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The Mountain Man's Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

Page 23

by Alice Moore

  Following his movements through narrowed eyes, I rubbed the tips of my fingers together as I recounted the day. James had called me to ask if I wanted to watch him box, and in my mind, I pictured him with big gloves and a mouth guard, trading weak blows with someone wearing protection pads.

  Oh- how wrong I had been. He went bare knuckle against a man whose padding did nothing to lessen the impacts. At first it was hard to watch, but as the hour slowly went by I found it harder and harder to blink. Every punch he landed was precise; every pivot of his stance crisp and on point. After a while, I realized that his fighting and my pole dancing were the same- we just loved to do it, regardless of what people thought.

  “Do you want a drink?” The question snapped me from my reverie, and I nodded silently as James walked to the refrigerator. “I only have water… and rum.”

  “Water is fine, please.” My response was swift, and James arched his brows at me before opening the box. His silent question weighed the air between us, but I only sighed a heavy breath. “I don’t really drink, and if I do- it’s usually wine.”

  “Let me get this straight. You’ve never seen another person’s blood before- you’ve rarely seen your own blood before- you don’t drink- you’re a stripper to pay for college… and you don’t frown…” Laughing at the assessment, I nodded even as heat billowed up into my cheeks. Across the room James reached into the refrigerator with his free hand, kicking the door shut with a low grunt. “Is it a stretch to say you’re also a virgin? I can’t imagine Martins… your dad- will have an easy time letting you go.”

  “My dad didn’t know for two years.” Thoughtlessly I spoke out, and James barked a laugh of his own before setting his clothes on the counter. Watching him wash his hands, I licked my lips absently as the muscles of his arms and back flexed and rippled. Tensing at the sudden rush that tightened my abdomen, I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts.

  “You’re something else, you know that, Hannah?” Flattery was the way to my heart, and I covered my face with my hands with a strangled whine. Grabbing my wrists in damp palms, James leaned to grin wickedly, and my heart leaped into my throat. “Happiness and innocence aren’t mutually exclusive, it seems… you must make the other strippers insanely jealous.”

  “I do?” Taking shallow, hot breaths, I pursed my lips together tightly as James nodded. Goosebumps rushed up my arms and across my chest, but I couldn’t find the desire to pull away. Creeping along my forearm, his fingers brushed my warm skin, and my eyes widened when he took a step closer to me.

  “Probably. I’m going to go shower. I don’t have a television or anything, but I won’t be long…” James’ smirk deepened, and I flushed a bright red at what I knew he was going to say. “Unless you’d like to join me?”

  I knew it was coming, but the straightforward proposition still dried my mouth as I hesitated to decline. Watching James stare at me expectantly, a shiver lodged between my shoulder blades and desire pooled in my abdomen. He would back off if I wanted, and I smiled at that knowledge.

  “Yeah- yeah, I’ll join you.” James’ eyes widened, and I giggled at the surprise that flittered across his expression. “Innocence and happiness aren’t mutually exclusive… you said that.”

  “I didn’t think you’d actually say ‘yes’…?” Confusion laded his voice, and I gasped as he wrapped his arm around my waist to pull us together. “Why did you say ‘yes’?”

  “Because I like you? You treated me well at the club- you gave me $4,000 dollars, but I really liked hanging out with you. And you invited me out today to show me a part of yourself that’s really important. I-“

  “Stop talking, Hannah- you’re sounding like you’re going to have sex with me because you’re grateful or feel indebted, and I know that’s not what you mean.” Cut off by a voice deepened by amusement, I clamped my mouth shut as James made a face. “Let’s just leave it at we’re both attracted to each other.”

  “O- okay…” A squeak burst from my throat when James picked me up clear off the floor, and I automatically wrapped my arms and legs around his broad, hard body. My back hit the door, tearing a gasp from my lungs before he captured my lips in a searing kiss. His warm, rough tongue wrapped around mine, saturating my taste buds, and I tangled my fingers in his short, brown hair with a moan.

  Pulsing heat radiated from my core, only intensifying when James ground his impressive bulge against me. My jeans were tight, restrictive, and I struggled to kick off my sneakers and free my curling toes. Dragging up my turtleneck, he broke our kiss only to trail his lips down my neck and towards my heaving chest. Fire raced in my veins, and blood roared in my ears to muffle his appreciative groan as he flung my shirt to the side.

