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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 19

by Judy Carroll

  Paco stood staring in sheer amazement. This was obviously the very last thing he’d expected to find on an ET ship.

  “My God!” he exclaimed, trying to take in every detail at once. “This is just incredible! Feel the energy! It’s making me tingle all over! And just look at those figures! Who are they?”

  “These are the ones we refer to as the Buddhas,” I explained. “It’s not that we especially follow Buddhism, or any religion for that matter. We use the term Buddha quite literally to mean enlightened being, and that is exactly what these are — representations of various enlightened beings from throughout the entire universe. If you go around and examine them you will see that they take many forms, not just human as you think of humans.”

  One in particular caught Paco’s attention, and he went over to look more closely. It was obviously the figure of a Grey — one of our past Elders to be precise, who had since moved on to higher realms. It sat, like the others, in the lotus position, large head bowed in silent meditation and long, four-fingered hands placed in what we call the Peace Sign, fingertips together on the lower abdomen. This being was enveloped in an aura of calm serenity.

  “Who’s that?” Paco enquired in a voice hushed in reverence. “Do you know his name?”

  “Oh, yes,” I replied quietly. “He was known on Earth as Osiris. And next to him is his female half, Isis.”

  Paco stared in amazement at the figure of a female Grey sitting beside him, her likeness captured for eternity.

  “You’re kidding!” he gasped. “Do you really mean to tell me that those two are the Isis and Osiris of ancient Egypt?”

  “Yes, Paco, and I’m not kidding. They’re Guardians, and they were very advanced Elders when they came to Planet Earth as teachers God knows how many millennia ago to try to introduce a bit of civilization to a very primitive planet.”

  Paco’s eyes suddenly lit up in understanding and recognition. “Hey, now I get it! Oris, Osiris, Isis — do all of your Elders’ names end with the suffix ‘IS’?”

  “Yes!” I replied, giving him a congratulatory pat on the back. “Now you’re beginning to catch on. Anubis and Serapis are ours too, along with the ones known as Quetzlcoatl and Pan, and a few others besides. If humans only knew, we’ve played quite a major role in the ongoing development of the human species of Planet Earth.

  “The problem is, our teachings have been so badly misinterpreted and manipulated since then. For example, Osiris and Isis never embraced the concept of embalming and preserving peoples’ physical containers in elaborate tombs and pyramids. That was introduced by a negative group that came to Earth, posing as ‘gods’ in order to block the evolutionary path of human consciousness by teaching people to focus on the physical body and its material possessions, rather than on the eternal and immortal soul.

  “You’ve read about the so-called ‘Gods of Olympus,’ who were totally caught up in all the pleasures of human physicality! They were extremely competitive and warlike, and their high level of technology caused the younger Earth human species to perceive them as gods. All those so-called gods ever seemed to do was wage war on each other and exploit the poor humans as slaves. This has happened over and over again on Earth, and it is still going on today.

  “Now Paco,” I went on without letting him get a word in, “let’s get back to the subject of containers, so sit on one of those cushions over there, and I’ll try to explain. It is because of these incorrect teachings that have proliferated on Earth seemingly forever, that many Earth humans have become totally focused almost exclusively upon their physical bodies, to the detriment of true spiritual understanding. Because of this they have lost touch with the immortal spiritual beings that they truly are. Sadly many actually believe they are the physical body and nothing more.

  “As you evolve to higher levels of the Human Ladder and your consciousness opens up more, you are able to fully grasp the concept that the real ‘you’ is not your body — neither is it your astral form, which is only your mind/spirit. In fact, you will come to understand that ‘you’ are nothing less than a soul — a pure expression of immortal God/Source energy, which, during the early stages of spiritual evolution, makes use of a physical body, or container, to undertake physical experiences. This act of experiencing is carried out through your five physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.

  “Earth humans have been continually brainwashed over the millennia into believing that physical form and appearance are the ‘be all and end all.’ This has carried through to the point where, if you think of an angel, or of a highly evolved ET or spiritual teacher, you immediately and automatically visualize a being in ‘perfect’ human form, but this is simply not correct. In fact, it is a total misconception!

  “Physical form only exists on the lowest galactic levels. As a soul evolves into level three, the biological form becomes simpler, and it is eventually left behind altogether, except when one is involved in carrying out physical work on the lower levels, as the Guardians are doing.”

  “You mean your people?”

  “Yes! Remember I said our specific role is to assist in the evolutionary process of those beings inhabiting the lower levels of the Human Ladder. This includes all races inhabiting physical planets such as in the Sirius system, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, Earth humans, and many others, all of which we ourselves have been part of over many billions of years of evolution. In other words, we have experienced physical lives in all of these many planetary cultures.

  “We also play what could be described as a peacekeeping role on level-one planets like Earth. While we do not interfere in the internal affairs of the planet, we do provide as much protection as possible from outside interference.

