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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 39

by Judy Carroll

  “But Ali,” Maddie interjected, “you speak of mind expansion being what human evolution is all about, but surely brainpower has nothing to do with how spiritual you are. I’ve met people without much education at all, and they’re really good people, and then there are others who seem to know everything and are very clever, but to put it politely, they’re real creeps, nasty, cruel, cynical and sarcastic, so I don’t see how developing our mind necessarily makes us better or more evolved people.”

  “Okay, Maddie,” I replied, glad she’d brought this point up, “I’m not talking here about brain but rather about mind and intuition. It’s not about knowing facts and figures, but all about inner knowing and opening up on a conscious level to other finer dimensions, states of being and higher levels of awareness. Sometimes having lots of brainpower can actually be a blockage to deep inner knowing, because a person can potentially get too caught up in how knowledgeable he or she is, which in turn can lead to an egotistical outlook, and a belief that they ‘know everything already’ and so do not need to look deeper within self.”

  “Yes,” she replied thoughtfully, “I know what you mean. I have met people like that. Okay then, another question: What galactic level is Earth on?”

  “Planet Earth has been at level one,” I answered, “which simply means most people here can consciously access about 10% of their potential mind power. Earth is now in the process of stepping up to galactic level two, so future generations will be able to tap into 20% of their potential mind power, which involves extra DNA being activated. The process is both physical and spiritual, hence the genetic work being carried out by the ETs on the physical aspect of our being, and the cleansing and healing work being done on the mind/spirit level to help Earth humans pass through the ‘fires of purgatory’ in order to grow and evolve spiritually. This is, as we said before, not an easy process for any planetary culture to go through, and that’s why we aren’t just abandoned and left to do it all on our own. Higher help is provided.

  “What is really important to understand here, Maddie,” I continued, “is that we are all One. The whole universe is like one big family that is all part of God, or what ETs call The One, or Source. We are not separate — humans, Greys, Angels, etc. — we are all One. We don’t all follow separate evolutionary paths. Greys have been human, Angels have been Greys. We all follow the same path back home to Oneness.”

  “Well, Ali,” Maddie replied thoughtfully, “everything you say certainly does make a lot of sense, especially about evolution being just as much to do with soul as with the physical part of us, but there’s something else that I still don’t quite understand. Why is Kate suddenly brilliant at math? And why are the ETs targeting children so much? I mean to say, nearly all children are scared of the dark, or of being left alone at night, so why don’t the ETs wait until they’re older and more able to handle such intrusions?”

  “Okay, Maddie,” I answered, “that’s a really good question, but the answer is quite simple. Children are already more open to the unseen worlds, so often it’s easier to reach them. Since Planet Earth is stepping up to galactic level two, the children who’ve been born since the 1980s are the future generation, which is why they in particular are being exposed to greater learning opportunities that expand consciousness. These special classes... Kaz,” I said, turning to her, “do you want to talk about this side of things?”

  “Yes, well, I’ve certainly come to a deeper understanding of this aspect of contact. My daughter Kira has less fear and more conscious recall than Ben, and she quite often wakes in the morning with memories of having taken part in classes up on the disc that she refers to as ‘children’s circles.’ As she’s explained to me, these classes are conducted by the gray Guardian Teachers to open children up to deeper layers of their psyche, which includes teaching them to work with life-force energy. A lot of what they do in these classes revolves around learning to use their mind to influence energy, and so they’re taught things like how to levitate small objects such as brightly colored balls and blocks with nothing but the power of their mind.

  “These lessons prepare them for this level-two stage that Earth is now moving in to, and also to help them begin thinking of themselves as citizens of the universe. If we’re going to survive in the future as a planetary culture, then it’s vital that children learn now, about themselves and about their true relationship to the rest of creation, as well as learning to honor and respect our Mother Earth. After all, they are our future, and the health and wellbeing of our planet will be in their hands — that is, if there’s anything left of it for them.

  “The special ability Kate has acquired in math is simply because she’s gaining access to more of her brain power as more of her conscious awareness opens up, which is what the Star Children are all about. Most don’t go on board the disc in physical form to attend these classes. It’s the mind/spirit part of their being that is taken while the physical body remains behind in its bed. That’s why Kate felt a sensation of something being sucked, or drawn out of her body. Her ET visitor was simply helping her out of her body so he could take her to class. Once the class is finished she’s then returned to her body safe and sound.”

  “So what should she do the next time this happens?”

  “What she really needs is to have all this explained to her so she understands on the conscious level.” Kaz replied. “I can do that if you like, because having a similar child of my own I am an expert by now with handling such things. I’ve sure had enough practice helping mine over the last couple of years! Ben is still a bit too young to understand everything, so at this stage all I can do is reassure him that I’m there for him, and help him deal with the fear aspect, but Kate, like my Kira, is old enough to handle more fully conscious understanding of the situation, so lines of communication can be opened up. Once she knows on a conscious level what’s going on and that there’s nothing to be scared of, then she can do as Ali suggested and try to communicate with her visitor. Is the one who comes for her tall or short by the way?”

