Page 2

by Abby Wood

He inhaled a deep breath. “You know I can never tell you no.” He moved her behind him. “I’ll go first this time.”

  After studying the contraption for a full thirty seconds, Tony gingerly sat in the middle of the hammock, and with his arms spread wide, holding onto the edges, he lifted his legs up off the ground. He froze. She covered her mouth with her hands. Despite how ridiculous they both looked, standing out in the yard naked, trying to figure out the easiest way to lay on a bed of ropes, her heart swelled with love. Love?

  She’d known him for four months, ever since the group of guys he worked with hired her to take them fishing for the week. And what a week it was.

  She paced between the two trees. Out of those few months, they’d seen each other, what? Twelve, thirteen times? Gazing back over at him, laying stiff as a board, not daring to move his head, she smiled. He brought so much into her life, and she looked forward to every time he was expected to come out to the cabin. He made her enjoy life even more.


  “Hm?” She stepped over to him.

  “I think I’ve got things under control.” He chuckled, but when the hammock started to swing, he stopped. “You better hurry, before I lose the fight.”

  Jolene hurried and lay down beside Jack, her leg thrown between his thighs. She propped her head up on her hand and smiled down at him. “Guess what?”


  “I love you.”

  His head came up, and he dared to take one hand off the ropes. He cupped her face. “I love you too. Each day I’m away from you makes me realize how much I miss you when I’m not here.”

  She nodded. “Stay here. With me. We could be so happy together.”

  “I’ll talk it over with the guys and see if I can trim down the cases I take.” He pulled her on top of him, and she straddled his hips. “I can stay at the office on the nights I need to find somewhere to sleep, and the rest of the time, I’ll stay here with you. I know how important it is for you to live out here. You live and breathe the outdoors.”

  “Yes.” She rubbed her hands over his chest. “I can’t believe this is happening.” Glancing down between her legs, she shrieked. He’d forgotten about his fear of falling out of the hammock, because he was starting to enjoy himself. His cock had hardened underneath her. She grinned. This was exactly what she had planned.

  “We did it,” she whispered.

  Chapter Three

  The sway of the hammock, the hope of the future, and the excitement over spending more time with Tony set the mood for the afternoon better than Jolene could ever have planned for on her own. She wiggled against his cock. He made her feel so beautiful and loved.

  “Ready to see how this works?” She leaned over and kissed the end of his nose. “Just close your eyes and let your body relax.” Nibbling the curve of his jaw line, she worked her lips over to his earlobe. “It’s like we’re floating, and all I want you to do is feel everything I do to you.” She licked the sensitive skin. “Let me show you what you do to me every time we make love, okay?”

  He nodded and closed his eyes.

  Jolene brushed her rock hard nipples back and forth across his chest. Her skin constricted, sending tingles along her arms. “Touching you makes my body come alive.” She lowered her head and drew a circle around his nipple. “See?” Blowing lightly over the surface, she smiled at the way the small pebble contracted even more and pinched it softly with her teeth.

  Tony’s hands rubbed the length of her thighs. She moaned and arched her back, making her pussy grind against his cock. He had her warmed up and ready to ride without lifting a finger.

  Her clit was swollen and aching for more. Lifting herself up on her knees, his cock sprang up and teased the opening of her pussy. She bobbed atop him, letting her lower lips squeeze the engorged head of his dick. Wanting nothing more than to sink herself down and take every delicious inch of him, she moved slowly. Today was Tony’s day, and she wanted to make it special. I love him.

  The scent of her arousal grew, and Tony licked his lips. His eyes were still closed. He followed her request like he lived life, with perfection and dedication. She smiled. God, the man drove her crazy. Protective, loving, and devoted, she’d never been with a man who came with everything she admired in a person before.

  From the first day she picked him and the guys up at the ranger station for the fishing trip, he’d treated her with nothing but respect. Even when their sex games pushed her further than she thought possible, she grew from the experience.

