Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 41

by Judy Carroll

  “Yes, Paco, you’re absolutely right! And that’s why I love having you around — you keep me so well grounded! What people tend to forget is that the physical container is a ‘temple’ for the soul, which should be loved, respected, cared for and honored as such. “Tuning in to your inner self in order to attain self realization includes tuning in with sensitivity to the needs of the physical body, and maintaining it at optimum level. This really is what ‘oneness’ is all about on Planet Earth — nurturing body, mind and spirit equally, and integrating all three aspects of your being. Neglecting or trying to disown your physical aspect will eventually bring about a state of imbalance in the other two areas.

  “Now then…,” I took a deep breath, at the same time stretching my arms above my head and managing to produce a satisfying crack in my knuckles, “…is that enough information to keep you happy and to balance the karmic debt incurred for the loss of your parish newsletter?”

  “Well, it would’ve been, but you still have 10 more minutes. Besides, you know that knuckle cracks give me the shivers, so you aren’t getting off.”

  “Boy, you’re tough.”

  “It’s a karmic lesson, dear sister. Maybe next time you’ll remember not to mess with people’s files. Okay, you said something earlier about how your discs operate, and also the computers on your discs — that they’re able to think for themselves. I’ve seen your on-board computers, and they don’t look all that different from ours, and I can’t see that your technology is all that far ahead of ours, so what do you mean? I remember you mentioning before about the discs being living, sentient organisms.”

  “Hey, Paco, that is a good question. Maybe I should crack my knuckles more often to inspire you. This is actually a really important point that researchers down here need to look at if they are to properly understand interplanetary technology. Technologically speaking, we’re really not that far ahead of Planet Earth, and in fact your present-day computer technology was back-engineered from our crashed discs. The main difference, and Earth technology is beginning to touch on this now, is that our technology and consciousness work together, hand in hand as it were, with consciousness-enhanced technology and technologically enhanced consciousness. Some computer technology on Earth is moving into this area, with direct brain inter-action between machine and operator, but what needs to be clearly understood is that all matter is imbued with consciousness at the molecular level. We have learned how to tap into that consciousness and to enhance it with our own.

  “This is where we’re way ahead of Earth humans, but it’s more a matter of spiritual evolution rather than technological evolution. This is part of what I’m talking about in connection with those on higher levels of the Human Ladder having access to broader and deeper layers of conscious awareness. It’s all about expansion of consciousness, which in turn enables us to tap into other areas of consciousness that Earth humans can only dream of at this stage in their development. But given the potentials that open up at this level, and the responsibilities involved, one cannot reach it without first attaining a high degree of spiritual maturity.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “All of our technology, right from the tiniest implants up to the giant Motherships,” I explained, “has a degree of consciousness that links us together in Oneness. Because of this energy connection, we possess technology that assists us with seemingly miraculous abilities such as telepathy, levitation, bi-location, etc. Some of our more evolved Elders are able to do these things unassisted, but our technology enables everyone to carry out such tasks with ease and efficiency. Needless to say, this carries with it a very deep level of moral and ethical responsibility.

  “On a level-one planet like Earth, you tend to rely totally on technology, with consciousness being a bit of a hit-or-miss affair. At our level of evolution on the Human Ladder, we successfully combine technology with consciousness. When you get right up into the angelic realms of levels nine and 10, it is pure consciousness. They don’t need technology at all.”

  “So Ali, what do you mean by consciousness being present at the molecular level of matter? I can understand that concept in a living organism, for example at the cellular level of our bodies, but what about with an inanimate object like a stone or a piece of wood. That really doesn’t make sense.”

  “The problem is that Earth humans generally don’t acknowledge the presence of consciousness in anything except what they think of as ‘living creatures.’ In actual fact, consciousness starts right down as far as the mineral kingdom. Everything on your planet, animal, vegetable and mineral, possesses consciousness, and it is this consciousness at the molecular level that gives form to matter. This is why the molecules forming a stone appear as a stone and not as a lump of wood. The trick is, learning how to tap into that consciousness, and this can only be done by expanding your own consciousness. In other words, it is your mind that holds the magic key.”

  “Wow, that’s so deep my brain is starting to feel water-logged, which is a bit of a worry.”

  “Bet you don’t know the definition of a real worry.”

  “Oh, no — not another Guardian joke coming up I hope! Well, what is it — what is the definition of a real worry?”

  “Being abducted on board an alien spaceship and finding a copy of An Idiot’s Guide to the Universe sitting on the control console.”


  Chapter 41 Surveillance Failure

  It was turning out to be a very long and extremely difficult night. Zogar, Entil and I had been trying to deal with angry and fearful humans since the beginning of our shift, and this, our sixth ‘client,’ lay paralyzed on the table in the clinic, absolutely terrified. Again and again we tried to communicate, to penetrate the heavy and all-encompassing cocoon of fear that cut her off from all our efforts. It’s even more frustrating for me when I can’t bring in my human capability of speech, but up on the disc I simply don’t have the necessary anatomical equipment required for it.

