Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 2

by Penny Hawking

  “Right Ice.” Brooke asked for confirmation.

  Ice smiled. “Yeah sure.” Having no idea what the girl was talking about.

  “Bitch, she wasn’t listening to you.” Joanna said rolling her eyes.

  “Yes, she was.” Brooke said defensively.

  Ice shut them out as they both started arguing.

  “Madison.” Ice exhaled with relief as she saw who was standing in front of her locker. Her other best friend Maddie.

  Maddie had the most piercing beautiful blue eyes ever. Her long blond hair was always immaculate. She had a slim figure but at 5’8, she pulled it off without looking anorexic. Her cute summer dress showed of her long-tanned legs. She was beautiful and knew it.

  “Twin!” Joanna shrieked and Maddie giggled. They hugged and checked out each other’s outfit.

  “Girl you look good.” Joanna said approvingly.

  Maddie giggled. “So, do you.”

  Ice watched them and wondered why she was in the presence of two supermodels, and specifically why they were even friends with her.

  “Ice baby.” Maddie yelled, wrapping her arms around Ice and giving her a big hug. “Hi Brooke.” Maddie acknowledged the smaller girl by giving her a big hug.

  “You guys we were only gone the weekend.” Ice said opening her locker. She put in her book bag, pulled out her binder and closed her locker.

  “Yeah, the one weekend where we didn’t see each other.” Maddie pointed out.

  Ice rolled her eyes. They were always so emotional and cheery. Ice had to push herself to keep up the façade. Half the time she wanted to cry or curl up in a ball and hide.

  “Oh, please why don’t you just come over here and fuck me.” Joanna whispered

  “He can have me anytime anywhere.” Maddie said mesmerized.

  Ice smiled. She didn’t need to turn around to know whom they were talking about; they said the same thing every day about the same person.

  Peyton Stone.

  Ice bit her lip and turned around to watch him stroll down the hallway without a care in the world. He had his headphones on and was staring down at his phone.

  Peyton was wearing green vans and ripped blue jeans that sagged just slightly to reveal part of his boxers. He had the same brown belt on from when she saw him Saturday night and a simple white tee. Without meaning to, he looked like he’d just came out of a photo-shoot. His dirty blond hair was disheveled. Like just woken up disheveled. Ice’s heart skipped a beat. She clutched her binder to her chest.

  “Peyton just screams sex.” Joanna said breathlessly as they all watched him disappear around the corner.

  Maddie giggled. “He makes me scream for sex.” She replied. Joanna and Maddie laughed.

  Ice took Brooke’s arm. “Ignore them, they’re whores,”

  “I agree.” Brooke said looking back at the duo.

  “Hey, we’re not whores just because we enjoy a good fuck.” Joanna said.

  “Yeah a Peyton fuck.” Maddie added. Once again, they burst out laughing.

  Brooke looked scandalized.

  Ice felt sorry for her, after all these months you would think, she’d be used to it by now.

  “I thought you guys said you’ll stop cursing.” Ice said, mainly focusing on Joanna.

  “Oh, that’s right. Joanna, I was doing so well.” Maddie said accusingly.

  Joanna rolled her eyes. “Yes mother. No more motherfu---….no more cursing.” She said and smiled.

  The bell rang and the traffic in the hallway got thicker. They hurriedly said their quick good byes and air kissed.

  “I can walk you to class.” Brooke said kindly her greens eyes looking into Ice’s dark brown ones.

  Ice shook her head. “Go to class and don’t be late.” She scolded mockingly and smiled as she watched Brooke run.

  Ice looked around and noticed the crowd was thinning fast. She sighed; she closed her eyes and opened them. Silently in the back of her mind, she wished she could open them and be somewhere else. Anywhere but here, any person but herself, any life but this. She shoved the thought in the back of her head and shook her head.

  “Shut-up Ice your life is perfect.” She whispered. “Do you know how many people would die to be you?”

  “Thousands.” She said to no one in particular. “So, stop this poor little rich girl routine. Be grateful Ice. Just hang in there. You’ve come way too far to actually lose your mind now.” She felt someone watching her and she turned to see a nerdy black boy gaping at her.

  She gave him an icy stare. “Yes?” she asked. She put her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side.

  The poor boy shook his head and scurried down the hallway.

  Chills went down Ice’s spine as she heard soft laughter behind her.

  “Well you sure do live up to your name.”


  She whirled around and found herself staring right into those devilish gray eyes again.

  “What?” Ice asked her breath hitched.

  “You scared off little Urkel.” Peyton said teasing, his eyes twinkling. He stepped closer to her and brought his head lower.

  “What?” Ice repeated. She couldn’t seem to say anything else.

  As usual Peyton’s personal boundary radar wasn’t working. When he took a step towards her again, she took a step back. He took another step forward and she took another one back.

