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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 43

by Judy Carroll

  “With endless funds at their disposal, massive amounts of research have been devoted not only to physical technology, but also to psychic technology in the way of mind control, psychic spying, and manipulation of astral-plane energies for their own ends. Also, experiments have been repeated which were first carried out in Atlantis, experiments dealing with the creation and hybridization of human life.

  “These ones still, as before, get a huge ego trip out of playing God, experimenting with and making use of advanced technology they developed back in the time of Atlantis or before. They also dabble in occult practices such as creating thought forms by tapping into lower-astral energies, and they have even created some in our image so as to introduce as much fear as possible in connection with the ET presence.

  “The Controllers were originally from elsewhere, but settled on Earth millennia ago and claimed it as their own. Over many thousands of years they’ve adapted themselves genetically so that they are now completely human in appearance — in fact they are 99% Earth human. Because of their 1% off-planet bloodline, they consider themselves to be above everyone else down here, and exploit other humans shamelessly. They look upon the whole planet and all who dwell thereon as their property. They were the driving force behind the ‘Aryan ideal’ of Nazism, which gives you some idea of their mind-set!”

  “So what you’re saying is that all negative interference is coming from right here on Earth?”

  “Yes! We can protect you from outside influences, but we cannot act upon anything coming from within your own society or planet. All the problems occurring on Earth are coming from within rather than from outside. And what people need to understand clearly is that the Controllers have two powerful weapons at their disposal — fear and confusion. They confuse people by taking a basic truth, for example the fact that there is a God or Source Energy present throughout the universe, and then bend, twist and manipulate this truth for their own ends as a means of controlling others. And this control and manipulation is always fueled by fear or ego. Another basic truth they use to spread confusion and fear is the fact that there are other sentient life-forms ‘out there’ on other planets and in other dimensions. This too is exploited and twisted for their own ends in the form of ‘evil aliens’ who are going to come here and take over the world.”

  “But Ali, what in the name of heaven can people do to protect themselves against this type of mind manipulation?”

  “The main thing to understand is that lower astral and other negative entities actually feed off fear and confusion, so once people come to realize this and refuse to be hooked in to their mind games, then they cease to hold sway. That is the key to protecting yourself against them.

  “What Earth people need to understand clearly is that you create your own reality. If you wish to change your world then you must first begin by changing the way you think. Positive creation through thought patterns can be a slow process in the heavy and dense vibrations of third-dimensional reality on Planet Earth. It often takes much patience and determination, but it will happen, just as long as people don’t allow themselves to become trapped in negative emotions of anger, hatred, envy and fear. Try to stand back a little from all the emotional manipulation being dished up to you on a daily basis, and live your own life in the most ethical and honest way you possibly can. An example, Paco, how do neighborhoods have success against the drug problem?”


  “From within the community, by joining together and making the decision that they are going to take their community back. That’s the only way.”

  “Okay,” interjected Paco, “so we need to be real careful about getting caught up in all the fear and confused emotions that are running riot on Earth right now.”

  “Exactly! Look to the God Essence within yourself. Seek it out with every ounce of energy at your disposal. This is where you will find peace and self-empowerment. Every single person on this planet and throughout the entire Cosmos is an immortal, all-powerful spiritual being and an intrinsic part of God, of Oneness. Nobody is separate, or cut off, or alone, but you must come to this understanding consciously and with all your heart. And bear in mind that the negative force will do everything in its power to distract, dis-empower and confuse you in order to block this deeper understanding. After all, life on Planet Earth can be full of distractions and negativity — if you allow it to be.”

  “Well, Ali Cat, what you say certainly does make a lot of sense, but now I’ve got another question for you. What about those hybrids some people have seen on board your ships? Some of them seem to be okay, and working alongside your people quite happily, but then there are these others, usually babies, who look very sick and listless, so what’s going on there?”

  “Okay, a hybrid program was initiated by us not long after the Second World War, and it was prompted by the invention of nuclear weaponry down here. A planetary species that carries out warfare with swords, arrows and guns is bad enough, but when a weapon such as an atom bomb is invented, then higher forces must intervene.

  “Many Earth humans are still programmed in the ‘survival of the fittest’ mind-set, along with an in-built fear and distrust of outsiders. This genetically encoded fear has led to countless deaths on Planet Earth, and once authorities here had nuclear weapons at their disposal, we knew that this fear would eventually lead to your extinction as a species, unless it could be removed from Earthlings’ makeup, hence our ongoing genetic upgrading program since the war. But don’t forget we’re not the only ones doing a hybrid program, and these others are the ones who aren’t faring so well. We are however intervening where we can to remove the hybrids created by this group so they can be given protection and healing.”

  “Fair enough,” said Paco.

  “You know that love energy is what drives the human heart chakra and keeps a person healthy and functioning normally. This is why we bring female humans, particularly mothers, onto the discs, to provide maternal warmth and nurturing to these poor little mites to try to heal them and bring them back to a state of healthy balance. It’s the act of hugging and touching that ignites the Spark of God within, and teaches a human to love. Because these hybrids have been created on Earth and are part Earthling, it is an Earth mother’s touch that they need, which we cannot provide. At the same time, ones of our own, like Ashka, are in charge of this program. Such ones are also operating through human containers on Earth, and are mothers down there as well, so they fully understand and can relate deeply to the needs of Earth human children.

