Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 32

by Judy Carroll

  “The work of the Grey teachers involves healing and balancing human life-force energy, which can be done through the vibrational frequencies of the color spectrum. Each of the seven primary colors of the spectrum synchronizes with one of the seven main chakras, or energy points in our body, and black contains all these colors. The black clothing worn by the teachers signifies that they have balanced all their ‘colors,’ in other words their whole energy or chakra system, which, in turn, lets them help us heal and balance this important aspect of our being. As part of our energy balancing, harmonizing and healing, we draw to ourselves whichever color is required for this process to take place, and so the Grey teacher working with you represents this aspect and displays the appropriate color corresponding to whichever chakra you most need to work on. The idea is to ask what color you need for clarity and balance, to best enable you to carry out the task at hand or to learn the required lesson.

  “Now say, for example, that you need to learn to communicate or express yourself more clearly, or to speak out more, as I have. The color for this intention is blue, which is associated with the throat chakra, so that is the aspect of your Teacher you’d link into.”

  “And how do you know which color you need?” Maddie asked, quite obviously fascinated by what I had to say.

  “Oh, that’s easy. Next time you see the black-clad figure, examine the clothing. You’ll notice something like a colored feather stuck in his hat band, or maybe a colored trim somewhere on his clothing, on a pocket, or tie, or on the border of his cape.”

  Maddie shook her head. “Wow, that is so weird! And are you absolutely sure they’re not evil?”

  “Oh, goodness no, definitely not.”

  “This is what I couldn’t understand.” Maddie frowned in puzzlement. “We’re just a normal, average family. We try to be good Christians and decent people, always ‘doing unto others’ as the saying goes, and every time these disturbances happen in the house I wrack my brains trying to work out why. We’re not into drugs or alcohol. We’re not even into all this latest New Age stuff with crystals, tarot, etc. — in fact, none of us are interested in it in the slightest, not even Kate.

  “And that’s the other thing that doesn’t add up,” she went on, “Kate’s sudden uncanny ability in math. I know my daughter well enough to know she isn’t cheating. She takes after me in that she’s not good with figures and calculating, but she is also honest. It’s not like we’re pressuring her to do well at school or anything like that; we know she does her best, but she’s more right brain-oriented, and into music and dance in a big way. But this sudden ability! Can any of you explain that?”

  Kaz spoke up for the first time. “That sounds a lot like my children, but with Ben it’s not so much a sudden and inexplicable brilliance in anything academic, but rather the amazingly profound things that come out of his mouth. For example, just the other day he said to me, ‘Mom, I can’t actually talk to the flowers, but I know they understand me.’ That came from a seven-year-old!”

  “My goodness,” Maddie shook her head in wonderment, “he’s so young! And you say you’ve been through this with both of them? Please tell me. You don’t know how much it means to me to have another mother to speak to. That is the hardest part. If it were just happening to me, I’d cope, but when your child is involved, and you don’t know what’s going on, all sorts of things go through your mind. Will she be hurt? How can I as her mother protect her? What’s doing this to us? Is it my fault? Where’ve I gone wrong? What could I have done differently to prevent it? It just goes on and on and on. Please tell me what happened with you. Then maybe I’ll know what to do. Is it ever going to end?”

  Maddie’s voice wavered on the verge of tears again, and Kaz sat beside her, taking her hand and brushing a tear from her own eye. “With my son Ben,” she explained, “it started with his waking in the middle of the night thinking there was someone in his room. He wouldn’t sleep unless I left a light on in the hallway near his bedroom. We weren’t too worried because he was only five at the time, and it’s normal for children to feel scared of the dark. I put it down to being just a phase he was going through. Then one night I awoke to his screaming in terror, and when I ran into his room, he seemed to be in some sort of trance. He was jumping around the bed, screaming and shaking in fear, and his poor little heart was pounding. I tried to wake him, but I couldn’t bring him out of it.

