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Ice: Part I

Page 17

by Penny Hawking

  Michael’s chair scraped back and in a second he was in front of Peyton. “What the fuck?” He grabbed Peyton’s collar, yanking him up to face him.

  “Oh…. shit.” Maddie whispered slowly as she picked up her glass of champagne.

  Ice snapped out of her trance and looked up at the two guys.

  Michael holding Peyton’s collar tightly, glaring at him. His nose flaring from his heavy breathing.

  Peyton didn’t look the least bit scared in fact, he seemed highly amused.

  Ice heard gasping and whispering and turned around to see that a couple of the customers were eyeing their table.

  “Hey guys calm down.” Ice said softly, not trying to draw any more attention to them. “Let’s not make a scene.”

  “Oh no please continue.” Maddie said.

  “Maddie.” Ice whispered harshly.

  Maddie shrugged. “This is the most action some of these people are gonna have tonight anyways.”

  “Let go of me.” Peyton said calmly.

  Michael grabbed his shirt tighter. “You think you can just come in here and kiss my girlfriend huh? White boy.” He sneered getting closer to Peyton’s face. Their noses touching

  “Michael calm down.” Ice whispered, looking at them nervously. “Please.” Michael was strong.

  Peyton leaned into Michael and whispered something so low, the girls weren’t able to hear him. But whatever he said startled Michael. The latter staring in confusion and then quickly anger. Peyton smirked, grabbed Michael’s arms and shoved him off. Michael stumbled a few feet back.

  “My girlfriend now.” Peyton said smoothly.

  Maddie’s mouth formed a big ‘O’ as her eyes widened in shock.

  “Peyton stop.” Ice whispered.

  Michael stormed towards them and shoved Peyton back a couple feet.

  “Know your place.” Michael groaned, his hand in a fist, punched Peyton in the stomach.

  Ice gasped, along with several other customers.

  Peyton grimaced from the pain, but his left hand immediately shot up and connected with Michael’s jaw.

  Michael’s head moved to the side from the impact of the blow.

  An old couple a table away stood up and moved away.

  “Fight!” A little boy yelled.

  Everything happened so fast. Ice could barely react.

  “Bastard!” Michael yelled as he tackled Peyton. They both crashed into a table. Peyton groaning at the contact with his back. He pushed back and they both fell to the floor. Michael might be bigger and stronger, but Peyton had been in way more fights. He was a scrapper.

  An old lady’s loud scream caused the rest of the restaurant to go in chaos. Chairs moving, men yelling, babies crying.

  “You guys stop it! Stop it! This is dumb.” Ice yelled to the boys.

  They both ignored her as they rolled on the floor arms and fists flying everywhere.

  Ice turned to Maddie. “Maddie help, tell them to stop.”

  “Why? Michael deserves to get his ass kicked. Besides it’s a good show.” Maddie said looking on, impressed.

  “Maddie!” Ice she yelled frustrated.

  Maddie rolled her eyes. “Look Ice, there are two boys who hate each other, fighting on the floor. Do you really think they’re gonna stop just because I tell them too? Besides, they’re not even fighting over me.” Maddie winked and smiled at Ice. “Anyways, it looks like lover boy here is giving Michael a good ass kicking.”

  Ice looked down at the guys, and it did look like Peyton had the upper hand in the fight. People were scurrying away frantically but there were security guards making their way towards them.

  Peyton climbed on top of Michael and straddled him. One hand on the older boy’s neck, and the other punched him in the face. There was blood everywhere. Michael’s face, Peyton’s face, Peyton’s hand.

  Michael growled and punched Peyton’s side repeatedly.

  Ice cringed, sure he’d broken a rib.

  He was trying to shake Peyton off, but couldn’t. They both fell to their side, but not before Peyton’s fist connected with Michael’s nose once again.

  By that time the two security guards had made their way to the boys. Struggling to get them to release each other. Michael and Peyton were both too angry to stop throwing fists.

  “Monsieur Stone, Monsieur Richards that’s enough.” The manager said in a heavy French accent as the guards pulled them apart.

  “Je vois en prie!” The short round French manager pleaded.

  The security guards had managed to get the two guys off each other. One holding back Peyton and the other Michael. They were both glaring at one another, panting heavily.

  Ice brought her hand to her mouth. There was so much blood. This was her first time witnessing an actual fight. Peyton’s lip was bleeding, he had blood running down his nose, on the cheek, there was a scratch. Michael looked like he’d also been through hell. His lips, nose, blood, the side of his face looked to be swelling.

  “Get off me.” Peyton resisted as the security guard locked his arm around his chest. Refusing to release him. He struggled as he pulled Peyton towards the front. The other guard did the same to Michael.

  “Get off me! Let me go.” Michael demanded.

  “We are so sorry. We’re gonna leave.” Ice said grabbing her purse. “I’m so sorry, so sorry.” She lowered her head in shame and hurried away.

