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Ice: Part I

Page 25

by Penny Hawking

“Not this one again.” Priya said.

  “No, it’s a different ending Pre.” Bam-Bam insisted.

  The rest of the dinner was followed by Bam-Bam telling the rest of his corny jokes, though Peyton had to admit, he did have a couple good ones for a 5-year-old.

  “Okay, we’re gonna watch one movie and one movie only.” Peyton said to a jumping Bam-Bam and his sister. “So, make it good.”

  “Okay.” Bam-Bam said darting downstairs to the basement.

  Priya looked up at Peyton. “I don’t really care what we watch, but I’ll go downstairs and leave you two alone.” She smirked.

  Peyton pushed her head. “Get out of here.” He said playfully, as Priya headed downstairs.

  Peyton returned to the kitchen and put his arms around Ice who was throwing away, the last remaining trash. He kissed her shoulder.

  “So how was your first fast food experience?” he asked.

  “It’s good, I can see where it can become addicting.” She said laughing.

  “Good.” He said. “Let’s go see what Disney movie, Mr. Princeton has decided to torture us with today.”

  “Okay.” Ice said her eyes sparkling as she moved.

  She was almost out of his reach when he grabbed her arm again. Peyton pulled her towards him and hugged her. He just wanted to hug her. He hugged her tight and didn’t let go.

  “Peyton?” Ice asked worriedly into his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” He said biting her nose.

  “Ouch, you savage.” Ice said laughing and slapping his chest. “Let’s go.” She said holding his hand. He walked with her down to the family theater in the basement.

  “This one, this one Pey-Pey.” Bam-Bam stood up as soon as they entered the theater.

  Peyton picked up the movie. “Of course, Hercules.” He said.

  Ice went to sit on the sofa and Bam-Bam scurried into her lap. Priya gently got up and sat next to her.

  Peyton put the movie on and dimmed the lights. He looked at the seating arrangements. It was probably best. Who knew what he would do with the lights dimmed?

  Peyton chose a recliner chair and sprawled down on it. He turned to the sofa to see Bam-Bam had nestled his head against Ice’s chest and had begun sucking his thumb. The lucky little twit. He thought as he turned his attention back to the screen as the muses started to sing.

  Half an hour into the movie Peyton had an urge to stare at Ice. Priya’s head was leaning against her shoulder and Ice was gently stroking her hair. Bam-Bam’s eyes were glued to the T.V.

  Feeling Peyton staring at her, Ice slowly turned her eyes from the T.V to his direction. She offered up a small smile, which Peyton reciprocated. She turned her eyes back to the T.V but Peyton kept staring at her.

  What was she hiding? What happened in Kansas? How could anyone in his or her right mind tell her she was a mistake? Peyton sighed. Maybe they both had secrets that were better left buried. He stretched his legs. If he could change the past, he would. If he could take back what he did and said, He would in a heartbeat. But that’s fucking life isn’t it. You can never take back what’s said and done. Once fucked, always fucked.


  Ice turned to look at Peyton and wondered what he was thinking. He watched the screen with such a serious face. He looked so distant, as though his thoughts were everywhere but on the movie.

  Ice looked down at Bam-Bam and smiled softly. He was knocked out. He looked like a little angel. She turned to Priya she was peacefully sleeping too.

  “They’re gone aren’t they?” Peyton’s voice startled her.

  “Yeah.” Ice said softly as she kissed the top of Bam-Bam’s head.

  She saw Peyton head over and pick up Bam-Bam. He immediately woke up.

  “I’m not sleepy.” He whined, barely managing to keep his eyes open.

  “Yes, you are Princeton, we’re going to bed.” Peyton said laying him on his chest.

  “Not sleepy.” He whined and then he started sniffling. Peyton stroked his hair.

  He was so adorable with his siblings.

  Ice smiled.

  “Pey-Pey.” Bam-Bam whined as he started to cry.

  “Look Ice is here; do you want to cry in front of her? If you want her to be your girlfriend then you can’t cry okay.” Peyton said scolding Bam-Bam.

  Bam-Bam lifted up his head, to look at her, and then quickly wiped his tears and buried his head in Peyton’s shoulder. He nodded. “I wanna stay with Ice.” He said in a tiny voice.

  “Ice is going to sleep too.” Peyton said. Bam-Bam turned to look at her for confirmation so Ice nodded her head and produced a yawn. Satisfied Bam-Bam put his thumb in his mouth and immediately went back to sleep.

  Ice opened her eyes in surprise. That actually worked?

  Priya slowly got up and rubbed her eyes. “I’m going to bed.” She said sleepily. She gently kissed Ice on the cheek. Peyton leaned down so she could kiss him and Bam-Bam goodnight. She then turned around gracefully and left the room.

  Ice was amazed. “How old is Priya? She seems so grown.”

  “11” Peyton answered. “I’m gonna go tuck him in, I’ll be back okay.” Peyton said softly.