  “Short I think. Sometimes there’s a tall one too, but it’s mostly a little one she sees.”

  “That would be a worker, or helper, whereas the tall one would be an Elder. Some of the workers have more difficulty communicating with Earth humans because they’re younger and not as experienced in interdimensional communication as the Elder Teachers. She needs to try to stay as calm as she can otherwise he’ll have an awful time both hearing and communicating with her. Because of the level of communication that Ali and I have managed to access with ‘upstairs’ over the years, we might even be able to get some more details on what’s going on.”

  “Oh, wow, really? Can you do that?”

  “Maddie, believe me,” I chuckled, “if you want details, you can depend upon Kaz! She’s a Virgo, and as she said, she’s an absolute expert on extracting answers. Even eight-foot-tall Guardian Teachers run and hide when they see her coming towards them, fully armed with questions, and please, don’t worry — I can assure you Kate is quite safe and in good hands up there. My Teacher used to do exactly the same thing with me when I was a child of Kate’s age going on the disc. He always came to help me out of my body, then he made sure I got back in safely afterwards, and he even waited with me until I managed to fall asleep again. The Guardians love and value the children they’re working with, and care for them as much as any human parent.”

  I was pleased to see that Maddie now looked a lot happier and more relaxed. I knew very well that there would be many more questions for us to answer in the weeks and months ahead, but I also felt that the worst was over. Next time I was on the disc I would make a point of checking things out for Kate and Maddie. I had a suspicion of who the ‘visitor’ was, but only time would tell.


  Chapter 40 Symbols

  “All right, what have you done with it?”

  “Done with what? What are you talking about?”

  “The parish newsletter. I had it in a
text file, and now it’s completely disappeared, off into the cosmos, all 10 pages of it.”

  “Oh, is that what it was? Whoops — sorry!”

  “Ali, for heaven’s sake, how the hell did you manage that? What did you do? Try to defrag the computer or something?”

  “Well, there was so much stuff in there, I mean to say, the poor thing. It’s a wonder it doesn’t just up and leave, or at least go out on strike as ours do sometimes on the disc. I thought I’d clean it out and give it a bit of breathing space.”

  “But it’s a computer for goodness sake!”

  “Now, now, Paco, mechanical things have feelings too, you know. Look at our discs. If you connect with something like that all the time, it becomes imbued with some of your own energy. After all, that’s how our discs operate, and our computers too. Why, one of them even swore at me the other night. Our computers have minds of their own — not like these primitive ones down here that keep asking confusing questions and presenting you with silly options. No wonder I get in a muddle with that one of yours. It just will not think for itself. But even so, can’t you feel a connection with it each time you use it? I certainly can.”



  “You are seriously weird.”

  “You know what, Paco?”


  “I really don’t care — I just wanted to clean it up, but sorry about deleting your newsletter. I’ll be happy to type it back in for you if you tell me what to put in. Hey, I could even add some bits and pieces of my own to liven it up, because it does tend to be rather boring. Ah, I know what it needs — a few jokes. How about the one about the man who drops his caramel candy in the cinema, and spends ages scrabbling around on the floor trying to find it, much to the annoyance of everybody sitting near him?”

  “I know I’ll regret asking, but why does he spend ages scrabbling about on the floor for his caramel? Why doesn’t he just leave it and get another one out of the packet?”

  “Because his teeth are in it!”

  “Oh, God,” Paco raised his eyes to heaven, “please spare us from all ET humor. And never mind, I’ll do the newsletter myself. But I’ll tell you what you can do for me to make up for losing the file. I get two hours from you to answer any of my questions.”

  “Well, I guess that’s the least I can do. So, now or later?”

  “Now, or you may not pay your debt.”

  “Okay, okay — shoot.”

  Paco settled in and I knew he would fill his two hours. “You mentioned something a while back about the significance of the seven colors of the spectrum. You said once that your lesson in this life has been about the throat chakra, and that you had to learn to communicate clearly and in a creative and positive way in your diplomatic and ambassadorial role here on Earth on behalf of the Guardians, hence you work with blue. I also understand that Kaz needed to clear and balance her solar plexus, to build her self-empowerment to carry out this work as well, so her color is yellow. What about the other chakras and their associated colors? What do they mean?”

  “Okay, then, let’s start at the lowest frequency, the base chakra, whose color is red, the slowest color vibration still visible to humans on the electromagnetic scale. The base chakra deals with maintaining a healthy physical connection as a human being to your Mother Earth. It’s also about keeping your emotions grounded and under control so you don’t ‘fly off the handle’ over the slightest thing. Metaphysically it’s about keeping your energy well grounded, particularly if you’re involved in spiritual work of any sort — in other words, not being too much of an ‘airhead.’

