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Father of Storms

Page 13

by Dean Jones

  They made love and lost themselves in each other for blissful moments. Seth wished they could live in those moments forever, but they had to end and so they both made sure they spent as much time together as they could what with Seth’s duties to support his father on the farm and the growing tensions with the Welsh meaning he was regularly leaving to chase off raiders and reclaim property.

  They both lay breathing heavily. Meredith rested her head on Seth’s shoulder and stroked the hair on his chest. She loved to do this and often placed her hand inside his shirts to feel the soft down which gave her so much comfort. He was like her own personal bear. Large and fierce to all but her. She never believed her life would turn out this way and thought back to the moment she had been told of her agreed marriage.

  It was the worst day of her life back then but if she could go back to tell herself about how happy she’d be then she would. Though she thought perhaps it would spoil the thrill she felt when she first saw her intended waiting for her, proud and so handsome with his beautiful hair across his wide shoulders and those eyes, she just fell in love as soon as she stood before him and knew this was meant to be.

  She said a quiet prayer of thanks.

  “Thank you for being in my life Seth, I love you so much,” she said lifting her head to look at her husband.

  Seth turned his head and placed a kiss on her lips. “I love you too my wife” he stroked her blonde hair and held a long curl in-between his fingers.

  “I never expected in a hundred lifetimes I would meet a woman like you, I was scared when my mother told me I was to marry as I didn’t know what to expect.” He said as he continued to absently play with her hair.

  “But when I saw you walking towards me I thought my knees would buckle, I was so taken by your beauty” he looked her in her eyes and they held each other’s gaze

  “It is I who should thank you, for without you I do not believe I would be able to live. The happiness I feel is because of you and I do not want it to ever end” they kissed again and lay still for a moment.

  There was a loud knock at their door and it opened with the sound of heavy footsteps entering their home.

  “Boy put down your woman and get dressed, we have to leave,” Garret shouted.

  “Those bastard Welsh have been seen ten miles from the village and from what I hear they are a great number, we must hurry as there are homesteads near where they are camped, and they need us.” There was a bustling and a clang of metal.

  “I’ll grab your weapons and meet you out front, be quick and remember you have the bed and your wife to come back to,” there was a smile in his voice, but Seth knew he was worried too.

  He quickly got up and grabbed his clothes off the chair at the bottom of their bed, pulling on his trousers he looked back to Meredith laying with the furs around her waist.

  “Be careful my love and please do come home to me…I will be waiting,” she said. Seth nodded.

  “There’s no man alive who could keep me from you, and if there is he wouldn't live long. Don’t you worry yourself, I’ll be back soon enough.”

  He grabbed his shirt, leather chest armour and left the bedroom. She listened to the sounds of her husband pulling on his boots before the door closed softly and he was gone.

  Meredith pulled herself up from their bed and grabbing a robe from the chair she wrapped it around her shoulders and made her way to the door to see Seth, his father, uncles and several of the town men walking west towards the outer edges of their lands. She knew her husband was skilled, but she also knew the Welsh were as determined as they had ever been.

  Holding her robe tightly around herself she walked back into the house and closed the door behind her, the quiet of the home greeted her and it was a silence she had come to know as this was the way their house felt when he wasn’t there, it was as if the energy left with her husband.

  “Please bring him home safely, let him feel no fear in the challenges he faces and let him know wisdom, so he can be true to his beliefs and escape the cruelty of fighting which consumes men, I ask this with a pure heart and pray that my goddess Frigg hears my prayers”.

  Defending Our Lands

  “Seth!” the sound of his name being called and the feeling of being dragged brought him to his senses. Opening his eyes, he could see his father and Felix stood over him as the battle raged all around.

  “Are you hurt?” the worry and confusion in his father’s voice was clear, Seth rubbed his head and tried to think about what had happened, but his father was dragging him to his feet and passing him back his sword and shield.

  “You are fine, you lost your focus and he caught you off guard!” This wasn’t a question it was a statement; there was no way in his father’s mind his son could be bettered in battle especially by one of the Welshmen.

  Seth cleared his head and remembered he’d been thinking about going home to Meredith, he had lost focus, but the memory of his wife filled him with a warmth you couldn’t get from all the fires in Mercia combined. His mind wandered again thinking about her soft skin and gentle kiss.

  “If you don’t concentrate boy your body will only go home to a widow…now fight!”

  Seth snapped to his senses and quickly took in the progress of the battle.

  Aethelbald had gathered the armies to repel the advancing Welsh army from the west; it had been two weeks of skirmishes which culminated in this all-out battle, which by the looks of things the Mercian’s were winning.

  “Seth…. advance!” his father’s call lifted above the din of clashing swords on shields and he focused himself with the words of his father ringing in his ears, there was no way he would fall and not feel the loving embrace of Meredith again…no power in this land or any other would deny him that pleasure…he had promised.

  Seth, now fully focused on the task at hand, fought like the master he was and moved forward easily, men falling to his sword at every step, he could see the Welsh King, Elise, ahead of him fighting valiantly against three others from Aethelbald’s army.

