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Mageborn The Blacksmith's Son

Page 17

by Michael G. Manning

  The morning after the hunt Devon found himself waiting outside the Duke’s chambers. He had been summoned at dawn and although he had arrived within a quarter of an hour he had been waiting for at least an hour since then. It was a sign of the good Duke’s displeasure that he left him in the sitting room for so long and Devon knew it.

  A man stuck his head into the room, “The Duke will see you now.” Devon took a deep breath and followed, he was sure this would be unpleasant. Inside the room the Duke sat at a small table, having just finished his breakfast. There were no other chairs, although Devon was sure he had seen several there just a few days before. Another subtle hint, he would be kept standing.

  “You called for me your grace?” he spoke, since James Lancaster seemed disinclined to start the conversation.

  “I wanted to speak with you regarding yesterday’s events,” James was not one to beat about the bush once a conversation was underway, and he looked tense. Devon noticed there were two armed guardsmen within the chamber, which was close to an outright insult. Surely the Duke did not plan to arrest him?

  “Ah, I expected that your grace. Young Dorian seemed most upset after we parted ways,” that was an understatement, but Devon wasn’t going to put words in the Duke’s mouth.

  “If by most upset, you mean he stormed up here and demanded your immediate arrest, trial and execution, then yes, he was considerably perturbed.” The Duke’s face left little doubt how he felt about the matter.

  “I had not realized he seriously considered me at fault. I thought his temper might cool after hearing my explanation.” Devon thought nothing of the sort, but he wouldn’t be caught giving even a hint that he might consider himself at fault. He knew from long experience that once the hounds caught the scent of blood nothing would satisfy them but more.

  “As he told the tale he nearly took your head from your shoulders before you did something to help Mordecai. What was done to him before, and what you did to help him were unclear. That hardly sounds like a man who might be ready to forgive and forget.” The Duke’s eyes never left Devon’s.

  “Your grace, in all honesty, I had nothing to do with the accident and I was hard pressed to think how to help him once I reached him. He had struck a tree and wasn’t breathing. Dorian assumed I was at fault without proper cause. If I were not so considerate of his hot blood I might challenge him for the insult,” he projected an aura of righteous indignation.

  “You would be a fool to do so, he would have your guts on the ground within the first minute,” James paused for a moment, “If you did nothing to cause the accident, what was it you did to save his life?”

  “If I may be frank your grace, I am ashamed to admit that young Dorian had me in such a state that I did not know what to do. He seemed ready to remove my head and had me at a serious disadvantage. So I pretended I had some way to make him breathe again. In fact it was the grace of the gods themselves that Mordecai began to recover when he did, else I am sure I would not be here now,” Devon projected embarrassment.

  “It is convenient no one saw the fall. My men also report no sign that the horse was injured before it threw him either. Dorian claims you are some sort of sorcerer.” James was pulling no punches today.

  “If I were I would not resort to such crude means, but to answer your question no, I am not. To my knowledge there are none of any noteworthy power left,” half truths came as easily to Devon as breathing water did to fish, and he smiled inwardly.

  “It seems there is no proof of wrongdoing then,” the Duke sighed as if disappointed. “There are however, other things that have reached my ears. Things which have made me wonder at your character, Lord Devon.”

  “I would be happy to answer your questions your grace. It is difficult to defend oneself when one’s accusers are absent and unknown.” Devon replied.

  The Duke stood then, and Devon noticed he wore a sword, highly unusual in his own chambers. Clearly the Duke was prepared in case Devon might incriminate himself, “I am told that you accosted one of my staff, rudely forcing yourself upon her.” James’ eyes flashed as he said this.

  Devon’s mind raced. What did he know? What had he been told, and by whom? The crime would not be enough to do more than fine him, and possibly send him packing; his station protected him from more than that. Within a second he decided that the Duke would be unlikely to press the case, he meant to embarrass him. “Who said this, your grace? It is unfair to accuse me with what seem to be baseless rumors,” he kept his face smooth.

