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Ice: Part I

Page 45

by Penny Hawking

  “Fuck you!” Peyton stepped towards her but was immediately yanked back with a strong grip.

  “Alright young man, out.” A deep voice said behind him.

  “What the fuck did you do to her!” He yelled at Melissa as the security guard tried to pull him out the gate. “What the fuck did you do to her?”

  “We’re going to have to personally escort you out of the building. You might want to shut up.” The security guard warned.

  The other security guard pulled out his handcuffs and got behind. Peyton struggled against them both. “If you hurt I swear to God! You fucking bitch!”

  The stronger of the two officers yanked Peyton out the room and rammed him against the wall.

  Charles tried to sit up more and groaned in pain. His right hand going over his heart as he gasped. He saw the young teen outside the glass. He was cursing up as storm. It was when he elbowed one of the security guards that he was once again slammed against the wall and handcuffed.

  “Call Ice.” Charles breathed heavily. “Call her.” He demanded. “Call our daughter and find out what is going on.” He groaned in pain.

  Melissa quickly reached into her purse and took out her cellphone.

  The nurse tore her attention away from Peyton and the security guards and rushed to Mr. Johnson’s side. “Okay relax. Calm down, deep breaths…you don’t want to get worked up.”

  “He says my daughter’s missing.” Charles heaved. “He says she’s missing.” He pleaded with the nurse. “She was just here.”

  Melissa shook her head. “She’s not answering.”


  Monday 7:12 p.m.

  Cheryl stormed into the station angrily and brushed past a couple officers. She looked at her watch; she refused to miss her daughter’s recital. The whole station grew get quiet as they watched the angry beautiful woman gracefully head towards Officer Tim’s desk. Cheryl slammed her hand on his desk, startling the old man.

  “How the fuck are you going to hold my son for some bullshit reason?” She demanded. “Get. Him. Out. Now.” She said with steel in her voice.

  The surrounding officers unashamedly watched the interaction.

  Officer Tim looked up at Cheryl and smiled. “Mrs. Stone your son assaulted an officer. Was being disorderly in a hospital----

  “Bullshit.” Cheryl cut him off. “Now you go back there, and you get my son out of that filthy place right now, so we can make it back in time to see my daughter’s piano recital.” Cheryl said looking around the whole place with authority. “Or I will make sure none…and I mean none of you guys in here will ever wear a badge again in your life.”

  The officers that were moving around stopped walking. Cheryl turned to Officer Tim. “If my son isn’t by my side in 10 seconds, I’ll shut this whole police department down.” She whispered threateningly. “And you know I’m capable of doing it.”

  “You heard the lady.” Officer Tim spoke abruptly as he pulled out some paper works. “Cheryl, now calm down, you know we have rules we have to follow.” He said trying to calm her down.

  She glared at him and grabbed the documents.

  Peyton came out to meet his mom reluctantly. He didn’t need to look up to know how angry she was. He could feel the heat from where he stood. Swallowing hard, he tried to give his mom a shaky smile. She wasn’t having it. He groaned and looked away.

  “Behave now you hear.” Officer Tim said in amusement as he watched the Stones walk out the building.

  Peyton sighed as they walked down the stairs. “I don’t even know why they arrested me.”

  Cheryl grabbed his ear and twisted it. Peyton howled in pain. “I thought I told you, I never wanted to see you in jail again.” She said angrily.

  “Ouch mom that really hurts…fuck…it wasn’t my fault.” He said moving away from her quickly when she let go of his ear. His ear was hot and burning, he gently rubbed it to ease away the pain. “All I did was go pick her up and she wasn’t there.” He said.

  Cheryl shook her head in frustration. She ran her fingers through her hair and sped up her pace. Peyton looked at his mom’s face and knew that she’d been crying. He felt a tug at his heart

  “Mom did you hear what I said?” He asked softly as he followed her.

  Cheryl put on a small smile. “We have to hurry. Your sister is up at 7:38.” She said simply.

  “Seriously I didn’t do anything. Mrs. Johnson is crazy. She did something to Ice, we have to find her.” Peyton yelled urgently.

  “Peyton.” Cheryl hissed sharply to shut him up. She opened the car door and got in. Peyton reluctantly got in. Cheryl started the car and pulled out. “I would think that today out of all days you would try a little harder not to get in trouble. Just taking into consideration how much this recital is important to Priya.” Cheryl said switching lanes. “How hard she’s worked for this.”

  “Mom listen to me. Mrs. Johnson is an evil fucking woman. I know she’s the reason Ice---” He put his seatbelt in as his mom swerved onto the road.

  “You could have walked away.” Cheryl said moving her hair to the side. “Instead of always finding something else to say you could have handled it differently.”

  “Mom you’re not listening to me…” Peyton insisted.

  “Dammit Peyton!” Cheryl said hitting the steering wheel. “Take responsibility for your actions!” She yelled in frustration as the tears welled up in her eyes. “You can’t just act impulsively and do whatever the fuck you want! You’re going to be 18 on Saturday for goodness sake. In a couple of months, you will have control over one of the biggest Empire in the industry. I can’t be bailing you out of jail at every single turn!”

