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Love and Honor: The Coltrane Saga, Book 7

Page 16

by Patricia Hagan

  When the ceremony was over, the Coltranes were among the privileged guests invited for a reception and tour of the Capitol. Afterward, they headed home to prepare for the gala evening events.

  Marilee was delighted to be wearing her first really sophisticated dress, a rose satin creation that was slightly off the shoulders, with a sweetheart neckline. But when she saw Kit, she wailed, “Oh, why can’t I ever wear anything really sophisticated? Now I feel like a bridesmaid!”

  Kit couldn’t help laughing. “Oh, Marilee, you look wonderful! That is the perfect color for you.”

  Kit whirled about before the full-length mirror. She loved her gown—it was made of lime-green velvet, the dipping bodice beaded with gold jewels to match her slippers. The skirt was dramatically slit to mid-thigh, a style that, surprisingly enough, Jade had not discouraged. Kit wondered if Jade was hoping that she’d find a competent partner with whom to dance the tango. She knew how proud her mother had been when she’d danced with Kurt at the embassy ball in Madrid.

  She wound her fiery hair into a regal chignon. The only jewelry she wore was emerald-and-diamond earbobs. A gift from her grandfather to Kitty, they’d been passed lovingly along to her on her sixteenth birthday.

  Finally she and Marilee were ready to descend the spiral staircase to join everyone in a champagne toast. Kit paused, urging her cousin to go on without her. “I’ll be right along. I just want to say good night to Grandma.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Marilee said, and they quietly opened the door to Kitty’s room. The canopied bed was silhouetted against the softly crackling flames in the fireplace. Carasia held a finger to her lips and whispered, “She’s sleeping very deeply—”

  “No, she’s not!”

  They jumped at the sound of Kitty’s voice, then stared silently as she managed to lift herself up against the pillows. Carasia hurried to assist her, but was irritably waved away. “I wish everyone would just stop fussing over me—” Her words were interrupted by a deep, hacking cough.

  Kit and Marilee went to stand on either side of the bed. Kitty looked at them critically, then managed a broad, approving smile and declared, “Well, once again the Coltrane women will be the center of attention. Beautiful! My girls are just beautiful!” She held a hand out to each of them.

  “Oh, Grandma, please hurry up and get well,” Marilee said, her voice trembling. “I can’t stand seeing you like this.”

  “Well, child, I’m not exactly enjoying myself,” Kitty informed her crisply, “but every once in a while the Lord puts us flat on our backs so we can appreciate it when He lets us stand on our feet. Now you two have a wonderful time and remember that not every young girl has the privilege of attending the presidential inaugural ball.”

  They kissed her and turned to leave, but just as they reached the door, Kitty called softly, “Wait, Kit. I have something to say to you.”

  Marilee left, and Kit went quickly to her grandmother’s bedside.

  “This young man,” Kitty began, “that you’re trying to talk yourself out of falling in love with—I think you should give your heart a chance, child. Stop being so stubborn, you waste so much time that way. If it’s meant to be, it will be. So unlock the door and let him in.”

  Kit forced a laugh, determined not to reveal the turmoil churning within her. “Will you please stop worrying about my private life and concentrate on getting well so we can get on with our plans? You know I can’t make it without you!”

  Kitty’s smile faded, and she raised her head from the pillows. Reaching out, she clutched Kit’s arm and drew her close. “Listen to me,” she whispered hoarsely, looking deep into Kit’s eyes. “Don’t you ever say that. I’ve got to believe that you’re enough like me that you don’t need anybody…that you can make it on your own. I’d never have bought that ranch for you if I didn’t believe that. You’ve got a heritage to be proud of, Kit Coltrane, and don’t ever forget it. You can do anything you want in this life if you make up your mind to do it. You don’t need anybody. Do you hear me, child?”

  Kit was shaken; she’d never heard Kitty talk this way. “I’m strong, and I can make it,” she assured her grandmother, “but I still need you with me. I want you with me. So please get well.”