  “Baseless rumors?” James laughed, but it was a dark sound, “Think you I would put this before you with naught more than unfounded gossip? There are at least three direct witnesses to your action. Tremont’s son or not, your word would not carry enough weight to deny all of them.” James Lancaster did not in fact have three witnesses, but he had Dorian’s word that if Mordecai awoke there would be three, should the matter come to light.

  “I am not even sure who the young lady is that I am supposed to have made these advances upon,” Devon answered.

  The Duke’s face turned red and his jaw clenched, advancing on Devon it seemed he might draw his sword before he stopped, his face inches from the young lord’s, “Do not test me Tremont! Your father’s reach will not protect you here if I lose my temper. If you so much as touch another of my maids it will not be a paltry fine you face, I’ll string your liar’s head up from the gallows and war be damned!” He spat these words as if he were chewing nails.

  Devon drew back, uncertain before the Duke’s fury, but he did not surrender the point, “You would do well to remember the tenets of courtesy while I am under your roof! If you seek to accuse me openly then do so, otherwise you cheapen your honor.”

  James was livid and he leaned forward, “You dare speak to me of hospitality!? You trespass upon my bondsmen, you abuse those I protect, and then you claim the protection of hospitality! Mark my words, if I have cause to suspect you have harmed another person in these halls again and I’ll have you gelded, as your father should have been before he lay with your mother. Get out of my sight! You have until the week’s end. Once that is done I will have you gone. Save your whoring till you return to Tremont!” The Duke finished and strode away, standing with his back turned until Devon left the room.

  Once he had gone, Genevieve entered the room, she had been listening. “Are you sure it is wise to risk this? His father may call you up before the assembly of lords.”

  “He’s a fatherless son of a whore!” James was shouting now that Devon had left. It took her a few minutes to calm him down, but inwardly she agreed wholeheartedly. Her husband rarely lost his temper, and never without good cause. It was a point of pride to her that he would risk everything over an abuse to one of his people.


  Later in the day, before the lunch hour a knock came on the door to my room. I had eaten a huge breakfast earlier and my strength seemed to be returning, but I still didn’t feel like walking about to answer doors. Luckily Penny was still with me, dressed now. She had been discussing the merits of having a bath brought in to get me truly clean. I wasn’t too keen on it but she seemed very attached to the idea. She rose and answered the door for me.

  Father Tonnsdale stood in the hall. “May I come in?”

  Penny started to turn him away, but I waved her off, I was beginning to feel like a bit of company. He came in and moved a chair to face the bed, then took a seat, “I spoke with the Duke yesterday, before your accident. And he told me that we had something in common.” He gave me a meaningful look, glancing toward Penny.

  “Don’t worry Father, she already knows,” I replied. As a result of our...linking, among other things, Penny now knew an awful lot about me. Mostly regarding recent events, our feelings, and anything we had thought about during that one blissful hour. I couldn’t tell you for example what her mother’s birthday was, or even what she looked like. It hadn’t come up during that time.

  “Ah, very good then. The Duke thought yo
u might like to know about the events of that dreadful night,” his face was a mixture of sadness and nostalgia as he said this.

  “Yes, whatever you might tell me. I was only an infant, so anything that might help me to understand would be appreciated,” I truly felt grateful to be in the presence, of someone, anyone who had actually been there.

  He spent the next hour relating the events of that terrible night, which from his perspective had been pretty boring. He had been fasting in preparation for the special spring dedication to be held the next morning. It was a yearly holiday celebrated by all the adherents of Millicenth the Evening Star. The Evening Star was one of the more popular goddesses in Lothion, and had been venerated by the Cameron family as well as the Lancasters.