  “I turned on the light and tried to get him to take a sip of water. I even recited the Lord’s Prayer because I really thought he was possessed, but nothing worked. His eyes were glassy, and he looked at me as if I were someone else, somebody frightening, whom he didn’t recognize. I tried to take him in my arms, but he wouldn’t let me near him, and normally he loves cuddles.”

  Maddie looked quite horrified. “Whatever did you do?”

  “Well,” Kaz answered, “in the end all I could do was talk to him. I just kept reassuring him that I was there, that he was safe, and that it was only a bad dream. Eventually he calmed down and came out of it. He put his arms around me and told me he loved me, then he rolled over and went back to sleep. The next morning he was his normal, happy self, not remembering a thing. This has been going on periodically for the past two years, with some trances worse than others. A few times he’s started running around the house as if trying to get away from someone, and he often complains of seeing shadows in his room and of hearing noises, usually a beeping sound.

  “Like you, I was exhausted and worried, not knowing what to do. Apart from the trances, Ben is a happy, healthy child, having no problems with school or friends. Also like you, we are a close, happy family and not into anything paranormal. In fact I loathe science-fiction movies, but there was something happening to my son that I couldn’t control, and this scared me. I’ve always had strong feelings about love, happiness and security that I’ve tried to instill into my home and children, so why would something bad or evil be drawn to us? It made no sense, and I knew that something strange was really going on, and that it was more than bad dreams or overactive imagination.”

  “Yes,” Maddie agreed, “we definitely know there’s more than imagination or dreams involved, what with the lights, and the electrical disturbances, and the mysterious figures that both Geoff and I have seen as well. I too am a loving, caring, protective mother who adores her family and would do anything in my power to keep them safe and happy, but I don’t know what to do, or where to turn for help. How the hell can I protect my child when I don’t know what it is I’m trying to protect her against? What have you done Kaz?”

  “Well, as I think Father Lopez mentioned to you on the phone, I’ve had half-remembered contact with the ET visitors all my life, so I had a bit of a suspicion there may have been a connection, because it does seem to run in families, from one generation to the next. But what I couldn’t understand was why the extreme terror with Ben. This is what puzzled and confused me. I can recall feeling some fear as a child, but not to that extent.

  “Anyway, I decided to go to the library for books on the subject, but most of the ones I read were so fear-oriented and negative that they were of no help whatsoever — in fact, all they did was to make me feel worse. The impression I got was that the authors felt it was their duty to convince readers that these ‘terrible, evil aliens’ were coming here and doing awful, cruel things to us poor, innocent Earthlings. I could actually sense a huge amount of unresolved fear and anger in them, and in their whole attitude to the contact experience, and most especially in those contacts that involve the so-called Zeta Reticulans, in which there seemed to be an element of racism as well. Thank goodness now there are a few more positive books available, but back then there wasn’t much at all.

  “And this is what made it so hard for me,” Kaz went on, “because the Zetas, or ‘Greys’ as they’re sometimes referred to, are the very ones I’d always had contact with, and I’d never ever sensed evil or negativity with them. In fact my life has been greatly enriched by the experienc
e. But here these people were, setting themselves up as ‘authorities’ on the subject and almost making the ETs out to be devils or demons of some sort, which left me feeling just awful and even more scared.”

  “But Kaz,” Maddie looked totally confused, “you say these ‘Greys’ have enriched your life, and yet you’ve gone through so much with your son. How come there’s all this terrible fear with him? And what have you done to help him? The whole thing is so damned weird, and sometimes I have to wonder if maybe we’re all going crazy, you know, having a sort of mass delusion. Who or what the hell are these Greys anyway? What do they want with us, and why us?”

  Kaz took a deep breath, “Okay Maddie, let’s start with the basics of who they are and why they’re here. By answering this, other questions you’ve raised will also be answered in the process.” She then turned to me. “Ali, do you want to explain this? You know more about the history of this whole contact thing than I do. If you’ll talk about that part, I’ll go into the fear aspect, and why some are more affected than others.”

