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Father of Storms

Page 11

by Dean Jones

Corey chuckled to himself and looked up at Seth, “relax Seth, I am not accusing you of anything. I am merely interested in your development and the knowledge you are receiving tips from the Mara goes some way to explaining your abilities.”

  Seth settled himself down on the ground beside Corey.

  “You see Seth, there are many who learn the ways of Spae, some are taught by those in their village who have the knowledge themselves. These are usually women like Mae…and some are women like me!” the sarcasm in his voice wasn’t lost on Seth and he smiled despite himself.

  “But you are something different entirely, in fact I know not of another who could claim both mastery of magic as well as the sword and spear.” A fire sparked into life inside the small pit Corey had dug. “I am adept with the bow and can throw a spear during the hunt but put me into a physical conflict and…well, let’s just say it wouldn't end well for me.”

  Corey held his hands over the tiny flames and Seth felt the energy converge around the man's outstretched fingers as the fire took hold and began consuming the wood.

  “And to top it all you have the chance to learn from the Mara themselves!” he stated as he looked up from the fire and directly at Seth. “You see learning Spae from the Mara is like learning heat from the flame. They are one and the same thing. Mara are Spae, they are the energy we seek and work with, but they are an old energy from the time when the gods created this world and Frigg herself walked the ground you sit upon.”

  Corey added more wood to the fire and the sound of crackling filled the air around them.

  “When Mae decided you were to be married to my niece she came to visit and told me all about you. I have known Mae a very long time Seth and I trust her as she trusts me.” Corey had said this in response to the shocked look on Seth’s face upon hearing Mae had broken her promise to his father.

  “You can be safe in the knowledge I have not uttered a word of you to any,” Seth felt reassured by this and once again relaxed into the conversation.

  “So, do you know why Ardeth attacked you today Seth?”

  This was a question which had been rolling around his mind all day and he was yet to figure out any sense of her actions. He shook his head solemnly. He rubbed his temples as a buzzing noise irritated his mind and a quick focus of energy cleared it from his head.

  “Hmm…. you see Seth, Ardeth was a funny one.” Seth noted some beads of sweat on Corey’s brow as he spoke and put it down to his proximity to the fire. “Mae had spotted her potential on the day she was born and undertook the task of teaching Ardeth herself, much the same as she decided when you were born. Ardeth’s parents were delighted at the prospect of Mae teaching their daughter the ways of Spae and it soon got around the village old Mae had finally taken an apprentice.”

  Corey poked the fire with a stick and looked over at Seth who was now sat paying eager attention to the story.

  “Mae came to see me soon after and brought the baby Ardeth with her for me to see. I saw the same in her as Mae did and warned her then she should treat this one with caution…. you looked confused Seth?”

  Seth nodded “what did you see for you to offer this advice, Corey?”

  Corey smiled, “we both saw Ardeth was indeed gifted but within her was a greed and ambition which would not work well with Spae, it is this greed that kept Mae from teaching her more than the fundamentals of Spae and it was her ambition, I believe, made her attack you this morning.”

  Corey gave Seth a quizzical look, “I presume you displayed some mastery she didn’t know?”

  Seth thought for a second and then nodded, he hadn’t thought what he had done with the tree to be anything more than a step forward in his learning but the reaction of Ardeth and Mae had made him reconsider this assumption.

  “What you need to understand Seth is Spae is only a tool for teaching us how to interact with Frigg’s energy. As a tool, it can be used in any way the wielder desires. You should also be aware the energy is not good and evil it only knows purpose and when someone who knows Spae reaches out and gives it purpose it is happy to lend itself to that persons will. Unfortunately, some people are only interested in using the energy for their own ends… it is people who are good or bad.”

  Corey gave a deep sigh and moved closer to Seth.

  “You see there are lots of people like me and Mae and unfortunately there are also lots like Ardeth and it is those you should be wary of because they will try to trick you into giving them your secrets and when that fails they will try to take them from you any way they can!”

  Corey placed a hand on Seth’s shoulder and gave him a warming smile. The buzzing returned, and Seth looked at Corey as he once again cleared it from his consciousness. Corey’s face had become concentrated in thought and again a bead of sweat appeared on his brow.

  “Are you alright?”

  Corey snapped out of his contemplation and waved a dismissive hand.

  “I am sorry, I was just thinking of Ardeth…poor soul, but what is done is done!”

  There was a crashing noise behind them and both men turned to the direction it had come from, Seth reached down for his spear and focused on the darkness which circled the fire. Another sound, this time closer and Seth could feel Corey tense up beside him.

  Corey slowly reached back towards where he had left his own weapons and Seth readied himself for whatever or whoever was out in the dark.

  The sound of branches and undergrowth rustling was quickly followed by an angry squeal as a huge boar charged at Seth with its tusks dipped ready to inflict as much damage as they could. Seth was prepared and easily avoided the charge, thrusting down his spear into the back of the boar’s head is it passed, there was a loud screech as the boar felt the spear point pierce its neck then the sound of the lifeless body hitting the ground not two paces away from where Seth now stood.

  Corey moved towards the boar and removed Seth’s spear passing it back to him with a respectful nod.

