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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 17

by Judy Carroll

  “Ali, I’m sorry I came barging into your room like that, but I was so scared! I couldn’t stand the thought of being alone. I was scared they’d come back to finish the job.”

  Thank goodness Paco was looking better by now. The normal color was back in his face and he wasn’t shaking any more. We talked for a while longer before he felt able to go back to his own room. I lay awake the rest of the night, staring at the ceiling and wondering how in the name of heaven I was going to tell him the truth.

  Of course, I was well aware of the examination procedure that we carry out, and yes, he was quite correct. We do take numerous blood and tissue samples, as well as sperm and ova from the bodies of our human “guests.” I was also quite sensitive to how terrifying and unpleasant it could potentially be for them, but it’s for their own good. How to explain to him and others that the manmade chemical pollution on Earth is a major concern to us, and as caretakers of the planet, the only way we can monitor its effects on living creatures is to take these samples on a regular basis.

  For humans, a visit to the doctor or dentist is not always pleasant either, as I was finding out now that I inhabited an Earth body — in fact such visits can be downright painful and quite terrifying. However, they are nonetheless carried out for the ultimate welfare of the patient, and are most necessary for the prevention of more serious problems arising. The work we are carrying out on Earth humans is no different.

  I considered telling him about the problems with nuclear weaponry and of the very real possibility that all life on Earth, including all of humanity, could be wiped out, as has happened before. Maybe then he would understand that this is why sperm and ova are taken, both from humans and also from various animal species, so that if life on Earth is destroyed, either through man-made or natural catastrophe, the continuation of these life-forms will be assured elsewhere. Surely he’d understand the importance of this, but I decided not to say anything quite yet.


  Chapter 20 Facing Reality

  A couple of nights later the unthinkable happened — Paco was taken on board the disc in which I was working, and we came face to face. I deeply hoped that he wouldn’t recognize me in my Zeta form, but I should have known better. As our eyes met, recognition dawned, not physically, but on deeper levels of his being, and what I saw in his eyes was disbelief, horror and betrayal.

  The following morning he would not look at me. He spent the whole day very carefully avoiding me and by late afternoon it had reached a point of ridiculousness, with his walking out of the room as soon as I came in, so I went after him to get the inevitable confrontation over with.

  “Paco!” I called to him. “We have to talk.”

  “What about?”

  “You know very well. You saw me last night, didn’t you?”

  “Just leave me alone, Ali! Get away from me. I don’t know what the hell is going on with you, but I don’t want anything to do with it. I’ve finally got to where I’ve always wanted to be in life, and now you’re going to ruin it all. Why can’t you and your damned alien friends just leave me in peace!”

  He turned his back on me and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I had never seen him so angry. I went to my room, locked the door, and cried my eyes out for the next hour. It was as though he had stabbed me with a knife, and it was not only my human heart that was in pain but my Guardian one as well.

  He left early the next morning before I was even awake, with the excuse of going to visit a friend, and two days passed with no word from him. Only I knew the real reason for his absence, so my parents could not understand why I was so upset and worried, but the look of fear and loathing in his eyes at the sight of me in gray form haunted me day and night. I had been the only one he felt he could trust, but now, as far as he was concerned, I had betrayed that trust. What could I do? Finally, in an attempt to still my mind and perhaps find a solution to the problem, I went to my favorite corner of the garden, to meditate.

  An hour or so later I opened my eyes, to find Paco quietly sitting on the ground opposite me. I started to speak, but he put his finger to his lips, indicating that I should stay silent and not move. This was all very well, but I had a cramp in my leg from sitting still for so long, and I couldn’t stand it any longer — I just had to stretch.

  “Oh, no, Ali,” he begged, “please don’t move yet. The light is so beautiful.”

  I stared at him. “What light? What are you talking about?”

  “Your aura!” he answered, his eyes alight with wonder. “Oh, Ali, I’m so sorry for what I said to you the other day! Now I understand who and what you are. You really are one of the ones Granny used to talk about — one of the Old Ones — the Guardians.

  “I got back about an hour ago, and your parents said I’d find you out here. You were in very deep meditation and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I sat down here to wait for you to come back. Then something really strange happened. As I watched, it was as if a veil lifted from my eyes. Your human appearance completely disappeared, and I could clearly see you in your alien form, just like the other night on board the disc. But the light around you was incredible! I could hardly see your features it was so blinding. Pure, dazzling, silver light — absolutely beautiful! And the feeling of love was beyond words. It reached out and wrapped around me like a warm blanket. I have never felt such love. That’s why I didn’t want you to move. I wanted to stay there forever, bathed in that incredible light and love!”

  “Oh, dear,” I answered lamely. “Then I had to get a cramp in my leg, right in the middle of your mystical experience. Sorry.”

  Paco came over and gave me a hand to help me up, lending an arm for me to lean on until I got the circulation going again in my leg. Watching me hobbling around, trying to shake the feeling back into my foot, he burst out laughing. “Now I know what Granny meant once when she said that the Guardians sometimes have trouble manifesting in gross, physical form on Earth. If I wasn’t here right now, you’d fall flat on your face!”

