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Hunger (A Stepbrother Romance Novel)

Page 8

by Abbing, Arabella

  Luke grunted with every drive of his cock into my tight heat, slamming in and out at an increasingly fast speed until my breasts were bouncing up and down from the force of him fucking me. His eyes were trained on them for a minute and he let go of one of my knees, reaching up to roughly grasp one as he continued to pound me.

  I moaned louder beneath my palm when he localized the squeezing to my nipple and pinched it hard. I felt the climax I almost had before coming back rapidly and knew it would only take a little bit more before I came.

  Luke let go of my nipple and gripped my hips, lifting my ass off the bed and driving in at an angle that made his cock directly hit my g-spot. Stars burst behind my closed eyelids as I came hard, screaming his name beneath my palm. My pussy clamped down around him so tightly that he stilled the motion of his hips and flicked his fingertip across my clit to draw out my orgasm for as long as possible.

  My hips were writhing on the bed as my walls continued to spasm, until the touch of his finger became too much for me to handle.

  I pulled my hand away from my mouth and gasped, “Please, please. Too much.”

  He stopped the attention on my clit and pulled out of me, still panting heavily as he demanded, “Flip over.”

  I felt boneless, but with his assistance, I managed to return to the position I was in before. My upper body was draped over the mattress, my ass high in the air.

  “Spread a little more,” he said, budging my knee with his own. “Reach back and hold yourself open for me.”

  I hesitated, not entirely understanding the request. He grabbed my arms and pulled them behind me, placing one hand on each off my ass cheeks and growling, “Hold them open.”

  I did as I was told and groaned when he pushed his massive cock back into my hole. I held myself open as he pounded me harshly, not bothering to go slow. The slick sound of his cock dragging in and out of my soaking wet pussy was almost as loud and his pleasured grunts.

  “So fucking good,” he breathed out as he gripped my hips and started driving himself into me faster. “Never get enough of this.”

  Even through the haze of pleasure and lust, I felt an alarm go off in my head and guilt twist in my gut yet again.

  We had succeeded. We poked the beast and rekindled his addiction.

  Then, he suddenly slowed down. He slapped my hands away from my ass and leaned over my back, pressing me harder down into the mattress as he whispered into my ear, “I’ll never get enough of you.”

  A surprised gasped slipped past my lips that turned into a moan when he stood back up and resumed his punishing pounding. I was almost ready to come again when he let out a strangled groan and pulled out.

  “Jenna.... god,” he cried as he spilled his load on my lower back.

  I shivered when I felt the warmth of his seed coating my skin, coming out in spurt after spurt until I wondered how much he could possibly have in him. He continued to work his hand over his length and let out a long, tortured moan until he finally finished coming.

  His free hand rested beside me on the mattress as he leaned over and caught his breath. After a long moment of silence, I felt his other hand slide to my back, trailing through his own cum and rubbing it across my skin.

  Marking me.

  “Oh fuck, Luke,” I shakily breathed out.

  “You’re mine now,” he said, his voice eerily calm. “Say it.”

  “I’m yours.”

  “I want it all,” he whispered and even though I didn’t know exactly what he meant by it, I nodded. “All of you... belongs to me.”

  “Everything. I’m all yours.”

  His hand stopped moving his cum around me and he pushed himself up, hauling me into a standing position with him. My legs were shaky, but he held me in place by keeping one of his strong arms wrapped around my waist.

  The other hand, he brought to my mouth.

  “Lick me. Taste my cum. It’s what you wanted, right? You wanted my cum?”

  I parted my lips and took his fingers into my mouth, moaning when his salty, tangy taste hit my senses. I swirled my tongue around his fingers cleaning off every bit of his semen I possibly could. When he pulled the two fingers out of my mouth, I leaned forward and licked his palm, cleaning that off as well.

  “You’re so eager. I like that,” he whispered as the hand holding me up splayed possessively over my stomach before sliding downwards. “Put your knee on the bed. Just one.”