  “Not only are you a great manipulator of life energy but you are also a worthy hunter. My niece is lucky to be getting such a fine husband.”

  Seth gave an uneasy smile and an awkward nod of acknowledgement.

  “I am sure it will be me who will be the lucky one Corey, for if your niece is as beautiful as you and your brothers are wise then I will be grateful indeed.”

  It was Corey’s turn to acknowledge the compliment, but he accepted with ease and there was no awkwardness to his nod.

  The sound of the kill had caught the attention of the others and Seth could hear the crashing of branches as they all made their way towards the fire.

  Garrett came bursting out of the trees first and Corey immediately rose to greet him.

  Garrett was quickly followed by Felix and Frederick with Raedan and Bayan bringing up the rear.

  “Gentlemen, welcome to our feast!” Corey gave a theatrical bow and turned to where the boar lay dead.

  “Master Seth has seen fit to kill a wild boar for his wedding feast on the morrow, I have taken a doe and a hare…. what have you brought with you?” the sarcastic tone in his challenge brought a smile to Seth’s face as he could see all were empty-handed.

  Seth was warm and comfortable that night, Bayan had redeemed himself with Felix and had gone and caught a brace of rabbits and three birds for the pot making their evening meal a fine one indeed.

  Seth grew tired and gently drifted off to sleep to the sound of the stories floating around the fire, he fell quickly into a dream of a beautiful girl stood beside the oak tree which now stood watch over his father’s farm. She welcomed him with a loving embrace and the warmth of it touched his very soul and he knew he was home.

  Welcome Back

  Seth woke up with a cry and quickly assessed where he was. Looking around he could see the now familiar room he had been held in for, he didn’t quite know how long.

  The TV in the corner clicked on and he saw the same woman reporting on “Updates to the London Attack.”

y we are no closer to understanding what went on her earlier this week. Officials from the police have been reluctant to answer any questions relating to the incident and are only prepared to say official investigations are ongoing.” She was saying, and Seth turned to look at the glass window and wondered who was sitting looking at him.

  The buzzing was now a familiar part of his waking day and he struggled to block it out so instead tried to assess the damage he knew was there.

  His face felt swollen and he ran his tongue around his mouth to check for lost teeth. Amazingly they were all there. Touching his face, he could feel the dressings which had been added to stop him bleeding out and when he touched the area it sent a shock of pain through him.

  Looking down at his leg he saw his right knee was heavily strapped. Tentatively he tried to bend it, but the pain was too great, so he gave up on this idea. His hand was surprisingly the least painful part and considering the attack he thought this was a good sign. He could bend his fingers and if he really tried he could probably clench his fist.

  He sighed and closed his eyes, but the images of Hope and Marcy filled his mind, so he immediately opened them again.

  Anger began to fill him as he knew somehow, he was being misled, there is no way they could be dead it didn’t make sense, he knew he couldn't hurt them and the stuff on the TV and things he was being told conflicted with the one fact he knew in his core was true.

  The door opened, and Agent Harvey strode in followed by Doctor Garrett.

  “Awake I see Mr Goodman,” he said.

  Seth smiled and gave him a nonchalant nod before spitting on the ground in front of him.

  “With all your injuries, I would fully expect a more…subservient demeanour Mr Goodman,” Harvey commented before turning to speak to the doctor.

  “Doctor Garrett if you would be so kind as to check him over, we have business to continue and I can tell our guest is eager to resume where we had to leave off due to his passing out.”

  Doctor Garrett smiled and made his way to Seth.

  “So how are you feeling,” he asked as he looked at the dressings on his head.

  “Marvellous,” Seth exclaimed.

  “That’s good,” he said absently as he began to look at Seth’s hand then moved to his knee.

  “Is there anything you need; painkillers are not an option I’m afraid, but I could get you some food and water?”

  Seth considered the question “I could do with a drink,” he said. Garrett nodded and looked behind him towards the door. Another man entered with a jug of water and a glass. He approached cautiously, and Seth could see the slight shake in his hands as he placed the items on the ground next to his bed.

  “Anything else?” Garret inquired.

  “Well, if you could do something about the buzzing in my head. it would be appreciated?”

  The doctor smiled and stood up, “can’t help with that I’m sorry, as I said painkillers are not an option.”

  “Is our guest able to continue to assist us with our inquiries, Doctor Garrett?” Harvey demanded as Garrett began to walk out of the room.

  “He is, let him drink and have a rest for a couple more hours and you can take him and add some more work to my busy day!”

  Harvey turned and grinned at Seth, “oh, we can’t wait to get started can we Mr Goodman?”

  Seth reached for the glass and filled it with the water from the jug. He raised it in a mock toast to Harvey before emptying the contents.

  Harvey grinned and shut the door behind him as he left.

  Alone, Seth tried to focus on his injuries but exhaustion and pain all at once filled his mind and he laid back and passed out.

  Two Souls Unite

  Seth woke with the sun blazing down into his eyes. He lifted his head and blinked to gain focus on his surroundings, he could make out the still sleeping shape of his father next to him and could tell the lump opposite was Raedan, based on the loud bear like noise which was coming from under the furs.

