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Hunger (A Stepbrother Romance Novel)

Page 6

by Abbing, Arabella

  Luke blinked a few times in surprise before abruptly bursting into laughter. The sound was contagious and I found myself joining in as Daniel chuckled while glaring at us.

  “Alright, alright. Calm down. You up for the challenge?”

  Luke was still smiling as he pushed himself up further on the bed and sat cross-legged. “Bring it on.”

  I could see the evil glint in Daniel’s eyes and felt a fresh round of nerves coil in my stomach.

  “You can start if you want. Since you’re new to the game and all.”

  “How do I start?”

  “Pick one of us and ask us truth or dare.”

  Luke looked between the two of us a few times, unsure of what to do. Eventually, his gaze settled on me and he asked, “Truth or dare?”


  He nodded, then looked at Daniel for further instruction.

  “Now you can ask her anything—something embarrassing if you want—and she has to answer honestly.”



  Luke finally looked back to me and stared me dead in the eye as he asked, “Are you a virgin?”

  Daniel cackled and clapped his hands together as a crimson blush stained my cheeks. I slapped his arm hard and smirked when he made a pitiful sound of pain.

  But slapping Daniel wasn’t going to get me out of answering the question. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded. “Yes.”

  “Pretty much in every sense of the word,” Daniel added with a short laugh.

  “Shut up, Daniel,” I growled, sending him a warning look with my eyes. Making me feel like an idiot wasn’t supposed to be part of this game.

  “Sorry. Your turn.”

  I was still purposely avoiding Luke’s eyes, not wanting to see his reaction to the admittance of my virginity. So I stayed focused on Daniel and asked, “Truth or dare?”


  I hopped out of bed and ran to my purse, pulling out the stick of red lipstick I kept there. I walked back to the bed with a smile and said, “I dare you to wear this for the rest of the game.”

  Daniel looked pissed as I tossed him the lipstick, but he wasn’t one to back down from a dare. I helped him apply the lipstick, giggling through the entire process, then watched him walk over to the mirror to look at himself.

  “Oh mercy me,” he said, his voice taking on a thick southern accent. “I feel like that Cinderella.”

  Luke and I both cackled from the bed as he twirled around in the circle and dubbed himself as a ‘pretty princess’. My stomach started to hurt from laughing so hard and I leaned forward to clutch my sides. After what felt like an hour of uncontrollable laughter, it finally died when Daniel plopped down on the bed and turned to Luke.

  “Truth or dare?”

  “Uh... Dare, I guess.”

  Daniel gave him a sly grin. “I don’t think you’re ready for one of my dares.”

  Luke narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. I won’t go easy on you.”

  The testosterone flying around the room was enough to make me roll my eyes.

  Luke straightened his spine and smirked as he said, “Do your worst.”

  Daniel grinned. “Nah, I won’t do my worst. Yet. I dare you to strip down to your underwear for the rest of the game.”

  Luke’s smirk dropped off immediately and for a short moment, I thought he was going to end the game and be the one labeled ‘chicken’ for the night. But he glanced at me and I had the sneaking suspicion that he didn’t want this to be over yet.

  He had more things to ask me.

  Without a word, he rose from the bed and pulled his shirt over his head. I gulped as I watched his abs flex from the motion, then his biceps bulge as his hands went to unbutton his jeans.

  Getting through the rest of this game was going to be ridiculously difficult.

  The jeans were pushed down his hips and kicked off, leaving him clad in the sexiest pair of black boxer briefs I’d ever seen. Not that I’d ever been with a man, but there were enough underwear ads all over magazine and billboards for me to know when I saw a sexy pair.

  He looked like a Calvin Klein model. One with tattoos and a pierced nipple.

  “Satisfied?” he asked as he sat back down.

  “Yep,” Daniel said, popping the ‘p’ and pressed his obscenely red lips together. I bit back a laugh as I looked at him again, having forgotten about my dare while watching Luke undress.

  “Jenna. Truth or dare?”

  “I’ll take another truth.”