  Against the stark white pillow, Kitty looked like a doll fashioned of delicate bone china. She whispered dreamily, “Dance one for me, my child…go and dance one for me…” She coughed raggedly, then struggled to go on. “And when he holds you in his arms…and your blood turns to fire in your veins…think of me. You were born to love…and be loved…”

  Kitty’s words trailed off. Kit gasped and felt her wrist for a pulse. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that Kitty was only sleeping. Kissing her once more, she cautioned Carasia to take good care of her. Then she left…hopefully to fulfill her grandmother’s wish.

  Chapter Twenty

  The White House was a wonderland of glittering lights and flowers everywhere—roses, orchids, daisies, carnations—their sweet fragrance pleasantly pervasive. Hundreds of guests milled about, the ladies’ jewels sparkling amid the dazzling array of gowns. An orchestra played from the second-floor landing, the music drifting above the many voices.

  Kit drifted away from her family and wandered about aimlessly for a while. She wanted to memorize everything so she could relive her enchanted evening for Kitty. She took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and went to stand near the French doors leading out to the east terrace. From there she had a good view of everything that was going on. She could even watch President and Mrs. Wilson as they stood tirelessly in the receiving line greeting guests.

  Within moments, Travis was by her side. “I found her!” he cried, his gray eyes dancing happily. “She’s here with her parents. They’ve been up in the Catskills, just as I thought. Where’s Mom and Dad? I want to introduce them to Valerie’s family.”

  “Wait a minute, Travis,” Kit said quickly. “Aren’t you forgetting something? Mother has made it pretty clear that she doesn’t approve, and I really don’t think now’s the time to introduce the families.”

  “I don’t care!” Travis declared vehemently. “I’ve thought it over, and I know it’d be crazy to give up an appointment to the Academy, but I’m not going to give up Valerie, either. She feels the same way about me. She wants me to go to school, and she says she’s willing to wait for me. So I don’t see how Mother can have any objections.”

  Kit suspected that this would not appease their mother. “I don’t know, Travis. Maybe this isn’t a good time. I mean, we’re all worried about Grandma, and—”

  “There’s Valerie!” Travis waved her over.

  Valerie’s face was glowing with happiness, and her cornflower-blue eyes shone with adoration for Travis as she took his hand. She tore her gaze from him to look at Kit and shyly say, “It’s nice to see you again. I guess Travis told you about our plans. I do hope you approve, Kit, because I really like you, and I look forward to having you for my sister.”

  Kit hugged her impulsively and assured her that they had her best wishes.

  Travis was ebullient. “You two wait here. I’m going to find them,” he said eagerly as he headed back into the crowd to search for their parents.

  Valerie turned to Kit with a worried look on her face. “Oh, I do pray that your mother will accept me once she realizes that Travis will still be going to West Point. I love him, and I’m willing to wait forever if I have to.”

  Kit tried to reassure her. “I don’t think she has anything against you personally, Valerie. It’s just that she hasn’t been herself lately. Give her time.”

  “I will.” Valerie nodded with determination. “I’m going to make her like me. After all, if it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have Travis to love. I’m not going to be satisfied until she lets me love her, too.”

  Kit was warmed by her words. “I’ll help any way I can.” Suddenly her heart skipped a beat. Kurt was standing in the receiving line, shaking President Wilson’s ha
nd. A smile touched her lips, and her pulse quickened. He was devastating in his white tuxedo as he bowed gallantly over the First Lady’s hand.

  Valerie followed her gaze. “Oh, isn’t that Kurt Tanner? I remember him from the ship. He’s quite handsome, isn’t he? Travis told me that you danced with him at a ball in Madrid and raised a few eyebrows.”

  Kit had to admit to herself that she’d been looking for him. Kitty was right—she was hiding from her own heart, and that was wrong. Yet she was not about to admit her feelings to anyone else. “He’s one of the few men I’ve come across who know how to dance the Spanish tango,” she told Valerie. “It’s very intricate, and I guess if you’ve never seen it, it might seem risqué.”

  “I’d love to see you dance with him. Would it be proper here? Tonight?”

  Kit laughed. “No, I don’t think so. Maybe at one of the other parties in town, but not at the White House.”

  “Well, let’s ask him to join us,” Valerie suggested.