  Alexander, one of our hybrids, then poked his head around the door. Normally easy-going, happy-go-lucky and always ready for a bit of fun, his expression of intense concern shocked me. “Alarca, Maris wants you in the surveillance room right now! The computers have gone down!”

  “What? How many?”

  “All of them! Joseph is there already, and Zogar and Entil had better come too, once our Earthling friend here has been sent home safely. We need all the help we can get, because the situation is critical.”

  Alexander’s brother Joseph was our computer ‘whiz kid.’ Half Zeta Reticulan and half Earth human, he exhibited the very best of both species, with an extremely sharp mind for technology and five long, slender and very dexterous fingers on each hand that could tackle anything mechanical.

  Although he and Alex were full brothers, they were very different from each other. Joseph was physically much more human-looking, except for his eyes, which were abnormally large by Earth human standards. By nature he was intense, quiet, studious and rather introverted. Alex, on the other hand, looked nearly pure Zeta except for a bit more definition in the nose and mouth. Unlike Joseph, he was a happy extrovert, always into mischief and fun, usually at somebody else’s expense, particularly Elders, but at the same time he was full of love and good humor. Alex could be counted on to bring a ray of light and hope to the darkest situation, so I knew with a sinking feeling that the problem must be major to throw even him so badly.

  “Go on, Alarca, get moving — we won’t be long.” Zogar was already activating a blue beam of light energy to levitate our human guest off the table so she could be returned home quickly and safely. Then, turning to Alex, he said, “You’d better call Asara and Solarno from their quarters, and Oris, too, if he’s on board. And don’t forget Ashka and your sister, Angelique — they’re both down in the nursery. Oh, my goodness,” he added, shaking his head and walking away, “the surveillance computers all down at once! How the heck could that happen? Now what do we do?”

surveillance computers are vital to us because they monitor all the planets in our care, including Earth. Our computers keep a watchful eye on such things as wayward asteroids that could devastate an inhabited planet. And we also watch internal threats to planetary civilizations, such as weapons of mass destruction, particularly when they fall into the hands of unstable individuals or governments. We are not allowed to interfere on every occasion, because we have to abide by the Laws of Karma, but even then we’re sometimes able to bend the rules a little to prevent outright disasters.

  In my human form on Earth I could recall occasionally reading in the news of a potential tragedy such as a bomb being planted in a busy part of a city, timed to explode at peak hour, but something going wrong so that it detonated half an hour earlier, with few lives lost. That is how we work, along with our angelic friends. We cannot stop all disastrous events, but we often intervene to lessen the impact.

  Frequently our discs have also been seen near nuclear installations, and some of Earth’s more dangerous weaponry has been neutralized in this way, which is why some down there see us as “evil aliens intent on attacking Earth.” We have intervened too in potentially devastating accidents at nuclear sites. The average humans going about their day-to-day business on Planet Earth have no idea of the myriad dangers that threaten their existence on a regular basis, prevented only by Guardian intervention, and we rely on these vital surveillance computers to alert us to the danger.

  The seriousness of the situation hit me even harder when I entered the room. My Teacher, Maris, was sitting at the main console looking more worried than I’d ever seen him. Joseph had pulled up a seat beside him, and several others including the two Pleiadians, Asara and Solarno, were leaning over their shoulders looking equally upset and helpless. A number of workers, hybrids, and Elders were busy at other consoles, working feverishly to find the problem.

  Many millions of years of evolution have endowed us with almost complete control over our emotions, but that night nearly everyone lost it at one point or another. Even the ancient and usually extremely serene Garnibis, paced up and down looking decidedly shaken, directing huge, pale blue eyes towards the blank screens every so often as if her stare alone could restore them to life.

  Finally it was decided that there was no point in everyone being there. We were just getting under each other’s feet, which was causing nerves to become even more frayed. Joseph was fairly confident that he’d managed to trace the problem to its source, so now it was time to leave him in peace so he could concentrate on getting the system up and running again as soon as possible; and there was still much work for us all to complete before morning. “Alarca,” my Teacher Maris called to me, “please come into my office. There’s something I need to discuss with you — a special job that needs to be carried out.”

  “Damn!” I thought to myself. “Surely with all the computers down, we’d be able to finish work early!”

  Picking up telepathically on my rebelliousness, Solarno grinned broadly and winked at me. “Now, now, Alarca, Guardian Workers are supposed to work — not fantasize about knocking off early. Only humans are allowed to do that!”

  “Right,” said my venerable Teacher, seating himself behind the large console that took up a goodly portion of his office space: “I have a project for you, Alarca — a project that requires your special expertise as a Guardian manifesting in human form on Planet Earth in a diplomatic role.”

  “Oh, dear,” I thought to myself, “that sounds ominous.” The look he cast in my direction told me he’d picked up on me telepathically, but of course he would’ve. Sometimes I must think I’m in my human form with a closed off mind.