  “Are you scared or something?” He asked smiling gently.

  “No…but…I mean…uumm you’re staring at me like you’re some kind of predator.” Ice stammered.

  “Predator?” Peyton repeated raising his eyebrow.

  “Yeah.” Ice confirmed. “You know like when a lion and a zebra…. a lion hunts a zebra…. like what you see on the Discovery channel.” Ice bit her lip. He was jumbling her thoughts.

  Peyton stepped closer. Ice stepped back.

  “A lion hunting a zebra huh?” He asked laughing.

  “So, I’m the lion….and you’re the zebra?” He asked teasingly.

  Ice didn’t answer. She shrugged. There he went being weird again.

  “I’m feeling really lion like...” Peyton lowered his voice, his eyes scanning her face.

  Ice squinted her eyes. Lion like...?

  “So, Miss Zebra…” Peyton licked his bottom lip. He took another step towards her and she instinctively stepped back.

  She had no idea where this was going, her heart pounding in some sort of weird anticipation. Ice brushed her bangs out of her face.

  “I’m feeling a little hungry.” He said. “I want to eat.” Peyton took another step forward.

  Ice swallowed hard and took a step back. It was just her luck that she would bump against a locker. Of course, Peyton took this as an opportunity to corner her. He put both his hands up against the locker. Trapping Ice in between them as he leaned forward.

  Without thinking, she licked her bottom lip.

  Peyton quickly caught the gesture. His eyes dropping down to it.

  He slowly lifted his eyes to meet hers. The look he transmitted her way caused Ice to feel as though she was about to float away.

  “Well if you’re hungry you should get something to eat.” She whispered trying to get her mind back on the conversation. She had no idea why she whispered, but this proximity made it seem as if they both had a secret to share.

  Peyton grinned one of those sexy irresistible grins. “I should.” His body leaned towards her, his head bowing as he whispered in her ear. “Maybe I should eat you.” He suggested.

  Ice felt the shivers go through her body. She might be lacking a few brain cells at the moment, but not enough to miss his innuendo.

  Peyton slid one hand down and gently caressed her arm. “May I?”

  Sure. Ice was at lost for words. He was once again so close she felt his body heat.

  Peyton paused, but without any sort of objection from Ice, he lowered his head and gently bit her neck.

  Without meaning too, Ice bit her lip and moaned

  Peyton pressed his lips to her neck. “There’s something so irresistible about Zebras.” He murmured. God knows how long he’d wanted to place his lips on her. His hand slid up her arm.

  Ice closed her eyes; it felt good, too good. She knew that she was acting like a whore, but she wanted to be a whore for a little while more…just a couple more kisses. Wait a minute I don’t act like this. I’m not a whore. She’ll kill me. I should not be doing this…but he’s so…Ice slowly brought her arms around his waist, her fingers sliding up his back as she brought his body closer.

  Finding that as encouragement Peyton groaned against her neck, his teeth scraping the tender flesh.

  An image of her mom’s face flashed in her mind and Ice shoved Peyton away abruptly.

  “No, I can’t.” Ice said her breath coming out ragged.

  “Can’t what?” Peyton asked lifting his head immediately. Snapping out of whatever fantasy he’d already imagined them in. He took a step back and looked at her with concern.

  Ice look confused. “Like that…I meant…I’m not like that.” Ice said looking away from him as she tried to control her breathing.

  God, why did I react like that? Why did I pull him closer?

  Peyton looked as if he wanted to ask a serious question, but seeing her look away from him, he decided to drop it. “I’m joking Ice.” He said putting his hands up in surrender.

  Ice avoided his gaze out of embarrassment.

  “I thought we were joking.” Peyton insisted. He smiled at her to try to loosen her up; he took another step back to give her some space. “I was playing around; I play way too fucking much.” He added. “I never know when to stop.”

  Ice looked up at him. “Yeah we were playing.” She said whispered.

  Even though he was smiling, his eyes still looked concerned. Ice put on a big smile to reassure him.

  “I’m fine seriously. But you have to admit, you were getting a little fresh.”

  Peyton got on his knee. “I apologize my beautifully Ice princess. Please do anything you want to do to me. Beat me. Strip me. Make me your sex slave.” He grinned and winked at her. “No please really do make me your sex slave.”

  Ice laughed without meaning to. “Get up Peyton; you’re dumb, besides...” She looked behind her down the empty hallway. “We’re twenty minutes late for class.”

  Peyton rose. “You sure you don’t want to take me up on the sex slave offer?” He asked innocently. “I’ll make sure you never regret it. It can be payback for your ancestors.”

  Ice smiled and pushed him playfully. “Go to class before you get suspended again.”

  He grinned, grabbed her, and planted a sloppy kiss on her forehead.

