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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 46

by Judy Carroll

  Then from behind came Maris’s voice. “Alarca, don’t be scared. This may hurt a little and will be quite uncomfortable, but try to stay as relaxed as you can.”

  I felt something happening at the top of my head in the area of the crown chakra, and then my head seemed to explode with a deafening, roaring, buzzing noise — but it was more than a noise — it was a sensation that filled my whole being, threatening to blow me asunder. I struggled against it and tried to cry out, but no sound came as Garnibis and Serapis held me down firmly to ensure complete immobility in order to allow Maris’s larger and more expansive consciousness to fit itself into my Earth human energy system.

  This was a tricky process and not easy for either of us. The sound still reverberated through me, causing my body to shake uncontrollably and my head to throb with pain. I felt as if I were being pulled apart at the seams, as all of my energy centers expanded. Serapis held my hand and Garnibis spoke words of comfort. “Be calm, little one. It is almost done — just a few more seconds.”

  As Maris’s older and wiser mind gently merged and melded with mine, an incredible sense of peace and love suffused my whole being. Deeper awareness and understanding began slowly unfolding within, like the petals of a rosebud opening to the brightness and warmth of the sun at the end of a long, dark night. Lying there, keeping my body as quiet and relaxed as possible, waiting for the unpleasant trembling sensation and the loud noise to gradually subside, I couldn’t help but wonder where this new development would lead us. Life would be even more complex now, with Maris working through my physical body, but one thing was certain — the road ahead was going to be interesting.

  The following weeks were a learning curve for both of us. My own sense of ‘self’ was not removed, so a complete memory of who I am and my personal-life experiences was retained in full, but added to this was Maris’s own sense of self-awareness and identity. In other words, nothing was removed, but rather added to and expanded upon.

  Kaz, of course, picked up straight away on my slightly altered energy field. “What’s wrong with you?” she inquired, leaning forward and looking deeply into my eyes. “Something’s different!”

  “Oh, come on, Kaz, don’t you remember me telling you? Maris has done a ‘walk-in.’ He’s here right now, sharing the container.”

  “Is he? Ah, yes, of course, I’d completely forgotten.” A mischievous glint came into her eyes. “This will be fun, having a Guardian Teacher down here, on our terms! I wonder if I could possibly tempt him — with a large block of yummy dark chocolate — or a glass or two of wine — or perhaps even a large, juicy steak smothered in onions! In fact,” she went on, rubbing her hands together in wicked anticipation, “this will be my sole mission in life from now on — to lead him astray. That way maybe he’ll stop nagging me to give up smoking and come to a deeper understanding of how darned hard it is for us poor little Guardian workers down here in human form. Too bad he won’t experience parenthood, because it’s especially hard for those of us who’ve chosen to be parents to Star Kids like Ben and Kira, who can be a real challenge to raise, much as you love them dearly. God, this is going to be fun — I can’t wait!”

  A telepathic groan and an inner squirm registered inside our shared consciousness, but then I became acutely aware of a wickedly eye-glinting, hand-rubbing thought, which most definitely did not come from me.

  “Well, Ashka, we’ll see about that! My plan is to expand your children’s consciousnesses to even deeper levels of Guardian awareness, so you’ll be kept too busy to even think about leading me astray! Let’s see now — what will the first step be — deeper trance-states for Ben? Or more conscious recall for Kira? A bit of nice, lively poltergeist activity around the house would liven things up too, wouldn’t it! Oh, yes, Ashka, you’re so right — this will be fun!”



  As a gray Guardian living on Planet Earth in human form, I find myself caught inextricably between two worlds. While I do understand the terror experienced by Earth humans who are taken on board our discs, I also feel great sadness and frustration at the dread with which my people are regarded. The work we are carrying out is not meant to harm but rather to help in the spiritual awakening process which everyone must come to eventually as part of evolution. We are also attempting to save your beautiful planet from the terrible damage that has been wrought upon her through ignorance and so-called “progress.”

  During the course of a contact between our people and a female Earthling some years ago, a message was given in a language very close to an ancient tongue of Planet Earth. The words were so similar in fact that it was able to be translated into English. I shall quote this message as it was transcribed:

  “The living descendents of the Northern Peoples are groping in universal darkness. Their mother mourns. A dark occasion forebodes when weakness in high places will revive a high cost of living — an interval of mistakes in high places — an interval fit for distressing events.”

  This message, from several decades ago, is fairly self-explanatory, describing very accurately the state of world affairs today. I will, however, clarify it further, as it is of great importance.

