Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 30

by Judy Carroll

  “When you think about it, it’s always the self-discipline part of free will that causes all the problems for people. You know, having the necessary self-discipline to make the right choice. It’s like you see sometimes in cartoons, with an angel sitting on someone’s right shoulder, trying to influence them to do right; and a devil sitting on their left shoulder, trying to tempt them to do the wrong thing. And practicing self-discipline down here isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s very tempting to go the wrong way, especially if you know you’ll get away with it.”

  “Okay, so far I follow, but where do we go from here? How do we overcome this?”

  “Well, we Guardians and other human species further up the Human Ladder, have moved past the free-will ‘do I or don’t I?’ phase and evolved into God’s will. You see, as we evolve through the various levels of the Human Ladder, we move further away from duality and closer to Oneness. In other words, we unite more fully with the God Source. It is a ‘becoming’ and an awakening process really, in that we gradually awaken and thus ‘become’ Oneness.

  “Now the closer we meld back into Oneness, the less we are going to be affected by the polarization of duality, which governs life on Planet Earth; therefore the less we are forced to make choices between right and wrong. In this way, we eventually evolve past the need for free will, because all of our thoughts, actions and choices become God’s will. We become so much an intrinsic part of Oneness that there is no desire to act any other way. Our will is automatically God’s will, and our actions become God’s actions, which are always for the good of all. We are no longer separate from the Source, but rather instinctively and intrinsically attuned to God Consciousness.

  “I really have to try that one on,” he said, rubbing his forehead. “But then, when you think about it, many Christians already try to live that way, and probably other religions as well. Or at least strive to. So was it God’s will or mine to become a Priest?”

  “What do you feel?”

  “God’s will since it was always such a strong calling for me.”

  “I agree. You see Paco, the problem with free will on Planet Earth is that all too often it’s more about self-will — what we want rather than what we need, regardless of everyone around us. Have you noticed, however, how we can continually be brought back to doing the right thing, regardless of what we think we want?”

  “Yes, it’s a funny thing. Like me coming back here to live. I felt it was ‘in the cards.’”

  “When it is necessary for us to experience something for our soul development, our higher self will nudge us, and possibly push us if it has to. But as we evolve further up the Ladder, we become less and less self-centered and more and more God-centered, thus eventually moving past the need for physical form and becoming pure mind operating in Oneness with God. This is how it is in the angelic realms on levels nine and ten. Angels have moved past the need for physicality — they are simply pure energy, totally attuned to the will of God.

  “In fact, the whole universe is energy, and gross physical form is one of the lowest frequencies of this universal energy, so God cannot be a physical being. However, being omnipresent, God Energy can express itself through physical beings. The spark of God is within all of us, becoming brighter and stronger as we open up our inner awareness, which is what evolution on the soul level is all about. Oh boy, this is hard to put into physical, third-dimensional language! Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Paco laughed. “It’s okay, Ali Cat. I can see your eyes starting to cross, and I do appreciate the difficulty you’re up against, trying to put multidimensional concepts into third-dimensional language, but yes, I understand what you’re saying. And as you’ve said before, it’s only by opening up our inner awareness and looking deeply inside ourselves that we can ever face up to and deal with the Satan within, which in reality is our own inner demons and fears.

  “And you know what,” he went on, “when you really think about it, this is so much like the fires of purgatory spoken of in church doctrine, which are said to have a purging, or cleansing effect upon the soul. Maybe people have misunderstood this whole concept by externalizing purgatory as a place outside of themselves rather than it being a state of inner cleansing that must take place in order to allow the spark of God to shine more brightly from within.”

  “Ah, yes — that reminds me of something I read once, ‘People are like stained glass windows — they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.’”

  “Wow; that is profound! In fact it sounds like something inspired by one of your Elders. And speaking of Elders, this brings up another question on something that female Elder said… now what was her name again, the blue-eyed one?”

  “You mean Garnibis?”

  “Yep, that’s the one! She was talking about whether or not you’re going to land your discs here in physical, third-dimensional reality. What’s that all about? Why don’t you? Surely it’d be easier to convince people of your presence if you were to do this, maybe not necessarily on the lawn of the White House, but why not somewhere openly and in public?”

  “We have, actually, a few times, but we find it too risky, and besides that, it’s just not the way we generally operate. We’re here to assist humans to access deeper layers of consciousness and get past the limited and physically oriented nuts-and-bolts-must-have-physical-proof mindset that the Earth plane investigators refuse to move past.

  “Too many Earth scientists simply refuse to open their minds, and they are totally unable to accept anything as real that they cannot touch, dissect, measure and examine under a microscope. What they cannot comprehend is that our presence is not so much a physical happening but rather a spiritual happening. It’s more about evolution of soul than physicality.

  “Believe it or not, some Earth humans don’t even accept the reality of the soul or spirit because they can’t physically prove it by weighing or measuring it. But anything beyond the physical cannot be weighed, and although energy can be measured up to a point, the soul energy that we deal with is of a vibrational frequency way beyond the primitive instrumentation of Planet Earth.”