  Tony lifted his hips and thrust his cock into her. The hammock swung more, and she caught herself on his shoulders before the hammock tipped too far. “Not yet.” She let her body slowly lower onto Tony. Her eyelids fluttered as his hardness stretched her inner muscles. His size, in this position, consumed her whole body. “God, G-man.”

  His breath came louder. “Baby…you’re killing me. I don’t know…” He reached for her breasts.

  “No no no…” She caught his wrists. “You’ll have to be patient. I can’t come right now…not yet.” Leaning over, she pressed his arms out to his sides. “Let’s see if this helps you keep your hands to yourself.” Pressing his hand down on the ropes, she lifted one of the outer ropes on the hammock and slipped it over his wrist pinning him on his back. “I think this’ll work.” She quickly subdued the other hand to the swing.

  “There. You’re at my mercy.” She rubbed her clit against the patch of dark hair at the base of his cock without losing the hold her pussy had on him.

  Pulling her legs out from under her, she planted her feet beside his hips. “Hold on, G-man. I’m gonna give you what you always gift me with.” Balancing her weight on her feet, her toes clinging to the ropes, she raised up above him until his cock almost slipped out and then plunged down on him fully.

  Tony strained against his restraints, and his body bucked wildly underneath her. She continued moving. Up, down, up, down. She rubbed her clit against him on the down stroke. She panted. The pace was fast, hot, and stimulating. Her pussy juice coated the length of him.

  She was so close. It would take very little for her to reach her peak and have an orgasm. Her fingers dug into his chest, and her leg muscles screamed but she refused to stop. Tony would come fast, hard, and long before she gave up.

  He arched his ass off the ropes, opened his eyes, and the world exploded. Every muscle in her body constricted, and liquid heat flowed from her core. Her pussy milked his cock, sucking, pulling, and drawing every drop of cum from him. She laid down over him and straightened her legs out, happy and spent.

  “I love you.”

  He kissed the side of her head. “I love you too.” He inhaled deeply before letting it out slowly. He chuckled, a nice, relaxed, upbeat sound. “Babe? You’re going to have to help me get my arms out of the ropes, because I don’t think I can move a muscle.”

  She laughed and pushed herself up, groaning. “I think we need a nap to restore our strength.” Pulling the rope off his hand, she messaged his wrist while he wiggled his other arm free.

  Once he had the feeling in his arms back, he gathered her in his embrace and turned to curl his body around hers. “Today turned out differently than I thought it would.”

  She sighed. “I can’t believe it happened this way, but I wouldn’t change a thing.” She closed her eyes. “It was perfect. You are perfect.”

  If she listened closely, she could hear the water down at the creek, the soft rustle of the leaves above them moving in the breeze, and the soft creak of the hammock swinging side to side.


  She lifted her head and opened her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “I didn’t wear a condom.”

  Lying back down, she patted his arm as it curled around her stomach. “It’s okay. I checked the calendar. I’ve been on the pill thirty-five days now.”

  Chapter Four

  “What in the world?” Jolene jogged down the creek and stopped in front of the deflated raft. “I
check the boat before I go out on every trip, and I know I didn’t hit anything earlier.” She picked the edge up and peered underneath, but nothing caught her eye. “Dammit. I haven’t even had this one for a year.”

  “Jolene, your supplies are gone.”

  She dropped her arms and turned. “What? This doesn’t make sense.” She peered at the surrounding area. “I’ve had problems with bears at the house, but they can’t carry everything away.” Kicking the ground, she planted her hands on her hips. “My tackle box, my poles… even the floatation devices are gone. Shit.”

  Tony squatted down and studied the material. “It wasn’t an animal.” He reached behind him and drew the pistol out of the waistband of his jeans. “There are knife marks on the raft.” He stepped over in front of her and scanned the banks of the river. “Stay in front of me. I’m taking you back to the house.”

  “I don’t understand.” She hurried along the trail, but kept glancing over her shoulder at Tony. “I’m the only one who lives out here.”