  I did as he told me to, leaning against him for balance once I was in position. He hummed delightedly then slid two fingers into my pussy, pumping them lazily into me. When I moaned, he covered my mouth with his cum-covered hand.

  “My good girl,” he whispered against my neck. “Wanna feel you come again.”

  I nodded frantically against his palm, still fairly close to orgasm from before he stopped fucking me. He took his fingers out of me and roughly circled my clit with them, bringing me back to the edge again in a matter of moments.

  As my moaning grew louder against his palm, he momentarily stopped and I let out a frustrated groan.

  “Hold up,” he said as he pushed me to lean more of my weight on my knee. With a grunt, he pushed his hips forward and stretched me open with his huge cock before pulling me back against his chest.

  “I said I want to feel you come again. I just want it on my cock,” he said slyly as he continued to work my swollen clit with his fingertips.

  “Oh my god!” I screamed as I came, but the words were muffled and nearly muted by his hand.

  Luke let out a long moan as I came around him. He didn’t stop the movement of his fingers until I was shaking in his arms, my body going slack from the overwhelming pleasure.

  I wonder if this was what people feel like when they get high, I thought as Luke pulled out of me and gently coaxed me up to the bed. He pulled back the covers and slid my legs beneath the blankets, pressing a kiss to my forehead as I started to doze off.

  “Remember. You’re mine now.”

  “Yours,” I murmured as sleep began to pull me under.

  The last thing I felt was Luke swiping the hair off of my face and gently pressing a kiss to my shoulder before the darkness lured me into a blissful sleep.


  Chapter Ten

  When I awoke the next morning, all of my muscles ached like a bitch. I yawned and did a big stretch, freezing when I felt something tug on my back.

  With a frown, I reached behind me and scratched. I felt something flaking off my skin and it hit me all at once.

  The muscle soreness. The flakes of dried cum. The extremely restful sleep.

  So it hadn’t been a dream.

  I sat up in bed and looked around the room. My jeans had been taken out of the room and I spotted my torn shirt in the garbage bin. But besides my nudeness and the dried evidence of Luke’s orgasm on my back, there was no sign he had ever been here.

  Huh. I slung the blanket off my body and went over to my dresser, quickly finding a pair of pajamas to slip on. Even though his cum was itching like crazy, I decided to find and confront Luke before hopping in the shower.

  It wasn’t a hard task. His door was open and I peeked inside, instantly realizing he wasn’t there. I made my way to the kitchen and the heavenly aroma of coffee hit my nostrils immediately.

  He was standing in front of the pot clad in only a pair of basketball shorts, drumming his fingers on the counter as he watched the coffee brew. I took a moment to enjoy the sight of him from behind before alerting him to my presence.


  Luke turned his head and half-smiled at me. “Good morning.”

  I took it as an invitation to step further into the room. “Is it?”

  “Is it what?”

  “Is it a good morning? Or was last night.... not good?” I asked nervously. Why else wouldn’t he have stayed? I really didn’t want to hear him say I was terrible in bed, but I had to know.

  Luke turned away from the coffee pot with a frown. “Of course it was g
ood,” he said disbelievingly. “Fuck, last night was... mind-blowing.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god. I was worried you were going to regret the whole thing.”

  He turned away from me and I felt a chill of dread go up my back. “I didn’t say it wasn’t a mistake.”

  For some reason, I became angry. Irrationally so.

  “Seriously? A mistake?”

  “You don’t understand, Jenna. You couldn’t. I—”

  “I think I understand just fine,” I clipped out, trying to spare myself the pain of his explanation. “If you’ll excuse me, I need a shower.”

  “I made you coffee,” he offered weakly as I turned around.

  I stopped, but didn’t look at him as I said, “I don’t want it.”

  Just like he doesn’t want me.


  For the next four hours, I was a wreck. My emotions were all over the place—everything from anger, to guilt, to depression, to confusion. When Daniel called around noon, I was in rage mode.