  “Yes, well,” I answered, accidentally stepping on his toe, “Human bodies are cumbersome things to manage at times.”

  That night we again met on board the disc, but this time Paco came consciously and voluntarily, as an observer. Now that the fear was gone he radiated only love and peace, and so was free to move about at will. An overwhelming aura of curiosity emanated from him, and I knew very well he had many questions to ask, so as soon as the opportunity presented itself, I took him aside.

  “Ali!” he exclaimed in wonder. “This is just amazing! How come I’m free to move around instead of being paralyzed and helpless as I was before?”

  “Because,” I answered him, “your fear has been released. The paralysis is purely a safety measure, both for us and our frightened human ‘guests.’ You see, many humans tend to regress to the level of their ancestors when they are confronted by what they fear. The rush of adrenalin through their system enables them to perform feats of incredible strength to protect themselves, and in this state they are likely to become unpredictable and dangerous, as we have found out in the past. To allow a terrified human to run amok on board one of our discs would be an extremely dangerous situation for everyone concerned, so we take the only measures we have to prevent this occurring.

  “Back in the olden times when we were carrying out the transmutation and genetic work to assist in the ongoing development of the human species we had to be very careful. Just as human veterinary surgeons must make sure to tranquillize a large animal before carrying out any type of procedure, we had to take the same precautions. Can you even begin to imagine what an artificial insemination upon an enraged or terrified Neanderthal would be like? I don’t think many present-day humans would volunteer for such work!

  “However,” I went on, “Earth humans have progressed since then, and many have now learned how to use the gift of free will with self-discipline and compassion. We are truly amazed at the spiritual progress that has been made upon the p
hysical Earth Plane, for it is not an easy school to attend, as I well know from personal experience!

  Unfortunately, though, many have not progressed much at all since those very early times. Outwardly they may appear completely human, but their energies are still focused almost entirely in the lower chakras, and they have not yet come to appreciate the qualities of a more spiritual state of being. Until these ones have learned to respect and honor all living beings in the universe, even starting with the other creatures on their own planet, then our work here is not finished. What we are trying to achieve is a return to oneness and unity, as opposed to the divisiveness that came about after the fall, which again can lead only to ultimate chaos.”

  Paco listened to what I had to say, but then countered with another question. “Well, okay, but the inter-breeding that seems to be going on between your people and ours? I mean the half-human half-alien babies that are seeded in the wombs of human mothers, then removed and placed in those incubator contraptions. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the subject, to try to get a handle on it, and this aspect is very upsetting to those who have experienced it. Can you please explain to me why this is going on?”

  “Look, Paco,” I replied, “what you need to understand is that only the end result, the hybrids themselves, have been seen by humans taken on board our discs. They do not know the reasons behind our so-called breeding program, and why these hybrids are being produced. They cannot know, because until now most human contact with us has been clouded by fear, and the memories retained by the contactees are fragmented and only partly understood. Tell me Paco, do you recall reading in any of these books of the phoenix symbol that has been shown to some of our human guests?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I do remember that particular symbol being mentioned, and also the fact that it represents rebirth, but what does that have to do with hybrid babies being created?”

  “Everything, Paco! As you say, the phoenix is used to symbolize rebirth or reincarnation, rising as it does from its own ashes. It represents rebirth to higher vibrational frequencies, and is symbolic of the role we play in the process of human evolution.

  “The thing is,” I continued, “the human species of Earth cannot go on forever in its present form. In fact there is a strong possibility, especially since the advent of nuclear weaponry, that this race will eventually destroy itself, as has occurred in times past. This is why there’s been such an increase in our surveillance program since the last world war, when the first atom bomb was detonated. In fact, what Earth humans are experiencing at this time is almost an exact repeat of the downfall of earlier civilizations on the planet, and has been of great concern to us, as we observe the parallels that are at present occurring in human society.”

  “But I still don’t understand what this has to do with your people breeding those hybrids,” Paco insisted. “It just doesn’t seem right! What is your ultimate goal?”

  “Surely that is obvious!” I replied, a little more curtly than I’d meant to, after all, how could he, or any other human for that matter, truly understand the seriousness of the situation?

  “Please Paco,” I sighed, “before you pass judgment, let me explain. As I said before, there is a very real danger that the human race of Earth, as it is in its present form, will destroy itself, and because Earth humans are a small but nonetheless very necessary component in the overall plan of creation and evolution, this must not be allowed to happen. The cosmic reverberations would be catastrophic, so as caretakers of energy it is our responsibility to make sure it doesn’t happen.