  Daniel made an exasperated sound of disbelief. “You’re such a chickenshit.”

  “I’m not a chicken!”

  “Then take a dare! You never take dares.”

  “Because your dares are always horribly embarrassing,” I noted dryly.

  Daniel raised a finger in the air. “But I’m not giving the dare.”

  Damn it. He had me there. I sighed with resignation and said, “Fine. Dare.”

  Luke opened his mouth, then closed it again with a frown. He appeared to be thinking hard for a moment before he turned to Daniel and admitted, “I have no idea what to do.”

  “That works out well, because I’ve got a great idea,” he said with an evil grin as he leaned over to whisper in Luke’s ear.

  My eyes widened. “Hey, no! You said it wasn’t you!”

  “Not my fault,” Daniel said with a shrug before cupping his hand next to Luke’s ear and whispering low enough that I couldn’t hear what was said.

  Luke jerked away and turned to glare at Daniel. “I’m not telling her to do that.”

  “Why not? It’ll be funny.”

  “For you, maybe,” Luke grumbled.

  “Please. Don’t act like it wouldn’t be fun for you as well.”

  Luke’s eyes darkened and he swallowed hard before shaking his head. “No, I have a better idea. Jenna, I dare you to kiss Daniel. Oh, and for at least five seconds.”

  Daniel gasped. “How dare you turn the tables on me like that!”

  “You told him to dare me to kiss him?” I asked Daniel incredulously.

  Daniel looked over at me with wide, innocent eyes. “Why on earth would I do such a thing?”

  I rolled my eyes and leaned over to him. “Come on. It’s not like we haven’t done it before.”

  Daniel grumbled but leaned over and locked our lips together. We stayed like that—unmoving—until we both counted to five in our heads. Then we pulled away.

  Luke was looking at us with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve done that before?”

  “Only during truth or dare or spin the bottle,” I clarified, not wanting him to think there had ever been something romantic going on between Daniel and me.

  “Gotcha,” Luke said with a nod, the understanding written on his face. “Your go.”

  I’m sure they both expected me to go back to Daniel, so it threw them for a loop when I asked Luke, “Truth or dare?”


  I probably should’ve know better than to ask, but I could always blame the nosy question on the fact that he had asked me a similar question earlier. I steeled my resolve and forced out, “How many women have you slept with?”

  Daniel jolted in shock beside me, but Luke didn’t even bat an eyelash. He simply said, “I never counted.”

  Daniel jumped in at that point. “Got an estimation?”

  Luke frowned as he thought about it, then shrugged and said, “I don’t know. Somewhere around a hundred? Give or take.”

  Daniel’s jaw dropped. “Damnnnn. And you’re how old?”


  “Shit. And I thought I was a slut. No offense.”

  “None taken. How many are you up to?”

  “Counting hand jobs and blow jobs? Sixteen men,” Daniel said.

  Luke nodded. “And you’re...”


  “How old were you when you lost your virginity?” I asked, not caring
anymore about the game and just wanting to hear more.

  “Seventeen,” Luke answered automatically.

  Daniel stuck his tongue out as he thought about it. “So, about a hundred partners over roughly seven years... so about fifteen different girls per year?”

  Luke shook his head. “No. The girl I lost my virginity to I was with for two years. It wasn’t until I turned twenty that I started... sleeping around, I guess is the best way to phrase it.”

  “So that hundred is actually spread across four years. So twenty-five girls a year. Two new ones a month.”

  “Something like that. I never really thought about it,” Luke said as he scratched his head, obviously uncomfortable with the spotlight now on him and his sexual history. “Can we get back to the game?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Daniel agreed, seemingly surprised that Luke had already divulged as much as he did. I was as well, to be honest. “It’s your turn.”

  “Jenna. Truth or dare?”

  Daniel threw his hands in the air and sighed. “God! I might as well be a piece of freaking furniture.”

  “I’ll go to you next, I promise,” I told him with a laugh. “Truth, please.”