  “The living descendents of the Northern Peoples” refers to modern-day Western Society, which is a reincarnation of that ancient civilization known as Atlantis, the northern continent, which was almost entirely annihilated through the greedy and destructive behavior of a number of its inhabitants, brought about by the use of advanced technology without the spiritual maturity to handle it wisely.

  The damage being imposed once again on the natural environment of the planet is now glaringly obvious, as man-made pollution and global warming destroy the very lifeblood of your precious Mother Earth. But other more subtle damage is occurring as well, on deeper levels of the human psyche. This damage will eventually lead to the devolvement of your species — as has happened before! I refer to the destruction of spiritual, ethical and family values, which are the very qualities that set you apart and mark you as “human” as opposed to “animal.”

  Once again we see some Earth humans returning to a state of bestiality. Animals react purely out of instinct, whereas humans have “tasted the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.” In other words, you have reasoning power and the ability to apply free will in order to choose between right and wrong. Indeed this act of choosing is the key to your evolution as members of the human kingdom.

  Some of your modern-day “gurus” attempt to brainwash you by preaching the message that there is no “right” and “wrong,” and that free will means that you should be completely free to do as you like, but on Planet Earth this is simply not the case. Earth humans are only on the very first rung of the Human Ladder, and many have not yet evolved to a high enough level to be able to handle such freedom. To attain total freedom, self-discipline must first be mastered, otherwise the planet will soon resemble a classroom full of five-year-olds with no teacher in charge to maintain order.

  Unfortunately, that is exactly how Planet Earth is seen from the ET perspective! Is it any wonder that, like any parent who sees their children running riot, the ETs are giving warnings through graphic images of the disaster and destruction that will occur if Earthlings persist in their childish and dangerous behavior?

  For those humans who refuse to accept that anything exists beyond limited third-dimensional “reality,” and who deny the existence of any sort of motivating God-force behind creation, all that can be said is — open your minds! Just as all rivers flow naturally to the sea, as immortal spiritual beings incarnating in physical form for the span of a lifetime, every single one of us yearns on deeper levels of the psyche for a return to that pure state of Oneness and wholeness that is our true home. This applies no matter how hard a person may scoff at or deny this intrinsic need.

  One only has to consider the many reports of sightings of other-worldly beings like ghosts and spirit entities, and the uncanny similarity of numerous near-death and out-of-body exp
eriences reported from widely diverse cultures, to know that there is more to life than limited, day-to-day, three-dimensional physical existence. It is simply a deep-seated fear of the unknown that causes such vehement denial of such possibilities from certain people.

  To explain further — their ‘mother who mourns’ — refers partly to your beautiful Mother Earth you call home, who is a living, evolving, sentient being just like you, her children. It also refers to our people, the Guardians, who have been responsible for guiding and assisting you on your evolutionary journey.

  Like any loving parent, of course we feel great sadness to see our human children groping in the darkness of intolerance and fear, simply because of such trivialities as differences of race, color, creed or language. If you cannot accept and get along with members of your own Earth humankind, then how in the name of the Great Oneness will you ever learn to accept others such as our people, and the many other ET cultures, who look so very different but are, nevertheless, still part of our universal family! This is why we do not come among you openly, and will not, until Earth humans have succeeded in raising their vibrational frequencies to a more spiritually evolved level. We do value our own lives too, you know!

  The racial and religious intolerance that humans display is actually a carry-over from your predecessors, in which the marking out of territory by various means was such an all-important part of existence. Any outsider entering this marked area who was not part of the herd or flock was treated with great mistrust, and attacked accordingly. Surely, it is time for humans to move forward from such limiting and fearful behavior, and to come to understand that the color of a person’s skin, the language they speak, or the religion they choose to follow, is so very unimportant. All that really counts in the end is the depth of love and compassion in their hearts.

  The “weakness in high places” refers to the many immature and less-evolved souls who hold positions of power and control upon your planet — souls whose whole purpose is to incite divisiveness, intolerance and fear rather than unity, understanding and brotherly love. This is of great concern to us, for it is this spiritual ignorance and greed in high places, in the governments and leaders of Earth, which has caused the downfall of the human race in ages past, and will certainly bring about many distressing events in the future of your world. Growth, economy, health, and the whole evolution of humankind will be affected on a planetary level.

  We are very much aware of the problems many Earth humans experience in encounters with us, but unfortunately the solution does not lie with us but rather with the humans. It is the nature of the Guardians to act as mirrors for the human psyche, reflecting back whatever is deep in the heart of those who perceive us. This is how we carry out our work of transformation and spiritual awakening — we bring you face to face with your deepest inner being — your own personal “angels” and “devils” as it were.

