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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 1

by Judy Carroll

  Human by Day, Zeta by Night: A Dramatic Account of Greys Incarnating as Humans

  Title Page

  Chapter 1 Reconnaissance

  Chapter 2 Destination Earth

  Chapter 3 Family Planning

  Chapter 4 Taking the Plunge

  Chapter 5 Aunt Melila’s Wisdom

  Chapter 6 An Alien in School

  Chapter 7 Not All That Different

  Chapter 8 Making Soul Connections

  Chapter 9 Night Visitor

  Chapter 10 Assistant to Angels

  Chapter 11 Mara

  Chapter 12 Earth 101

  Chapter 13 Revelations on Genesis

  Chapter 14 Mick the Mouth

  Chapter 15 Blue

  Chapter 16 Realm History 101

  Chapter 17 Dual Lives

  Chapter 18 A Rite of Passage

  Chapter 19 Missing Time

  Chapter 20 Facing Reality

  Chapter 21 Oneness

  Chapter 22 Fear

  Chapter 23 Purpose

  Chapter 24 An ET Housekeeper

  Chapter 25 Vibrations

  Chapter 26 Forgotten Agreement

  Chapter 27 Linking Up

  Chapter 28 Star Children

  Chapter 29 All Gypsies Look Alike

  Chapter 30 Star Nations Conference

  Chapter 31 Spiritual Evolution

  Chapter 32 Free Will

  Chapter 33 Kate’s Download

  Chapter 34 Maddie

  Chapter 35 Hell on Earth

  Chapter 36 Kids on Board

  Chapter 37 Boxes

  Chapter 38 Star Children

  Chapter 39 The Scheme of Things

  Chapter 40 Symbols

  Chapter 41 Surveillance Failure

  Chapter 42 Only Thing to Fear is Fear

  Chapter 43 The Human Ladder

  Chapter 44 9/11

  Chapter 45 A Walk-in

  The Zeta Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness



  A Dramatic Account of Greys Incarnating as Humans

  by Judy Carroll

  Published by Wild Flower Press

  Smashwords Edition ©2011 by Judy Carroll

  Discover other titles by Judy Carroll at

  The Zeta Message, coauthored with Helene Kaye

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author and publisher.

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  Wild Flower Press

  An Imprint of Granite Publishing

  P.O. Box 1429

  Columbus, NC 28722


  I dedicate this book to my Zeta Family — my beloved Guides and Teachers — for your Lessons, Love and Light, as well as your endless patience, compassion and encouragement.

  Thank you for helping me to learn and to grow, which

  in turn is enabling me to help my fellow humans.

  Love does indeed conquer all!



  I would like to acknowledge and thank the folks at Wild Flower Press for their support and belief in the messages conveyed through this book. As a publishing company renowned for its commitment to Truth, their agreement to publish this “fictional” story has been an unusual and controversial step for them to take.

  Also, a special acknowledgement for my dearest friend and spiritual sister, Helene Kaye, her husband Gary, and their two beautiful children, Kira and Ben, whose amazing experiences, patience, dedication and love have made this book possible. I love and thank you all, more than mere words can ever express.

  Human by Day, Zeta by Night is presented as a docudrama, based firmly upon our non-fiction book The Zeta Message — Connecting All Beings in Oneness, co-authored by fellow experiencer, Helene Kaye.


  Linked Table of Contents




  1 Reconnaissance

  2 Destination Earth

  3 Family Planning

  4 Taking the Plunge

  5 Aunt Melila’s Wisdom

  6 An Alien in School

  7 Not All That Different

  8 Making Soul Connections

  9 Night Visitor

  10 Assistant to Angels

  11 Mara

  12 Earth 101

  13 Revelations on Genesis

  14 Mick the Mouth

  15 Blue

  16 Realm History 101

  17 Dual Lives

  18 A Rite of Passage

  19 Missing Time

  20 Facing Reality

  21 Oneness

  22 Fear

  23 Purpose

  24 An ET Housekeeper

  25 Vibrations

  26 Forgotten Agreement

  27 Linking Up

  28 Star Children

  29 All Gypsies Look Alike

  30 Star Nations Conference

  31 Spiritual Evolution

  32 Free Will

  33 Kate’s Download

  34 Maddie

  35 Hell on Earth

  36 Kids on Board

  37 Boxes

  38 Star Children

  39 The Scheme of Things

  40 Symbols

  41 Surveillance Failure

  42 Only Thing to Fear is Fear

  43 The Human Ladder

  44 9/11

  45 A Walk-in


  End Note

  The Zeta Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness



  Tens if not hundreds of thousands of perfectly sane, normal human beings are being regularly taken on board extraterrestrial (ET) space craft for the purpose of medical examinations, probes and genetic procedures. These people, popularly referred to as abductees, contactees, or experiencers, cover a broad cross-section of the world community and all age groups.