  “Some facets of our work require our physical presence, and some can be carried out in astral form, as when we bring humans up onto the disc in their astral bodies. For those jobs in which physical interaction is involved, we make use of specialized physical containers, just like the special suits that astronauts of Earth put on to travel in space. The difference is that ours have been developed over billions of years using technology way beyond anything presently available on Earth. These containers are more than just ‘suits,’ and are closer to what you think of as a living body. In fact, they are ‘living’ in a manner of speaking.”

  “But how do you get into it? I can’t see any zippers or seams, or fasteners of any sort.”

  “There’s no need, because we don’t put them on like clothing. Our soul essence simply merges and melds into the container so that it becomes a living part of us.”

  “You’re kidding! Do you mind if I touch yours to see what it feels like?” Paco reached out a tentative hand and placed it on my arm. “Wow, that is so weird! But yes, as you say, it’s not a suit of clothing — it’s your actual body and it does feel ‘alive’ — sort of! Oh, my God, that’s spooky!”

  “It is alive, while I’m in it. It has a very specialized nervous system and operates via an energy/chakra system, just like a human body. Its nervous system is fully attuned to my energy frequency, and I animate it through my thought processes. This one I’m in is partly biological and needs to be nourished, so I take food in the form of that paste you saw some of the others consuming. When we’re out of the container it’s kept in a state of suspended animation in special liquid. Some of the containers used by those who are travelling long distances through the physical universe, such as the disc pilots, have no biological components at all. Those ones are specially developed for prolonged space travel and don’t need any nourishment or atmosphere to survive.”

  “But what animates them? How do they stay alive?”

  “As I explained, we operate them with our energy, so when we meld our soul essence into them they ‘come to life’ as it were. We, the Guardian soul, provide the life-force energy, so we can operate in any planetary environment.”

  “Now I understand why some humans have mistaken your people for robots. What’s the difference anyw
ay? You are sort of robots, aren’t you? But no you’re not — I know you’re a living person, with emotions and feelings — now I’m totally confused.”

  “Paco, the difference is, with a robot the intelligence driving it is artificial, whereas we are fully conscious, sentient beings — only the body is artificial. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “Yes, sort of,” came his very doubtful-sounding reply, “but what I want to know is, what the heck do you look like when you’re not in your ‘container’?”

  “Oh, that’s easy to show you — just watch.”

  Going by the way he backed away from me, he’d obviously been watching too many B-grade horror films involving horrible-looking space aliens hiding behind human façades. I’m not sure what he expected, but the look of profound relief on his face when my light body emerged from the gray container as a glowing blue-colored orb was quite amusing to behold.

  “Oh — my — God!” was all he could manage.

  Floating above my now-vacated container, I continued to communicate telepathically with him. “Now do you see what I meant when I said ‘I’ am not my body? I have a body, in fact I have two of them, this one and my Earth human one, but neither of them is ‘me,’ just as your body is not ‘you.’”

  “So what you’re saying is that I can move outside of my physical body, too, and when I do, I also look like a ball of light?”

  “Yes, absolutely, because all of us, Earth humans, Guardians and all other inter-planetary and interdimensional beings are, in reality, pure life-force energy — God Consciousness in other words. We all share exactly the same stream of conscious awareness, and the higher we evolve on the human Ladder, the more of it we are able to tap into and utilize.

  “This is why we feel sad when you call us ‘aliens,’ because we are not alien to you. We may be ‘dressed’ in a different ‘set of clothing,’ but our soul essence — that which makes us what we are — the real ‘us’ in other words, is no different from the real ‘you.’ This is also the reason why, if Earth humans can only get past their fear, they can communicate quite easily with us, because soul-to-soul communication can only take place in a state of total trust.

  “The other thing is,” I went on, “you asked if you also resemble a ball of light when you leave your physical container. Earth humans can potentially look like that, because that is what you are in your purest, truest form, but many still can’t move past their astral form — their mind/spirit body, in other words — which is a blueprint of the physical form. Your astral body is created out of your own mind, and most humans are caught up with the deeply entrenched mindset that they are nothing more than a physical body, maybe with a soul or spirit floating around somewhere, although some don’t even believe in that, so when they leave the physical body, their consciousness still expresses itself in the form of that body. It is this inability to get past the astral that causes humans to keep reincarnating back into human life.”

  “But some of your people are in astral form too, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, but because we’ve evolved past human mindsets and belief systems, we have complete control over the process, and so make use of whatever energy frequency — physical, astral or pure soul essence — that is appropriate to what we are doing at any given time.”

  “What do you mean, Ali? I still don’t quite understand.”