  Now it was my turn to take a deep breath. This was a very wide and complex subject to explain to someone who had no knowledge whatsoever. I knew I’d have to be fairly brief and concise as we only had a few hours, and I also knew I’d have to be very careful of what I said, because I couldn’t let on to Maddie our true Guardian identity.

  “Okay Maddie,” I began, “like Kaz, I’ve had ongoing contact with the Greys since I was very young, but my first conscious experiences started when I was 13, like Kate, when I awoke early in the morning to find one of the tall ones standing in the corner of my room. He was dressed all in black, as you describe your ‘visitors,’ and at first I was terrified. Unlike Kate who is able to get out of bed and run into your room, I couldn’t move. I found myself paralyzed from head to foot.”

  Maddie was wide-eyed with horror. “Oh, my God, you poor thing! What did you do?”

  “Not much,” I replied with a wry grin. “Being paralyzed there wasn’t much I could do except lie there. I couldn’t even scream because my throat wouldn’t work either, but my having to stay there like that enabled the being to communicate with me. I’d always been quite telepathic, and able to communicate with animals right from early childhood, and the Greys’ way of communication is by telepathy.

  “In fact this is the only way they can communicate with us down here. Problem is, to pick up on telepathic communication, you have to be very relaxed and in alpha mode, otherwise it just doesn’t get through clearly. Our normal waking beta consciousness simply cannot pick up on it. It’s the equivalent of trying to pick up one TV or radio station while your set is tuned in to a different one. This is why many people who undergo a so-called alien abduction experience complain that their ET ‘abductors’ won’t communicate with them. It’s not that they won’t but rather that they can’t, because they’re operating on a different brainwave frequency.

  “Once this being placed his hand on me, I immediately relaxed. It was as if something switched on in my energy system that changed my brain wave pattern from beta to alpha, and his energy felt good, and very familiar. It was as if I suddenly recognized him as a friend from somewhere, and after that it was okay. I was never scared of him again.

  “This communication has kept up continually from that time, and I’ve learned so much — about the ETs, humans, God, life, and, most especially, myself. The Bible tells us to get to know ourselves, and truly, this is the key to the whole thing, and one of the main areas in which the Greys are here to help. And believe me, Maddie, this getting to know, and in the process heal self, is one of the hardest things anyone can face! We really do sometimes need help with this, because it’s so hard to do it honestly on our own.”

  “But Ali, who are these Greys, or Zetas, or whatever they’re called? Where do they come from?”

  “Well, they’ve actually evolved from many planetary cultures within the universe and have now moved past the need or desire for physical form. But if they have a physical task to carry out as part of their work, they ‘dress’ themselves in an appropriate body, or as they refer to it, a ‘container.’ They’ve come to be known here as Greys because that is the color of the containers they use most often. They’re also known as ‘Zetas,’ but that’s not necessarily the star system they come from, although many of them have had lives there. They do however maintain a major base in the Zeta system. I’ve come to understand that the name they use for themselves is ‘Guardians.’ They could be described as ‘spiritual warriors’ in that they’re some kind of peace-keeping force in the physical universe.

  “The Guardians aren’t limited by time or space, so they’re very much ‘citizens of the universe,’ and their culture is very ancient. They could be described as cosmic Gypsies in that many of them no longer reside on any particular planet but rather live permanently on the discs, continually travelling to wherever they happen to be working. The big discs are like mobile cities.

  “The most important thing you need to know about them to help you to understand is that they are not simply an ET species visiting Earth — they are much more than that! They’re interdimensional beings who play a very specific role within the evolutionary cycle, and therefore they are closely linked to the whole future of the human species of Earth.”

  “Really? What do you mean, Ali?” asked Maddie. “How are they linked to our future?”

