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Father of Storms

Page 19

by Dean Jones

  John took a deep breath for he disliked this man already, having spoken with Seth who had mentioned his difficulties. He felt he would rather stick him with his sword than give him the message, but he was on the King’s business so began to relay the message.

  “King Aethelbald has told me to inform you the stories you have attributed to Seth are untrue and he can personally vouch for the godliness of the man.” He started “He has seen with his own eyes how God smiles down and favours him, especially during battle having twice saved the life of our great King having taken the lives of twenty men on one such occasion.”

  He felt a swell of pride at the words having witnessed the event he now spoke of. “As God, has given Aethelbald his protection as a reward for his repentance and the building of his new church, then Seth must also be part of Gods protection as he protects the King."

  Ripley frowned and considered the words, he knew they must be true for why else would God not take the life of someone who was clearly following the wrong path? No, he wouldn't allow one who was not part of his flock to remain alive when there was an opportunity to end his existence and condemn him to the daemon's realm.

  “The King has instructed you,” John continued, “to no longer spread untruths about one who is part of his inner circle and head of his personal protection.” John noted the look of disappointment on Ripley’s face.

  “However, the King does understand there are some uncomfortable questions which need to be answered surrounding events and occurrences at Seth’s homestead. He wants me to ask you to consider how these events could have taken place if Seth was a godly man? Who else would be able to commit these crimes against the one true God?"

  Ripley thought about it hard, a moment ago all his hopes of driving Seth and his heathen bride out of the village were dashed but now, here was a problem he needed to solve.... perhaps he was wrong about Seth but what of his wife...

  "It's her!" Ripley cried, “she’s the one, she has clearly bewitched him, which was why it appeared he was to blame for the evil coming from their farm...yes I see it now." Ripley looked up at the man in front of him and grinned.

  "Now he's away he is out of her reach which is how God can protect him. She must truly be evil to be able to hold a man of Seth’s righteousness under her spell for so long!"

  John turned to the door, having performed his duty he no longer needed to remain and listen to this mad man rant. He had delivered the message, but he didn't believe a word of it, he assumed his King had reason to give the message and he believed it was in some way meant to trap this man. Gathering his cloak about him he headed out of the door.

  Ripley watched him go but paid little attention, he knew what he needed to do, and he needed to gather his followers... They had a witch to drive out of the village and if she didn't want to leave then they may have to take drastic action, it would be a shame because she was truly beautiful but maybe God would allow him a little fun first before judgment was passed and she was condemned?

  With a smile creeping across his face he turned and left his house, heading back in the direction of the church, plans needed to be made and he would have to ensure the village was behind him before he could strike but he was a patient man and he knew he would be rewarded well when the final judgment fell on him.

  John watched as Ripley headed into the village and couldn’t help but feel something was wrong, so he followed him from a distance and stopped when he saw Ripley grab hold of a passersby and begin speaking animatedly. Creeping closer so he could hear their conversation, John listened.

  “All along I have known something was happening at Seth’s farm, I have said, haven’t I?” Ripley was asking.

  “I said there was evil, but none of you believed it could be Seth and I now see the error of my thinking and the one who has distracted my thoughts.” The man Ripley accosted looked confused.

  “But I don’t understand, what are you saying?” the man asked.

  “I am saying we need to convene the village council immediately…there is a witch among us and it is Seth’s wife!” The look of horror on the man’s face was reflected by the same look on Johns' face.

  “This isn’t true,” John said to himself but before he could grab Ripley he had ran off with the man in the direction of the village hall.

  He paused for a moment to collect his thoughts then remembered Seth’s father and uncle now lived in the same village.

  Turning he headed for his horse and set off for Garret's house.

  “Garrett!” he called upon arriving at the edge of the man’s farm “Garrett!”

  Garrett was in his field and heard his name called and turned to see the man thundering up his path on a horse.

  Pulling the horse up, John dismounted and walked up to Garrett. “Garrett, I have grave news and I am ashamed to say I may have been part of the creation of this situation.”

  “John, what are you blabbering about man?” Garrett asked.

  John took a breath and told Garret of his message and of Ripley arranging a village meeting to discuss his claims.

  “The thing is, Garrett, I thought the King had sent me to try to trap Ripley and I was happy to do so as I know of the problems he has caused Seth and his wife but I now believe the purpose of the message was to deflect Ripley from Seth and onto Meredith” John shook his head hardly believing what he was saying.

  “It sounds crazy, but it makes sense, Seth has told the King he wants to leave, and the reason was to start a family so if Meredith was dead then perhaps the King believes Seth would remain and fight all the fiercer in his grief?” Garrett placed his hand on the man’s shoulder and thought for a moment.

  “There is truth to what you say, John.” Garrett replied, “but I know my son, and this plan would not be successful as he would be broken at the loss of his wife…we need to do something.” His mind was spinning fast with plans and possible outcomes and the only thing he could think of was getting his daughter safe.

  “EDITH!” he called and a second or two later his wife appeared at their door.