  “Our own genetic program is multidimensional and not only aimed at physical, mental and emotional improvement, but is also intended to sow the seeds of spirituality among the human species of Earth. Without this intervention you will simply not survive as a species, for in order to evolve further, body, mind and spirit must be brought into balance. Anyway, you’ve met some of our hybrids on board the disc — Alex, Joseph and Angelique. You know what nice people they are.”

  “Oh yes, absolutely — a bit strange-looking maybe, but good and loving people. And what about the Star Children? What’s the difference between them and the hybrids?”

  “The difference is that our hybrids up on the disc are essentially ETs with an infusion of some Earth human genetics in their make-up, whereas the Star Children are essentially Earth humans infused with just a little more ET genetic material than other Earth humans.

  “With our hybrids we aim to retain the higher emotions, which includes such attributes as compassion, ethics, morals and in fact everything that makes an entity ‘human.’ In other words, ours is a humanizing program.”

  “But Ali, surely your people could stop others from creating hybrids down here!”

  “No, we cannot. They have free will to choose right from wrong, and as I said before, they’re facing the same tests and choices they came up against in Atlantis. Some are making the right choice this time, not to participate in such projects, but others are still caught up in ego and power and so are mak
ing wrong choices, for which they will pay as they have done before.”

  “But Ali, what I still can’t get my head around is why your people, or the Star Nation Council or whoever, allowed all of this to happen in the first place. Surely with the level of spiritual knowing that the Guardians have at their disposal you could have anticipated all of this before it occurred and taken steps to prevent it happening. I mean to say, the way you can all operate across time as well as space, wouldn’t you have known that your discs were going to crash, and that these former negative Atlanteans who were manifesting on Earth were going to get hold of your knowledge and technology and use it again, as they did before?”

  “Yes,” I replied, “on a higher level of our being we were aware of what was potentially going to happen, along with all the implications. But the cosmic Law of Karma which governs such processes cannot be over-ridden. It must be played out in full and given the chance to re-balance, which must always happen eventually. Everything returns to perfect balance and oneness in the end. That is just the way universal consciousness operates!”


  Chapter 43 The Human Ladder

  It was a cool Friday morning in August, and Kaz, Paco and I were again sitting around Maddie’s kitchen table. We’d all been busy over the past couple of weeks, and this was our first chance to get together again.

  A large and friendly tabby cat purred loudly as it coiled itself around our legs, paying particular attention to Kaz and me, obviously enjoying our energy fields. After all, we Guardians do have a special affinity with cats. Soon it was up on my lap, arching its back and generously offering a silken ear to be scratched.

  “Oh, Tiger, for heaven’s sake!” Maddie shook her head and rattled a packet of dry cat food to entice him away, but he ignored her completely, as only a cat can, determined to stay right where he was.

  “It’s okay, Maddie,” I assured her, “I love cats. Let him stay if he wants to.”

  Obviously understanding every word, Tiger immediately curled himself into a furry ball, digging his claws in a couple of times before dropping a stripey head onto my hand and closing his eyes in blissful relaxation.

  “Well, Maddie,” Paco began, “what’s been going on? You said over the phone that new developments were taking place.”

  “Oh, my goodness, yes!” she replied, looking slightly frazzled but certainly not as scared as before. “The biggest thing is that Kate has finally managed to communicate with the little one that comes into her room, and believe it or not, she now knows his name.”

  “Hey, that’s great Maddie!” I responded, keeping my voice as casually neutral as I could. “So what is it?”

  “Umm, it’s a funny name, and Kate’s not sure if she heard it right because her memory of the visit is a bit clouded, but she thinks the name is Entil — E-n-t-i-l. She’s certainly feeling better about the whole thing now and is much less scared.”

  I frowned slightly, as if trying to remember something. “Mmm, Entil, did you say? Yes, that name does seem familiar…” Then, as if a light were suddenly switched on in my mind, “Ah, yes, of course, Entil! There is one with that name up there.”

  “Really!” For a moment I thought Maddie’s eyes were going to pop right out of her head, then the inevitable flood of questions came pouring out. “Tell me, please Ali, who is he? What does he want? Is he a Teacher, or an Elder, or what?”

  “He’s not an Elder,” I replied, “or he’d be taller. Maybe he’s had a taller one with him on occasions when he’s come to visit, but Entil himself is what is known as a worker, or a helper, and he’s really sweet — very gentle and kind, so you can assure Kate there’s nothing to fear from him.”

  “So you do know him?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I do, and another thing I know is that he’s been really upset about Kate’s fear, and of not being able to connect with her. In fact I remember him being in tears over it one night.”

  Maddie’s eyes grew even rounder. “You’re kidding! Can Greys cry? In the book I’m reading about alien abductions, it says Greys have no emotions — that they’re nothing but bio-robots, with no feelings.”