  “You have such pretty tits, Hannah…” Moaning as James mumbled against my quivering flesh, I arched into his in a silent plea he didn’t ignore. Big, strong hands squeezed and kneaded the heavy globes, and a strangle gasp escaped my dry lips. My nipples ached, hard and begging for attention even as he licked and suckled the left peak.

  “My- my p- pants… take off my pants…” Sputtering slightly, I pushed down on James’ head to get my point across. His hands rubbed generously, teeth nipping and tongue swirling around my nipple while he searched for my jean fastenings. With deft, practiced movements he undid the button and yanked on the zipper, but his hands circled my waist to grip my butt hard.

  Bouncing when I hit his bed, a giggle floated up from my tight chest, and I shook my head to get my hair out of my face. Grinning down at me, James grabbed the hems of my pant legs to yank with a grunt. Flopping around, I couldn’t help my laughter as I kicked my legs free.

  “I knew you had abs… fuck- that’s so sexy-“ Smiling as James draped himself over me, our little moment was lost as he licked and kissed my abdomen from top to bottom. Gripping the plain, dark brown sheet underneath me, I spread my legs wide to accommodate his shoulders in wanton abandon.

  “James- oh-h-h-h God!” There was no experimental lick, no nudge with his nose; James dove between my legs to spear my entrance with his tongue. White, healthy teeth scraped my folds, and I arched off the bed as he thumbed my sensitive nub with a growling groan. The sound reverberated through my body, and he reached to squeeze my breast tightly as stars swirled behind my closed eyelids.

  “I- I’m… gunna- I’m gunna…” Sucking in a sharp breath, I held the hot, heavy air in my lungs while James feasted on me. His grunts and groans were loud in my ears, and I whined in the back of my throat as I came undone. Curling my toes, I tried to make myself small as the coil in my abdomen snapped to unleash a wave of pleasure through my body. His assault on my swollen, needy bead grew rougher, forcing my orgasm to stretch on until colorful spots filled my dark vision.

  “Fuck- condom…” Gasping for air, I forced my eyelids apart to watch through wide eyes as James reached into his pocket for his wallet. His basketball shorts hung low, and I moaned at the tent that swung when he moved. Shirking off the fabric easily, his hands rolled the latex down his impressive length before he climbed to nestle between my quivering thighs.

  James’ kiss was hot, intense, and I returned it with all of the fervor I could muster. Gripping his shoulders, my fingernails dug into his hard flesh as the smoothness of his condom brushed my weeping slit. Holding my breath, my lungs screamed for relief that didn’t come when he reached between us to ease into my channel. Our lips molded together, frozen, as I stretched to fit him.

  “Oh- fuck yes!” Hissing against my teeth, James pushed himself up on powerful arms to thrust, and a gasp burst from my throat. “Ah-h-h…”

  “More! Please!... Please more!” Rasping and choked, my cry spurred James into action, and I moaned as he pulled out. Thrusting deep, slow, he savored the action with closed eyes, and his face twisted in pleasure. Satisfaction ripped through me, and I squeezed my eyelids shut to focus on the feel of him.

  James’ hips stuck to mine with each thrust, his sweat-laden skin kissing mine as the head of his rod te
ased my cervix. Our heavy, harsh pants mingled, and I pulled his lips down to mine. Dropping onto his elbows, he tangled his hands in my hair to pull taut, and his tongue danced around mine sweetly. His entire body rippled with his thrusts, and I squeezed his length in the throes of another wave of pleasure.

  “Yes-s-s…! Ja-ames…” Muffled by his tongue, my moans pulled a grunt from James before he pulled back to shake his head wildly. Sweat dribbled down his nose to land on my chest, and I shuddered at the burn.

  “Keep squeezing my cock, Hannah-“ Clamping down on him, I locked my thighs against his waist as he groaned a tortured sound. “Ah- fuck… just like that!”