  Her eyes widened in shock.

  “Suspended who me? Never!” He joked.

  She felt his lips press against her cheek briefly before he released her. With a stupid grin on her face, she lifted her hand to that cheek.

  He kissed her…he kissed her twice.

  Peyton smiled winked at her mischievously before looking down at his phone. “Fuck!”

  He grabbed her arm. “I would give you more kisses, but I am on the verge of getting suspended.” He smiled broadly and ran past her. His footsteps echoing down the hallway.

  Ice watched his body disappear around the corner curiously. Almost halfway through senior year and now they chose to interact?

  What a bummer.



  Peyton groaned and looked at the clock again. He ran his fingers through his hair and heard giggling behind him. He turned to the sound. One of them was a rather small nerdy black girl with a Mohawk, and the other was an obese Spanish girl with black hair all the way down her back.

  He flashed them a smile and a wink. The two girls turned to each other and giggled some more. Eyelashes fluttering, fingers waving, heads lifting proudly.

  Peyton looked back at the clock. “Fuck.”

  “Mr. Stone, is there something you would like to discuss with the class?” Mr. Sinclair sneered. The whole class turned to stare at the student being called out in anticipation. Any altercation between Mr. Sinclair and Peyton made History class all the more interesting.

  Peyton tilted his head in confusion, unaware he’d spoken out loud. He looked at Mr. Sinclair and genuinely debated whether it was worth saying something, when there was only 4 minutes left of class.

  He decided to let it go. He was in a good mood. He’d finally made a move on Iceria Johnson and the way things were going he was going to end his senior year on a good note.

  He smiled and shook his head. “Nah, go ahead, you got this.”

  A couple students snickered as the stared back at the balding teacher.

  Mr. Sinclair looked at the teen in disgust.

  Peyton sighed and sat back.

  “Obviously Mr. Stone there is something you would like to share with us.” Mr. Sinclair insisted putting his hands on his hips.

  His nagging nasally voice was annoying. Peyton looked back at the clock.

  Two minutes.

  He wasn’t going to answer back. He was going to make it out of this class without an incident.

  “Mr. Stone, you never seem to participate in any of the discussions. You come in, sit in the back, disrespect the class. Think you’re mightier than thou.” Mr. Sinclair insisted as he walked slowly towards the back of the room.

  Peyton groaned and rubbed his face.

  “You don’t do anything. Absolutely nothing. You just sit in the back of my class as though you own the whole world. Do you expect answers to fall from the sky?” Mr. Sinclair sputtered.

  Peyton ignored his teacher as he looked at the clock.

  One more minute.

  “Do you know anything Mr. Stone? Are you good at anything? Is there anything you know how to do instead of just sitting there thinking you’re some sort of Greek god?” Mr. Sinclair voice was now a couple pitches higher.

  The class moved anxiously in their seats at the interaction, grateful for the distraction.

  Peyton closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He exhaled and looked down at his desk. His body tense, hands gripping the desk.

  “Tell me, is there anything you know how to do Mr. Stone? Anything huh? Anything you’re good at? Besides being a distraction in my class.” Mr. Sinclair practically shouted.

  “Ask your wife.” Peyton looked up and smiled. “She wasn’t complaining last night Mr. Sinclair.”

  The class didn’t bother to hide their laughter. Claps and high fives and the buzz of excitement going around the room as the bell finally rang.

  Mr. Sinclair red with outrage could not think of a comeback.

  Peyton got up grabbed his book bag and grinned at the teacher. “I’ll see you tomorrow okay, same time, same place. Kiss your wife goodnight for me.”

  “Detention! STONE detention!”

  Peyton had already walked out. Ignoring Mr. Sinclair’s threat of detention. If he got detention, he wouldn’t have enough time to put his plan to seduce Ice into effect.

  He had it figured out for the most part. He just needed the perfect opportunity. She’d turned down all his other subtle advances and flirting, but that only made him want her more. On one hand, she gave off the air every popular girl in her circle. Rich, beautiful and full of herself. And then he would catch her, when she wasn’t with her friends. When she wasn’t smiling and being a bitch. When she got that look in her eyes as if she was a million miles away.

  The way she walked, the way she talked as if she had a million secrets inside her. Peyton wanted to uncover every single one. His crush was getting ridiculous. It was now their senior year, he’ll be going back to California soon. Why not live a little? Why not find out if those thick brown lips of hers were as soft as they looked.

  He smiled. Maybe if he got lucky, he’ll see his little Ice princess right about now. He looked around for the nearest exit because he really needed a smoke. A bad habit he knew, but one his mom surpr
isingly didn’t nag him about at all. Peyton found the exit and stopped. Maybe he could put off the smoking for a little while longer. He still hadn’t seen Ice and her entourage. They would usually be somewhere around here.


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