  Luke’s eyes bore into mine as he asked, “What’s the farthest you’ve gone?”

  Daniel clapped his hands. “Good question!”

  “Uh... second base?” I offered, choosing to ignore Daniel. Luke stared blankly at me and I knew I’d have to spell it out. “Just... making out and... over the clothes stuff,” I mumbled, completely mortified.

  “What kind of ‘stuff’?”

  “Just... touching, you know.”

  “Touching a guy or... touching you?”

  “Me, mostly.”

  By now, I was pretty sure my face was beet red. Luke’s head tilted to the side as he noticed how embarrassed I was, but he still had one more question to put the icing on the proverbial cake of my mortification.

  “Have you ever touched a man’s cock?”

  I could hear Daniel trying to stifle his laughter as I miserably shook my head no. Luke’s eyes widened with surprise and I looked away, staring down at my bedspread.

  “Okay, my turn is officially over.”

  “We’re just getting to the good stuff though,” Daniel protested. “I still can’t believe you haven’t. Especially not since I know you went parking with Jeremy.”

  “Who’s Jeremy?” Luke asked.

  Daniel answered before I could. “This asshole jock Jen dated for like, a minute. They had a heavy petting make out session where she apparently let him run his hands all over her, but was too afraid to touch him.”

  “Daniel!” I shouted, slapping him on the arm. “Just... shut up. Please.”

  “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Jen,” Daniel said softly. “I highly doubt Luke is judging you for it.”

  Luke shook his head slightly, agreeing with Daniel. “Why were you afraid to touch him?”

  “Oh god,” I groaned as I covered my face with my hands. I kept them there—shielding my face and slightly muffling my words. “I just— I had no idea what to do. And I— I didn’t want him to think that I wanted to have sex with him. Because I didn’t want to.”

  “But you wanted to touch him out of curiosity, didn’t you?” Daniel asked.

  “Well, yeah. But I didn’t want to risk giving him the wrong impression.”

  “You could have just told him that,” Luke chimed in, even though he seemed pained to say it. “Just that you wanted to... explore.”

  “Could’ve, should’ve, would’ve,” Daniel summarized. “Oh well. Now you’ll never know how big that asshole’s cock is. I’m sure it’s his loss, though. I believe you promised me a turn?”

  “Yeah, truth or dare?” I asked, grateful to get the attention off of me.


  I didn’t think I had ever heard Daniel pick truth before. It gave me the golden opportunity to ask him a question about a rumor I heard years ago and was curious about, but never bothered to ask him about.

  “Is it true that you sucked off Mr. Evans in the supply closet?”

  “Totally true.”

  “Oh my god, no way!”

  “Yes, way!”

  I giggled manically at the mental image of the young, fairly attractive chemistry teacher getting a blowjob from Daniel. So the rumors were true after all.

  “Okay, Jen. Dare or dare?”

  I frowned. “That’s bullshit, Daniel.”

  “Come on, Jen. Pick.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Just give me your damn dare.”

  He held up and finger and leaned over to Luke, who was laying on his side stretched out across the foot of my bed. He had watched our exchange in silence, not really understanding what my question was about but not demanding details about it.

  He seemed confused when Daniel leaned in to whisper in his ear, then I watched his eyes widen with shock and he turned to whisper something back to Daniel with a harsh shake of his head. The two had some kind of mini-argument before Luke clenched his jaw and half-nodded, obviously resigned to whatever Daniel had in mind.

  “Okay, Jenna. We’re going to give you the chance you didn’t get with Jeremy.”

  Slowly, understanding began to dawn in my brain. But all that came out of my mouth was a squeaky, “What?”

  “I dare you to... explore Luke. Just enough to satisfy the curiosity you had about Jeremy. Oh and he agreed to it, by the way.”

  I turned incredulous eyes to Luke. “Are you serious?”

  “It’s fine,” he said, tone clipped. “Just... Just do it.”

  Torn between taking him up on the offer or not, I just kept glancing between the two men who were looking at me expectantly. Eventually, Daniel decided to attempt to ease the tension.