  He looked around the camp and it looked like he was the only one awake, that was until he came to the face of Corey who was watching him with interest, he nodded when he caught his eye and Seth heard him wish a good morning to him in his mind.

  “Would you like an early morning walk, Seth?” Corey asked without a single sound coming from his lips. This still fascinated Seth and he nodded, got to his feet and made his way across to Corey who was stood waiting for him. They set off into the woods and Seth could tell it wasn’t long after sunrise as he could still smell the dampness of the night in the air.

  “It was a very enjoyable hunt, one to recall to the women folk with great pride,” Corey said as they walked a little further away from the others.

  They walked, and Corey stopped near a large oak tree and placed his hand upon it, closing his eyes and tilting his head to one side as if listening for some response to a question he’d asked.

  “Hmm...there is a change in the weather coming and it is likely to rain before the day is done” Corey spoke matter-of-factly.

  “How do you know Corey, what do you hear from the trees?”

  Corey opened his eyes and looked at Seth, he held his gaze for a moment then sighed and took his hand from the tree and walked on into the woods.

  “Seth, it will rain because I will wish it to do so” Seth stopped at this comment and Corey turned to face him.

  “Mae has been preoccupied with Ardeth so long she has forgotten to teach you of the weather Seth.” Corey found a tree stump close by and lowered himself onto it.

  “Seth, as you know Frigg’s energy is all around you. You will have heard the wind and given it cause to dance to your tune no doubt?” Corey looked expectantly at Seth who nodded eagerly.

  “Good, well all weather is the same, you will it into being by giving the energy purpose and the purpose today will be to bring rain.”

  Seth considered the lesson as he would if it had been Mae sat on the stump telling him this information.

  “So, can all weather be brought forth?” Corey smiled at the question and slowly began to shake his head.

  “Not all weather is ours to call, Seth. Storms, for example, are the realm of the Gods as it is only they who can bring enough energy together to create weather like that. Snow flurries, rain showers and some sun on a cloudy day, yes, but big things unfortunately no.”

  Seth accepted this and thought again, “why do you wish it to rain today, it would spoil my ceremony and end the night early.” This realisation frustrated Seth, as he was looking forward to a night of merriment and music with his new bride and their families.

  “Exactly, an early night is the best thing for a newlywed couple!” Corey winked at Seth who immediately blushed.

  “Besides, once you see my niece you will not want others around when you could be doing…other things.” Seth's blushing intensified, and he felt very self-conscious knowing he was very inexperienced in these matters. He decided a change of subject was needed.

  “What does she look like, Corey?” Corey waved his finger at Seth and tutted under his breath.

  “I can’t go spoiling the surprise now can I Seth? You will have to wait and see just as she is waiting now….and before you ask, no I will not give you her name. I can see the question forming on your lips. Your bride's name will be given to you by Mae during the ceremony and she will get yours, so she can take it for her own name, that’s how it’s done, and you know it.” Corey let out a little chuckle to himself and got to his feet.

  “I have seen many things in my life Seth, but the sight of you quivering with the nerves of the day is something I think I’ll remember for many years. Come on let’s get the others up and be on our way, it’s going to be a good day!”

  They made their way back to the camp and a few well-aimed kicks later the rest of their group were awake and rubbing their aching heads.

  It turned out Bayan had brought some mead with him and after Seth had drifted off to sleep they had drunk it between the lot
of them with only Corey abstaining. Seth was taking great pleasure in patting their heads and making as much noise as he could whilst packing away their things ready to set off home.

  A short while later, Corey had provided some breakfast of leftover rabbit and bread with some water from the stream to wash it down. It was a hearty breakfast and Seth enjoyed it greatly. The meal allowed him to forget, for a moment, he was due to be married today and he was yet to meet his bride.

  They finished up their breakfast and it had the desired effect on the elder men of the group, who found a renewed energy to enable them to pick up their packs and head for Garrett's farm.

  If Seth had hoped the journey home would have been filled with general talk of battles won and lost, he was mistaken. The entire time it took to get back home had been spent telling stories of wives and other such scaremongering tales. One, in particular, was repeated many times and was about a wife who cut her husband’s cock off during his sleep, after she had discovered he had been wandering after other women.

  Raedan was particularly keen to share his own experiences “my beautiful Hilda showed me things I never thought possible on our wedding night, and I was glad of the excuse of ale to cover my...erm...inexperience in the furs” he laughed “to this day I am sure she was no virgin when we married…likely explains why her father was so glad to be rid of her!”

  “Hilda?” Frederick asked, “why does that name sound familiar?” the group burst into laughter and Frederick slapped Raedan on the back.

  Seth knew it was all in jest but some of the stories sounded realistic and these ones stuck in his mind making his nerves and anticipation even worse than it was when walking the woods that morning with Corey.

  They finally arrived just before midday and they were met at the foot of the hill by Mae, who looked as stern as Seth had ever seen her.

  “And what time do you call this Garrett, you know there’s a wedding to be had today and time is running away with us all!” Seth heard his father swallow hard and turned to see all of them (apart from Corey) taking great interest in their feet.


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