  The ETs involved are usually the small, thin-bodied, large-headed ones with black almond-shaped eyes known as the Greys, although other types, some very human in appearance, have also been reported. The encounter experience often begins with the person waking in the night to find a number of entities (usually three) in the bedroom. They are then whisked mysteriously out of the house through locked doors and closed windows, and the next moment find themselves on board an ET disc, lying on an examination table in a clinic-like room. A medical examination is then carried out on them, which often involves the removal of tissue samples, the placing of an implant into some part of their body, and sometimes a gynecological procedure of some sort.

  If the situation becomes too painful or frightening, an “anesthetic” is administered, simply by one of the ETs placing their hands on the head of the human guest. When it is over, the person is returned safely to bed, occasionally waking the next morning to such anomalies as pajamas on back to front, inside out or folded neatly beside them, unexplainable bleeding or body marks, often in the shape of a triangle, and more rarely, awakening in the wrong bed, or even the wrong house.

  Some have conscious or semi-conscious recollection of their encounter experiences, some do not, but this phenomenon, along with the UFOs which have been seen, reported and investigated over a period of many years, is gaining more and more credence. In fact hardly a day goes by witho
ut at least one sighting of a UFO or an “alien abduction” report somewhere on the planet. Many popular books have been written on ETs and abductions, but up until the present time, most literature on the subject has naturally been written from the human viewpoint. Now it is time for the ETs themselves to have a say on the subject.


  Chapter 1 Reconnaissance

  Our discs skimmed the sandy surface of the planet, travelling at a steady and moderate speed of only a few hundred kilometers per hour. This was a reconnaissance flight, so my fellow crew members and I had left the safety of our space station to venture forth in two of our smaller, more compact discs to carry out our mission. We were operating on a lower frequency band of the electromagnetic scale, which meant we were visible to any Earthling eyes that happened to be scanning the night sky, but with the storm that had been raging for the last half hour or so, that was not very likely. This was not a thickly populated area of the planet, and most of the inhabitants would be tucked up safe and sound in their beds anyway, so we felt fairly secure that our presence would not be noticed.

  We were probably appearing as blips on the radar screens at the local Air Force Base, which was a bit of a worry, but even if they sent one of their planes up to investigate and intercept us, we would soon make our escape. Compared to our discs even the very latest fighter planes of Earth are slow and cumbersome, and we can easily out-maneuver them. We knew exactly what their capabilities were, because we’d been monitoring them for years, positioning our data-gathering plasma balls close to their wingtips during the last major war to ensure a regular supply of information on the technological progress of the military forces of Planet Earth. These plasma balls are actually living, sentient thought forms created as extensions of our own minds. They appear to Earthling eyes as balls of light and have been known by human pilots as “foo fighters.”

  On this mission my “twin soul” Ashka and I were piloting our disc, along with three other crew members. Ashka and I are close friends, sharing a very similar energy signature, so we often work together in this way. Our discs are not powered by fuel-driven rockets, or engines of any sort for that matter. They are motivated solely by the pure, naturally occurring energy that is the driving force behind the entire universe. They are designed to access this cosmic energy directly through the hands and mind focus of the crew.

  To put it simply, we ourselves are the conduit for the power, and the disc is an extension of us in that we are linked to it and to each other by thought processes alone. This energy flows into and through our bodies, which act as conductors, and is directed into the disc, which is intimately linked into our energy and nervous systems through our hands when they are placed on the control panel. Direction and speed are governed solely by our minds, and so the disc can potentially travel at the speed of our thoughts, thus transcending time and space. The disc is a living entity of which we are the brain and nervous system. The disc itself is “attuned” to the energy signature of each individual crew member, and will respond only to our touch.

  Our people, known on Earth as “Zeta Reticulans” or “Greys” because of the color of the bodies we sometimes use, are visiting your planet as a rescue team, to assist in the awakening of Earth human consciousness to higher and deeper levels of awareness. The name we call ourselves may be translated into the physical languages of Earth as Family, or Guardians, and where we come from is Home, or Realm. We have experienced lives in many different star systems including your own, but we have now evolved to a point where we are no longer trapped in the physical universe. We moved beyond that state eons ago.

  We are not physical beings but rather pure soul essence, and we are caretakers of life-force energy within the universe. In order to carry out our role of guardianship on physical planets such as Earth, we sometimes must utilize physical bodies, or “containers,” as we call them. These may be biological, artificial, or even a bit of both, depending upon the work we are carrying out at the time. The artificial containers have caused some Earth-plane investigators to conclude that we are robots, but the truth is, Earth humans are in general far more “programmed robots” than we are!

