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Dragon Lords Volume 1: BBW Fantasy Romance Bundle

Page 4

by Lyra Valentine

  Marnie lowered the sword, belting it to her waist, and took her first steps down the treacherous path toward Birro. The red of her dress would help the watchers track her on her mission, and hide any wounds she’d take.

  The skeletons of birds and firestarters littering the ground worried her. She could barely step forward without crunching on a bone. Trolls were rarely seen, so perhaps it wasn’t one of those. But wild cats were common, and just as dangerous. She didn’t intend to have her hide torn by any claws but Birro’s.

  She picked her way carefully down the steep path, and tried to ignore what she imagined were bets being called above her. The council would hold themselves apart from such behavior, but the crofters and young riders could participate. She wondered what her odds were. Maybe she should call up and bet against herself, so her family would have something extra to fund her burial.

  The path circled down into the quarry where the red dragon waited for her. It was wider at some points, and much narrower at others. She paused at a rickety wooden bridge spanning a gap that went straight to the floor. The wood creaked when she tested her weight against it. She couldn’t imagine how any bulky stoneworker could have made it across, especially hauling a load of rock.

  Marnie gulped, and turned to the cliff face. It would be just like climbing for firestarter shells, she tried convincing herself. She sought out the tiny grooves she knew she could use for finger holds, and was thankful when she found them. Pressing her front to the wall, she used the grooves to help her balance and started inching her way across the narrow bridge.

  The wood cracked under her, sending her foot straight through to dangle helplessly in the air. The crowd above gasped, but she didn’t hear them over the sound of blood rushing through her ears in panic. Her finger hold on the wall saved her from falling all the way through, almost certainly to her death.

  Not trusting the rest of her wooden bridge, she planted her free foot in another groove of rock. She lifted herself and tried to shake her leg free, but the splintered plank fought to keep her trapped. Finally after an agonizing moment, she broke loose. She hugged herself close to the wall, and shimmied across the rest of the distance.

  On the other side, she pressed her backside against the wall, and rested her hands on her knees. Gods above. If he wanted to get rid of her, surely there were easier ways to accomplish that without having her fall to her death or his dragon eat her.

  She was quickly losing confidence. In herself, and in Dungan’s desire for her. Teind was almost cruel. There was no way for a regular person to win. But, she supposed, that was the purpose. One unbonded to a dragon must be strong in their own right to handle a life shared with a dragon rider.

  Marnie looked toward the altar, and saw Dungan standing on the edge of the quarry. She felt his eyes on her, even though she couldn’t make him out at that distance. Liquid heat rushed through her, and melted away her concerns. He called for Teind. She would answer him and prove to all the onlookers that she was worthy.


  By the flame. Dungan swore silently when Marnie slipped through the plank bridge. He’d have words with the stoneworkers after all was said and done. They were shirking their responsibility of maintaining the quarry.

  He wanted to call down encouragement to her once she reached the other side. He glanced to his side, and saw Boyd and his brother Graeme with their heads together. No doubt plotting their next move against him.

  Gregory Allaway stood a short distance apart. The man looked pale as a ghost, and his mouth moved with silent prayers. Dungan almost reached out to squeeze the man’s shoulder, but tradition held him in place. It was improper for the Dragon Lord to show compassion during such a time. Either his woman would be strong enough, or she wouldn’t.

  Her chin lifted, and he imagined she met his eyes. He wondered if most women would do such a thing, or if they would hunker down and call an end to the ritual. Not Marnie. This was the woman who would rather jump in the loch than submit easily to him. She knew what she wanted, and the bloody hell with anyone who dared get in her way. The lines of challenge drawn by her body were perfect. She was determined to fight this out until the very end.

  Dungan had to suppress a smile. He had chosen well with Marnie. Her strength would combine with his, and they would rule over the land and council with ease. And that would be before he married her. He still wasn’t sure how he would accomplish it, but he knew together they’d be able to solve anything.