  “We are aware of a growing number of caring people on Earth who are trying their hardest to reverse the negative effects of global warming, degradation of the environment and the dangers posed by diseases such as AIDS, but they may not succeed in time. Added to this is the on going possibility of nuclear, chemical or germ warfare, so as a precaution, we are in the process of developing a more resistant strain of human being, to ensure continued population of the planet if need be. This is the role the hybrids will play, being a stronger and more resilient species. It is exactly the same process Earth scientists are using through the genetic engineering of domestic livestock to produce more resilient and disease resistant strains.”

  “But Ali, for heaven’s sake! We are talking about human beings here, not livestock! What do you do with the hybrids? Keep them in laboratories like animals?”

  “Oh, Paco, for crying out loud! What sort of monsters do you think we are? They’re as much a part of our people as they are humans. We treat them the same as we treat ourselves. They are family. They work on the ships alongside us, they eat and sleep the same as we do, or almost, anyway, because they are half-human and fully biological, so their physical needs are a little different from ours. We even bring their human parents on board so they can relate to both cultures, and in this way they grow up understanding clearly who and what they are.

  “If Earth humans do wake in time and make the necessary changes to ensure that they don’t wipe themselves out, then the hybrids will gradually be introduced to life on Earth, to live openly among the present population, in which they will be able to improve the human gene pool by introducing a more spiritual aspect to the present war-like tendencies that still affect many Earthlings. They will also play an important role during the coming shift, as teachers, comforters and sources of love to support Earth humans through the change of planetary consciousness that lies ahead.

  “So your people are not simply using ours for breeding purposes, as some of the testimonies on alien abduction imply?”

  “No we are not! And please will you stop calling us aliens! We are no more alien than you are!”

  Poor Paco spread his hands in frustration. “Well what the heck do you want us to call you then?”

  “We don’t really care,” I answered, “just as long as you call us for dinner!” I added, making a lame joke out of it in an attempt to lighten an increasingly heavy discussion. “But seriously,” I went on, “Guardians, Greys or Zetas will do — or better still, family!”

  “Family! What do you mean by family?”

  “Well, we are all related on the Human Ladder after all — you are our past, and we are your future, and we have all been created out of the same Source and to that same Source we shall all eventually return, united in Oneness.”

  “Ali Cat,” said Paco, taking a deep breath to regain his composure, “what exactly do you mean by ‘us being your past and you being our future’? Does this mean you are human time travelers who come to us from the future? Will you please explain this more clearly? And while you’re at it, what is the Human Ladder?”

  Just at that moment one of the Elders came past on his way to another part of the ship. I really thought Paco’s eyes would pop out of his head at the sight of the extremely tall and very imposing-looking black-clad figure. Thank heavens he wasn’t wearing his black cape and hat, which would have added to the strangeness of his appearance.

  “Oris!” I called, to get his attention. Huge, dark blue eyes turned in my direction, freaking Paco out even more.

  “Yes, Alarca, what is it?”

  “May I please be excused from duty tonight? My friend Paco here has been asking a million and one questions about our intergalactic development program, and now I’m going to have to explain about the Human Ladder as well. It’ll take ages, because knowing him he’ll have a million more questions to ask.”

  Oris’s eyes gleamed with amusement. “Of course, Alarca! Take all the time you need. After all, you are training to be a Teacher, so take every opportunity you can to teach, both here and in your human form on Earth. And remember, be patient! Asking questions is the only way anyone can learn.

  “And,” he continued, waggling a long, thin finger at me, “just make sure you teach him properly! The Human Ladder can be very confusing to understand, so make sure you get it right yourself. Remember just the basics for now — don’t confuse him by bringing the extra Guardian levels i

  Oris left the room, much to my relief, as I turned my attention back to Paco. For a horrible moment I’d thought he was going to stay to supervise the lesson, which would have thrown me completely. Our Elders have an awful, disquieting habit of just standing there, motionless, staring out of those huge eyes. If we do something wrong, they very rarely raise their voices or lose their tempers with us — they simply glare, but that glare is far more articulate than a thousand words of disapproval.

  “Who, or what the heck was that?” whispered Paco, eyes still wide in horror and fascination.

  “Oh, just one of our Elders.” I replied. “His name is Oris. As you can see he’s pretty old, so he’s quite knowledgeable. He can be a bit grumpy at times and an old fusspot, but he’s okay.”

  “W-what do you mean by ‘pretty old’? H-how can you tell?”

  “Oh, that’s easy! Didn’t you notice how wrinkled his container is, particularly around the lower part of the face? But you can mainly tell by the eyes — they’re dark blue rather than black like mine. He’s actually not that old by our standards, otherwise his eyes would be a much paler blue.”

  “Do you mean to tell me that al…, I mean Greys’ eyes fade with age, just like human hair turns white?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “My goodness,” Paco shook his head in wonderment, “when I think of all the speculation that has caused confusion among human observers who’ve seen some Greys with black eyes and some with blue. All sorts of theories have been put forward.”

  “Well, as the saying goes,” I answered, “the simplest explanation is usually the right one, and the main thing is,” I added, “when you get to know us better you’ll see we’re really not all that different from Earth humans, except that we aren’t so focused on physicality.”


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