Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 40

by Judy Carroll

“Oh — hang on — let me think — ah, yes, absolution! Although these days it’s known as reconciliation, isn’t it? Am I right?”

  “Yes, and your lapse of memory goes to show how often you partake of them, doesn’t it, Ali Cat? And most especially that one! It’s been years and years, hasn’t it? In fact, decades!”

  “Yes, well, I have other ways and means. Now where was I?”

  “The energy behind them.”

  “Ah, yes! Okay then, first up is baptism. The concept of what the Church calls ‘original sin’ has actually been rather misinterpreted. This concept first came into being after the event recalled in the planetary consciousness as ‘Noah’s Flood.’ Those who survived this major inundation perceived it as being God’s punishment on humankind for the ‘original sin’ of falling back into mating with members of the animal kingdom from which the human race had evolved. I believe this return to bestiality is even spoken of in the Bible.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Well, the soul memory of humanity recalls the flood as a mass cleansing of ‘sin’ by water, thus the rite of baptism was adopted, as a re-enactment of this event. Unfortunately, the idea of the ‘original sin’ of humankind has been exploited to the hilt by the Controllers as a way of promoting a serious guilt complex and disempowering process in Earth humans.

  “Also, laying the blame on poor old ‘Eve’ has been their cunning way of promoting and maintaining a domineering and often aggressive patriarchal system on Earth. Adam and Eve’s ‘knowing’ had nothing whatsoever to do with a forbidden sexual liaison between them, but rather was about reasoning power and free will being bestowed on a newly developed humanoid species before they were spiritually mature enough to handle it. This fact has been conveniently forgotten or quietly swept ‘under the carpet,’ so to speak.

  “However, despite all of this misunderstanding surrounding it, the rite of baptism is still very relevant in that it can be regarded as a symbolic cleansing and clearing of karma from the past life — a ‘washing away’ of the past by giving the newly incarnated spirit a boost in its vibrational frequency. In each life we hopefully attain a higher level of vibrational frequency until eventually we are able to fully synchronize and meld back into that highest energy frequency we know as Source, or God.

  “The very act of raising our frequency rates assists in the clearing and dissipation of negative karma. It burns and purges away the negativity, and so a baptismal ceremony of some sort achieves this aim. Even though the soul is manifesting physically in the body of a newborn, in the greater reality it’s ageless and fully cognizant of where it is, where it’s been, and where it’s going, and it is therefore perfectly able to take advantage of any boost to its energy frequency.”

  “You know, Ali. I really do appreciate this deeper understanding that you’ve opened me up to in all of this.”

  “Well, it certainly has given you a wider perspective, that’s for sure!” I grinned. “Now, the next one, the sacrament of confirmation, has the effect of giving the frequency rate a further boost as the reincarnated soul begins its journey into adulthood. This sacrament is usually administered around the age of puberty, and has its counterpart in many cultures, all being equally beneficial in initiating the movement of energy to higher octaves. These rites of passage signify the energy shift from childhood to adulthood, and are an important and integral part of the maturing process. It’s a great pity that this rite has been mostly neglected in modern society, because it plays a major psychological role in spiritual growth. It’s the intrinsic sense of ‘sacredness’ within the rite that provides the impetus to get the energy moving in the right direction, to higher levels. It also signifies that the recipient has now reached a mature enough age to begin consciously choosing love over fear.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Paco asked. “Are you referring to the conscious free-will choices between right and wrong on which evolution depends?”

  “Yes, the correct or incorrect application of free will and reasoning power in other words.”

  “Right, okay. Now what about the sacrament of holy communion? What is your Guardian interpretation of that?”

  “The sacrament of holy communion, in which the recipient partakes of the ‘body and blood’ of Christ — the essence of Christ — is symbolic of the transmutation of energy to the level of Christ, or Divine Consciousness within. In reuniting with our ‘inner Christ,’ or higher self, we become an intrinsic part of Divine Consciousness, which is the ultimate goal of all sentient beings throughout the universe. Here I’m using Christian terminology, but it’s equally applicable to all, and could just as correctly be referred to as our ‘inner Buddha,’ ‘Krishna,’ or whatever belief system you follow.

  “The sacrament of penance, absolution or reconciliation also assists a soul to dissipate negative karma through the raising of one’s energy frequency, which automatically comes about when one sincerely seeks forgiveness and atonement. If true repentance is in the heart, the very act of speaking out, confiding and confessing to another is part and parcel of the atonement process. It’s a way of easing and releasing the guilt that could potentially continue to hold the soul back, and can be of enormous benefit in providing impersonal but caring and hopefully non-judgmental support and advice to ensure the mistake will not occur again. The absolution and reconciliation process is an important step in releasing and healing guilt and karma.

  “The next one, matrimony, is one of the most beneficial sacraments for spiritual growth. There’s a Buddhist saying that marriage provides the best temple training of all for a monk! In the greater reality of the soul there is no polarization of genders, male and female. This is why we may reincarnate into either gender, and in fact this is most important, to provide a sense of empathy and balance.