  Reaching deep inside my channel, James grunted and growled as he ducked his head to stare at the place we connected. My legs fell to hit the bed with a thump, and I trembled as he rolled his hips. I didn’t have to do anything as he emptied himself into the condom, and I focused on catching my breath until he pulled out.

  “Oh- God… Th- that was… intense…” Shaking and sputtering, my declaration drew a heaving sigh from James as he sat back on his heels. The snap of the condom being peeled off echoed through the room while I stared dazedly at the ceiling, and I sluggishly lifted my arm to tuck under my head.

  “No kidding…” Dropping heavily onto the bed, James gnawed on my bicep, sucking the firm flesh with an audible pop. Giggling at the sensation, I sighed before he wrapped his arm around my waist. “I still wonder if I’m in a coma in Germany and all of this is an elaborate delusion of a broken mind.”

  “It’s not a delusion.” Mumbling absently, I held myself still as I thought about what just happened. James cuddled against my side in a surprisingly tender gesture, and I hummed quietly between breaths.

  Mixed feelings swarmed my chest, tightening around my heart and sending an ache through my ribs. He could be considered a great partner; there was intensity, passion, and longevity. All of that ruled in his favor, and he was even hospitable when it was over.

  So, why do I feel like I did something bad? The question bounced around my skull, and my lazy smile turned thin. I rubbed my fingertips together, the sweat mimicking the red stain had that been there only an hour and a half ago. We’re so different… but opposites attract, right? And I’m definitely attracted to him.

  “What time do you have to go to the club?” Speaking up, James ripped me from my thoughts, and I gasped when he circled my navel with his fingertips. Frantically I tried to recall my schedule, and he shuffled to stare at my face. Even with my eyes closed I could see his intense stare, but it didn’t rile me; it wasn’t a gaze I could get lost in, or even moderately side tracked.

  Sex made me think too much, and I shook my head hard to clear the thoughts.

  “7:45p.m. I have to be there. Jonny said this might even be my last night if everything goes well. Last night I made almost 4 grand, so I only need to make 4 more.” Cracking my eyes open, I smiled at the consternation on James’ face, and I reached to pinch his cheek softly. “Don’t be like that, James. I can’t rely on someone else to get me through college. I have to do it myself… I have to prove to myself that I can do it.”

  “You don’t belong there, Hannah.” James made no attempt to deny me; I wouldn’t let him throw that last, tiny bit at me. His words were grave, and I tinged pink at the rawness in his voice. Pulling his lips to mine, I pressed a firm kiss there only to get sidetracked by my phone chiming. Reaching blindly for the device, I pulled away when I realized it wasn’t on the bed to roll over, snatching it from the floor.

  “Hey, Jonny…” My greeting came out a squeak when James squeezed my butt, and I kicked him away to clear my throat. “What’s up?”

  Glaring at the man next to me as his muscles tightened in silent mirth, I pushed myself up to sit and adjusted my phone against my ear. Jonny was quiet, but that wasn’t uncommon; he got nervous on the phone, and it always took a moment to get himself together.

  “Hannah, there you are. I have a proposition for you. Another pole dancer called out tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to fill in. But you won’t get paid for it. I figured since you don’t mind doing a set or two for nothing, you’d be interested.” My eyes widened at that, and I nodded stupidly as I struggled to find a response.

  “Yeah- I mean- yes, of course! Can I use the double stage? I have this new move I just got down and-“

  “Knock yourself out. You come in for 7:30p.m. in that case.” Hanging up abruptly, Jonny didn’t bother to say anything more, and I grinned as I let my phone slide onto the bed. Glancing at James, I giggled at him as excitement sloshed in my chest.


  “Hey Nick- Hannah Martins is here for your 1 o’clock.” Without glancing at the door I waved Thomas off, choosing instead to frown as I scrolled through my e-mails. Two of my transplants were late, still gathering up their families and belongings. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t mind the delay; they were just assistants, after all. They’d also been recent deciders, and I knew it’d take a bit more effort than usual.

  Everyone else was already here, and the offices were finally ready to be used.

  A soft knock pulled my attention, forcing me from my computer screen to find Hannah standing in the doorway. Her hair was pulled back into a cradle net, freeing her face to show off that smile that never seemed to leave her. Crisp, starched clothes hugged her frame, and I contemplated how such a professional looking woman and a stripper could be the same.