  “Get our things and prepare the cart we have to go to Meredith now, she is in danger.” Edith paused and looked to question her husband’s instructions.

  “Now, woman, I will explain but I don’t have the time!” he bellowed as his anger flared.

  John stepped back worried for his safety as he had been part of this conspiracy.

  “Go!” Garret instructed, “make your way to Seth let him know of the goings on and bid him return speedily, he won’t need the advice, but he does need to know the importance of the matter.”

  John jumped back onto his horse and with a wave, he set off at a gallop, Seth was a days’ ride away knew he would need to ride hard.

  Garrett turned and spotted his nephew, Tom, walking the path in the distance.

  “Tom!” the boy turned to see his uncle waving and beckoning him to go to him, so he headed over thinking it would be a message for his father, Felix, who was at home recovering from battle.

  “Tom, I need you to do something for me,” Garret asked as Tom got closer.

  “They are having a meeting in the village, I need you to go and watch, let me know if there are any developments I need to know about” Garret explained the situation and why he needed this favour from Tom.

  “What shall I do if they come to a decision uncle? Tom asked

  “You should come to find us at Seth’s house…I fear they may become misled and think about doing something they will surely regret,” Garret patted Tom, who was half his height and only fifteen, on the head to send him on the way.

  “make sure you speak to your father Tom, let him know of this, and to meet me at Seth’s agreed?” Tom nodded and set off at a run home.

  Edith had the cart ready and waiting as Garrett watched Tom disappear down the hill.

  “Right woman let’s get moving I will explain on the way.” He cracked the reigns and the horse jumped into a trot and then a gallop towards his son’s house.
  A Sacrifice Too Great

  Meredith was sweeping out the house when her husband’s parents appeared at the end of their path and she watched them as they hurried towards her. Her heart was in her mouth and she was biting her lip hard, why were they here? What's happened to her husband? She thought.

  The panic was rising in her as they got closer, she knew in her heart Seth still lived because he had promised he would return home and he’d never broke a promise, not in all the time she had known him.

  "Meredith" Edith called, "go inside, we have news we must share and little time to give it before we must leave and await Seth’s return."

  The relief was immense and only after she had heard his name did she realise she'd been holding her breath. Relieved she turned and led them into the house.

  It was a modest house but that's how they liked it. The living room was filled with the light streaming through the doorway Edith and Garrett took seats by the hearth and she sat on the stool opposite them and waited.

  "There is news from the village daughter," Garrett said

  "I spoke with a messenger from the King and I am afraid the news he brought is grim." he shook his head and a scowl appeared on his face.

  "And what does this have to do with us, father?" Meredith asked.

  "The message was for Ripley, and he’s now spreading accusations about you!" Edith added.

  Meredith frowned, this was nothing new Ripley had been trying to turn the village against them ever since they’d arrived and refused to attend his services at the church. She was sure he had something personal against Seth, but she knew he didn't know about what her husband could do, suspicions may be, but nothing definite.

  "He has been spreading lies for a long-time, Seth has had words with him directly and he calmed his tongue for a while, but I have been expecting him to begin again with Seth away fighting."

  Edith sighed and placed her hand on her knee.

  "He is claiming you have bewitched Seth, that you and you alone are to blame for the misfortunes of others whilst you enjoy rich harvests and disease-free livestock. He is trying to gain the backing of the village elders...they will be reluctant at first but knowing he isn't accusing Seth will help them to their decision."

  Garrett moved towards the door and paused, looking down at his daughter with pity and anger filling his eyes.

  "I have sent word with the messenger to get Seth, he needs to know Aethelbald organised this with Ripley. I heard the messenger himself tell me he believed the message was to trap Ripley, but it seems now that the King's target is you..."

  He shook his head and his hand tightened around the hilt of his sword

  “Tom will be in the village soon and will bring news should there be any developments, which I am sure there will…Ripley has been waiting for this chance and he won’t stop until he has them convinced, but it will take time, the elders are stubborn and will not act unless totally convinced it is in their best interests to do so,” he said.

  “I would guess we have a few hours before he can get them all together and receive a decision and we should use this time to get you away from here.” He grabbed a sack and started to fill it, every so often he would hold his sword and check out the windows as if he expected an attack at any moment.

  "You are to go back with Edith and stay at our house until Seth returns, it will be a day’s ride to fetch him and another, probably less for Seth to return." He passed the sack to Meredith, “you will be safe there while you wait.”

  With that, he nodded and rushed out towards the paddock still gripping his sword.

  Meredith was stunned, what had just happened?

  "Gather any more of your things you may need child,” Edith said, “we will make our way before it is too dark to travel.”

  Meredith shook her head. "I told Seth I would wait here for him, I promised I would be here, in our home, when he returned, and I intend to keep my promise!" She set her jaw to show her determination and folded her arms beneath her breasts. “Seth has never broken a promise to me and I will not break one to him.” She stated, “Ripley can be dealt with and if I need any help I can send for my father.”