  “A well-known figure in the field of psychoanalysis once put forward the concept of the anima and animus. These were terms he used to designate the female and male polarities contained within every soul. They’re the yin and yang of Eastern philosophy and every human being is made up of both. In a life where the soul happens to be manifesting into physical form through a male body, the animus — the male half of the psyche — is dominant and the female half — the anima — is recessive. In the case of a soul expressing through a female body it’s the other way around.

  “Now every human being manifesting in physical form is instinctively seeking a return to the wholeness of soul, but in order to find that state of wholeness within self, one must integrate the two halves of the psyche, thus a male seeks to unite with his female half, his anima, and a female with her male animus. This inner part of our being is manifested into physicality through the life partner we choose. We tend to attract to ourselves partners who express most clearly certain aspects of our anima or animus, thus the sacrament of matrimony between male and female symbolizes the uniting of the anima and animus — the two halves of the soul — back into integrated wholeness and oneness.

  “The word ‘wholing’ is the origin of the word ‘healing,’ so the energies generated by the Sacrament of Matrimony assist in the wholing, or healing of the soul. This is why much conscious work and dedication needs to be applied to a marriage. In marriage you do not complete each other — you complete yourself! By extending understanding, love and compassion to your partner in marriage, you are, in turn, extending that same understanding, love and compassion to a part of yourself. The same applies if you hurt or betray your partner. The end result is hurt and betrayal to yourself.

  “This is why some marriages prove to be so difficult, when two people come together to heal on deep levels of the psyche. Healing is not always an easy or pleasant process, and it requires deep commitment, love, respect, compassion, and self-discipline from both partners. If one or both refuse to cooperate, then the healing cannot take place.

  “The transmutation of energy to higher frequencies, which is an intrinsic part of the sacrament of matrimony, is why, no matter how undisciplined and ‘free’ society becom
es, there will always be souls who will wish to commit to some form of marriage through a sacred ceremony of some sort. This is not to say that healing doesn’t take place within all human relationships, but it’s through the sacred commitment of the Sacrament that true integration on the soul level occurs more readily.

  “Even the sexual act between male and female is symbolic of two coming together in Oneness on all levels. The essential difference between human and animal is symbolized in sexual union. Unlike animals, humans generally mate face to face, with bodies touching at sacral, heart and brow chakra points, thus the union becomes a spiritual melding as well as physical.

  “Those who indulge in multiple relationships are ones who are either trying to heal multiple facets of their own psyche, or else are dodging the issue. In the latter case the relationships are usually fleeting, with as little commitment as possible, for these souls are running away from self. Marriage is the ultimate commitment to facing up to and healing self.”

  “But what about folks like me? Are we missing out?”

  “Yes and no, let’s take a look at Holy Orders — priests, nuns and monks.”

  “Whoa! This is where I come under the microscope, isn’t it? A little respect here please, Ali Cat!”

  “Of course, Paco, as always! Now then, in all belief systems there are certain individuals who’ve undergone further initiatory processes in order to raise their own energy frequency to a level where they in turn can help others do the same. It’s very similar to Teacher level in Reiki and also in other Eastern practices, which require initiations from a Master, or Teacher, for aspirants to reach certain levels within the system. In ancient times, those who took on a priestly role were very highly evolved souls, self-realized and totally integrated, not needing to link with their ‘other half’ outside of themselves. This is actually where the root of priestly celibacy lies.

  “As you know, Paco, this Sacrament, or initiation, carries a deep responsibility to live your own life in a state of unconditional love, both as an example to others, and also to ensure that your own energy frequency is held in as high a state as possible, untainted by fear in all its various forms.”

  “Yes, that does make a lot of sense,” said Paco, “but unfortunately I have to admit that there are some serving in the Priesthood who haven’t yet reached these more spiritually integrated levels, and who really should still be working their way through the healing and wholing process involved in matrimony.”

  “Well of course you know what the problem is here, don’t you? In olden times only those who were highly evolved and totally integrated could be chosen for a priestly role, whereas now such things are not so clearly understood, so you get people who are not necessarily spiritually ready. These are ones who are running away from certain aspects of their own inner self, and refusing to look at or heal these unresolved issues, and so they reject the wholing process of linking with another soul through the Sacrament of Marriage.

  “The vow of celibacy in the Priesthood legitimizes this fear of looking within, thus providing a perfect excuse to avoid the whole issue of healing this inner self. It also places them in a position of power and authority over others, which in turn further feeds their fear-based ego.”

  “And that’s a sad state of affairs. I wish the Pope would do something about this.”

  “Me, too, but let’s not hold our breaths. The last of the seven sacraments, extreme unction, or anointing of the sick,” I continued, “is administered to a person who’s very ill or else preparing for the final rite of passage — death. Its function is to raise the energy frequency to the highest, most balanced and harmonized level possible in order to assist in the healing process, or else to ensure that the spirit gets maximum assistance in stepping out of its physical container to move on to where it’s supposed to be.

  “The root of all illness is disharmony and imbalance within the energy system, and so, because of its harmonizing and leavening effect on the energy body, this Sacrament can sometimes bring about a spontaneous healing of the condition that was causing the illness. In this way, sometimes a dying person can fully recover after receiving this Sacrament.”