  So many people of Earth are caught up in either fear or egotism, so therefore that is exactly how the Guardians are perceived. In the light of fear we are seen as terrible and evil demons, inflicting pain and humiliation upon innocent human victims; whereas in the light of over-inflated ego we are perceived as gods or great masters, come to save certain “chosen ones” upon your planet. In truth we are neither, for as transmuters of energy we are simply tools in the hands of the Great Oneness, and our job is to transmute the base metal of the lower emotions of humankind into the pure gold of spirituality and unconditional love.

  There is a very beautiful future for you, the people of Planet Earth, when you finally learn to put aside the transient physical cravings, fears, emotions and desires that cause you so much pain, suffering and separation. These are the sole cause of your entanglement in the cycle of birth and rebirth, endlessly blocking you from achieving the glorious joy and freedom of higher levels of reality which are your birthright.

  There are so many on Earth who experience a sadness, a loneliness and an insatiable thirst on deeper levels of the psyche that cannot be satisfied no matter how much they indulge themselves physically or emotionally. They run in never-ending circles, always seeking out this elusive “something,” but never quite finding it. They may forget about it for a while by losing themselves in the acquiring of possessions, or by surrounding themselves with the distractions of work, play, family or friends, but in the end it always comes back to haunt them, gnawing away at their inner being with a hunger that cannot be appeased, a thirst that cannot be quenched, for it is a hunger and thirst of the spirit and of the soul.

  This spiritual hunger can only be satisfied by eventually letting go of all physical and emotional cravings and desires. This is the secret behind what is referred to as Nirvana, or heaven. Nirvana is not emptiness or nothingness, as some would have you believe, but rather the pure and glorious blissfulness and peace which fills heart, soul and mind when one finally learns to live one’s life in a state of desirelessness — a state which most certainly can be acquired while still living a full and productive life in physical form on Planet Earth. To quote from some ancient teachings known as the Upanishads:

  When all desires that surge in the heart are renounced,

  the mortal becomes immortal.

  When all the knots that strangle the heart are loosened,

  the mortal becomes immortal.

  This sums up the teachings of the Scriptures.

  — Katha Upanishad – 3:4


  End Note

  This book has been presented as a work of fiction to allow you, the reader, to immerse yourself in a completely different world, not as an analytical observer, but a participant. We hope you enjoyed it. This book is based entirely on my non-fiction book, The Zeta Message — Connecting All Beings in Oneness, co-authored by Helene Kaye and also published by Wild Flower Press.

  The reasons for this story that you have just read and hopefully enjoyed are three-fold — firstly, it has been written to appeal to a wider readership, to include those who have no recollections of ET contact but would like to know a bit more about it; secondly, it has enabled me to express the multilayered complexity of ET reality within a framework that humans can relate to more easily; and thirdly, it is to help people down here come to terms with the idea of ETs, and most especially so-called “Greys,” living among you in human form. Hopefully through the adventures of Alarca, Ashka, Maris and the others who live and work on the big disc affectionately known as the “Workshop,” you now have a little more understanding and a little less fear in regards to ET contact and all it entails.

  The Zeta Message tells the real story of my own lifelong contacts with the gray Guardian Family. It also gives a detailed and moving account of a very normal, average Australian family who suddenly find themselves caught up in full-on contact with the so-called “Greys,” involving mysterious flashing lights, black-clad figures appearing in the corner of bedrooms in the middle of the night, and children awakening, screaming in terror.

  It then goes on to describe a gradual opening-up process leading to deeper levels of understanding as the “fear barrier” is gradually broken down to reveal incredible depths of love, wisdom and oneness. Helene, the mother of this family, kept meticulous notes on an almost daily basis, on which much of The Zeta Message is based.

  My own part closely follows “Ali’s” story, with a number of inexplicable happenings along with an underlying sense of contact and connection with the strange beings who haunted my entire childhood. Then followed a gradual opening up of conscious awareness and deeper understanding through a number of very full-on encounter experiences during my teens and young adult life.

  By the time Helene and her family entered the scene in 2000, introduced to me by a mutual friend who knew of my own experiences, I was completely aware of and in harmony with this “other” side of my reality — Alarca the Guardian. Working from this dual ET/human perspective, I was able to calm and reassure the family, and assist them through their own “awakening” process, which is precisely what
contact with the gray Guardians is all about.

  Read more at these web sites:


  The Zeta Message:

  Connecting All Beings in Oneness

  By Judy Carroll and Helene Kaye

  ISBN 978-0-926524-70-5


  Wild Flower Press, an imprint of

  Granite Publishing, L.L.C.

  POB 1429

  Columbus, NC 28722


  The not-to-be-missed companion volume to

  Human By Day, Zeta By Night




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