  A rifle shot blasted the air, and she screamed.

  “Run!” Tony pushed her from behind, urging her to go faster.

  She ignored the sticks and rocks poking into the bottoms of her bare feet. Keeping her gaze on the front door of the cabin, she pumped the air with her arms and kept running. Who’s doing this to me?

  She hit the front door, turned the handle, and stepped inside to let Tony in. Struggling to catch her breath, she moved to peer out the window, but Tony grabbed the back of her shirt.

  “Stay back. I don’t want you standing out in the open. We don’t know if he was aiming at us or just an asshole who needs to learn some basic rules.” He moved over to his duffle bag and removed two full magazines and a knife. Shoving the extra bullets in his pocket, he gazed over at Jolene. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded her head. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to go out there and find the asshole who's shooting at us.” He lifted his foot and placed it on the edge of the coffee table. Slipping the knife into a sheath in his boot, he motioned his head toward the back of the cabin. “I want you to get your rifle…just in case.”

  Jolene moved two steps toward the bedroom and the front window exploded, splattering the room with glass. She dropped to her hands and knees. “Tony!”

  “Stay down.” He stretched out on the floor, snagged his bag and on hands and knees made his way over to her. “Crawl into the kitchen and get behind the counter.”

  She didn’t move. He had blood running down the side of his face. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine.” He shook his head. “It’s just a cut from the glass.”

  Frowning, she reached out to find out where the blood was coming from, but he shook his head. “Now, Jolene. Move.”

  Scrambling to the kitchen, she huddled in the corner against the cabinets. The window above the kitchen sink blew out, and she buried her head on her knees. Tears wet her cheeks. Oh God, don’t let us die.

  “I want you to plant yourself right here.” Tony lifted her head. His thumbs strummed the tears off her face. “Whatever happens, do not move. Do you understand me?”

  A wave of chills washed over her skin, and she shook. “I-I’m scared.”

  “I know you are, baby.” His mouth tightened. “The bullets probably won’t get you through the logs, so it’s important that you stay right here. You’ll be fine, if you listen to me.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Don’t open the door. Stay right here on the floor no matter what you hear, okay?”

  Jolene chewed on her bottom lip, but managed a short, quick nod, letting him know she’d do what he asked. “Be careful.”

  He kissed her one more time, turned around, and leaped to his feet at the same time another bullet broke out the glass somewhere in the back of the cabin. She squeezed her eyes shut and began to rock. Please be safe, please be safe, please be safe…

  As the bedroom window shattered, Tony slipped out the front door and sprinted toward the brushy area along the trail to Jolene’s cold shack. From there he’d be able to view the front of the house while having a protective structure between him and the shooter.

  He forced his shoulders to relax. He hated leaving Jolene alone in the house with the chance that the shooter might enter the cabin through one of the back windows, but remaining inside left them both at a disadvantage. Come on, asshole; show your face.

  Another blast came from the back of the house. Jolene screamed. Every muscle in his body tensed. He’d have to work his way around the house through the woods and try to come up behind the shooter. Darting to the left, he was headed for cover when a different kind of yell stopped him cold. Jolene!

  Running full speed toward the cabin, he hid against the side of the house, near the broken front window, and strained to hear what was going on inside. He flipped the safety off his 9mm and leaned over to peek through the window. His heartbeat accelerated.

  A stocky man dressed in black jeans and an old Metallica T-shirt stood at the entrance to the kitchen. His right hand held a revolver. He ducked down below the windowsill. Fuck.

  Going on instinct and years of training, he rose and crashed through the door. “Hold it right there.” His weapon clutched with both hands, he aimed at the bastard’s chest. “Drop the gun.” He kept his gaze on the man. The perpetrator glanced back and forth between Jolene and him. “Don’t even think about it.” His finger tightened on the trigger.

  The man hesitated.

  “I said, drop the weapon!” Tony stepped closer.