  “Come in.” Glancing over her, I couldn’t help but frown at the slight awkwardness that radiated from her. Hannah’s round features were slightly pink, and she adjusted her portfolio under her arm in what I recognized as a nervous gesture. “Have a seat.”

  “I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Dunn. I know I didn’t make the best impression initially, so…” Trailing off as she sat herself opposite me, Hannah blushed bright red, and my eyes narrowed. “If you don’t mind my saying, I was surprised you called me for an interview.”

  “You shouldn’t be. You were glowingly recommended even more than the others in your program. Coupled with James’ character reference, it would be a stupid idea not to at least talk to you, Hannah.” I could still hear my brother’s uncharacteristically colorful voice as he spoke about Hannah, and if possible, she turned even brighter. Cocking my head, I watched her purse her lips together as a crease appeared between her brows. “Before we begin, I’m going to give you a piece of advice I hope you’ll take to heart. Don’t get more involved with James. It won’t end well, whether your job opportunities suffer because of your connection to him, or because this infatuation you two seem to have fades. I won’t let it interfere with business, understand?”

  The shock that rippled across Hannah’s face was all the confirmation I needed, and she nodded dumbly before I held out my hand. Her mind might’ve been a bit lashed, but hours of prep came through for her as she passed me for portfolio. Slowly the color drained from her cheeks, and I opened the hardcover folder to glanced down as she cleared her throat.

  “I’ll take it to heart, Mr. Dunn… Erh- so-… Is it a problem…?” Hannah spoke slowly, confusion lacing her voice, and I shook my head as I flipped past her cover letter.

  “Not at the moment, but the minute it does become a problem- if I hire you- I’ll fire you.” Even as the threat passed my lips it left a sour taste on my tongue, and I skimmed through Hannah’s business assessments in the growing silence. By all accounts she was a logical, rational thinker without much experience otherwise; it was why she always smiled. She didn’t know how to act otherwise.

  James’ little tirade about her father and his discharge from the Marines had given me more than what I needed to know to craft that theory. It gave me hope that she could properly separate work and pleasure, and if not, she’d end up like Nash. Not that that’s a bad thing. Hell, she could give him a run for his money, no doubt.

  “I promise it won’t become a problem. And I also quit being a burlesque dancer-“ My eyebrows sh
ot up at that, and I tore my gaze off the page to watch Hannah smile brightly. “I paid off my loans last weekend. I know you have a very high standard for your company, so I made sure to finish up as soon as possible after meeting you.”

  “Was this before or after you two started having sex?” Posing my question, I waited patiently for an answer I already knew. Hannah’s expression flattened out, her smile dimming to a slight curve, and I set her portfolio down to rub my palms together. “Don’t give credit where it isn’t due, Hannah. You said you had 8 grand left- there’s no way you made that in a weekend. Maybe if you went to New York on the right night.”

  “I didn’t-“ Raising my hand to cut Hannah off, I pushed myself from my office chair to round my desk. The glass was smooth, thick, and I leaned on it lightly to cross my arms over my chest.

  “Don’t give credit where it isn’t due. It’ll drag you down, just like it is right now. Whatever James does with his money is his decision, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for a little help. You need to accept that gifts are given freely. In this business, it’s not uncommon to receive bonuses for good work. Are you going to tell someone ‘no’ because you don’t agree with their decisions?” Hannah didn’t have a response for that, and I sighed heavily as she fixed a discouraged smile between her cheeks. “Listen- I’m not going to rag on you about it, but you tell someone you don’t want a bonus or a gift, and they’ll drop you. They’ll go to someone else that’s more open, even if he or she isn’t as good. When someone gives you something, you accept it without hesitation, understand? Whether it’s money, a car, a bonus, or a trip- the people we deal with know exactly what they’re giving away and why. Declining is insulting, and for people with such big egos, insulting is worse than murder.”

  And this is why I was hesitant to work with college kids. Hannah was a perfect example of inexperience. She had the technical aspect down to a T, but everything else was rough. Watching her wrestle with what I had said, I reached to rub my cheek in thought. If she was a stripper, why is she so bad at being personable?


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