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Ice: Part I

Page 36

by Penny Hawking

  “Seriously, I didn’t mean to intrude on your family.” Ice spoke up quickly turning to him.

  “You’re not. You’re not at all it’s fine.” Peyton nodded and smiled. “It’s fine.”

  Ice nodded.

  “But---but why did you come here last night? What happened?” He asked softly.

  Ice sighed and turned her head once more to Peyton. “I think my mom has officially lost her shit.” She whispered and shook her head. “I had to get out of there.”

  “Oh shit…” He whispered back. “You okay?”

  “Yeah…yeah….” She took a deep breath and smiled. “Yeah…”

  “You uh…. you wanna talk about it?” He asked.

  Ice closed her eyes and then opened them slowly and nodded. “Yeah.” She whispered.

  “Okay.” He whispered back.

  She bit down on her bottom lip. “But uhm…I uh…I think I need to take a shower first.” She stopped and exhaled. “I didn’t bring any clothes.”

  “I could lend you some.” Peyton interjected. “The hoody looks good on you.”

  Ice giggled and he smiled at her.


  They sat on his bedroom floor. She in a grey t-shirt and black sweats that he lent her. She wasn’t wearing any underwear or bra. She wore his football socks. He’d changed into grey sweats and a light blue muscle shirt.

  “Your hair looks really nice.”

  Ice touched her hair. “You like it?”

  Peyton nodded. “Yeah…you’re really pretty.” He whispered.

  Ice smiled and ran her hand subconsciously over her hair again. “It was a spur of the moment decision.”

  “I’m sorry I cursed at you.” Peyton whispered emotionally. “What I said at your house…. that wasn’t okay.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry…I…. I got scared.”

  “It’s okay.” She whispered back.

  “I probably sounded like a fucking maniac.” He chuckled sadly. “No wonder you broke up with me.” He hugged his knees. “I’m a fucking mess.”

  “I didn’t break up with you.” Ice countered in confusion. “I just said to stop before we said things we didn’t mean. I was sick and you were…” she chuckled. “worried sick and not being very nice…so I thought it best if we just waited until things cooled down.”

  Peyton exhaled deeply. “But you did break up with me.”

  “No.” Ice shook her head. “No, I didn’t----wait----you think we’re broken up?”

  Peyton grabbed his phone off his bed. He pressed his thumb against it and scrolled through something she couldn’t see. He stretched his phone out to her and she took it.

  Ice exhaled deeply as she read the text message she supposedly sent. “I didn’t send that.” She said giving him back his phone. She picked up her phone on the floor. “And this is my phone’s current situation.” She showed him her phone. No contact, no messages, nothing.

  “So, you didn’t break up with me?”

  “No.” She laughed. “It was Melissa, she’d taken my phone when I was sick…. she….ugghhhhh…oh my God….you can’t even imagine what happened to me since I left you at the library last week.”

  Peyton leaned over and kissed her desperately. His mouth moving over hers. Lips so soft and needy. Ice smiled and kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

  Peyton’s hands moved up and down her back. Their lips parted and they kissed again. The soft sounds of their lips sucking on each other filled the room. They slowly parted again, and Ice smiled.

  “I love you Iceria.” He said seriously.

  Ice paused and looked up into his dark grey eyes. She opened her mouth to talk but Peyton caught her off.

  “I mean…I really love you…I know we’re young and shit, but I know what I’m talking about. And I was just so scared that you would abandon me, that you weren’t able to handle all the shit I had in my past.” Peyton explained.

  Ice smiled. “Your past is not an issue.”

  “I know I’m really persistent. I don’t want to pressure you or anything, believe me Ice.” Peyton took a deep breath and let it out. “If ever you think I’m pressuring you, let me know…if you think I do too much, or I’m too clingy and emotional just let me know.” Peyton was dead serious as he looked at her. “If you think I’m controlling you or I’m just…I don’t know…If you think I’m going to fast, or I’m restricting you from something…or you’re suffocating…”

  Ice put her hand over his mouth and shook her head. “Peyton, you’re not doing any of that, its fine. You’re fine. We’re fine. I love you too.” She said.

  Peyton smiled. “I know…I just…” He looked at her. “My family’s really touchy as you can tell, all the hugging and kissing and the affection, that’s what I’m used to, but if ever you feel as though, I need to back up or slow down…”

  Ice shook her head and put both her hands over his mouth because apparently just one didn’t work. “Stop it.” She said seriously. “I love it, everything. Everything about your family, the display of affection, the hugging and kissing…I love it all.” She smiled at him. “I’m glad I met you…I’m glad I met your family…I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.” She said taking her hands off his mouth.

  “I’m serious Ice.” Peyton insisted.

  “I’m serious too.” Ice replied.

  They sat and stared at each other.

  Peyton looked up at the ceiling. “I’m serious as in if I had the opportunity, I would marry you right now.” He said slowly.

  Ice smiled. “Me too.”