  “Funny you should say that!” Paco commented. “I’ve actually had that happen in a couple of instances when I’ve administered the Last Rites to a dying person. They’ve suddenly and inexplicably recovered. I didn’t really think it was me, but it didn’t seem like just a sheer coincidence either.

  “But Ali,” he went on, “it’s all very well the sacraments being a tool to raise a person’s vibrational frequency, but what about for those who aren’t Catholic and don’t have access to the sacraments?”

  “It really doesn’t matter what belief system or path you follow. Any type of spiritual practice will lead you back to Source, as long as it helps you make the right choice of love over fear in order to integrate and heal your inner self. As I’ve said before, evolution in the human kingdom is all about making free-will choices, and these choices make the difference in your life between balance, harmony and inner connection, or imbalance, disharmony and disconnection, which ultimately leads to chaos.

  “The whole agenda of the Controllers is to disconnect humans from their higher selves in order to keep them disempowered. In this way the Controllers remain firmly in charge on Earth. Peoples’only hope is to ‘wake up,’ but this in itself is a free-will choice — humans must consciously choose, on a personal and individual basis. This is why most of our contact is carried out this way — personally and individually rather than through mass contact and sightings of discs.

  “We’re trying to help, but you must meet us half way. Earth humans desperately need to reconnect with their higher consciousness, and until they do, they’ll remain trapped in a disempowered state of illusion. This is why there seems to be two or more different realities operating on Earth. You create your own reality with your mind, and there are those whose minds are so closed in and limited that they just can’t see past the ends of their noses. Then there are others who can see to far horizons. But the bottom line is, humans must ‘wake up’ consciously. If you die in an unconscious state, as most do, then you are reborn in an unconscious state.”

  “But Ali, it’s all very well for you Guardians who already have expanded consciousness! How do Earth humans regain their conscious empowerment?”

  “Quite simply, as a matter of fact, by being willing and able to see through the insidious control exercised over your minds through such avenues as the media, advertising, materialism and consumerism, ‘fashion,’ the internet, movies, magazines, sports, etc. I could go on and on! On Planet Earth it seems never-ending! If people can’t, or won’t do this, then chaos will reign in the end. In fact you can see it happening right now, with stress levels rising dramatically and many people spinning out of control in their lives.”

  “You’re right enough there, Ali Cat! So how do we overcome this?”

  “What’s really important, particularly at this time of major energy shifts going on down here on Earth, which are affecting people far more than is generally realized, balance must be maintained. As a human species moves to higher evolutionary levels, the spiritual part of each being begins to vibrate at a higher, finer frequency. When this happens, the physical aspect must slow down to maintain balance between the two, otherwise your life-span will shorten. Everything will get faster and faster, as human speech is now doing, if you haven’t noticed, until everything just spins wildly out of control.

  “What’s happening on Earth is that peoples’ spiritual frequency is speeding up in synchronization with the planet, but they haven’t learned how to balance and deepen their frequency rate on the physical level. This is why spiritual practices such as meditation and quiet, inner reflection are so important for humanity at this time.”

  “Ah, yes, that makes so much sense when looked at in that light!” said Paco. “That’s why it’s so calming to be in the presence of your people and most especially the Elders. On the other hand, i
t’s also why it’s so calming to be in a quiet church, or out in Nature.”

  “Oh, my yes, Nature is very calming. Earth humans need to spend much more time in it.”

  “However,” Paco continued, “there’s a very tangible feeling of depth and calmness about all of you compared to many Earth humans, who always seem to be in a state of chaos, noise and chatter, although there are some here who have this calm depth to them as well.”

  “Absolutely!” I agreed, “But you’ll find that they’re the ones who meditate regularly and who put time aside for inner reflection.”

  “That is so interesting!” said Paco. “And it does make a lot of sense that it’s up to each individual as to whether they’re prepared to put time into cultivating the deeper, spiritual aspects of their being or whether they spend their time running themselves ragged trying to accumulate material wealth and possessions. This solely materialistic approach to life brings about a state of imbalance, because the fear-engendered, perceived need for more and more in the way of acquisitions becomes their whole reason for existence, rather than the pursuit of deeper spiritual awakening and unfoldment. I see this all the time.”

  “Precisely! Because the more connected you become to things outside of yourself in the way of material possessions, the more disconnected you become from self! If humans could only open up to the multidimensional nature of their being, and stop identifying solely with the demands of the physical body, they would see that this is the key to transformation into higher levels of reality.”

  “That’s all fine and good, Ali Cat, but remember how you’re always carrying on about the need to stay well-grounded. Now, from what I’ve observed, there are some who disconnect from physicality too much, wanting to spend their whole lives in meditation, getting annoyed by the normal everyday demands of their body and taking things to extremes with fasting, self-denial and basically copping out of life.

  “After all, our physical body is an amazing and miraculous creation given to us by God, and it is a valuable vehicle which provides us with all the many learning opportunities of physical form. And really, the bottom line is, if we didn’t have physical lessons to learn, then we wouldn’t be here, would we?”


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