  Seth knew to take the King would enable a swift end to the battle. Lacking direction from their leader the Welshmen would seek to retreat over the border to their homes, without him.

  Seth had fought well over the last couple of weeks but now, with his wife on his mind, he decided to do all he could to bring a swift end to the fighting. He steeled himself and became determined to force these invaders back to where they came from, he wanted them to know him and he planned to give them a vision they would remember, one which would give them cause to think again if ever they decided to attack his land and try to take away his wife from him.

  Dropping his shield, Seth let out a mighty roar and set off in pursuit of Elise with just his spear and sword.

  His plan was to make it obvious what he was doing so the men retreated to their king. As he ran he focused his mind on the energies around him, to give him an advantage over those who stood in his way. He wasn’t sure this would work but he was certain of his ability and of the fact he would not be denied his wife's embrace that evening.

  His strategy worked, and the bodyguards began to encircle their King, who quickly dispatched the men he was fighting and turned to face to oncoming Seth.

  Seth was so focused on his goal he lost sight of his uncles and his father.

  Stepping quickly, he buried his spear into the first man in his path, drawing his sword from its sheath as the man crumpled before him and quickly turning it to impale another who aimed to ambush him in the act of killing his comrade.

  Seth’s sword was a blur of movement as he took it from the dying man and, without breaking stride, slashed it across another’s face bringing his foot up into another's stomach, bending him double then drove the spear through the back of his neck in one fluid motion.

  Seth now found himself facing four men, who were first to break rank from their King’s protective circle and move towards him. Seth eyed them momentarily as he continued towards the prize ahead. He could see t
hey were wary and instead of engaging him they spared quick glances behind seeking support from their fellows.

  The sound of bellowed instructions floated on the air as Elise called for his men to act, “Kill him you useless peasants, and rally to drive this Mercian scum from our lands…the days is ours!”

  The four men hesitated as they stole themselves for the conflict ahead. Seth did not pause but allowed himself a grin at the delusional efforts of the king to rally his men. Their lands? he thought, this is my land and you shall not have it!

  In a blink, Seth had reached the men and they backed away slightly to get their footing, but Seth was not in the mood for playing and quickly attacked the closest to him and took off his head with one almighty swing of his sword.

  Before the unlucky man’s head had hit the ground, he had smashed his spear into another before rounding to slice through the thirds stomach releasing his intestines as he drove his spear into the eye of the final man and heading onward towards the King.

  The resistance was thinning behind him as the Mercian army advanced driven on by the sight of Seth’s actions.

  His spear and sword worked in perfect harmony as he continued to cut through the defensive wall surrounding their leader.

  Panic took the place of determination as, man by man, they fell to Seth’s precision and skill with not one managing to even disrupt his steady march forwards towards his goal.

  Soon there was only Seth and the king standing face to face. Seth could see his opponent was fierce and strong, but he also knew he didn’t have the burning desire which drove him forward.

  Elise looked around for support but the chaos of the battlefield and loss of his guard to Seth meant he was alone.

  Seth paused and stared into the King’s eyes as he readied himself to end this here and now. Not breaking eye contact he crouched, took a large gulp of air before ducking his head as he sprinted at Elise, taking delight from the several steps backwards this man took. This was over as far as he was concerned.

  He raised his spear high and let out another mighty scream which reverberated around the battlefield and Aethelbald himself looked up to see the on-rushing Seth.

  With a fire blazing in his eyes, he drove forward and struck the shield of the King with his spear, the attack broke the spear in two forcing it to be quickly discarded onto the grass several feet away. Elise must have been buoyed by the sight of Seth being disarmed by his shield and he raised his sword to strike him down. Seth saw the blade as it swung towards his head, but he simply spun his body to avoid the blow and grabbed at the shield, which had seen to his spear, with his now empty hand and ripping it from the arm of its owner with a mighty grunt before striking it into the kings head in one fluid motion.

  Staggered, the king brought his arm up to protect himself from what he believed would be the next attack, but Seth had used the shield blow as a distraction and he raised his sword and buried into the now exposed side of his victim. Nothing Elise could do would stop this animal taking his life and as the sword found its mark he looked deep into his attacker’s eyes.

  The sight of rage and fire stunned the king and he recoiled at the sight falling back onto the ground with Seth stood over him raising the shield high above his head then bringing it down into the throat of the fallen leader.

  Breathing heavily, he quickly looked around to see if any others were advancing on his position, but he was glad to see only the backs of the Welsh running away from the battle and, he hoped, him.

  Garrett strode towards his son with Felix and Raedan trailing behind. The pride in his father’s eyes was a welcome sight to Seth who had, for a moment, worried his father may have thought him mad for his behaviour.

  “You make me proud my son, no other would have taken on the king and his bodyguard alone…but you took no heed to the size of the task and knew an early victory would be had at the falling of their leader” he brought his free hand up and dragged his son into a firm embrace. Felix followed suit and, for good measure, Raedan ruffled his sweat covered hair.

  All at once Aethelbald stood next to Felix and gave a respectful bow to them all.

