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Ice: Part I

Page 40

by Penny Hawking

  Speaking of Peyton, he’d been upset when she’d called and said she was going back home. Said he didn’t understand. Asked if Melissa was forcing her. She’d said she was tired. That she wouldn’t mind sleeping in her bed. He asked what about him? What about them?

  She didn’t understand. She told him they were great. That she just needed to sleep. That she was tired, a lot was happening, she had a lot on her mind. She was physically exhausted. He’d quickly apologized and told her to rest.

  She hung up feeling as if Peyton wanted to protest some more. She wanted to tell him it was okay. she didn’t plan to stay in the house for the rest of her life. Not even the rest of the school year. She just couldn’t.

  She refused to be under Melissa’s overprotective, mentally unstable wing. It was time for her to be free once and for all.

  “Why did you bring me with you to kill aunty Aniyah?” Ice spoke up.

  Melissa looked up from her tablet. “Iceria sweetheart, her abusive boyfriend killed her, you know that.”

  Ice bit into her butter toast and chewed slowly. “No, we killed her.”

  Her mother took a deep breath and put down her tablet.

  Ice stared off past Melissa’s shoulder as if in a trance as she chewed her toast. “We went to her house. I woke her up. You hit her with her bat. You messed with the electric wires. I shot her when she moved. You shot her dead. And then we burned it. We burned everything down.”

  Ice slowly moved her gaze to her mother. “That’s your leverage over me.” Ice shook her head. “I was six.” She whispered. “I was six….and you were sick…”

  Melissa simply stirred her coffee in silence.

  “You wanted my silence, my obedience, my perfect nature….” A silent tear rolled down Ice’s cheek. “I just wanted a mom…you stopped loving me because of whatever happened with dad and aunty Aniyah.”

  “I never stopped loving you.” Melissa spoke up seriously. “Ever.”

  Ice blinked. “There’s something wrong with you. Not me…. with you mom….with you.”

  “Everything I have done…. everything is for your own good. Don’t talk about things you don’t understand.”

  “Those doctors? The terrorizing? The complete control over----”

  “Everything I have done has been for you!” Melissa spoke seriously. “Everything.” Her hazel eyes blazed. “You have the best.” She smiled warmly. “You’re protected and beautiful and nobody…. nobody, Iceria can touch you.”

  Ice shook her head. “I don’t want to live with you anymore mom.” Ice cried silently as she stared at her with blurry tears. “I can’t. I want to be my own person. Do my own thing. I don’t want to live in constant fear of you. If that’s my punishment for what we’ve done. I don’t want it. I don’t. Not anymore.”

  Melissa stared past her daughter.

  “I’m tired of this. Of this game we play…. of fear and obedience.”

  “Go away.” Melissa whispered looking past Ice’s shoulder. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Go.”

  Ice turned around in confusion and looked behind her. There was nobody there. She knew there wasn’t anybody there. They were the only two in the house. She slowly turned back around.

  Melissa shook her head. “She thinks you’re going to be like her. You’re not. You’re not her. No.” Melissa stared deep into Ice’s eyes. “For you to be like her….” She scoffed. “Well, I’ll never allow it.”

  “What was she like?” Ice asked.

  Melissa blinked in surprise.

  “Why is it so bad for me to be like her? Why can’t I? What did she ever do wrong but sleep with dad?” Ice demanded. “But even then, that never seemed to be the issue. You’re confusing. You take everything and you turn it around. You’re manipulative!” Ice shouted slamming down her spoon. “You play the victim, Mom----no, no more mom----Melissa---”

  Melissa inhaled sharply.

  “You play the victim, you manipulate the outcome. You need outmost control on everything. I’m sick and fucking tired!” She stood up and slammed the table.

  Melissa opened her eyes and cocked her head to the side at Ice’s outburst.

  “And…. who do you think you’re getting loud with?” Melissa asked slightly amused. “Not with me.”

  Ice’s courage quickly dissipated as she sat back down. “Sorry.” She whispered timidly. Where had that come from? Where in the hell had that come from? That outburst. That rage.

  “Now hurry up and eat your breakfast. We have to get to the hospital.” Melissa ordered.

  She always fell right back in. “I’m driving my own car.” She spoke up.

  Melissa simply scoffed and returned to her tablet.

  Ice sighed and closed her eyes. Melissa was going to drive her crazy. Maybe that was the point.


  Sunday 3:45 p.m.

  “All the flowers.” Charles joked. “One would think I was dying.”

  “Dad…” Ice sighed.

  “Oh, that’s not funny Mr. Johnson.” Maddie exclaimed emotionally as she arranged the bouquet. “We’re just glad you’re okay.”

  “Yeah really glad.” Joanna spoke up and put her arm around Ice’s shoulder.