  “Sadly, I do believe it and have witnessed it.”

  “By their willingness to trust enough to open themselves to our presence without the need for physical ‘nuts and bolts’ evidence, Earth humans are also opening themselves up to greater realities within self, and beyond. This is the main reason why we hesitate to land openly and walk among you — it would make it too easy for people to remain closed on the soul level, and not learn or profit by it spiritually.

  “Doesn’t it help with people you’re already working with?”

  “Sure, your curiosity about ETs might be satisfied, but that is as far as it would go — it would not help your evolution as a species. Too often we’re seen, not believed and buried with the unconscious again. If it begins to wake someone up, then it was good.

  “The impetus behind evolution is always based on the need for change and adaptation, whether it is a need to change and adapt to walking on two legs rather than on four, or a need to expand awareness in order to step up a level on the Human Ladder. To put it simply, our presence here is to provide the impetus for the mind expansion that is necessary if Earth humans are ever going to take the next step in their evolution.”


  Chapter 33 Kate’s Download

  “Hey, Ali Cat, I need some help on something that’s come up at the school. Can we talk?”

  “Paco, does it have to be right now? I’m relaxing. Can’t it wait?”

  “No, not really. I’m going to be busy for the rest of the day and I need to know by tomorrow.”

  I reluctantly put the newspaper aside that I’d been reading and moved my cup off the other seat so he could sit down. A sunny autumn morning was the perfect time to sit quietly in the dappled shade of a large, old tree in the back garden, reading the Sunday paper and
sipping a coffee. The sky was a cloudless, cobalt blue, a gentle breeze was wafting the scent of a neighbor’s bacon and egg breakfast through the garden, and life was good.

  This little garden behind the presbytery was a totally private oasis where I spent many happy hours. Safely ensconced within the protection of a high stone wall, it was a place where one could indulge in any chosen activity from nose picking, to navel gazing, or even to a naked fire-leaping ceremony on the Feast of Beltane, without risk of being spied upon by curious neighbors.

  Not that I would do any of these things — certainly not the last one anyway, what with the Feast of Beltane falling upon an almost winter’s night here in the southern hemisphere. After all, you’d at least need to wear a pair of sheepskin boots and a nice, warm, woolly cap pulled down over your ears, which would sort of ruin the effect of the whole thing. But it was still comforting to know that if such a burning desire ever came upon me, I could.

  “What’s the time anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be saying Mass?”

  Paco made himself at home in the other chair and helped himself to a generous mouthful of my coffee, pulling a face because there wasn’t enough sugar in it to suit his taste. “Mass was over half an hour ago — it’s nearly 10:30. I have to go out at eleven, and I won’t be back till late, so that’s why I need to talk to you now.”

  “Oh, come on, Paco,” I teased, “don’t be such a workaholic. Everybody else relaxes on a Sunday.”

  “Ali, I’m a priest, for goodness sake! Now are you going to help me or not?”

  “Okay, okay, don’t get hot under the dog collar. So what’s the matter?”

  “Well, it’s one of the girls at school — Kate, who’s probably about 13. She came to me on Friday all upset because her teacher accused her of cheating. Apparently she’s pretty hopeless at math, but she has suddenly developed an uncanny ability with algebra, so of course her teacher is suspicious, but she swears blind that she’s not cheating. Trouble is she can’t explain how she’s acquired this ability, and there are problems at home with her family being haunted by a ghost or something.”

  “You’re kidding! Are you sure she’s not pulling your leg?”

  “Yes, absolutely sure. I’ve been a counselor long enough to know when someone’s lying to me. And don’t forget too, since my contact with your people I can also read auras pretty clearly, and the aura never lies. If you can see a person’s aura you can tell whether they’re being truthful or not, and she is telling the truth.”

  “Okay, so where do I come in to all of this?”

  “Well, I don’t think the family is being haunted by a ghost. I think it’s ET contact they’re experiencing, and the child is being taken up on one of your discs. That would explain her sudden uncanny ability in math.”

  “Mmm, that’s certainly possible. Have they done anything about it so far, like reading books on the subject or going to the local UFO Association for advice?”

  “I’m not sure about those things, but apparently they had a family friend do a Reiki house cleanse for them, but it only made the ‘activity’ worse. Now I know how much you Greys love Reiki and are drawn to it, which makes me suspect that long, thin, ET fingers are dabbling here, rather than a ghost.”

  “Yes, I have to agree. It does sound like you’re spot on. So what do you want me to do, talk to them or something?”

  “I’m not quite sure at this point in time. I’ve asked Kate to get her mother to call me so we can talk. Maybe it’s better for me to handle it first, just to reassure them, so we can get a more accurate idea of what’s happening. Perhaps you could do some checking ‘upstairs,’ to confirm that it is contact by your people and not something else, then we’ll take it from there.”