  Peyton looked down at her. “I’m sorry I didn’t give you your space when you needed it. I’m sorry I was telling you to be independent and when you were… I started bitching about it.” He said seriously. “God, I keep replaying that day in my head and I fucked up so bad.”

  “It’s okay.” Ice said. “Seriously…. none of us were in a good place.”

  “I almost relapsed.” He said softly, not taking his eyes off hers.

  “Almost?” Ice asked gently rubbing his arm.

  Peyton nodded. “But then I thought about my family…and you…the people I love the most and wouldn’t want to hurt.”

  Ice smiled and squeezed his hand.

  Peyton looked down at their hand.

  “No bullshit okay.” He said softly. “I need to know if this is as real to you as it is for me. When I thought you’d left me…I was… guess I realized how attached to you I was.” He said staring into her eyes. “I realized how much you really meant to me…and if you were ever to leave me…I don’t know…but if you want to…” He looked at her and took a breath.

  Ice waited.

  “I guess what I’m trying to say is…if you don’t want to be with me…say it now…it will hurt but I’ll live…otherwise…” He gently touched her cheek. “I’m yours okay…and you can’t leave me.” He said quietly. “Please. Don’t abandon me.”

  Ice thought about it. “So, what you’re saying is, either I leave you now and go about my business or risk being stuck with you for the rest of my life?”

  Peyton nodded.

  Ice smiled slowly and put up her pinky finger. “Promise?”

  “Are you sure?” He questioned.

  Ice sat up on her knees and wrapped her arms around him. Her head tilted as she kissed him deeply. Her tongue invading his mouth. Seeking, probing.

  Peyton wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Kissing her back eagerly. They hadn’t kissed in a week. Hadn’t touched. They couldn’t let go of each other. Their hands roaming, squeezing, grabbing.

  Surprisingly it was Peyton who pulled away first. “You have---you have to ---to tell me what happened.” He moaned breathlessly. He licked his bottom lip and stared longingly at her.

  “I was sick cause my mom was poisoning us, and I think she’s really losing her marbles.” Ice stated. She smiled. “And can I tell you the rest later, cause I really want to make out.”

Peyton’s hand cupped the back of her neck as he smashed their lips together. Their arms once again wrapping against each other. Bodies rubbing in anticipation.

  “Wait…wait….” Peyton whispered, letting go of her.

  Ice nodded and stood up when he did.

  He went to his door and rushed halfway down the stairs. “Hey you two okay?”

  “Yeah.” His siblings responded simultaneously.

  “Priya can you keep an eye on Bam-Bam.” Peyton asked.

  “You’re leaving?” She turned around and bent her head to stare up at her brother on the stairs.

  “No, we’re just upstairs. We’re gonna be a little busy doing some homework. So, don’t bother us for a little bit okay.”

  Priya scrunched her face. “Fine.”

  “Thanks.” Peyton grinned. “Love ya.”

  He rushed back upstairs and locked his bedroom door. Ice was already within reach, so he grabbed her and kissed her. They giggled as they kissed each other. Their hands feeling up on each other’s body. Peyton walked her backwards until her leg hit the edge of his bed. Without breaking their kissing, they both fell back on his bed with Peyton on top of her.

  Their bodies moving against each other’s. His erection right at her center, rubbing against her as he trailed kisses down her neck.

  Ice closed her eyes and moaned. His lips were soft. They pressed against her shoulder and on her shoulder blade. She didn’t remember when he’d lifted her shirt, but he had. He kissed her breast and she moaned. He licked her nipple and she shuddered.

  But he didn’t stop there.

  Her head back, her hands roamed over his soft long hair as he trailed kisses down her stomach. Against her belly button. Kissing her waist, her hip, her pelvic bone.

  Ice opened her eyes as she realized what was going on.

  Peyton grinned as he sat up straddling him. He lifted his t-shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. “Can I?” He whispered, touching the hem of the sweats she wore.

  Ice nodded shyly and slowly lifted her butt as he pulled down her sweats. He tugged them off her legs and her hands instinctively went to cover her private area.

  Peyton smiled and positioned himself again how he was. His head down her lower half. His lips kissed her hands before removing them.

  Ice watched out of curiosity, there was no hesitation in his actions as his head settled between her thighs.

  She took a deep breath when she felt the wetness of his tongue. Her body tensing. Such simple gesture sent her nerves haywire.

  “Relax.” He whispered looking up. His tongue laid flat against her as he gave her slow deliberate licks. He smiled and sucked on her lower lips. Ice jerked. How was this possible? How was this a thing? Something so intimate, so sensual, so….

  She didn’t realize it was her that moaned as Peyton twirled his tongue. His hands gripping her hips securely as he inserted his tongue inside her.

  “Oh my God---“Ice quickly covered her mouth with her hand, at her outburst. This was happening, this was really happening. His tongue inside her.

  She inhaled sharply and moved her hips slightly. Peyton moaned against her as he slipped one of his hands inside his boxers. Grabbing himself as he lapped her up contently. His eyes opened as he watched her lips tremble. The way she moved under him. The rapid rise and fall of her chest. Her eyes were closed, and her soft moans were driving him insane.