  “Nice of you kids to drop by this stormy afternoon to pay Ice’s old man a visit.” Charles grinned. He tried to sit up and Ice rushed to help him. He had difficulty moving his left side. Everybody was grateful he’d regained his speech, but he was scared his left side was paralyzed. Dr. Lee had assured them that since he was able to move a bit, not a lot, with some physical therapy he would recover in no time.

  “Of course, Mr. Johnson.” Tyrone nodded. “Anytime. You know my momma always talks about that low interest loan you made the bank give us when we were going through those really rough couple of years after dad passed away. Much respect to you man.”

  Jo smiled and rubbed Tyrone’s arm.

  Peyton sat closest to Charles’ bed in an unusually quiet manner. He’d been the first to arrive with a get-well card signed by his entire family. Ice had sat across from them as Charles made light conversation and apologized that their first time properly meeting had to be under these circumstances.

  Peyton had quickly apologized also, his ears turning slightly red as he rubbed the back of his neck.

  It was when Charles asked what his intentions with Ice were that Ice quickly stepped in in embarrassment. Peyton had looked up surprise that she had interrupted his answer. He wanted to answer. She blushed and waved off her dad’s comment.

  The others filed in moments later, so they never went back to it.

  But Peyton stared at her, slightly hurt and confused.

  The entire time, Melissa sat in the back of the room calmly with her tablet. She didn’t offer her two cents, she didn’t interrupt, she didn’t say anything. She could have been a ghost for all intents and purposes. She simply nodded at the teenagers and ignored them soon after.

  Ice was beyond grateful and surprised that her friends stayed around for an entire hour. They’d played an intense game of UNO, which happened to be her father’s favorite game. She was almost moved to tears at how they laughed and tried to make everything feel comfortable. Peyton may have suggested they all attend but Tyrone was the life of the party. He had jokes for days and even managed to have her father chuckle a couple times at his ridiculousness.

  Jo and Maddie where the best friends anybody could ask for. They were so supportive of her and what she was going through. Their hugs and affectionate caresses warmed her heart. When Maddie’s mother arrived at the upper floor for chemo, everybody rushed over to give her hugs and kisses. Her mother was overjoyed with tears, but the nurses quickly shooed them away.

  An afternoon spent in the hospital was not exactly how Ice would imagine a great day.

  But her friends made it all worthwhile. Her friends and Peyton. Her sweet, sweet Peyton.

  “See you tomorrow.” Jo hugged her tightly.

  “He’s gonna be all right.” Tyrone hugg
ed her after and did a little dance, making everybody else laugh.

  “If you need anything, I’ll be upstairs.” Maddie offered kissing her cheek and wrapping her arm around her.

  “Thanks guys.” Ice went and hugged them once again.

  They laughed and stopped abruptly at the sound of thunder outside.

  “Damn it’s pouring.” Tyrone shook his head. He nudged Jo. “Know what that means.” He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.

  Jo rolled her eyes. “Bye y’all.”

  They all waved as Peyton stood next to her, watching their friends go inside the elevator.

  Ice turned to him and smiled as she took his hand. “You okay?” she whispered.

  He smiled back and nodded. “Yeah…yeah…”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Are you okay?” He asked softly, his grey eyes laced with worry.

  Ice put her arms around his shoulders and stepped into his space. On slight tiptoes, she closed her eyes and kissed him. A full deep kiss with a bit of tongue. Peyton held on to her waist, his eyes also closing as he kissed her back. A soft moan emitted from his throat as she pulled back.

  He held her, his eyes searching her face, lips slightly parted.

  “Can I stay over tonight?” Ice whispered timidly.

  “Yes…yes, yes.” He responded breathlessly and she laughed. “Yes, God yes you can.”

  She hugged him tightly and he finally smiled in relief.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Melissa tucked in her husband. Carefully fluffing his pillow. “I don’t like that boy.”

  Charles smiled gently and reached for his wife’s hand. “You made an effort, I saw you did.” He whispered caressing her soft skin.

  Melissa looked down at him.

  “He’s a good boy. Let her go.”

  She resumed fixing the pillows. “You just focus on getting better you hear. I told you to go and get that heart checked last week. I told you and you wouldn’t listen.”

  “Mel.” Charles spoke seriously as he took his wife’s hand. “Sweetheart when I woke up…. I had a dream.” He sighed. “We missed up----we never should have----”

  “Oh, hush now.” Melissa said emotionally as she smoothed the covers.

  “I would do anything for you.” Charles to continue. “But that is one thing, I should have said no.”

  Melissa lifted her head slowly and looked over her shoulders as if focusing on something behind him. Her eyes narrowed and she stiffened.

  “No more sheltering her.” Charles groaned as he shifted. “We have to change things around. She’s growing up.”

  Melissa closed her eyes slowly and stared again at the same spot over her husband’s shoulder.

  “Let her go to California.”

  She snapped her attention back to the man she loved on the hospital bed. “Have you lost your mind Charles?” She demanded.

  “And we tell her the truth. We tell her everything. No more secrets.” He reached up and touched his chest. “It’s all these secrets, all these lies and pains that hurts my heart more.”

