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Saven Deception

Page 10

by Siobhan Davis

  She looks sad and I ache for her. I’m struggling to find an appropriate response when the sounds of scuffling distract us both. “What’s going on?” I wonder aloud. An incongruous thud shakes the outer wall, causing it to vibrate and shudder violently.

  Neve’s on her feet in a jiffy, racing toward the door. “Stars! You’ve got to be kidding me,” she says, the minute she opens the door.

  Darting out behind her, I screech to a halt and gawk open-mouthed at the scene in front of me. Dante has Odie in a headlock, and he’s swinging his body from side to side as if it’s some new sport he’s invented. Odie’s tall, lanky frame slams against the wall, the impact sending tremors along the entire corridor. Odie swings a punch to Dante’s gut, but it barely registers, and he continues to slap Odie from wall to wall.

  “Stop it!” Jenna shrieks from behind them. “You’ll kill him!”

  Dante persists, swinging Odie around like a ragdoll, completely ignoring Jenna’s frantic plea.

  “Stop right there, Dante,” Vin’s voice resonates clearly. He runs toward the boys. “Release him.”

  Dante flouts his command and proceeds to pommel Odie on all sides.

  Vin places a firm hand on Dante’s oversized arm. “Let him go.”

  He drops Odie to the floor like discarded rubbish. Twisting around, Dante drives his elbow into Vin’s stomach and propels him backward. I suck in a shocked gasp as Vin semi-flies through the air, landing on his back with a heavy thump.

  Holy hell. This is bad. Suddenly my Hulk assessment doesn’t seem erroneous. Dante is pumped to erupt, veins bulging in his arms, and naked aggression has replaced the caramel color of his eyes.

  Neve chuckles beside me, and I stare at her incredulously. She’s propped against the doorframe, watching the fight with zealous eyes. “Neve!” I pin her with a WTF look.

  Raising her palms, she looks at me innocently. “What? They’re idiots.” She’s so glib; her tone is reminiscent of a mother heedlessly explaining away her child’s unsportsmanlike play. I don’t know who I’m more shocked at—Dante for his violent behavior or Neve for her obvious lack of empathy.

  Vin hauls himself up with a soft moan. He strides toward Dante who is standing in the center of the corridor as if he owns it, legs wide apart and arms folded across his impressive chest. Vin is remarkably calm as he approaches him. While Dante is at least half a foot taller, Vin refuses to cower down, standing confidently in front of him.

  “That behavior is completely unacceptable, Dante. Go back to your dorm and stay there while I attend to Odie. I will report your actions to my Supervisor, and he will decide on the necessary form of punishment. Go now.” A muscle flexes in his jaw, and I’m in awe of how tightly he’s keeping a rein on his control.

  Dante snarls and puts his face right up in Vin’s. Tension bleeds into the air. “You do that. Not that it’ll get you anywhere. You should be kissing my ass, you tool.”

  My jaw slackens as I stare at him open-mouthed.

  “Come, on, Jenna.” Dante takes her hand as he prepares to walk away.

  “I …” She opens her mouth to protest but her argument dies on her tongue.

  I watch in utter amazement as she obediently walks with him back to his dorm. Blinking several times does nothing to clear my vision or my head.

  It’s official.

  Things are definitely getting stranger.


  The whole facility oozes anxiety for the rest of the evening into the night as the aftermath of the incident has far-reaching impact. You can practically feel the trepidation in the air. Thankfully, Dante stays holed up in his dorm, but it doesn’t do much to quell my nervousness, especially considering Jenna is the one keeping him company.

  Knowing Dante is in close proximity causes chills of the worst kind to sweep the length of my body. The dramatic part of me is fearful he’ll turn axe murder during the night and slaughter us in our sleep. A powerful shudder grips me, and I try to force all thoughts of Dante from my mind.

  My current fretfulness, however, has zilch to do with that.

  LC: Please, Sadie. I want to see your face properly.

  Logan has spent the last five minutes coaxing me into giving video chat a go. Anxiety of the worst kind has hijacked my body and mind, and I’m terrified beyond what is reasonable and normal. It is ridiculous really, but I can’t help how I feel.

  I glance across the water at his pleading face. The minute he blows me a kiss, I know I’m done for.

  SO: ‘Kay.