  She was perfect.

  Did she know how perfect she was?

  Ice moaned again and gripped his head, her thighs coming together and instinctively locking his head in place. He grinned and gave her several calculated licks before he dislodged himself from in between her thighs. He quickly slid up her body, his wet mouth covering her as he kissed her passionately.

  Ice wreathed against him. Her legs parted to have him settle between them.

  She could taste herself on him. This is what she tasted like. This is what she smelled like. Peyton seemed to enjoy it. What had she been freaking out for? Her body relaxed as she let herself enjoy the kiss.

  Why had she hesitated in him going down on her? She loved the sensation. She loved everything about him. Everything he did to her body. How he made her feel. How she could just be.

  Peyton reached in between their bodies and shoved down his sweats and boxers down his ass. He grabbed and stroked himself. He kissed her deliriously as he rubbed his tip through her pink folds. Sliding it up and down. Slowly, teasingly. Taking pleasure in the fact that Ice arched herself into him, pressing her hips upward as if begging, needing.

  He gasped as he broke the kiss and sucked on her neck, positioning himself at her entrance. He could feel the warmth waiting for him. She was already so wet. So willing.

  “Peyton….” She moaned in ecstasy as she moved against him.

  He couldn’t. The way she said his name. He groaned and closed his eyes as he kissed her again. Her lips parted and waiting. At the same time, he slowly entered her.

  Ice stiffened slightly.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay…” Peyton whispered as he stilled. He took deep control breaths. “Want me to stop?” He whispered.

  Ice shook her head and he smiled and kissed her again. Her arms wrapped around him as he pulled out slightly and eased his way back inside her a little more than before.

  “You okay?” He whispered against her ear as he slowly pulled out and entered her again. His hands supported him on each side of her head, but he was gripping the sheets as he tried to maintain control. It was taking everything in him not to pick up the pace. To be slow, to be careful, to take his time. Especially since he wanted this for so long. Especially since she felt so good. Especially with how wet she was. “Deeper?” It was more of him begging than asking.

  Ice closed her eyes and nodded, so he sank deeper. Pulling back and sinking even deeper. Every entrance giving him more than before. His mouth moved against hers as he kissed her with all he had. His hips now moving a little faster as he slid in and out of her. Ice’s body responsive as it moved with him, as she instinctively followed his lead. As she pressed against him.

  God they were perfect. The perfect match.

  He reached between them, sliding his hands down her stomach and over her soft pubic hair. His fingers found the slippery nub it was seeking and gently rubbed it in a circular motion as he fucked her. His lips parted, he watched her face for her reactions. He needed her to be close. He wanted her to cum. And from what he experienced, Ice was sensitive to his touch. Her breathing pattern always changed when she was close. Her tongue touched her bottom lip. She furrowed her eyebrows as if in confusion and then she rocked against him and he knew she was almost there when she said---

  “Please, Peyton.” She whimpered.

  “Fuck.” He moaned as he grabbed her hips and increased his speed. He panted as he fucked her faster. Ice was squeezing him. She felt so good. He was so close. Just one more fuck, and then he’ll pull out. wait just one more. One more again and he’ll pull out. No one more, he could hold out. He looked up at her. The ecstasy on her face, her parted lips. The way her fingers dug into his arm.

  He would love her forever.

  He crashed their lips together as he dove deeper inside her. Their bodies pressed together, he just went deeper and deeper. Determined to never get out. They were one. He broke their kiss and squeezed his eyes shut as his body shook. He dropped his head and moaned against her neck as his grip on her ass, kept their bodies locked together. Cuming harder than he ever had in his life. He kept pumping as he drained himself inside her. His balls smacking against her.

  “Fuck….” He collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily against her neck, his hair slightly damp. He jerked inside her a couple more times as they held each other in a tight embrace.

  Both parties panting uncontrollably. Ice shaking slightly underneath him.

  Peyton smiled and lifted his head slowly, ignoring the tendrils of hair over his eye. “You okay?” He whispered breathlessly.

tried to breath as she opened her eyes for the first time in a while. She stared up at him and could only nod, unable to speak yet.

  His grey eyes grew small as he smiled wider. “Did you like it?” He whispered again.

  Ice nodded again. “Yes.” She whispered this time in a timid voice. She blushed and tightened her hold around him.

  “I love you.” He whispered before kissing her gently.

  Ice closed her eyes again and kissed him with a smile on her face. Her entire body buzzing in the aftermath of what just happened.


  “I love you. I love you so fucking much.” He whispered in her ear as he hugged her to him.

  They settled in his bed. His covers now over them. Ice had put back on the clothes he’d given her. She’d wanted to take a shower, but he’d dragged her back to the bed. He only slipped up his boxers and had pulled the covers back wanting her to settle in it. Placing little kisses on her neck, caressing her.

  Ice had giggled excitedly as she giggled now.


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