  “Well, say, for example, that our job is to operate a disc to carry out a task on a physical planet such as Earth. Perhaps we need to collect some plants or a water sample or something to check pollution levels in the atmosphere. In such cases we don a physical body, one of our ‘custom-built’ gray containers, to enable us to do whatever work is required.

  “This has caused a huge amount of speculation among researchers on Earth, because the containers are quite literally ‘custom-built’ to carry out many different tasks, and we use one that is most suitable for what we need to do. The result is that researchers have now classified us as ‘four-fingered Zetas or Greys’ from such-and-such a planet, or ‘three-fingered Zetas or Greys’ from such-and-such another planet — but we aren’t a planetary species — we moved past all that eons ago. The only reason why some of us have four fingers and others three is because the containers have been made that way for different jobs — it’s as simple as that.

  “In other cases, our work may involve bringing the astral form of a sleeping human up onto the disc to carry out some sort of procedure. Because they are in astral form, we also must operate in astral form so that we’re on the same wavelength and can interact with them. When we’re off duty we generally just express as a light body, and our discs are the same. They too are living, sentient beings that can also appear simply as a light.”

  “And what about the Angels?” Paco wanted to know. “You said that they’re Guardians too, so how come they don’t use gray containers?”

  “They don’t need to because they don’t carry out physical work at all. They’ve moved beyond that, and vibrate at too high a frequency to be able to operate a physical container. That’s where we come into the picture, as their assistants in cases where physicality is needed, and also in some lower-astral plane work where the energy frequencies are too low for angels to enter. They can, and do, appear on the lower levels of the Human Ladder in astral form, to assist humans in the dying process, but to do this they simply tap into the mind of the person they’re helping, and then create an astral form for themselves which resembles what that person expects an angel to look like. In reality they are pure light energy, without form.

  “Okay now, Paco, it’s just about time for both of us to get ourselves back to Earth, so do you have any more questions on the Human Ladder? Do you understand about how evolution is more a spiritual process than physical, and that it’s all about moving upwards through higher and higher frequencies of energy? Do you understand that it is this refining and leavening process that enables us to gradually tap into deeper and more expanded states of conscious awareness?”

  “Yes, yes, stop testing me. I see that the whole process deals with energy and that we are all energy dressed up in various forms. So really, the belief that Earth humans are on a different evolutionary path than ETs, and that angels are separate again is all an illusion. The truth of the matter is that we are all one, and simply at different levels or energy frequencies on the path of evolution.”

  “Exactly, Paco! You got it! See how simple it really is? Some are more highly evolved and some are more lowly evolved, some seem to be good, some seem to be not so good, and some seem caught between the two, but we are all a necessary part of the whole, each with our own lessons to learn and tasks to carry out.

  “This is why we are working so hard to ensure human life of some sort or other is able to continue inhabiting Planet Earth, for to lose even a small rung of the Human Ladder would bring about a state of imbalance and disharmony to the whole. There will always be souls needing a ‘school’ planet such as Earth as a place to grow and learn, so it must be preserved at all costs. Even those scientists of Earth who do accept the fact that ET civilizations are visiting their planet still cannot understand the reasons for our coming, simply because they don’t understand the concept of Oneness, which is all important. Oneness is the underlying concept, the ‘pivot point’ of the whole of creation. We are all one, a universal family, and if a single member of that family needs saving from themselves, as Earth humans do at this time, then the rest of the family will step in to intervene, as a family should! We are all an intrinsic part of each other — nothing and no one is separate.


  Chapter 22 Fear

  During the remainder of his holidays Paco and I spent many hours talking, and when the time came for him to return to work, we continued to meet a couple of nights each week on board the big disc, or “Workshop,” so-called because of its numerous examination rooms, medical facilities, offices, crew quarters, general work areas and computer equipment, including extensive files. These giant
Motherships remain in orbit around whatever planet we are working on at the time, and they operate on a frequency band which is generally kept beyond the range of human perception so that they are not readily visible.

  Paco was determined to learn as much as he possibly could about us, and my job was to teach him. His understanding was most important, for someday he would be called upon to act as a bridge between our people and those of Planet Earth, and after all, who could be a better bridge between dimensions than a priest?

  Dressed as I was in human form, I was able to reach a good number of people, but I could clearly see, especially by some of the questions and concerns Paco put to me, and his reaction to certain aspects of our work, that my mind was essentially that of a Guardian. Paco, on the other hand, thought more like a human, and was therefore more easily able to relate to and communicate with other humans as I could not.

  One of the big questions that came up during our discussions was fear, and Paco tackled me head-on with this issue. Why, he demanded, did we not do more to allay human fears concerning us? And… why was it that at times we seemed to deliberately create scenarios to cause fear in human hearts? He went on to describe some of the so-called alien abduction cases he’d read about over the years, which often carried harrowing descriptions of painful and frightening procedures performed on humans on board our discs.


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