  But first she needed to complete the ritual. And then he needed to fuck her.


  With renewed vigor, Marnie set off on the path to Birro. She could hear the dragon rumbling from the top of the quarry. He would call to her, taunt her, until she was in front of him. And then he would fight her.

  She knew nothing about riding a dragon. Her only experience mounting one was with Dungan in the loch, and she doubted Birro would make it that simple. The dragon, knowing she didn’t have one of her own for him to mate with, needed her to prove herself worthy of forgoing that desire.

  She rounded a corner, and then jumped back when a jet of flame arced toward her. She breathed hard. She was surprised to have made it to the quarry floor without further incident. But now she needed to face her foe.

  She tried to think of a way to avoid Birro’s flames and claws, but her mind came up empty. The loose rocks near her shuddered. She peaked around the boulder she hid behind, and saw the dragon lumbering closer. He’d scented her out, and meant the end the challenge.

  Marnie quickly ran from behind her boulder, and jumped behind another. She could move faster than Birro could turn, and thought to perhaps use that to her advantage. Birro turned his wide head, and another spray of flame shot forth. The boulder grew hot against her back, and she ran quickly to another before she melted with the rock.

  She moved with dogged determination, circling around the arena Birro had chosen for them, until she knew the layout. She ducked behind rock piles that were growing smaller with each breath of fire, and was careful not to step in molten rock. The air was thick with the smell of sulphur, and she didn’t need to be caught in one spot long enough for Birro to roast her or her lungs to give out.

  Marnie slowly turned Birro into the position she wanted him. A spot between two unsinged boulders could do the trick, if she was fast enough. When he was in position, she darted between the rocks.

  “Come here, you bloody oaf!” She called to him. Keeping her eyes on his snout, she reached for some smaller rocks and threw them in his direction.

  Birro roared, and Marnie resisted the urge to stop her ears with her hands. He stumbled forward, great, clawed feet crunching on the bones of birds and firestarters. She hid behind another boulder, but threw more rocks to continue luring him on.

  When Birro passed, she made her move. She rolled out from behind the boulder, and snagged the rein dangling from Birro’s neck. She fought to tangle the strap around her arm. If she could just do that, she could haul herself up his side. She’d done it in the loch; she could do it here in the quarry.

  The dragon thrashed around. His shoulders plowed through the boulders at his sides, sending the rocks rolling haphazardly. She wasn’t bonded to him, and his rider wasn’t nearby to calm him. He didn’t want to submit easily, even if Dungan wanted her to win. For the sake of the challenge, Dungan was unable to give his dragon orders.

  Marnie heaved on the strap, which forced Birro’s head down and facing her. It was a bad move. He opened his mouth and a spurt of fire shot straight toward her. She dove to the side, narrowly avoiding a nasty burn. She gulped in air and felt a calm descend over her.

  “Bloody dragon! Stop moving about!” She hollered at him, and threw herself forward. The strap was still wrapped around her arm, and she planted boots on his side. Mercifully, as soon as she touched his sides, Birro calmed. She pulled herself higher, and hitched herself over his back. He shied away like a fussy horse, and she slapped his side.

  “Stop!” She ordered
him again, and he stopped his sidesteps long enough for her to straddle him. The dragon opened his wings and prepared to spring high and take flight.

  A weight pulled on her boot, and Marnie slipped to the side. A scream ripped out of her throat as she slipped sideways. Birro hopped forward, his take off ended as she sawed at the reins on one side.

  She looked down and saw the culprit. Another scream hijacked her throat. The gnarled hand of a troll gripped her foot. She wasn’t sure if it was trying to pull her down or itself up, but either way, she was slipping from the saddle. She reached for the sword tied to the saddleback, and brandished it at the grey-skinned monster snarling at her.

  Awkwardly, she tried fending off the troll with her sword, and knew the McAlisters would be snickering behind their hands. They were riding horses and swinging swords at one another practically from birth. They could probably handle a troll with no issue, but she wouldn’t last long.