  Having evolved past the psychological or karmic need for physical form, we operate in total oneness as a Group Soul Consciousness. As Guardians, we are able to consciously access many different dimensional planes, and those beings known on Earth as “Angels” are very highly evolved members of our group. Beings like Ashka and me, who have not yet attained this advanced frequency level, are referred to as helpers, or workers of the Angels. Earth humans have given us many different labels — Zetas, Greys, Visitors and ETs, which are all fine as far as we are concerned. What we do not like to be called is “Aliens,” for the immortal soul consciousness that we are, you are also, so in the greater reality we are all One.

  Part of our mission on this particular flight was to investigate certain electromagnetic anomalies that had been picked up in the area by another crew during a previous reconnaissance sweep. A fact that most people on Earth are blissfully unaware of is that electromagnetic “traps” or “fences,” have been set up deliberately in certain areas of the planet. How they came to be, who set them up in the first place and why, is a whole story in itself, and it is one of the main reasons why we Guardians are coming here to Earth at this time. Unfortunately some of these traps are still active and can be triggered by the right atmospheric conditions. They themselves affect atmospheric conditions as well.

  These are the areas of your planet where people and even planes and ships can disappear in the blink of an eye if they accidentally enter the force field. They are also quite dangerous in that they can cause major disturbances in the weather patterns, as evidenced by the raging storm through which we flew that night. In fact it was taking the combined concentration of all of us to keep the disc steady and on track. Telepathic communication from the other disc indicated that they were having trouble as well.

  A sudden, split-second frantic warning from them jolted through our minds, followed by dead silence, then a bolt of lightning set off by a solid object coming into contact with an electromagnetic fence hit us full-on, short-circuiting our energy system. A massive explosion threw me sideways as the control panel disintegrated in a shower of sparks, and spiraling and spinning out of control, our disc nose-dived into the hard and unforgiving terrain of the planet below.

  Everything around me was still and silent as death. Time lost all meaning as I lay half conscious in the tangled wreckage, but then a feeble, pain-wracked mind reached out to me, making me aware that at least one of the others was still alive. Thank goodness I was not alone on this dangerous and primitive planet! Slowly disentangling myself from a twisted mass of fiber-optic cables, I crawled out from under part of the control panel that had caved in on top of me and went in search of survivors.

  Being in the almost completely artificial body that is standard equipment for disc pilots, I had no physical injuries as such. The electric shock caused by the lightning strike on the disc had left me feeling rather disoriented and slightly dizzy, but apart from that I was okay. The planetary atmosphere was not a problem either. An immortal spiritual soul essence does not need air to breathe, and neither does the container/body that we use to carry out physical-plane activities. Inhabiting this body, I needed neither food nor water, and that is why we generally use such containers for space travel. But unfortunately the others weren’t so well equipped.

  As well as being a reconnaissance mission, our venture had also been experimental in nature. The other crew members, including Ashka, had been in biological containers, with the intention of testing them out in the extremely heavy atmospheric conditions of Planet Earth. Our plan had been to land the disc in a remote area where they could step outside briefly to check their potential for survival, but still remain close to the disc, if anything went wrong. We had not, however, been prepared for a crash.

  “Alarca, Alarca! Over here! Please help me! I can’t move!” It was Ash
ka, and she was pinned under the side of the disc that had collapsed inwards under the impact of the crash. I got to her as fast as I could, and somehow managed to lift the tangled metal up and off her body, but it was obvious she was badly injured; then I saw the others, their physical containers well and truly dead and beyond my help. At least I knew they would all be safely home by now.

  Turning my attention back to Ashka, I lifted her container gently and carried it outside. It was still dark, but our eyes adapted to night vision. Nevertheless, in the heavy atmosphere of Earth it was hard to move about, so it took some effort to help Ashka and then to get back to the disc for a first-aid kit. By the time I returned to her side, it was obvious by the injuries she had sustained there was nothing much that could be done for her. It was clear that her biological body was struggling to survive.

  “Oh, Alarca, I am so sorry! I’m not going to be able to stay here much longer, but I don’t want to leave you here on your own!” A thin, grey, four-fingered hand reached feebly for mine and she gasped in pain as her rapidly weakening thoughts telepathed into my mind.

  “Ashka, it’s all right!” I cried, holding her hand in both of mine to enable her to draw on the maximum amount of energy to ease and hasten her release from the pain of her badly damaged container. “Please, just let go! Go home with the others! I’ll be fine.” I wanted to take her in my arms, but dared not because of the severity of her injuries. Instead of comforting her, I would only cause her more pain.

  Car headlights swept the area as a convoy of military vehicles arrived on the scene. Coarse, loud human speech assaulted our senses and lights blinded me as a group of large uniformed Earthlings descended upon us. I wanted to run, but I could not leave Ashka alone and at their mercy, but when I looked back at her again, I knew her container was uninhabited.


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