  Because of his fast he had been in the chapel all that evening, skipping dinner, which ultimately saved his life. When the fire started in the main keep he came out to see what was going on, but once he saw the strangers in black garb he knew he had best stay hidden. Even so they beat down the door to the chapel after he locked himself in, but he had hidden himself in a secret storeroom used to keep the church’s relics safe at night. He was one of only a small handful that survived the night. The rest died of poison, fire, or were butchered when the assassins found them.

  After that he described my parents to me, but none of it was really new. The one thing that surprised me was the small silver star he gave me. “I helped with their burials. Another priest came to assist since we had so many, but I dressed the bodies of the Cameron family before they were buried. Your father’s body was never found and your mother’s was lost as well, but this belonged to your grandfather, the Count di’Cameron. I’m sure he would have wanted you to have it.”

  I was touched to say the least. Raising the small symbol to my lips I kissed it and put it over my neck. Like his own symbol I could see that it held a faint golden radiance, a sign of its connection with the goddess herself. I thanked him as best I could and he left shortly after.

  I sat staring at the silver star for a short while, and Penny sat down beside me. “Does it make you sad to think on it?” she asked.

  “A bit,” I answered. “I’ve never met either of my grandparents, and know even less of them than I do my parents. At the same time, as of a few days ago I had no knowledge of any of them. It all feels sort of made up. Inside I’m still Mordecai Eldridge, and I feel guilty that I don’t feel more for these people that are gone.” Penny was a good listener and we talked for a while, till another knock came at the door.

  Before Penny could reach it, Dorian opened it from without and announced, “His Grace, James, Duke of Lancaster is here.” That was all the warning we got before he strode into the room. The Duke looked in good health, he moved briskly and his face was slightly flushed, as if he had been exercising. I didn’t know that he had recently confronted Devon Tremont, but I would have been glad if I had known.

  As it was, he seemed to be full of energy. “Mordecai!” he said, in a rather loud tone. “I am most relieved to see you awake and moving again.” Rather than pull up the chair he sat on the bed with me.

  “The reports of my demise were premature your grace,” I answered smiling.

  “I told you, call me James when we are alone,” he replied. “I was planning to have your commendation ceremony and oath of fealty taken tonight, but it seems that will not happen for a few days more at least. You seem to be gaining strength quickly though.”

  “Thanks to Penny, she has been an angel of mercy through all of this,” I smiled at her.

  “Yes I have some matters to discuss with Penny as well,” and he looked at her grimly.

  “I cannot thank you enough for your care of my nephew,” he said, “I understand that you burst in upon my lady wife and insisted Rose help you find him?”

  “Yes your grace,” she kept her eyes down.

  “You seem to have a touch of the prophet’s gift I hear. No matter. Then yesterday you stood your ground and told me in no uncertain terms that if I tried to usher you from the room I would... let's see... what was it?” He was searching for words.

  “Draw back a nub, your grace,” she filled in for him.

  “Yes that was it. And you meant it too didn’t you my dear?” He was smiling at her in a fashion that reminded me of a dog, before it bites you.

  “Yes your grace, even now,” she said demurely.

  “You realize of course that such brazen disrespect for your lord could have dire consequences. I could have you taken to the yard and whipped for insolence,” his tone was neutral, but I started up, trying to get out of the bed.

  “You can’t do that!” I said, but he waved me away.

  “Yes your grace, this is true,” she replied.

  “You have not reported for work since yesterday when you left your post without notice,” he continued, “and you spent the entirety of last night alone in this room with my nephew.”

  “Yes your grace, I would not leave him, till he were dead or sure to live,” her tone held a sliver of defiance in its tone now.

  “Others could have managed. It was hardly proper to have a young woman in here all night, but you don’t care do you Penelope?” he asked.

  “No sir,” she said, “I would sooner be damned than leave him to the care of others.” She was staring him in the eye now.

  “Are you in love with my nephew Penelope?”

  “Yes your grace.” she would not hide it.

  “You leave me no choice then, Penelope Cooper you are dismissed from my service; I have no need for such a disrespectful maid. One who does not know her place cannot serve me. I expect you to clean your things out of the maid's quarters within the hour,” his tone was deadly serious.