  Ignoring my questionable train of thought, Maris went on, “Alarca, the young worker, Entil, is having a lot of problems with a human child named Kate with whom he is supposed to be working. She is being brought on board for classes in one of our children’s circles, but every time he approaches her she still becomes quite hysterical with fear. It’s time she began to understand things on a more conscious level, but fear is blocking her so badly that extra help is required.

  “Ashka has made contact with her in human form, trying to explain things a little more clearly, and I know you have also met her briefly on a visit to her mother’s house, but I feel that if you were to accompany Entil into her room at night, dressed in your Earthling container so she can see the pair of you interacting in a friendly and non-threatening way, she may lose some of her terror. Surely seeing a human being alongside her ET visitor will help to allay her fear.”

  “But Maris, wouldn’t it be better for Ashka to do this? After all, she is a mother in her human form on Earth and therefore much more experienced in relating to and communicating with children than I am. Why can’t she do it?”

  “Because it is not her job! Her work is to look after the hybrid children here on the disc, and right now we have over a dozen poor little mites that we confiscated from that Earth laboratory last week. Ashka has spent much time matching up DNA samples trying to locate their human mothers so we can bring them here to provide the maternal love they so desperately need. No wonder the poor little things are so listless and lethargic! I do wish these human scientists would stop trying to play God, dabbling and experimenting in areas where they totally lack proper spiritual understanding. Surely they realize human life is more than just physical genetics! I’m sorry, I’m off on a tangent. But no, Ashka has her hands full at the moment. It is up to you.”

  “Maris, on the subject of trying to get through to these children, what happened with the Russian boy we visited a while back? He was so sick and so scared. Is he any better now?”

  “Yes, he is, as a matter of fact, but we only just intervened in time. The Controllers were starting to infiltrate his mind, causing him to fall into trance states during which he would recite all these very complex mathematical and scientific formulas, which of course had everyone around him firmly convinced that he was some sort of miraculous and very advanced ‘Star Child.’ However, cunningly mixed in with this information some very negative things were also being conveyed through him, including dire warnings of ‘evil gray aliens’ coming to Earth to interfere with people, which was part of why he was so scared of us.

  “After that night you came along with me, he started becoming more aware of the difference between the Controller-inspired contact and our genuine contact, and once he began to wake up consciously, we were able to reach him more easily to heal him on all levels. We placed an implant into his body to help alleviate the lung problem he’d developed, and he’s now moved past his fear and is living a normal and much happier life.

  “Now, Alarca, back to our difficulties with Kate — it’s really just a matter of your helping her to overcome her fear enough to allow Entil to place the palms of his hands on hers, so their heart chakra channels that run down the arms into the hands will reconnect and instantaneously she should feel the love energy between the two of them. It will only take seconds.”

  And so it was — no refusing an Elder.

  Utilizing the blue beam of light energy, Entil and I transported ourselves from the hovering disc down into Kate’s bedroom. Using our eyes we paralyzed her as she began to wake up. It took a bit of focused concentration on my part to maintain a human appearance while in this altered astral state, and I hoped that I wasn’t looking too wavy around the edges, because the last thing needed was to make her even more scared than she already was.

  As her terrified gaze fell upon us, I greeted her in as friendly and non-threatening a way as possible, “Hi Kate! Don’t you recognize me? I’m your mom’s friend Ali. Please don’t be scared — we’re not going to hurt you, I promise.”

  Kate said something, but because Entil and I were in the astral state, we couldn’t quite make out her physical speech. Once again, here I was faced with this damned communication issue between the energy fields. I held my hand up. “Hang on, Kate, I can’t hear you. You need to think your words clearly to me
with your mind. Just concentrate hard on what you want to say and I’ll understand. Our communication needs to be telepathic.”

  The next moment a torrent of jumbled words flooded my mind, almost knocking me backwards with the force of emotional energy behind them. In fact, poor Entil, who was standing slightly behind me, did get knocked backwards, and would have disappeared into the energy portal if I hadn’t grabbed his hand and held on. “Kate,” I telepathed, “please try to calm down — please. I’ll lift the paralysis off if you’ll just calm down, and no, I won’t let him touch you — it’s okay, neither of us will come any closer — we’ll stay right where we are, but you must try to calm down so we can talk. And by the way, this is Entil, whom you’ve known for a very long time.”

  Kate’s thoughts took on a semblance of order at the sound of my perfectly normal human speech resounding inside her head. “Ali, is that really you? What’s going on? How can you be here in my room at night with him? What does he want? What do you mean I’ve known him for a very long time? Why won’t he leave me alone?”

  “Hold on, Kate, hold on! One question at a time! So you do remember me as a friend of your mom’s?”

  “Oh, yes, Ali, and you’re also Kaz’s friend, aren’t you? Her daughter Kira and I go to the same school, and Kaz told me Kira and Ben both have ET visitors coming to them at night too, and not to be scared, but I can’t help it — they look so weird.” She cast a quick sideways glance at Entil and shuddered.

  “Look, Kate, I know he does seem a bit strange, but truly, he won’t hurt you. Why don’t you try just reaching out and letting him touch your hand — come on, please. I promise nothing bad will happen.”


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