  Paco cast a worried look in my direction, obviously recalling the Earthling-created robots in the form of Greys that I’d once spoken of, and how they were being used to intimidate and frighten people, but there was no way I’d go into such things with Maddie at this point in time. I knew very well it would only cause her more fear, and I also knew that in this instance the contact was genuine, and certainly not human-initiated.

  “I’m sorry, Maddie, but that’s not true. Some books on the subject of human/ET contact are okay, with quite a bit of accurate information, but there are also an awful lot of misconceptions out there, along with heaps of downright rubbish and outright lies written on the Greys. Remember what we said about most ET/human contact taking place on the astral plane — the plane of dreams, emotion and illusion?”

  “But what about when people go through hypnotic regression to access hidden contact experiences? Isn’t that accurate?”

  “Only up to a point,” I replied, “because again they’re filtering their awareness of the experience through the clouded and blurry lens of their own subconscious mind. Maybe with a properly qualified therapist this can be overcome to a certain extent, but unfortunately in the field of ET contact research there are some people doing this work who are not properly qualified, or do not possess the necessary experience in this particular field. They’re often enthusiastic researchers, with their heart in the right place. They genuinely want to help those experiencing contact, but when one is dealing with the human mind, expertise in psychology is most essential. The other problem is, this is a highly emotional field of study, and some therapists subconsciously impose their own perceptions and beliefs onto clients.

  “Greys do have emotions, and they can potentially get stressed, tired and frustrated just as we can, but the difference is they practice nonattachment, just as students of Eastern spiritual practices are taught on Earth.

  “Also, the Grey containers don’t possess the same facial musculature as humans do, so human facial expressions are almost impossible for them. Their physical bodies are perfectly adapted for travel in deep space, where there is no atmosphere to breathe and incredible extremes in temperature, so they are very different from humans in this respect. They express their feelings more through their eyes and hands. Emotion is simply a form of energy, and the Greys operate on a higher-frequency band of energy that Earth humans cannot readily perceive; however they’re certainly capable of both joy and sadness, and, believe it or not, they have a great sense of humor as well.”

  “Do they really? That’s amazing!”

  Then Paco stepped in to lend me his support. “What Ali says is right, Maddie. I have quite clear conscious recall at times of being on board the disc, and when you really get to know the Greys, and your perceptions aren’t clouded with fear, you come to realize that in this way they aren’t all that different from us. If someone makes a joke, everyone laughs; if someone is unhappy, you can feel it in them; and yes, they can cry. And the love that emanates from them is just amazing. The only difference between them and us is that they’re less judgmental and generally much calmer and kinder. There’s no competitiveness among them and therefore no jealousy or envy. Each one just gets on with the job at hand, and they work together in total peace and unity.”

  “Wouldn’t that be a nice way to live,” she sighed.

  “Hopefully we’ll get there some day. In many ways they are like us,” he went on, “some seem wiser and more mature than others, and as Ali has explained to me, this depends upon their level of soul evolution because some are younger souls and some are older. Some of the younger ones have a lot of trouble handling the lower vibrational frequencies of human emotion, and the older ones seem more able to express emotion than the little workers.”

  “But,” Maddie responded, “if that’s the case, then why don’t the older ones in
teract more with humans? Why do they even allow the younger, less evolved ones near us, when they can’t properly relate to humans?”

  “The whole thing is,” Kaz put in, “the little workers are a counter balance. The excess of lower emotional energy is threatening the continued existence of the whole human species and the planet as well.

  “When you get an imbalance of energy like this, the opposite is automatically drawn in to counter-balance it. Energy is exactly like water in that it always finds its own level. Earthlings are automatically drawing in whatever they need to restore balance within the energy system. You draw to yourself what’s required, even in ET-contact experiences.”

  “Ali or Kaz,” Paco looked across at both of us, “why don’t you explain to Maddie about who and what the Guardians actually are, so she’ll understand the whole process a bit more clearly.”

  “Oh, yes, please!” Maddie put in. “You said something before about their bodies being specially adapted to travel in deep space. What do you mean? In one book they also mention autopsies being done on the alien bodies that were retrieved from these crashed discs, and how they seem to be sort of artificial. This is the book I mentioned before, where they talk about the Greys as being sort of manufactured robots, and they surmise that they’ve been specifically designed by some very advanced ET culture, but you say they’re not robots, so what are they?”

  “Okay, Maddie,” I answered. “The problem with a lot of these conclusions that researchers come to is that they can’t seem to grasp the fact that elsewhere in the universe things can be vastly different, especially with a culture as ancient and advanced as the ‘Greys,’ or Guardians, to give them their proper name.

  “They seem to be having trouble with the fact that the physical universe is only a very small part of the greater reality. They see the whole universe as being comprised of physical matter — physical planets, physical asteroids, physical galaxies, etc., but it isn’t. Physical ‘reality,’ or what can be observed through Earth-bound telescopes, is quite small compared to the greater reality, which is why most attempts made by Earth scientists to contact what they call ‘alien life-forms’ is just about doomed to failure. The signals they send out are in such a tiny, narrow band of the electromagnetic scale. It’s like trying to find one particular single grain of sand on all the beaches in the world. Earth human minds simply cannot grasp the magnitude that is involved!”


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