  Peyton looked away from his mom’s tears. “You’re not listening to me mom. I----.”

  Cheryl put her hand up to silence hm. She quietly wiped the tear that had fallen. “Today just means so much to Priya…” She said trying to control her emotions.

  “I know that dammit, that’s why I…” Peyton started.

  “It’s not always about you.” Cheryl said shutting him up. “Especially not today. You don’t go fucking up your little sister’s dream.”

  Peyton stared at his mom in frustration and hurt. Angrily he turned his head to the side and stared out the window. She wasn’t listening. She didn’t understand. He felt himself withdraw as the silence and tension filled the car mom.

  After a couple minutes passed, Cheryl sighed and looked at her son. “I’m sorry.” She spoke softly as she reached over and patted his arm. Peyton pulled away from her touch. Refusing to look at her. Cheryl pulled into the parking lot of the concert hall. She turned to her son.

  She reached out and smoothed down Peyton’s hair. He didn’t move or acknowledge her. His jaws locked, mouth in a stubborn pout and eyes brimming with tears of frustration.

  Cheryl gave a shaky smile. “I’m just always so worried about you that I feel as if Priya practically raised herself and Bam-Bam is a wild child.” She rubbed his shoulder. “I’m so focused on you all the time, making sure you’re not getting into trouble that I neglect my other kids. Now that Priya found something she loves so much, I want to be there for her. I want all of us to be there for her.” Cheryl said trying to explain her erratic behavior.

  “Yeah.” Peyton said in an emotionless voice. “Sorry for fucking up, I get it. Can we just go?”

  Cheryl knew she’d hurt her son. “I’m sorry…and I’m sure something came up and Ice had to go somewhere. She’s fine. She probably got caught up or something. Maybe her phone died. She’ll probably call you tonight to explain.” She reached out to smooth his hair again, but Peyton moved away.

  He plastered the fakest smile he could form on his face to make sure she knew what she said was utter bullshit. “Yeah that’s probably it.” He said dryly as he opened the passenger door. “We should probably go. We don’t want to miss Priya’s grand entrance.”

  “Peyton….” Cheryl sighed, seeing the hurt on her son’s face, but Peyton got out and slam
med the car door.

  Cheryl sighed heavily and got out the car.

  Peyton was by the door of the building waiting for his mom’s arm. Without looking at her, he stiffly took it and led the way. They walked down the long hallway quietly and opened the double doors

  “Sweetheart, I know you’re worried about Ice, and I…” Cheryl started.

  “It’s okay. You’re right, it’s not about me…look there she goes.” He said smiling sadly at Priya who was sitting anxiously on the chair waiting to be announced. Upon seeing her brother and mom, she visibly relaxed and smiled. She looked around some more and seemed confused. Craning her neck to see pass them. Peyton led his mom to their reserved seats and sat.

  “Thank you so much for watching him Carly.” Cheryl said to the woman next to Bam-Bam.

  “No problem, he’s an angel.” She answered.

  Cheryl raised an eyebrow and looked down at her youngest son.

  Bam-Bam beamed up at her.

  “Let’s welcome next to the stage, Priya Stone, with an original composition titled The Drowning Fairy.” The announcer said happily. Everybody clapped as Priya looked at her family and smiled. Peyton winked at her. She winked back and grinned as she sat down. Her back straight, hands poised as she began to play.

  Cheryl turned to watch her son. Even though his face was towards the piano and Priya, she knew his mind was obviously elsewhere. She saw the frown on his face and the worry line on his forehead. He was wringing his hands nervously. Cheryl reached out and rubbed his back. Peyton turned to his mom and tried to force a smile on his face.


  Monday 10:43 p.m.

  Peyton sat on the porch fumbling with his phone. His heart racing every couple minute as he periodically checked to make sure he hadn’t missed a call, text or gotten a voicemail.

  He sighed as his hand shook from anxiousness. Cursing himself inwardly, he gave his phone one last look before placing it down next to him. With unsteady fingers, he reached for the pack of cigarettes on the porch. Grabbing one with a lighter, he stiffened to get some control of his body and emotions. As he brought it to his lip and lit it, he couldn’t help thinking how Ice would have reached out and snatched it from him by now, crushing it on the ground.

  His lips trembled as uncertainty creeped into his mind. She is fine. She will call. She didn’t leave him. She didn’t leave him. Rubbing his hands on his knees, he inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly as he looked at his car now parked in the driveway.

  His mom had gotten it towed to the house during the recital. He took another drag as his mind drifted back to Ice. She definitely couldn’t have left. Not after last night. Not after this morning. They were so excited about prom weren’t they?

  “Are you coming in soon?” Cheryl asked calmly as she opened the screen door and walked out to join her son. She held her big owl mug of tea that she usually drank from when she felt stressed.

  “Yeah.” Peyton murmured as he took another drag. Not bothering to look at his mom, his gaze drifted down to his silent phone once again.