  “We did it,” I said coldly. “He fucked me.”

  “Yay! Oh my goodness, how was it?”

  I stayed silent for a long moment as sadness started to come back and I felt tears prickling my eyes. “It was wonderful,” I told him honestly. “But he says it was a mistake. So.... yeah.”

  “WHAT?! I’ll be there in ten minutes—you just hang tight and I’ll—”

  “Daniel, stop. You... We’ve done enough. It’s over. Just let it go.”

  I ended the call and turned off my phone, not in the mood to read the endless texts of apologies that would surely be coming my way. Instead, I buried myself back under my blankets—ones that still smelled like sex—and promptly fell asleep.


  Hours later, a knock on my door woke me up. Clara poked her head in to tell me dinner was almost ready and my stomach howled at the thought. Besides, it wasn’t practical to think that I could avoid Luke forever. We would be living together for the next two months.

  This was really all my fault anyway. Luke didn’t do anything wrong. I purposely provoked him.

  That was the part that made me feel the worst.

  “I’m coming,” I called to Clara, waiting until she softly pulled the door shut before getting up and getting dressed into actual clothes for dinner.

  Luke was already at the table, staring blankly at his silverware, when I entered the kitchen and sat down. My dad removed all his work stuff from the table to make room before sitting back down and giving me a strange look.

  “You okay, muffin?”

  “I’m fine, Dad.”

  He frowned, not buying it. I tried to force a smile, but I could feel how fake it looked.

  “What’s wrong, dear?” Clara asked as she placed a bowl of salad in front of me. “Have you been in bed all day?”

  This is so embarrassing, I thought.

  “Yeah, I think I might be coming down with something. Can I be excused? I’ll eat in my room so I don’t get the rest of you sick,” I offered, already standing up and pushing the chair out from under me.

  My dad shook his head and stood up as well. “You don’t look sick. This isn’t because of that boy last night, is it? What the hell did he do to you?”

  My face flushed and I could see Luke’s posture straighten in my peripheral vision.

  “No, Daddy. Greg was a perfect gentleman,” I said sourly, unable to hold back my bitterness.

  Clara came to my side and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Then what’s wrong, sweetie? Is it your stomach?”

  “I-I’m fine. Just a little... queasy,” I offered as I backed away from the table. “Actually, I don’t think eating is such a good idea. Goodnight.”

  I rushed down the hall, ignoring their protests and knowing that I was probably going to catch hell for it later. But Clara and my dad were respectful. I didn’t think they’d bother me, at least not tonight.

  With a frustrated sigh, I twisted the lock on my door and stripped off all my clothes, not even bothering to get back into my pajamas before I crawled back into bed.


  “Jenna. Wake up.”

  “Daniel?” I mumbled sleepily. “Go away. I don’t wanna talk about it.”

  “It’s Luke. Wake up.”

  My eyes popped open and I sat up in bed, trying to see into my bedroom. It was pitch black with all the lights off, but I could sense Luke’s presence on my right.

  “How’d you get in here? I locked the door.”

  “Your lock is incredibly easy to pick. Don’t worry though, it’s locked again,” he assured me as he lifted up the blanket that was covering me from his view.

  Okay, well, maybe not his view considering it was completely dark, but shielding me from him in general.

  “W-What are you doing?” I shakily asked when I felt his hand caress my bare stomach.

  “I want you, Jenna,” he whispered, his breath ghosting across my neck. “I want to feel you wrapped around me again.”

  Even as my body warmed to his words, my mind was still pissed. “Is that what this is going to be? You want me in the dark then you call it a mistake in the harsh light of day?”

  He froze and I could feel his entire body tense up. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For saying it was a mistake. It wasn’t. I was just trying to cover my own ass.”

  “But why?”

  Luke licked a long line up the column of my neck and I moaned softly. When he reached my earlobe, he sucked it into his mouth and gently bit down on it.

  “Because I want you far more than I should. Too much, too soon.”