  “Did the girl describe what’s happening in their house?”

  “Yes, as well as she could, but the poor little thing is terrified. She said that on a couple of occasions a strong beam of light has descended on the house while they heard a sort of humming and beeping sound that went on for about 10 minutes. Another time, a strange dog suddenly appeared inside the house when all the doors were closed and locked. It wandered through the lounge while they were watching TV one evening, and then disappeared into Kate’s bedroom, never to be seen again.

  “They were also watched by a large owl for three days in a row a few weeks ago. Every time they went outside they found this weird-looking bird perched on the back fence, staring at them. They tried chasing it but it always came back, then like the dog, it simply vanished as mysteriously as it had come.

  “But the worst thing is the black-clad figures they see on occasions around the house. Poor little Kate has had one standing in the corner of her room, all dressed in black and with a hood pulled forward over its head. Needless to say, the first time she saw it she nearly screamed the house down, and when her dad ran in to see what was wrong, he caught a glimpse of it too. It’s appeared several times since, so four out of five nights she ends up sleeping on the floor in her parents’ room, which is not so good for a 13-year-old.”

  “I would definitely say it is not ghosts.”

  “And the big problem is they don’t know whom to turn to for help or where to go. Kate is worried her parents will take her to a psychiatrist and she’ll be locked up in some mental institution. That’s why she came to me for help — she just didn’t know where else to go, and she can’t handle it any more on her own.”

  “Oh, dear, the poor little soul! It sounds like we have been busy! But you know what, Paco, this is the whole problem with western society. Unlike tribal people who are brought up with an intrinsic understanding of such things as ET and interdimensional contact and thus possess the tools and knowledge to help themselves through, Western people do not.

  “Western society is so left-brained and intellectually oriented and hopelessly trapped within the limited and inaccurate mindset that physical, third-dimensional, waking reality is the only reality. The result is that when anything like ET contact occurs, which is much more attuned to alpha and theta brain activity, it is not considered ‘real,’ and is therefore either dismissed as just a dream or imagination, or else relegated to the ‘too hard basket’ by counselors and doctors who simply don’t have the proper tools or understanding to help. This is where humans like you are of tremendous value — to act as a bridge to assist people through these contact experiences between our two cultures.”

  “Thanks. I’m trying, but it’s not easy.”

  “If the truth be known, we find it really hard too, because on Planet Earth there’s such a broad cross-section of languages, dialects, beliefs, customs, cultures and traditions, and some are more attuned to us than others. It all depends upon the level of consciousness of the culture, and some have a more awakened consciousness than others, like the tribal societies, who are generally more connected to other realities and therefore easier to communicate with. It never occurred to us that Westerners would be so very different, and much more difficult to connect with. That’s why we’re concentrating more on them now. They’re the ones who really need our help. Honestly, dealing with people on this planet is like trying to deal with many different species all at once. We find it terribly confusing!”

  “Why? Are other planetary species different from us?”

  “Oh, goodness, yes! Earth is actually quite unusual in that there’s so much variation and deep division between all the many cultures, nationalities, religions, traditions, etc. We’ve had to put in a huge amount of research and study to even begin getting a handle on it all, so mistakes are bound to occur in our contact with Earth humans. Most planetary cultures we’ve contacted have only one language and religion, or at the most two or three. This is why we have so much difficulty here — it’s so divided and chaotic.

  “But anyway, enough of our problems and back to Kate and her family. People going through ET contact experiences really need to understand more about consciousness and energy and try to get through the fear. The big difficulty we’re up against
is lack of understanding. As they say, ‘Knowledge is Power,’ or more accurately in the case of ET contact, ‘Understanding is Empowerment.’ This is the most important tool that anyone can have who undertakes a counseling or support role in this field. But what they first need in order to acquire the necessary understanding is a flexible and open mind. If the mind is set and closed, real understanding cannot penetrate.”

  “Well, Ali Cat, you must admit I certainly have understanding on the subject. You’ve made sure of that, but it looks like we have a very big job ahead of us.”

  “Yes,” I sighed, “and now maybe you know how we feel. I think we need to bring Kaz in on this one, seeing there’s a child involved. Having children of her own, Kaz will have a better understanding, both of where the child is coming from, and also from the mother’s point of view. There’s bound to be all sorts of family dynamics involved. And, her eldest, Kira, is also 13 and may even know Kate, going to the same school as they do.

  “Kaz also has a younger child, her seven-year-old son Ben, who is going through rather similar experiences in the way of ‘night terrors,’ so she’ll really be able to relate to this family. She found it very hard herself, until she regained conscious memory and understanding of who and what she is ‘upstairs,’ and if Kate’s mother is a true Earth human, it’ll be even harder for her.

  Paco shook his head. “If her mother is a true Earth human? I guess I’m really becoming one of you because I hardly blinked at that statement.”


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