  “Look, the dare is valid,” he said as he stood up from the bed. “But I’m going to take my cell phone and grab something to snack on, maybe use the bathroom, whatever. Do it; don’t do it. I won’t know either way. I’ll be back in exactly five minutes.”

  When he was finished with his speech, he had already backed himself to the door. He set the timer on his phone then disappeared, leaving me completely alone with a scantily clad Luke and a dare to feel him up.

  Oh my god, this is seriously happening, I thought as Luke edged up closer to me on the bed.

  “You can do it, you know. He wasn’t lying; I did agree to it.”

  “After he pushed you into it, I’m sure,” I said dryly.

  Luke sighed. “Look, it’s fine if you just want to... touch it. I can handle that.”

  “You’re sure?”

  Luke nodded and his Adam’s apple did that delicious bob again as he swallowed. I desperately wanted to lick his throat, but I technically only had permission to feel up his...

  Oh my god, I thought after I glanced down and noticed his cock was already swelling up in anticipation. The bulge in his boxer briefs was so enticing that my hand automatically came up to reach for it.

  But fear froze my hand about two inches away from him and I swallowed hard, looking back up to his eyes for permission. He was breathing heavily and staring at my hand with dark eyes just... waiting. Waiting for my touch.

  When he saw my hesitation, he tightly clenched his jaw and took matters into his own hand. He looked up into my eyes as he covered my hand with his own and brought it the rest of the way to his cock.

  I couldn’t help myself; I moaned when I felt it pressed against my palm. Luke inhaled sharply and his cock swelled and twitched, making a bolt of desire shoot up my spine. Feeling emboldened by the way he was looking at me, I curled my fingers around the length for a moment and gently squeezed, gasping when it thickened in my palm.

  I unwrapped my fingers and slid my palm up and down the fabric, watching with fascination as his cock went from semi-hard to fully erect within seconds. It was straining against the fabric of his underwear and as I continued to palm him, I could see a wet spot forming where the head was.

I trailed my fingertips up to the wet spot and lightly moved them in circles over the head, smiling when I heard him let out of soft moan of pleasure. The hand he used to guide me to him was now resting on his hip and I looked up at it, noticing his knuckles were white from the fist he was making.

  “Is this okay?” I asked, looking up to his face with uncertainty.

  “Yeah,” he breathed out. “Y-Yeah, it’s fine.”

  I nodded and returned my attention down to his cock. “It feels really big,” I said honestly, a little surprised at the size of it. I thought most men were a lot smaller than this. “And it’s... warm. Like, there’s a lot of heat coming from it.”

  Luke groaned, his hips bucking against my hand in an attempt to gain more friction. “Do you... I mean, you can— If you want—”

  Somehow, I understood what he was trying to imply. I let go of his cock and reached my hand to the waistband of his underwear, looking up at him for confirmation that this was what he meant. He gave me a jerky nod and watched as I pulled the elastic away enough to slip my hand into his boxer briefs.

  “Oh,” I gasped when I felt it. I touched the head of it with my thumb, marveling at the silky smoothness then gasping again when I felt precum leaking out of the slit. I smoothed it around the head, then to the underside of it.

  “Oh fuck,” Luke choked out.

  I couldn’t deny the fact that I had done that move on purpose. Daniel told me a long time ago to pay special attention to the area right under the head of a man’s cock and now I knew his advice was solid.

  Rock solid. Like hot steel.

  “You—Jenna, you have to stop,” Luke growled, gripping my wrist tightly and pulling my hand out of his underwear.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I asked, my nerves shot to hell as he rolled off the bed and jerkily started pulling his jeans on.

  “No. No, I did. I shouldn’t have—fucking hell,” he cursed as he ran his hand through his hair. “Tell Daniel I called the game off. I’ll be the chicken for the night.”

  Before I could voice my protest, he lifted his shirt from the floor and stormed out of the room, leaving me wondering what the hell I could’ve done to prevent him leaving in such a rush.


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