  “I can relate to that,” I admitted with a sigh. “But I didn’t call you a mistake.”

  “So you have no regrets about last night?”

  “Only that I didn’t get a chance to do this.”

  “Do wha- oof!”

  I used all of my body weight to push him off of me and onto his back, straddling him the moment he landed. I heard him chuckling with disbelief that I managed to move his rock solid body, but the noise broke off when I blindly searched his chest in the dark until I found what I was looking for.


  I leaned down and touched the tip of my tongue to his pierced nipple, smiling when he gasped. Emboldened by his reaction, I swiped the flat of my tongue over the entire thing before lightly encasing my lips around it. I tongued at the balls of the barbell, relishing the delicious groan that tore out of his throat. With my hand I tweaked his other nipple and lightly ground my hips down on his.

  He bucked up immediately, rocking his hardness against my core. I moaned and slid down, running my tongue over his chest and abs until I reached his happy trail. Like I wanted to do the first time I saw it, I lightly ran my fingertips through the soft hair, smiling into the dark when he gasped.

  Luke shifted his hips until my hands touched the top of his shorts. He lifted as I tugged them down, taking his underwear with them. Once his erection was freed, I reached for it, suddenly glad that we were in the dark.

  I’d never done this before and I wasn’t sure if I could handle the pressure of being watched as I did it. Even though it felt like his eyes were somehow still burning into me, I logically knew it didn’t matter.

  I curled my fingers around his shaft and leaned down to lick the head, swirling my tongue over it. I remembered when Daniel once told me that sloppy blowjobs were awesome, so I let my saliva coat his head before I leaned further down to coat his shaft.

  I used my hand to slide it around and grinned when he started bucking up into my hand and panting. As I jerked him off, I slid the tip between my lips and sucked it while making sure to keep my tongue swirling around.

  “Ohh fuck yeah. Show me how much you can take,” he groaned, placing a hand on the back of my head and slightly pushing me down.

  I relaxed my throat muscles and slid down, but I couldn’t take more than a few inches before I felt myself struggling to breath
e. I pulled off with a gasp, feeling the spittle dripping down my chin while he moaned.

  “Good girl,” he commended as he petted my hair and pulled me back down. “Suck the head and keep stroking me.”

  I could do that no problem. Luke let out low grunts of pleasure as I did so, every now and then bucking up and forcing a little too much into my mouth than I could take. He seemed thrilled by that though, every time I coughed a little around him and made his cock sloppier with spit, he groaned like it was the greatest thing he ever felt.

  Surprisingly, I felt more empowered in this position than I ever had before. He might have been slightly dominating my actions, but I had the true power here. I could feel it.

  Luke‘s breathing became shakier and he tugged me up by the hair again.

  “Stop, stop. Don’t want to come like this.”

  As I sat up, I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand and waited for further instruction. I could feel his arm wrap around my back and he hauled me forward with him as he sat up and scooted back to lean against the headboard.

  “Put your hands on the headboard,” he demanded, guiding my hands to where he wanted them.

  After I was there, he pulled my hips forward until the head of his cock was brushing against my folds. He swiped it back and forth, paying special attention to rub the spit slicked head over my clit a number of times.

  After a few minutes of his ministrations, he positioned himself at my opening and gruffly said, “Now slide down on me.”

  I lowered my hips slowly, feeling my muscles stretch as I took him in inch by agonizing inch. My head rolled back on my neck and I gasped at the ceiling, biting my bottom lip so I didn’t cry out.

  “That’s it, angel. Take it all,” Luke ground out through clenched teeth. He gripped my hips to keep me sliding down until he was fully seated inside me. Then he let out a long, harsh breath and whispered, “Perfection.”

  I knew the mechanics of what I needed to do, so I gripped the headboard tightly and used it as leverage to raise myself off his cock and then drop back down. I let out a muffled squeak of pleasure and bit my lip harder. As I started to build up a slow, pleasurable rhythm, Luke’s hands roamed greedily over my body.


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