  The monster snarled at her again, and raked clawed fingers down her dress. The tangled skirts parted with a rip. Marnie gulped, and kicked out. She didn’t want to see what those sharp claws would do to her skin.

  The sword clattered to the ground, useless in her hands. She screamed again, and landed a solid kick on the troll’s face. It hissed at her, and held its hands to its nose. Birro reared back, and Marnie was pulled away from her attacker. A great jet of fire erupted from the dragon, and the troll’s curdling screams echoed through the quarry. Birro blast the troll again, and the monster melted into a pile of red-hot rock.

  A cheer rose from around the quarry, and Marnie looked up. She pushed disheveled locks of hair from her face and saw triumph in Dungan’s eyes. She raised a fist in the air, and he nodded. Birro turned his head and crooned at her. She pat the dragon’s side, and pulled herself into position on his back.

  Chapter Three

  Marnie looked great in red. Too great. He wanted to skip all of the pomp and take her right back to his chambers. The dress fit her like a glove, outlining her curves in a way that made him twitch in his pants. He held himself in check. If he wanted to keep her, she would need to go through the Teind.

  That she had survived Birro’s best efforts to unseat her was a feat. But now she’d taken on a rock troll. She’d surpassed his wildest expectations. There would be no objections from the council after they completed the ceremony.

  Birro’s landing shook the ground nearby. Marnie jerked forward at the sudden stop, looking for all the world like an inexperienced young rider. Dungan grabbed her around the waist as soon as her feet touched the ground. He wanted to kiss her for a thousand springs, but knew the ritual needed to be completed.

  “You were magnificent,” he praised. He leaned down, letting his lips brush over hers.

  A whimper broke from her throat, and he clasped her closer to him. The poor girl was trembling, though he wasn’t surprised. She lifted her head, and poured herself into the kiss. Her shaking stopped the moment his tongue tasted hers.

  Dungan rumbled with approval, feeling more like an animal than a man. His lips crashed over hers hard. He demanded more than she already gave, and she met him like a possessed woman.

  She growled when he nipped at her lower lip, and grabbed the back of his neck to pull him to her mouth. He took the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth again. She moaned at the deep probe. He teased her with his tongue, feeling the heat rise between their bodies at the wild ebb of their passion. He could feel himself growing harder with every passing second, and control was fast slipping away from him.

  His lips briefly brushed hers again before he raised her up and slung her over his shoulder.

  “Dungan!” She cried, and struggled to push herself down.

  He smacked her ass. “Stay still,” he ordered. He felt her sigh, and settle over his back. Her hands pushed against his back so she could have some idea of where he was taking her. As if there was any question.

  The altar loomed in front of him. It was primarily used for the naming ritual, where a dragon rider brought his young dragon before the others for introductions. Teind needed to be public, and what better way to solidify her importance than to complete the ritual there.

  He settled her on the slab of stone and pulled her roughly to the very edge, with her legs wrapped around his waist. She whimpered as his kisses left a trail of blazing touches down her neck and across the mounds spilling over the bodice top. He caught the laces between his teeth and pulled.

  This was a claiming, and she would be his.


  Marnie gasped. The gasp turned to a moan as Dungan’s hot mouth teased again at her breasts. His tongue licked the skin just above the fabric, pulling the laces undone as he went. She spilled out into the open, and her nipples beaded in the cool air.

  Her cheeks flamed redder than her hair. The council crowded around, vying for a better position. Soon, it wouldn’t be just her breasts they would witness. They would see everything.

  Dungan listed his head, his eyes glittering in a bewitching green. Concern entered his eyes, but she nodded. The ritual must be public, so the council would witness his claim on her. Even so, he pushed up and snagged her lips in another kiss.

  He held her close as their kiss became an inferno. Everything around them blazed away into nothing, until only Dungan existed. A flush of arousal hit her core, and spread through her with a raging intensity.