  “We apologize for the disturbance.” Maddie added flashing one of her smiles and grabbing her purse.

  People started whispering louder.

  “Isn’t that the Richards’ son?”

  “Yes, and his girlfriend, the Johnson’s daughter.”

  “Wait I’m pretty sure that’s Cheryl’s son.”

  “Oh yes, I heard her son was a piece of work.”

  “Oh yes, haven’t seen them here in a while.

  “And what is McCallister’s daughter doing here?”

  “Are they all together?”

  “Why were they fighting?”

  Maddie looked at Ice nervously, the rumors were about to start, and they were going to get hell at home. They rushed to the entrance. The boys were outside. The security guards blocking the view of the other.

  “Fuck you.”

  “What you think you’re big and bad?”

  “Come at me again.”

  “Say it to my pretty face!”

  “I will fuck you up boy!”

  “All talk for such a big man.” Peyton put his hands up with a smirk. “Got beat up by a high schooler.”

  Maddie grabbed Peyton’s arm and smiled. “Honey, let’s get out of here.” She whispered. “He’s okay, he’s okay. That’s our car, our car’s coming. We’re leaving. We’re leaving.” She assured the security guards who was hesitant on stepping away.

  Peyton looked over the security guard’s shoulder at Ice.

  Ice shook her head. “Go, you guys should go.” She handed the valet their ticket.

  Maddie tugged Peyton’s arms as his black Corvette pulled up. “You won Romeo, Ice will take it from here.” She whispered. “We’re all in shits.”

  Peyton stared at Ice who was trying to calm Michael down.

  Ice looked back and caught his gaze. She gave him a quick nod and he relaxed. Maddie put the keys in his hand and shoved him towards the driver door.

  Maddie turned and put a hand up to tell Ice to call her before she slipped into the car.

  Ice nodded before turning back to Michael. “Are you okay?” Ice asked reaching for his arm as soon as they were out the restaurant.

  “I’m fine.” Michael said angrily snatching his arm away from her. He grabbed the car keys from the valet angrily. “What the fuck are you looking at?”

  The poor boy shook his head violently and moved away. Ice opened the passenger door and got in. She jumped a little when Michael got in and slammed his door.

  He sped off, without once looking in her direction.

  Ice held on to the door handle and stared st
raight ahead. Now was a good time as any right? She swallowed hard. She would never have imagined in a million years that something like this would happen. Especially not to her. And now she was going to do the most daring thing she’d ever done in her life.

  “How long have you been fucking him?” Michael asked coldly, after a couple minutes of silence.

  “What?” Ice asked shocked. “I’m not sleeping with him.”

  “Oh, come on, don’t give me that innocent face bullshit! You might have our parents fooled Ice, but not me. Your little fucktoy, came to that restaurant to beat the shit out of me, and you’re gonna tell me you haven’t fucked him! Yeah right. You’re definitely spreading your legs.” He said bitterly.

  “I didn’t sl---”

  “And this whole time, I was treating you like some little pure virgin, when in reality you’re a fucking slut.” Michael said laughing dryly

  Ice closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Your just like all the rest of them. I should have known; the signs were all there. I just never paid attention, never choose to believe it.” He said slowly to himself.

  “Shut-up.” Ice whispered, closing her fist

  “…and you were always trying to fucking kiss me…. touch me, what the fuck? Was that before or after you came back from sucking his little trailer trash dick?” He asked raising his voice.

  “Shut-up Michael.” Ice said softly. “It’s not like that.”

  Michael laughed. “You had me fooled. Your little innocent act. Your shyness. Your obedience. if I’d known you were such an accomplished slut, I would’ve--”

  “Shut up! Just shut the fuck up okay!” Ice yelled

  Michael swerved the car in shock. He turned to look at her. Never had he heard her curse. Who was this girl? She was supposed to be his prim and proper lady.

  Ice was surprised herself. She gasped and put her hand on her chest. “It’s over.” She whispered quickly, riding her high. She turned to Michael. “I’m breaking up with you.”

  Michael blinked in confusion. “You’re breaking up with me?” He asked. He let out an incredulous laugh.

  “Yes, I’m breaking up with you. I don’t love you Michael, and you obviously don’t love me. We are doing this because of our parents, but we shouldn’t.” Ice spoke up. It felt strange speaking up. Really strange. It didn’t feel like her. But she couldn’t stop now, she couldn’t.

  She tried to find more words. To tell him how she felt, but this was new. This was so new to her. They never interacted like this. They never went this deep. She sighed and felt a tear roll down her cheek. She wiped it quickly.

  “I had the biggest crush on you for a very long time.” She admitted. She closed her eyes and opened it slowly. “Yo---you----you make me---you make me ashamed of----” she swallowed hard. “Of---wanting---more-----of being…..”