  “What is your name warrior?” Aethelbald’s’ voice was deep and carried in it the inspiration which gave men the belief they could overcome and never fail on the battlefield.

  “I am Seth, son of Garrett my king.” Seth bowed low before his leader. He felt very self-conscious about how he must look. His shield long discarded and his spear broken in two he felt every much as disarmed as he was.

  “You fought hard Seth, son of Garrett.” Garrett's chest swelled at the sound of his king speaking their names and Felix placed a brotherly hand on his shoulder in silent congratulation.

  “I have never seen one so brave as you in many years Seth; I have been very impressed by your skill in my victory this day.” Aethelbald reached out his hand and Seth took it, pride in his actions filling his heart, he knew this would be a tale that would reach Meredith’s ears and that she would feel the same pride he had now.

  “They will think twice now before they try to take our lands and women, the sight of you slaying their leader will give them nightmares even the Mara themselves would struggle to better.” There was a round of grunted agreement from the now growing circle of warriors eager to get a look at their king and the man he was speaking with.

  “I would do well to keep you by my side, as one of my bodyguards, so none could do as you did today Seth?” The opportunity to stand beside his king in battle was something all Mercian men would give their lands for and here was Aethelbald offering him that very chance.

  Garrett could hardly contain his excitement, watching his son’s glory on the battlefield was one thing but him being named a bodyguard to the King was overwhelming.

  “My king, you honour me too much” Seth bowed his head low and was suddenly aware he still gripped Aethelbald’s arm in his hand. He knew you didn’t turn this kind of offer down.

  “My sword is yours to command and I will protect you for as long as I am able,” this was really the only response he could give, and he now knew he would be leaving Faddiley, his home of the past twenty-five years, to set up a new life in Tamworth.

  “Excellent, you will join me in seven days, that should give you enough time to gather your belongings and say your goodbyes. Do you have a family?” Aethelbald wasn't interested in the answer but it was polite to ask after another man’s family and tradition was a key part of holding his lands together.

  “I have a wife but no children as yet, though we try often!” The joke wasn’t lost, and a roar of laughter rose from the now gathered crowd.

  “It is decided then Seth, I look forward to your service and protection.”

  Aethelbald turned and began to head back towards the encampment, which had been set up to house the army of Mercia. Feeling stunned Seth turned to look at his father and uncles; their faces were filled with full grins practically touching their ears.

  “What a day today has been, a battle won and the king asking my son to protect him in battle…. nope, there has been no better day in the whole of my life, your mother will be so proud, as will the whole of our town!” Garrett embraced his son again and let out a deep and satisfied sigh.

  Over the next few hours, they returned to their camp and packed up their things ready to head back so Seth could inform Meredith of the king’s request. It would have been better to have celebrated the victory with mead and music, as was customary, but the king had made it clear he wanted to head back to Tamworth immediately and it was a two-day march from where they stood.

  News had travelled quickly and when they entered the town a few of the locals came to congratulate them on the victory. News hadn’t yet reached about Seth’s new position at the king’s side, but Garrett was sure it wasn’t far away and besides he would tell the tale himself to any who would listen and join him in a drink or two.

  Reaching the top of the hill Seth could see his wife out in the fields working with his mothe
r and tending to the animals and crops. Standing for a second, he held Meredith’s name on his lips and blew it towards her and waited. A moment later her head lifted, turned and saw Seth standing near the gate of the house with his pack in hand.

  Dropping what she was doing she ran towards him, he did the same and they met beneath the oak tree kissing deeply, letting all else fade into insignificance. This is what he had fought so hard for, this was what had given him the drive to succeed every time they went into battle. He knew in that moment he would fight every bit as hard if not harder to make sure he returned each time to the loving warmth of his Meredith, the woman he adored.

  Moments later Garrett was in the arms of Edith and for a moment all was well with the world and Seth felt he would never be happier than he was now.

  Over their evening meal, Garrett recalled the story of how Seth had, in his opinion, single-handedly won victory for Mercia by slaughtering the Welsh king and his bodyguards. Then he could hardly contain his pride and boyish excitement when telling of how Aethelbald himself requested his son be part of his personal protection. Edith gasped at the news whilst Meredith nuzzled into her husband’s shoulder and gave his arm a loving squeeze.

  Once the full realization became clear to his mother she began to protest at the plan of her son moving to Tamworth and two days walk from his family home. It was a futile resistance and Garrett cut it short with a look of disapproval which she knew well not to argue with. Her baby boy was leaving home and there was nothing she could do about it.

  Later that night as they lay in bed, Meredith rolled onto her side and placed a delicate kiss onto her husband’s cheek.

  “Will we be happy in Tamworth my love; will we find fertile land to grow our crops and raise our animals?” She whispered the questions into his ear and Seth thought it sounded like snow falling it was so delicate.

  “We will, though I hear the surrounding villages are better for families than the town itself,” he winked at Meredith who blushed slightly. “Remember no land will refuse to bring forth good crops for I know what the land needs and with Frigg’s energy no crop will fail, and no animals will become diseased.”


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