  “Well,” I answered, “many predictions and prophecies have been made about the future of humanity, and also of the planet itself, and most of these prophecies focus particularly on the time period we are going through right now, which is referred to by many diverse cultures as the ‘End Times.’ Even Revelations in the Bible deals with this, but in a very esoteric way that is impossible to interpret. In fact, it is not so much an ending but rather a new beginning — a rebirth if you like.

  “Everything in creation is composed of energy vibrating at different frequencies. It is these continually vibrating bands of energy that our five senses are attuned to pick up as sight, sound, smell, touch and taste, which are relayed to our brain via our nervous system. It is through these five senses that we’re able to perceive everything around us.

  “Now, energy is created out of movement — in fact, you could say that energy is movement, as it continually plays between the polarities of positive and negative. Energy is never static but is always in a state of flux, because, like water, it always moves towards its own level. Once that is achieved, we have perfect balance — a state of non-polarity, which is what we think of as ‘God.’ This is happening continually throughout all of creation, with the energy of the universe always moving towards this state of perfect balance, or oneness, which is where the process we call evolution is ultimately taking us.

  “But,” I went on, “it’s not just plants, animals and people that evolve in this way. Believe it or not, planets, solar systems, galaxies and even universes evolve, and this is really what the Earth’s predicted End Times are all about. Our whole planet is actually evolving to a higher frequency band of energy, and so are we. In fact this is what many of the tribal cultures refer to when they speak of this being the end of the fourth world and the beginning of the fifth. Their ancient lore tells them that Earth has been through such shifts four times previously, and now we’re approaching a fifth shift. Although their prophecies may not say it in so many words, this is about changes in the energetic frequency of the planet. Do you follow what I’m saying Maddie?”

  “Yes, more or less,” she replied. “I did physics at high school, so I do know what you mean about energy and vibrational frequencies, but I still don’t quite understand the connection between this and the so-called End Times. What about the biblical ‘Battle of Armageddon’? That’s also about the End Times, isn’t it? How does that fit in with Earth evolving to a higher-frequency level?”

  “Well, all these events in the Scriptures are actually multidimensional, that is, they’re happening on several different levels of reality al
l at once. On the cosmic level, the War of Armageddon refers to the opposite polarities of positive and negative, and the continual ‘battle’ or pull between them, which really is a bit like a game of tug-o’-war. However, in physical terms Earth, a fairly young planet in terms of human evolution, is still very polarized, so this concept translates into physical and emotional warfare, between individuals, families, tribes, nations, religions and cultures. Other older, more evolved planetary cultures don’t have this extreme state of polarity, or duality, which results in warfare, because they’re more closely aligned to oneness and balance, without the deep cultural, national or religious differences that exist here. Planet Earth will evolve to this state eventually, but it all takes time.

  “On deeper levels of the human psyche, this state of duality, described in biblical terms as Armageddon, is actually a battle within the human subconscious. As with so many other issues that affect humans subconsciously, it’s being externalized as cultural, national or religious divisions that sometimes result in warfare or other negative behaviors, but in actual fact, its roots lie within. This is where the idea originates that in order to heal the planet, we must first heal self, and this is so true. It all begins within our own minds!”

  “What about the so-called ‘anti-Christ’ that is spoken of in connection with all of this?” Maddie enquired. “Where does that come into it?”

  “Okay,” I replied, “This Battle of Armageddon that is being waged within the human psyche is really a battle between love and fear, and therefore it could be described in Christian terms as a battle between God and Satan, or the Christ and the anti-Christ. Love is the God/Christ-part that dwells within all of us, and fear is our inner Satan or anti-Christ — our inner devils and demons that cause us to become caught up in all the lower emotions of hatred, anger, ego, envy, greed, etc. In our own personal inner Battle of Armageddon, we must strive with every ounce of our being to ensure that God (love) overcomes Satan (fear). This in turn will begin to restore balance on the planetary level.


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