  Michael’s eyes softened as he stared at the road. He lowered his head in shame.

  She wiped her cheeks and placed her hands in her lap. “You don’t know me.” She whispered. “Our family, your parents…you…it’s just the idea of me. The perfect black girl, with the perfect life, with the perfect upbringing and money.” Her voice cracked at the end as she wringed her fingers nervously. She wiped her tears as she tried not to cry in his Mercedes.

  “Ice….” Michael looked at her. “It wasn’t just our parents.” He said with surprised sincerity in his voice. “I chose you, okay. I think you’re great, you’re beautiful and yeah you’re all those things but….” He grabbed the steering wheel tightly. “I’m 21, you’re 17, you’re still underage.”

  She lifted her head to him in confusion. “That’s…..your…. reasoning?” she asked slowly.

  “I’m going to be a lawyer.” Michael spoke up. “I need to be blameless. I need you to be blameless. I have a reputation, a face I need to present. My family, our family is perfect! We can’t destroy the image----”

  “Do you like guys?” Ice asked gently cutting him off.

  “And we---wh----what?” He asked in shock. He blinked rapidly.

  They stared at each other briefly before he turned his attention back to the road and slowly stopped at the red light.

  “No.” He replied slowly. “And for you to even----” He swallowed hard. “Did Peyton tell you that?”

  Ice stared out the window as he continued to drive. “Six months ago,…” she spoke softly. “Shaun, your friend from college that you brought to visit----”

  “He’s a friend!”

  “You wanted to say something.” Ice continued. “You tried----”

  “He’s a fucking friend!” Michael hit the stirring wheel angrily. “Just because you are fucking some low life, doesn’t mean you should turn this shit on me!” He raged. “YOU’RE THE PROBLEM! YOU! NOT ME! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!”

  Ice pressed herself against the door, staring at him eyes wide in fear.

  Michael panted. Moving his jaw, blinking away what seemed to be tears. He took several deep breaths. Slowing down the car in front of her driveway. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and exhaled.

  He turned to her and sighed. “We’re a perfect match. Our families are perfect together. You want me to touch you Ice?” He asked. “Turn 18. We’ll fuck like rabbits.”

  Ice smiled sadly. “I don’t want to be my mother’s puppet anymore.” She whispered honestly. “You shouldn’t be your father’s.”

  Michael opened his mouth as if to say something, but nothing came out.

  “You are a great guy, I can’t complain. But I am breaking up with you. For real.” She grabbed her purse and opened his car door. “Bye.”

  Michael shook his head. “You’re making a mistake.”

  Ice turned to look at him. “Maybe it’s time for me to.” She got out his car and closed the door. She took a deep breath and stared at the black Mercedes Benz. He didn’t drive away. But through the tinted windows, she could no longer see his expression. She stood there until she finally heard the engine and Michael pulled away.

  “Oh God.” She whispered watching his car leave. What just happened? And had she really done that? She smiled. How freeing.

  “Ice.” A voice said behind her.

  She inhaled and smiled.

  Ice turned around to see Peyton leaning against a beautiful black car.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked walking over to him

  Peyton put his hands in his pockets. His white collared shirt was ruffled and no longer tucked into his black slacks. His hair was in a messy ponytail and his bottom lip was no longer bleeding, but it was cut and looked as though it was about to bruise.

  He looked up at her. “I just---”

  “You ruined my date Peyton.” She scolded. “You ruined my dinner, you got in a fight. You broke a table!”

  “I’m sorry.” He whispered.

  “And you asked my best friend out on a date to make me jealous.” Ice punched him on the shoulder.

  Peyton winced and rubbed it.

  “Did that hurt?”


  “Good.” She folded her arms across her chest. Pretending to be mad at him was harder than she thought.

  Peyton looked up at her under his long eyelashes. “I’m sorry.” He whispered again.

  Ice stepped closer to him. She was less than an arm’s length away. “And fighting, fighting is not cool. You don’t just go around beating up people’s boyfriends… well ex-boyfriend.”

  Peyton straightened up and looked at her. A small smile came to his lips.

  “No matter how good you can fight, or how sexy you look doing it.” Ice said breathing heavily. She stepped closer to him.

  Peyton wrapped his arms around her waist slowly and brought her closer to him. He dipped his head.

  When their lips were close. Ice looked up into his eyes. “So, no more fighting okay Mr. Stone.”

  Peyton nodded.

  “…no matter how much of a turn on it is.” Ice ended huskily. “Nobody’s eve
r fought for me before.”

  Ice stepped on her tippy toes and kissed Peyton softly on the lips. She pressed her lips against his harder wanting more. Then remembering his bruised lip, she stepped back.

  “Are you okay?” she asked concerned.

  “Yes.” Peyton said roughly, as he brought his hands up to each side of her face and kissed her hard.


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