  Kit was about to say she didn’t think that was a good idea, when Valerie whispered, “Uh-oh! I’m afraid he didn’t come alone!”

  Kit stiffened as she saw Kurt reach out to introduce an attractive, dark-haired young woman to Mrs. Wilson. He was looking down at her almost adoringly. Swallowing hard, Kit tried to sound flip as she laughed. “Oh. well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll admit he’s handsome, but I’ve also heard he’s a womanizer. I certainly don’t want to get involved with his kind.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  Kit stared at her. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Yes, you do,” she gave her a quick hug. “Please don’t be offended, Kit. It’s just that I can tell you really like him. Even though he’s with someone, we could still ask him to join us. Then you can decide whether his date is any real competition,” she added with a mischievous wink.

  “No, I couldn’t…” Kit said, sounding uncertain.

  Valerie was looking past her. Suddenly she grinned. “Well, you’re going to get your chance anyway, because he spotted you, and they’re coming over here.”

  “No…” Kit moaned. She looked about frantically and saw the doors leading out to the terrace. “I’m going outside. Tell him I’ve gone to the powder room if he asks for me.” She hurried away before Valerie could stop her.

  Even outside in the cold, crisp air, Kit felt flushed and overheated. Walking to the edge of the terrace, she looked out at the lights of Washington and wished she were anywhere but there.

  Suddenly she felt a hand on her bare shoulder, and she shivered. He had moved through the night like a stalking panther. “Kit…” His voice was husky. “Why did you run away from me?”

  Kit slowly turned to face him, despising herself for the hot, sweeping tremors that were moving through her body. “I did not run away from you,” she protested.

  “But you did,” he said, a slightly mocking smile on his sensuous lips. “Because you’re jealous of the young lady I brought with me.”

  Kit gasped, shocked not only because he had guessed the truth, but because he was bold enough to say so. “Oh, you flatter yourself, Kurt Tanner. I couldn’t care less who you’re with—tonight or any other night! I’ve told you before that we seem to bring out the worst in each other, and I see no reason for you to pursue me. Now, if you don’t mind, I will excuse myself.”

  She started to move past him, her head held high, but he reached out and grabbed her. Spinning her about, he said, “Oh, but I do mind, Kit. You’re the most incredibly desirable woman I’ve ever met, and I’ve been waiting to do this…again.” He crushed her against him, his lips hot and demanding.

  Kit resisted him, but only then she surrendered to the strange, driving hunger that seemed to possess her mind and body whenever he touched her. She trembled with delight as she felt his hand move to her breast, stroking softly. Time stood still in that magical, enchanting moment. Fantasy had become reality, and Kit realized that she was exactly where she had wanted to be for so very, very long.

  Finally, reluctantly, he released her. For the first time his expression was not arrogant or mocking. Instead, he gazed at her with adoration, and she glowed with happiness. She did not want the moment to end—there was such an intimacy, an unspoken acknowledgment that something wonderful was growing between them. Then she heard a soft coughing sound and turned to see the young lady who’d been with him earlier. She stiffened defensively, but Kurt smiled confidently.

  “This is my cousin, Rebecca Henley, from Georgetown. She was only too happy to be my date this evening.” To Kit, he whispered, “Because I didn’t know how to find you.”

  They exchanged pleasantries, and Kit was beside herself with joy. An inner peace filled her because she was no longer running from her true feelings.

  Rebecca said, “Kurt tells me you’re a wonderful dancer, and that the two of you shocked a few folks at the embassy ball in Madrid.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever hear the end of that.” Kit laughed. “I’m just glad the orchestra isn’t playing a tango tonight. I’m afraid we have a few friends here who’d insist on a command performance.”

  From within came the lilting strains of a waltz. “Well, perhaps they’ll settle for an old-fashioned dance,” Kurt murmured. Without taking his eyes off Kit, he politely asked his cousin, “Would you mind?”

  Rebecca could not help teasing, “Of course not. I knew the minute we walked in that you were looking for someone, and I must say that I approve of your choice.”