  Edith raised her hands “Your father is the best part of five days from here, he wouldn’t get here in time. Do you understand the importance of what you have been told, child?”

  Meredith nodded, “you are right, my father is likely not a viable option to protect me, but Seth is and once he learns of what has happened he will be here quickly, and he will deal with things!”

  Edith could see she was determined and was not going to leave her home. She slowly nodded her head, "Alright child, we will wait for his return. We should pray to the God’s he gets here quickly…” she mused “We should be fine, I have some friends who live in the village perhaps they could be of help?"

  Meredith let out another breath she'd been holding, Seth was going to come home, and she would be here waiting for him. Then they could be together and nothing else would matter.


  Tom spat at Ripley’s feet, "Garrett knows what you're up to…you and your followers. Seth will return and then he'll deal with you all!"

  Tom knew how much Meredith meant to Seth and once it was obvious what was going on he couldn't stop himself from trying to end what was happening.

  "Seth is a great man and his wife gives him the strength he needs to defend the lands on which you grow your crops and graze your animals!"

  Ripley looked ready to explode.

  "You see? He admits it, she gives him strength he said...what kind of black magic is this that she can control him from so far away?"

  There was nodding and murmured agreement in the gathered crowd. Ripley knew Seth would return but by then it would have to be over and done with, he couldn't let this chance slip from his grasp he needed to show those who were yet to convert what happened to any who angered the one true God!"

  He turned, drew his knife and plunged it into Tom’s heart in one fluid motion. There were muffled gasps in the crowd, but none stepped forward to help Tom or challenge Ripley.

  "The evil is spreading and it is infecting those who are closest to us, even our children, this boy was of God last I spoke with him and now he spreads lies and questions our teachings...can we allow this to continue one more day if we can do something to rid ourselves of this vileness that's infected our lives?" He preached to the gathered villagers.

  A pool of blood spread around Tom’s body and Ripley stepped over the corpse, stooping to clean his blade in the dead boy’s shirt.

  "We must act and quickly before your resolve vanishes with Seth’s return." He demanded

  Another murmur rippled through the crowd, but not all agreed with his words. Ripley could sense the pending arrival of this man, Seth, was causing some to have second thoughts, he needed them to act quickly not dither.

  "Seth is a great warrior, it is true; and we do owe him a debt of gratitude for our continued safety and for the health of our King but could any of us look him in the eye if we had the chance to free him from evil and then shied away and left it to feed on his soul?"

  He could feel the shift, they were falling in with him it had taken four long hours of meetings and discussions and he could taste the sweet scent of their anger as they thought about his words.

  "What say you all, are with me then?"

  There was a louder agreement this time and some calls for acting quickly to give Seth peace.

  "Gather your things, we are going to judge her this very night before she runs into the shadows and evades God’s justice"

  There were angry shouts this time and when he turned and strode towards Seth’s farm, and his ultimate satisfaction. The sun was beginning to set as he headed up the road with his staff in hand, he knew they were following, and he had won. The time had come for his rewards, some of the flesh but mostly his spiritual gratification.

  End of An Era

  Seth leapt from his horse before it had stopped moving and
ran to his gate with panic and dread filling his chest. He had ridden hard all day. Night had fallen a few hours ago and his heart ached.

  In the garden, he saw his mother and father lying next to each other. His father's hand still clung to his sword and around them were the bodies of several villager’s, killed by his father’s sword he surmised as he surveyed the scene. Panic filled him as he and sprinted towards his house.

  As he reached the door, he saw his uncle Felix pierced by an arrow and slumped dead against his wall, his sword lying at his feet.

  “Meredith!” he called, as he entered the house, even though he feared in his heart she wouldn’t answer. “My love, where are you?” He continued

  The house was a mess with the table and chairs scattered around in what had clearly been a struggle. He frantically pulled furniture aside as he made his way toward the bedroom. Pulling back the curtain he found her. She was lying in a pool of her blood on their bed, her clothes torn from her. He could see the wound in her side and he fell to his knees and placed his hands over it, drawing on all the energy around him to try and heal her. He knew he couldn't save her as the blood loss was too great and even if he could what state would her mind be in if he succeeded?

  Outside the sky began to fill with dark clouds and the earth trembled as he drew energy in vast amounts about him.” I will not let her die, she will live…can you hear me?” he cried to the air around him “SHE…WILL… LIVE!”

  “My love?” Came the rasping voice of his wife and he looked up to see her looking at him weakly

  “I knew you would make it back,” she coughed “I wanted…”

  “Hush don’t waste your energy, I am trying to heal your wounds…” the sight of his wife awake and talking gave him the renewed belief he could save her, but she shook her head.

  “No, my love, I cannot be saved…. I know this.” She coughed again, and blood trickled from her mouth and Seth knew this meant she had sustained injuries inside her he couldn’t see.

  “I wanted to be here….” She breathed hard and the rattle caused Seth to grimace in pain for he knew, in his heart, she was lost to him.


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