  Melissa inhaled sharply.

  “Your own daughter thinks you hate her. Let her know----let her------”

  “I set fire to Aniyah’s house.” Melissa whispered. “I did. I set the fire.”

  Charles stared at his wife in confusion. “No.”

  Melissa smiled sadly as a tear ran down her cheek. “She was going to ruin us. I wouldn’t let her. My sister was an evil, evil person.”

  “No.” Charles whispered grabbing his wife’s hand.

  “It was the only way to get rid of her!”

  “I told you give her the money!” Charles grabbed his chest.

  “She would always want more!” Melissa exclaimed. “I know her! I know her!” she looked past her husband’s shoulder again.

  “You know who?” Ice asked stepping into the room in confusion.

  Her parents quickly turned their attention to her.

  “Nothing sweetheart, nothing.” Charles said quickly. “Ice why don’t you get the nurse?” He said rubbing his chest. “I’m feeling a bit of pain.”

  Ice looked from Melissa’s shaking hands to the terror and pain on her father’s face. “Okay.” She whispered.


  Sunday 8:47 p.m.

  Ice looked out the hospital window of her dad’s room. It was still raining like hell. She sighed and turned around. “I’m going to head out.” She addressed her parents.

  Melissa had been staring at her for a while. “When you were born you had hazel eyes. Pretty big hazel eyes, only for the first year.” She smiled sadly. “And then they darkened, like a huge slap in the face.”

  “Okay sweetheart.” Charles spoke louder than usual. “Get some supper, something besides this horrible hospital food.”

  “Are you going home?” Melissa asked.

  Ice stared at the woman before her in silence. Their eyes locked. She wanted to say so much but had no words.

  “Well are you?”

  Ice turned to her dad. “Dad can I go sleep over a friend’s house.”

  “Yes, yes of course you can.” Charles responded. “Get some rest. You got a busy day of school tomorrow.”

  Melissa stiffened in her chair, but she kept her mouth shut. She rubbed her temple and stared down at her tablet.

  “Thanks dad.” Ice grinned and leaned over to kiss his forehead. “I’ll come over right after school.”

  Charles nodded unable to hug her back. He was still unable to control his left side, so he just turned his body into her.

  “It’s raining cats and dogs out there.” Melissa remarked as she resumed whatever she was doing on her tablet. “Make sure you don’t get your hair wet.”

  Ice turned to her and sighed. She grabbed her purse and without a word left the hospital room.

  “Don’t get wet.” Melissa repeated gently as she typed something on her device.


  “No, I think I’m going to go home first and get some clothes.” Ice repeated peering through the windshield. “It’s raining so much.”

  “The hospital is closer to my house than yours.” Peyton’s voice replied through the Bluetooth speakers. “Just come over, it’s getting late. You can go to your house tomorrow.”

  “I don’t have any clothes.” Ice chuckled. “I should have packed something, but my mind was just on getting to the hospital.”

  She swerved as a car almost hit her. “What the hell!”

  It’s brake lights came on, showing that it was slowing down and then it sped off.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, people just don’t know how to drive once it rains.” She remarked. She slowed down a little feeling her car swerve slightly. “I don’t know if it’s the rain or something but my car’s driving weird.” She squinted her eyes to see through the rapid movements of the windshield wipers.

  “We can go get it checked out tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I probably need an oil change----what the! SHIT!” Ice pressed rapidly on her breaks, but she wasn’t fast enough as her car slid and slammed the back of the car right in front of her.

  “Ice! Ice what’s wrong!”

  Ice groaned as she stopped the car. “Shit.” She whispered. “I just hit a car. Peyton I’ll call you back okay.”

  “You just----are you okay. Wait you just got in a car accident?”

  “I’ll call you back.” Ice said quickly turning off her car. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” She yelled as she stepped out into the pouring rain. She jogged over to the car whose headlights were still on.

  The driver put out a long arm and waved. She watched in confusion as he backed up. Crashing into her car.

  “What the hell!” Ice asked as she moved back and watched in horror as tires squealed on the water before the red Toyota sped off. She tried to quickly look at his license plate, but he had no back plates.

  She put her hands up in confusion. The rain h
itting her hard. Her clothes drenched and sticking to her skin. She could feel the slush of her socks as she moved. “What the hell?” She spoke into the rain again. She angrily walked over to her car. The hood was bent significantly, one headlight was broken, and her bumper was hanging. “FUCK!” She yelled Peyton’s favorite word and opened her front door.

  Her phone was vibrating. She unplugged it and answer.

  “Thank God. Ice what happened?” Peyton panicked.

  “I oh my God, I just hit this guy that just stopped in the middle of the street and I go out to apologize and get insurance info and this jerk backs up into my car and drives off!” She explained as she wiped her wet face. “And now I’m soaking wet like……uuuggghhhhh.” She heaved.


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