  Ice nodded and sat back on the sofa. She watched as Peyton slowly disappeared with Bam-Bam. She moved around her back was hurting her and so was her neck. Ice took out her phone and looked at the time. 9:42 . She should probably head home. Surprisingly Melissa hadn’t texted her to go home.

  Ice’s phone vibrated.

  Text message from Jo.

  - Its almost 10, bitch i know you horny n I know you thinking about fucking him right now ;-)

  Ice giggled softly. Leave it to Joanna to send a random text like that. Her phone vibrated again, another text message

  This time from Maddie.

  -Please excuse Jo, she obviously thinks you two are like her and Tyrone. But seriously are you two gonna fuck tonight?

  Ice blushed. Those two were obviously together. They tried to take turns with Maddie. Making sure she wasn’t ever alone. Getting her out of her house. They had more sleepovers this year than ever before. Melissa had agreed just because of Mariam’s condition. It was fun not sleeping at home. To hang out with Maddie and Jo even more after school. To hang out with Peyton. Ice was devastated that Maddie’s family was going through this. But in some ways it was pulling them closer together.

  Her phone vibrated again; Jo.

  -Is our precious Ice having sex right now?

  -stop it!

  Ice grinned as she texted back.

  -we were just watching a movie with his siblings

  Maddie’s message lit up her screen.

  -oohhh girl the sex comes after

  “Who’s that?” Peyton asked as he settled down next to her.

  Ice looked up sharply and blushed. “Just Jo and Maddie being dumb.” She said exiting out of her messages. She hadn’t heard him come back down or enter the room.

  Peyton stretched out and smiled at her. “Does it have to do with sex?” He teased.

  Ice giggled shyly and tugged her earlobe. She took a deep breath.

  “You okay?” Peyton asked casually looking her over.

  She nodded frantically. “Yeah.” She said. “yeah, yep….yeah.”

  Peyton looked down with a small smile. “Okay.” He got off the couch. “You want a drink?” he asked standing up and heading over to the mini fridge.

  “Yes please, water.” Ice said rubbing her neck.

  Peyton got out two bottles and handed her one. He sat down closer than before. Ice opened up her bottle and gulped down some water. She wiped her mouth to see Peyton watching her.

  “Thirsty.” He said amused.

  Ice shrugged. “I guess.” She said pushing her bangs to the side. It was about time to get a haircut.

  Peyton opened his bottle and drank his water.

  Ice looked away choosing to focus on the ceiling.

  “Why are you nervous?” Peyton asked softly as he stretched his le
gs out and slouched in the couch.

  “I don’t know.” She answered quickly. “It’s that obvious huh?” She buried her face in her hands. “I’m being so dumb.”

  “It’s okay.” Peyton said softly. He trailed a finger across her cheek. “We’re not gonna have sex.” Peyton said.

  “We’re not?” Ice asked surprised.

  Peyton shook his head.

  “Why not? Don’t you want to?”

  Peyton gave off a soft sexy chuckle. “Fuck yeah I do.” He said as he lightly touched her arm. “But you’re not ready, you’re so nervous. I’m not gonna rush you.” He said as he trailed his fingers up her arm.

  He smiled and leaned over, giving her a soft peck on the cheek. He lingered a little and then backed off. He shifted in his seat as he rubbed his other hand on his basketball shorts. “We can make out only, touch….lick…”

  Ice laughed nervously.

  “You’re so cute when you’re nervous.” Peyton said grinning. “Relax.”

  She took a deep breath.

  Peyton put his hands up. “Should I stop? Should we stop? We don’t have to do anything.”

  She shook her head rapidly. “No no…I want…I want you----”

  “Wow…” Peyton moaned. “That’s really sexy.”


  “Saying you want me.” He whispered before kissing her.

  Ice smiled against his lips and closed her eyes, but he pulled away.

  “Stand up.”.

  Looking confused Ice got up. Peyton stretched himself out on the couch as he laid down. He looked up at her and stretched his arms out to her.

  “Come here.” He said softly.

  Ice laid down next to him the couch. She was placed between him and the cushions. Her back pressed against the couch and Peyton wrapped his arms loosely around her hips. They laid like that and stared at each other for a while.

  “Don’t be nervous.” Peyton said softly.

  “I’m not nervous.” Ice said. She wanted to tell him that when he talked like that it turned her on. It was a low confident soft voice that sent shivers all throughout her body. Ice brought her hand up to his face and gently caressed the side of his face. Peyton gave a slow smile.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Peyton said, not taking his eyes off hers.

  Ice smiled.

  “Your skin is soft.” She said quietly. She ran her index finger down his cheek.

  “Not as soft as yours.” He whispered as he slipped a hand under her shirt and slowly began rubbing the exposed flesh.

  Ice’s smile grew bigger. She trailed her finger down and traced his lips. “Your lips are soft.”

  “Not as soft as yours.” He whispered as he licked his bottom lip. Ice felt his hip shift as he got a little closer.

  Ice licked her bottom lip. Peyton tightened his hold on her but didn’t do anything else.