  Sighing, Cheryl came towards him and sat down on the handle of the chair. She reached out her long thin fingers to rub the back of his neck like she used to do when he was smaller. She couldn’t bare the anxiety she saw on his face. The fear he tried to hide behind the half-lit cigarette. “I’m sorry about what I said earlier.” Her calm voice filled the otherwise still evening. She ran her fingers through the hair at his nape. “I still think you could have handled the situation differently, but I also realize the majority of it was beyond your control.” Cheryl continued. “It’s just, seeing you in that place just triggered so many memories that….”

  “I said I was sorry okay. Don’t worry. I’m not going back there again.” Peyton said cutting her off.

  Cheryl dropped her hand as she stared at her son. She only saw her little boy trying so hard to grow big and strong, unwilling to feel. She sighed and smiled softly. “Priya loved her new piano. It was an amazing gift.” She said trying to get him to open up.

  Peyton didn’t answer, instead choosing to stare at the ant carrying a small leaf by his foot.

  Cheryl reached out again and brushed his hair out of his face, ignoring his head jerk to the side to avoid her touch. “Baby I know you’re worried about Ice.” She whispered softly.

  “Why do you care?” Peyton muttered.

  Cheryl’s eyes widened in disbelief. “What is that supposed to mean? Of course, I care!” Grabbing Peyton’s chin firmly, she lifted it so she could finally make eye contact with her son. She was met with the startling deep silvery eyes in return. “You’re not the only one who loves this girl. She left a mark on this family and we all love her. She’s a beautiful and amazing child.” Cheryl shook her head softly. “Why would you even for a minute think I didn’t care about her?”

  Peyton turned his head away.

  “I was looking out for my kids.” Cheryl answered herself. “I’m sorry if I gave the impression that I didn’t care, but that wasn’t on my mind at the moment. All I cared about was having everybody there in time for Priya’s recital. My kids will always come first to me no matter what. I didn’t think her not being around for two hours was significant enough for me to worry about.” She ended softly.

  Peyton stared at the ground as he took another drag, his shoulders hunched.

  “Do you want to talk about it? You think you know where she is?” Cheryl asked raising his chin again. She saw the uncertainty in his eyes.

  Peyton hesitated.

  Cheryl caught it and rubbed his back encouragingly. “Come on, I didn’t listen earlier, now’s your chance.”

  Peyton stared at his mom for a full minute without talking. When Cheryl reached out to take the cigarette from his lips, he finally opened his mouth. “I think Melissa did something to her.” Peyton replied. “She wouldn’t just leave without calling me or saying anything. I know she wouldn’t. I know Ice.” He urged firmly.

  “You’re accusing her mom of doing something Pey? That’s a serious accusation.” Cheryl said sounding skeptical. She couldn’t imagine ever intentionally doing something to harm her kids. She crossed her arms across her chest as she stared down at him.

  Peyton’s mouth dropped open as his eyes flared. “Mom she’s fucking crazy. You don’t even know half the things she’s done to Ice already.” His voice now breaking into panic.

  “Peyton maybe you’re overreacting.” Cheryl said slowly.

  “I’m not!” Peyton yelled firmly. “I know some things…and…she’s not a good parent. She’ll hurt Ice because…because…” Peyton trailed off as he broke eye contact with his mom.

  “Because what?” Cheryl asked.

  He rubbed his jeans nervously as he stared at the ground. “I can’t tell you. Ice wouldn’t want me to. …she’s really sensitive about it… and she trusts me…so…I…just believe me when I say that Melissa had something to do with it.” Peyton said urgently as he grabbed his mother’s hand.

  Without saying a word, Cheryl stared at her son in silence for a couple seconds. His hands gripping hers tightly for assurance. “Are you sure she’s not just somewhere else, or she needed a break from you or anything.” She asked softly and cautiously. “I know that you’re hurt that Ice wasn’t there this evening but blaming her mom…are you sure you’re not just pointing fingers, so you don’t feel responsible?”

  Peyton tried to mask his hurt as he looked away and let go of his mom’s hand. She’d hit a soft spot. “I didn’t do anything this time.” He said quietly.

  “I’m not saying it’s your fault baby, not at all.” Cheryl said quickly. “I just need to know how sure you are that Ice didn’t go away voluntarily.”

  “100%.” Peyton answered nodding his head.

  Cheryl nodded. “Okay.” She said softly. Attempting to ignore the billion and one questions right now racing through her head. She had to admit, nothing made sense. And if the breakfast table this morning had been any indication, none of this should
have happened. Getting up, she wrapped her fingers tightly around her mug as she turned back to the house. “Tell you what, if she doesn’t show up at school tomorrow and she hasn’t called by then. I know a pretty famous PI He’s kind of a friend of the family, we’ll get him to talk to her mom.”

  Peyton turned around and smiled at her, trying to contain his joy.

  “I need you to be sure though. We’re intruding into somebody else’s family.” Cheryl stated firmly.

  Peyton nodded. “Yeah I know mom.”

  “Pick up that cigarette butt and go to bed, you have school tomorrow.” Cheryl said opening the door.

  “Mom?” Peyton’s soft voice stopped her. Cheryl poked her head out the door she’d just entered and looked at her son. “Thanks.”

  Cheryl nodded and smiled. “Don’t worry. We’ll find her.”


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