  “The next one up is the sacral chakra, color orange. On the physical level this one is about sexuality and reproduction, but on the metaphysical level it’s all about creativity and maintaining your inner child. This is the one that many down here have problems with. When you lose touch with your inner child, you lose your spiritual connection, and sense of wonder and ‘magic.’ This then manifests in cynical, egotistical and pompous behavior. This imbalance is affecting many Earth children at younger and younger ages, which is a great pity and a major block to soul growth.

  “The color for the solar plexus is yellow, and this chakra balances your sense of status in relationship to others, your freedom and your authority. On the metaphysical level it’s the seat of self-worth and self-empowerment and so is connected with spiritual protection, which must always come from within to be truly effective.

  “The green of the heart chakra is about maintaining a healthy balance between the chakras below it, which deal more with physicality and lower self, and the higher chakras, which relate to mind, spirit and higher self. Physically, it governs the circulation of blood and anchors life-force energy. Metaphysically, it’s about unconditional love, and the ability to freely express that love towards self and others. Spiritual transformation is dependent upon healing and balancing the heart chakra.

  “This is closely linked to the blue of the throat chakra, which is about having the inner ability to feel and acknowledge your truth, and the courage to physically express it in a positive, healing and loving way.

  “The brow chakra is indigo, and represents clear thinking and intuition, inner sensitivity and clairvoyance — inner sight and insight. The crown chakra color is violet, and connects you to your higher self and Oneness. Your cosmic telephone line, in other words. The violet color should be bright, clear and sparkling. A dull purple indicates confusion.”

  “Okay, then, Ali Cat, what about numbers? You’ve also spoken of certain numbers that are important in ET contact, for example, the three knocks often heard by experiencers of contact with the Guardians. Can you please explain a bit more about that? I know the numbers nine and 13 are also significant, so what’s that all about?”

  “Yes, you’re right! Just as colors are symbolic and very powerful, so are numbers. The number three, and also the triangle symbol we often display, represents creation, rebirth and balance, as well as completion — body, mind and spirit in perfect balance. The number nine is symbolic of evolution, and 13 represents transformation. This is the symbolism behind Jesus and the twelve apostles, as well as the Medicine Buddha and the 12 Yaksha Generals, who are sort of nature spirits who act as assistants to the Buddha. In both these instances, it’s the thirteenth one, Jesus and Buddha, who’s the transformative aspect of the group as a whole, taking it to a higher energy frequency.”

  “Oh, I like that. So what does six mean?”

  “Six represents reflection, meditation and connectedness in order to gain clarity on self and one’s life path.”

  “And seven?”

  “Yes, that’s a big one! Seven is all about healing and balancing the seven main chakras of the energy system, thus we have the seven colors of the spectrum and the seven notes in a musical scale, each corresponding to one of the seven chakras. The seven sacraments of the church are also based on this concept, but the ‘energy’ meaning behind them has been lost to a certain extent.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, the seven sacraments were originally based on seven ‘keys’ which were introduced on Planet Earth to assist humans in their quest for self realization. These were special processes for people to pass through, which were specifically designed to initiate changes in the energy patterns of the chakras. They were sort of ‘keys’ to tune and turn up the vibrational frequency and to introduce a higher and more balanced energy flow through the seven main chakra points. In this way, the journey of a human back to the unconditional love of Source was made a little easier and quicker to negotiate. In fact, it is very much like the Reiki attunement process.

  “This is why Reiki should really be taught in four rather than three stages. There are four attunements at Level One, and one attunement at each of the next two traditional Levels, which makes a total of six altogether. To make up seven attunements, another Level is required to complete the process up to so-called ‘Master,’ or Teacher Level, which
completes the whole process.

  “The seven sacraments retained by the church are an echo — a soul memory — of more ancient ‘rites of passage’ brought to Planet Earth from elsewhere eons ago. Because of the rift that now exists between religion and science, the understanding of the energy component behind them has largely been lost. People are aware of something significant in them, but they don’t quite know why. Paco, tell me, just out of curiosity, how does the Church define a Sacrament?”

  “The sacraments are defined as being outward and visible signs of an inward and invisible grace.”

  “Ah, okay — so how is ‘grace’ defined?”

  “Grace,” he explained, “is God’s gratuitous love bestowed upon humankind. It’s a process which allows us to commune more closely with God.”

  “Oh, wow! There you go! Exactly what I said only in slightly different words! The parallels never cease to amaze me. The seven sacraments are an outer sign of an inner process — an inner process that serves to raise the vibrational frequency of a soul to a higher octave, bringing it closer to the frequency of Source. In other words, it’s a process that enables a soul to commune, or resonate energetically, more closely with God. Whatever terminology we use, it all comes back to the same thing — transmutation and transformation of energy to higher frequencies!

  “Okay, now, let me see if I can remember my catechism from school — the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church are: baptism, confirmation, holy communion, matrimony, holy orders and extreme unction, or anointing of the sick and dying, right?”

  “Almost, but that’s only six.”


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