  “Your eyes are beautiful.” She said.

  “Yours are gorgeous.” He replied.

  “Uh-uh.” Ice said laughing. “Yours change colors.”

  Peyton thought about that. “Okay, you got that one, yours just stay dark brown…but it’s still gorgeous.” He said his head leaning towards her as he nuzzled her neck affectionately.

  Ice laughed. She wrapped her arms around his neck playfully. She ran her hand slowly up the back of his head and into his hair. Peyton sighed and Ice shuddered as she felt him gently kiss the side of her neck. He pressed his lips to the spot and gave her a soft bite. Ice resisted the urge to moan but she brought her body closer to his.

  “When you’re really happy or teasing, your eyes are blue.” Ice said softly. “When you’re indifferent, nonchalant or don’t care…it’s like light grey blue. But when you’re angry or sad, they turn from grey to dark grey depending on how serious it is.” She finished.

  Peyton lifted his head a little and stared at her. “Really?” He asked.

  Ice nodded confidently.

  “So, you always know what mood I’m in by the color of my eyes?” He asked slowly, his voice huskier than before. His hands on her side was distracting as it made its way up her back.

  Ice nodded as she shifted her hips to him.

  Peyton gave a small mischievous smile. “So…how about when I’m horny?” He asked softly.

  “Huh?” Ice asked softly.

  Peyton kissed her ear softly. “What’s my eye color when I wanna make love to you so badly I can barely keep my hands off of you?” He whispered.

  Ice’s heart started beating faster and faster. “Uumm…maybe…dark grey.” She answered softly.

  Peyton chuckled as he lifted his head and stared at her. “What color are they know?” he asked.

  Ice stared into his dark grey eyes. “Dark grey.” She whispered. She reached up and slowly touched his eyebrow and eyelids.

  Peyton scooted closer to her. Ice swallowed hard and brought her hand to rest on his arm.

  “Funny, I don’t feel angry or sad.” He whispered. His hands slowly moving up to her waist.

  Ice bit down on her bottom lip.

  Peyton scooted closer and leaned his forehead against hers gently. “I see you everywhere, in everything. I smell your scent all over the place. It drives me crazy.” He said gently bringing his hand up and caressing her lips.

  Ice closed her eyes and focused on the small tingles his finger left as he traced her lips.

  Peyton closed his eyes. “I think about you so much. I dream about you.” He said moving his hand gently caressing her shoulder.

  “I dream about your eyes, your smile…your lips…your tongue…how they feel against my skin.” He whispered as he took her finger and pressed it softly against his pink lips. Peyton slowly brought his tongue out and licked the tip of her finger. His tongue felt warm and inviting.

  Who knew such a small gesture could have such a big impact? Ice slowly parted her lips as though to speak, but no words came out. Peyton gave her finger one long gentle suck. He ran his tongue over it. And her whole body shook.

  Peyton opened his eyes. “God, I dream about that blowjob you gave me, every night.”

  He brought her hand against his cheek and slowly trailed it down to his chest, not once breaking eye contact. He ran her hand down to his stomach

  Peyton rocked his hips as he closed his eyes and brought her hand further down his stomach.

  Ice saw and felt tiny soft blond hair. Peyton groaned softly as he ran her hands over the tent in his shorts. Through the shorts, Peyton pressed her hand against his more than evident erection as he moved it up and down the length of him. He wrapped her hand against his length and squeezed. Ice let out a moan as Peyton tried to control his shallow breathing. The only thing standing between him feeling her hand on his flesh was his shorts. He pulled his shorts down a little to reveal his boxers. He slowly brought her hand back up to the elastic band on his boxers.

  And in that moment she froze.

  Which Peyton noticed and paused. “You okay?”

  She nodded. She’d seen his dick, she’d touched his dick, hell she’d sucked his dick. Why did she hesitate? Why did she stop now? She wanted it. She did. Why was she so nervous?

  Because it was different.

  This make-out today was so different.

  This was going to be sex. She knew it.

  What if he didn’t like fucking her?

  What if they tried and it was horrible because she didn’t know what she was doing?

  “Hey, we have all the time in the world okay.” Peyton said shifting quickly at her lack of response. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything you don’t want to do.” He said putting his hands in the air as a sign of surrender.

  “No, it’s not…I’m….” Ice trailed off.

  “Let’s put on a movie.” Peyton loudly. He jumped up and headed to the T.V.

  Ice nodded and rubbed her face. She’d messed it up.

  Ice looked at the screen and shot him a questioning look. “Beauty and the Beast?”
r />   “Hey, I think it’s very manly of me to admit I like this movie.” He said defensively.

  Ice laughed.

  Peyton smiled back as he sat on the recliner chair. “It’s not that I don’t want to sit next to you.” Peyton said softly as if reading her mind. “But just in case you needed space.”

  Ice nodded. “I want to.”

  Peyton put his hand up and grinned. “It’s okay, seriously. I’m just constantly horny. It’s fine.” He blew her a kiss in confirmation.


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