  At her whimper, Dungan broke free. He bent his head again, and licked her freed nipple. The rough brush of his tongue against her skin made a shiver rush through her body and her cunt clench for more.

  She closed her eyes to the onlookers, and focused on the sensation of him drawing her nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard at the peak, until a cry broke from her lips. Her back arched, pushing her full breasts forward for more attention.

  He stroked his hands up her legs, sliding them around to feel at her inner thighs. He pushed her skirts up her legs, revealing the milky white color to the world. She parted her legs for him at the unspoken command, and he stepped closer.

  His fingers brushed the tender skin of her cunt, already soaked for him. A low chuckle filled her ears, and she melted at the sound. “You know exactly how to please me, don’t you?” he whispered.

  He drove two thick fingers deep into her cunt, and Marnie arched against him. The moan that escaped her lips was louder than before, and her eyes snapped open. Gods above. She needed him. Despite the dangers she’d just gone through, maybe because of them, she needed him.

  She rocked her hips against his hand, driving him still further inside her. She focused on him, blocking out all the men around them, no doubt getting a good look. Dungan’s fingers stroked her insides, sliding her ever closer to shattering with pleasure.

  “That’s right. Concentrate on me,” he demanded of her. As a reward, he added his thumb to rub her clit. The extra touch was almost too much, but she’d found she was as insatiable as he could be and greedy for his touch.

  Biting her lip, she closed her eyes again and rocked her hips against his hand again. A slow smile spread across her lips as her cheeks flushed further. His thumb continued to stroke her, and he added another finger inside her.

  He stroked until spots appeared behind her eyelids and her hips bucked into him. When her breath turned to hard pants, he pulled his fingers from her cunt. She opened her eyes to see him sliding his muscled body down hers. His tongue licked a wet path from her nipples, down her soft belly, and finally to her center.

  Knowing the council could all see what Dungan could, Marnie tried to close her thighs. But Dungan made a sharp noise, and his strong hands held her open. Her flesh pimpled at the cooler air and his order to remain as she did, spread out beneath him for all to see.

  His tongue touched her gently as he licked a slow circle around her clit. A sound of pure male ego broke the silence between them, and Marnie relaxed an inch. The noise was for her and her alone. Then his tongue lashed against her and parted her lips, and the world faded to nothing
but Dungan.

  Dungan’s hands held her open to him. His skillful tongue sought out her clit, and suckled until her back arched. She tangled her hand in his hair, and tried to direct him. But Dungan had other ideas. He nibbled and licked at her flesh. He circled her clit, and suckled again until she was ready to beg for him to fill her with his cock. Each time she neared the edge, he switched his tactics to something else that made her cry out in equal parts arousal and frustration.

  Just when she could take no more, he drove his fingers into her cunt again. She gasped at the sudden penetration, and drove herself down hard on him. It was only when she opened her eyes again, did she realize how closely she was being watched by the council.

  Instead of horror gripping her heart, instead of shame sopping up her arousal, Marnie felt a rush of excitement. They were watching their lord take his woman. Her. A wave of pleasure flooded her cunt.

  Dungan rumbled again with his pure male arousal. The vibration against her clit made her toes curl and heat rush through her veins. She writhed under his touch. Her lips parted, and her tongue snaked out to wet her lower lip, plump from kissing. She could feel the edge rushing ever closer, waiting for her to tumble over.

  And then Dungan pulled away. Marnie’s pout of frustration died on her lips when she caught the wild look in Dungan’s eyes.

  He stepped between her thighs and unlaced his pants. His thick cock sprung free. She couldn’t resist, and reached for him. His eyes slid closed as her fingers wrapped around his girthy shaft. She could barely fit around him, and it drove her wild that he was as worked up as he made her.

  She leaned forward, and flicked her tongue out against the slit on his head. His musky scent filled her nose, and she sighed with contentment at the drop of him she tasted. She took him in her mouth, letting him slide far into her throat. His hands fisted in her hair, and she froze. But he didn’t to more than hold her.


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