  “This has nothing to do with you.” The man’s upper lip twitched, and he stepped backward. “I got business with her.” He pointed the pistol in Jolene’s direction before swinging it back around to Tony.

  Tony moved closer to the kitchen, forcing the man to back up. The farther he could drive the man away from Jolene, the better he’d feel about the situation. “You mess with my woman, and you can expect to fuck with me.” His arm remained steady. “Now drop the gun…nice and slow.”

  The man dropped the gun and ran to the back of the cabin. Tony flipped the safety on the 9mm, shoved the pistol into the back of his jeans, and ran after the shooter without losing a second. He tackled him in the doorway to the bedroom.

  “Let me go. I wasn’t gonna hurt her, man.” The gunman tried to twist out from under Tony, but he already had one of the guy’s arms flung behind his back. “She owes me…all that flirting and attitude she gave me earlier.”

  “Tell Big Roy in the slammer. He loves to teach men who hurt women what it means to show some respect around a female.” Tony laid his hip against the man’s arm. “Jolene! Bring me the cuffs from my bag.” He leaned down and whispered, “Lucky for me, Big Roy owes me a favor. I’ll make sure he introduces himself to you.”

  Chapter Five

  Tony strolled around the house with the headset of the satellite phone stuck to his ear and talked in a loud voice to Bryce. Jolene shook her head and snuggled down in the corner of the couch. He’d worked for the last hour with that contraption, trying to pick up the best signal.

  She saw no need for it, here in the cabin. If she had to call someone, she drove down the mountain to the ranger station and used her cell phone. Pulling the afghan over her bare legs, she glanced at the clock. Maybe she could convince him to give it a rest for the night and join her outside for a shower under the stars. They wouldn’t have too many more nights where they could enjoy that privilege. Fall would be starting soon up here in the higher elevations.

  “We’ll be here. Thanks, Bryce.” Tony lowered his arm and carried the phone over to the base station on the end table. “Sorry that took so long.” He put the high tech toy in the charger.

  “Everything okay?” She lifted the blanket. “Come cuddle with me. I’m cold.”

  Tony sat down beside her and pulled her over onto his lap. “Donovan, Bryce, and Taylor will be here in the morning to help me put in the new window.”

  “That’s great.” She turned to face
him. “Did you find out about—”

  “Kevin Jenson?”

  She nodded.

  “He goes in front of the court next week. In the meantime, he’s locked up. Besides the charges you are filing against him for the sexual assault on the boat and aggravated assault on both of us here at the house, he was also wanted on an out of state warrant for drug possession and intent to deliver.” He cupped her breast. “You won’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  She sighed and leaned back against him. “Good. I just want to forget about that mess. Once we get the windows put in, there will be no reminders of what happened, and we can get on with our lives. This cabin was meant to hold good memories and happy times shared with people you love…not…that.”

  “It might take a little longer for things to go back to normal.” He rolled her nipple between his fingers. “Donovan is going to stay up at Nalley’s Point in the ranger station for awhile. He’s the one you haven’t met yet.”

  She slid her hands around him. “You know all the guys you work with are welcome here. This is your home too, now.”

  He shook his head. “He’s bringing a woman with him.” He sat her up and helped her off with her T-shirt. “Don’s been staying at a safe house with a woman under his protection. The lady goes by the name of Marie. It’s no longer safe at their location, so I secured the ranger station for him. He could bring her out here.” He groaned. “I’m going to stay with them until Marie has to testify. We thought it would be a good idea if you come too. Donovan thinks it might be better for Marie to have a female around as the court date grows closer.”

  “Of course. I’m glad to help out.” She shivered. Tony squeezed, tugged, and fondled her breasts. “It’ll be closer to hike through the woods to the ranger station than take the long road up the mountainside. Most vehicles wouldn’t make it that far, unless you are used to driving in four-wheel drive. The Forestry Department's cabin is very isolated.” She hooked her hand behind his neck. “Come here, G-man.”


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