  Kurt led Kit to the dance floor, and they began to move in smooth, gliding steps. They couldn’t take their eyes from each other. Kit wondered if her excitement showed, if her face was aflame with the heat that his touch had ignited in her body. She felt almost light-headed, as if his arm around her waist was the only thing anchoring her to earth.

  He shook his head slightly, as if to reassure himself that this was not a dream. “I want to kiss you again and again. Hold you and never let you go. He looked deep into her eyes. “And you want it, too,” he whispered. “You fought it, tried to hate me, but it was meant to be. It will be.” His smile faded, and he seemed to consume her with his eyes as he held her even tighter.

  Kit swayed dizzily. She lost her rhythm for a moment, and Kurt quickly, smoothly, covered her misstep.

  She closed her eyes and felt the heavenly warmth of his body. No more pretense, no more hypocrisy. No more running from her destiny.

  The waltz ended, but not the feelings soaring between them.

  “When do you leave Washington?” he asked as he led her back across the floor to where Rebecca patiently waited. “I’d like to call on you.”

  “Why?” she asked impishly. “To try and take Pegasus away from me, or the ranch you think I cheated you out of?”

  He gave her a look of mock anger. “Oh, you’re going to pay for those little capers later, my dear. I’ve got special ways of punishing vixens like you.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I can hardly wait!” She laughed. Then, becoming serious, she explained, “I don’t know when we’ll be leaving. My grandmother is quite ill, and I’m sure we’ll stay here till she’s better.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Tell me where you’re staying, so I can call on you there.”

  “Kit! I found them.” Travis beckoned to her. “I’ve arranged for a toast in the library. Marilee is bringing Mom and Dad.”

  Kit felt uneasy. “Did she tell them what this is all about?”

  “No, she’s not telling them anything.” Travis snapped. “I’m making the announcement. Now do you want to be there or not?” Noticing Kurt for the first time, he said coolly, “Will you excuse us, please?”

  “Wait here,” Kit said. She hated to leave him for even a moment. “This is a family matter, but it won’t take long.” Kurt nodded in understanding and Kit went to the library with Travis.

  As they reached the library, Marilee appeared with Jade and Colt. Jade demanded to know what was going on, then she saw Valerie standing just inside the door.
She stiffened, her expression a mask of instant hostility. She turned to leave, but Colt caught her arm and steered her inside.

  “Valerie and I have something to say,” Travis began nervously, “but we’re waiting for her parents.’’

  Growing pale, Jade held up a hand in protest. “Travis, if you’ve called us together for the reason I think, I must say that this isn’t the time or place, and—” She stopped when a butler knocked discreetly on the door.

  “Come in,” Colt said, and the butler approached him, whispering urgently so that only Colt could hear.

  “Kitty’s very sick,” Colt explained to the others. “We have to get to her as quickly as possible.”

  Jade was two steps outside the library when she suddenly froze. For an instant she seemed to be paralyzed, her face deathly white.

  Kit watched, bewildered. Her mother’s eyes grew wide with terror, and she raised trembling hands to her mouth. Turning to see what unknown horror had caused such a reaction, Kit saw a strange man and woman standing directly in her path. They, too, seemed petrified, rooted to the floor.

  Jade felt herself fading away. The last thought she had before she lost consciousness was that she was seeing a ghost—the ghost of Bryan Stevens.

  And in that awful moment, her worst nightmare came to life.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Another nightmare was taking place with Kitty. Dr. Talton removed his stethoscope, his face filled with deep concern. At the moment, Kitty appeared to be sleeping, and her breathing was slow and labored.

  Tight-lipped and grim, Colt stood at the foot of the bed. Suddenly he exploded, “What are you waiting for? Dammit, she needs to be in a hospital!”

  Beside him, Kit touched his arm gently. Oh, how she wished her mother were here! Something very strange, even terrible, had happened to Jade back at the White House. Colt had carried her to the car, and she’d awakened during the frenzied ride back to the Buchers’. She had said not a word, and her face was a mask of horror. What had caused such a reaction? When the car had stopped in front of the Buchers’, she had leaped out and run up the walkway as though the devil were chasing her. There was no time to question her, however, because Kitty’s critical condition was their overriding concern at the moment.


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