  Somehow Penny had not expected that response. Somehow she had thought that her good deeds would outweigh her mistakes. She stood stunned for a moment, lips parted slightly. A few seconds later she felt tears beginning to form in her eyes and she turned away, thinking to get her things before he saw her weeping.

  “Don’t leave Miss Cooper, I have a few things to say to Mordecai as well, and you should hear them first,” James added. “Mordecai, since you are unwell I doubt you will be able to attend the dance tomorrow night. It is our last celebration before the guests return to their homes, so it should be a grand affair. Genevieve has spent quite a bit of time planning for it.”

  “So I am told,” Mordecai was unsure where the Duke was leading the conversation.

  “Genevieve wanted me to tell you that if you had a lady in mind to bring to the ball, she would be welcome, even if you were unable to attend.” He looked at Penny then, with a mischievous smile. Reaching into his jacket he pulled out a scroll and tossed it onto the bed. “The oath and such will have to wait, but the lands are yours, along with the title and privileges, Count di’Cameron.”

  I stared at him slack jawed, “I am honored... I...” I was having problems figuring out what to say.

  “As my guest, and a fellow lord, you are entitled to your own retainers and such, within reason. If you have a wife, consort, or even a simple companion, they of course may stay with you. It is not my place to judge a landed noble. Advances upon my staff would be considered a grave insult however, so I trust I don’t have to fear such a breach of faith with you.” He studied Penny at length during his speech. “Don’t sell yourself cheaply my dear. You’re worth your weight in gold, and if my nephew has sense to realize it he will be a wealthy man.” Then without another word he turned and left the room.

  Once the door had closed Penny and I looked at one another, “What the hell was that?” she said.

  “I think he was trying to do us a favor... maybe,” I replied.

  “I just lost my livelihood!” She was not amused.

  “Well I’m prepared to offer you a new position,” I ventured.

  “As what, chief concubine? Because if that’s what you think of me you’d better guess again, just because last night we... That was magic, I didn’t have full con
trol of my faculties!” She was working herself into a fit. Not that I would have said as much.

  Taking slow breaths I eased myself out of the bed and started walking toward her, “I would never suggest something like that Penny. The Duke was just making it clear that we could continue to stay together, under whatever relation or fiction we choose to employ.”

  “‘Fiction we choose to employ,’ can you hear yourself Mort? Just because you’re the bloody Count di’Cameron now doesn’t mean I’ll happily pack my bags and come move in as your doxy!” I was almost to her now, but she was backing away. Given my delicate state I wasn’t fit to chase her around the room. I tried another tactic.

  “‘Companion’ doesn’t necessarily mean prostitute Penny, and if you need some better title you could be my maid-servant.” I gave her a lopsided grin, employing my considerable knowledge of psychology. It worked. She turned red and came at me teeth bared and claws out.

  “You pompous slack-wit!” She launched herself at me with a shriek that would have made a banshee proud. I caught her wrists as she came, and struggled to subdue her. Unfortunately, as most wrestlers can tell you, a lot of your upper body strength relies upon the muscles around the rib cage, and mine were in terrible shape. I’m sure I’ve mentioned before how terribly smart I am.

  Pain shot through me as I grappled with her, trying to get her still for a moment. In spite of the agony I managed to drag her in close and wrap her in a bear hug, whereupon she bit me. She bit me! I refused to let go though, and stepping back I fell onto the bed, holding her tight to me. That earned me a lot more pain as her weight fell onto me. Twisting I got myself on top and pinned her down. Have I mentioned she’s as strong as a she-cat? But at last I had her caught. “I’m not making the same mistake I did the last time we argued,” I said, my face inches from her own. “You’re not going to escape as soon as I start talking.”

  She growled at me, her face flushed, but she relaxed a bit. “You’re going to pay when I get loose, and you don’t have the strength to keep me down for long.”


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