  My hand is quaking oh-so badly as I click the video icon and wait for his image to load. And then he’s in front of me on the screen in all his hypnotic hotness. My heart jumps weirdly as he grins at me, showcasing a perfect set of straight, pearly white teeth.


  “Hey.” My voice comes out raspy, and a faint stain paints my cheeks.

  His face lures me to him like a magnet, and I melt into the invite emanating from his soulful blue eyes. Long, thick lashes flicker seductively as he angles closer to the screen. My entire being strains toward him, my fingers itching to stroke his face, to know if his skin feels as smooth as it looks. His lips part slightly and my eyes latch onto his mouth, wondering what it would feel like to kiss him. He thrusts silky strands of hair out of his eyes with a subtle movement, and I’m transfixed.

  We stare wordlessly at each other and electricity zings through the air. To feel such a strong spark, when we’re not even sharing the same air, is insane beyond comprehension.

  The longer I look at him, the deeper I fall.

  He’s too beautiful to put into words.

  “Sadie.” He speaks my name reverentially, as if it’s too precious to verbalize.

  I glimpse him through hooded eyes.

  “I know you feel it too.” His eyes betray nothing but the truth.

  “This can’t be real,” I murmur, twirling a lock of hair around my finger.

  He zones in on my mouth and his lips part. In a split second, my whole body ignites, and I genuinely worry I’m losing control of myself.

  This is crazy insanity and I don’t know how to deal with it.

  “Do you believe in soul mates? A connection so sacred and profound that one soul instantly recognizes it’s other half?” he asks.

  “Absolutely. But the government doesn’t.” What the hell, Sadie? Way to ruin the moment.

  “Do you believe in love at first sight?” he continues, as if I hadn’t tried to inadvertently quench the scorching flames sparking between us.

  I think of my parents, Romeo and Juliet, Anthony and Cleopatra, Tristan and Isolde, and the countless other love stories I’ve read. “Absolutely.” I say it with biting conviction.

  “Me, too.” He fixes me with a loaded look and my insides melt into a liquefied puddle of goo.

  Is that …? Does he believe …? I squeeze my eyes shut. I’m so out of my comfort zone with this guy, but surely nothing that feels so right can be wrong?

  “I can’t wait to feel this up close. Do you want that with me?”

  I pinch myself. Hard. Because I’m majorly struggling to keep a grip on reality. My head is swimming, brimming, drowning in his words, his face, and a thousand different emotions he incites in me. Expectation simmers in his eyes as he patiently waits for my reply.

  “I want that with you.”

  He tilts back in the chair, smiling broadly. Two small indents appear in his cheeks. Just when I believe he can’t get any cuter—any hotter—dimples happen. Yeah, I’m sucker-punched. He has me and there isn’t a damn thing I could do to stop this crazy train, even if I wanted to.

  “Only six more days to Thalassic City and then we can be together.” He sits up straighter in his chair.

  My eyes glisten with anticipation. “I’m already on a countdown,” I admit truthfully.

  “Sadie, I…” He drags his hands through his hair, sending it scurrying in all directions. He couldn’t look any sexier if he tried. “I want you to know that this is real fo
r me. I can’t explain it. I doubt you can either, but I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. My soul belongs with yours, I’m certain of it.”

  I’m speechless. His words penetrate my heart, mind, and soul, sinking so completely as to become an inherent part of who I am.

  I wish I could magically project through the screen, fling myself into his arms, and never let him go.


  I pretty much float back to the dorm high on a heady love buzz. Oh, yeah, I’m fully onboard the crazy train now. Lifelong ticketholder. I chortle to myself.

  The sounds of sobbing confront me the minute I sneak into the room. My giddy mood dissipates on the spot. Jenna is facing the wall, crying softly into her pillow.

  “Jen? What’s wrong?”

  “I think you were right about Dante,” she sniffles.

  A few of the girls stir in their beds, and I intercept a couple of irritated murmurs. “Let’s talk in the living room.” Taking her hand, I coax her out of the bed and into her robe. We pad quietly out of the room.

  “Here, drink this.” I thrust a mug of sweet hot tea into her hand and join her on the couch.

  “Thanks,” she mumbles, in between sniffles. I sip my tea while I wait for her to talk. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” she admits. I peer earnestly into her eyes. “When I’m with Dante, I feel fantastic, but as soon as we separate, I’m flooded with doubt. I don’t actually know why I’m with him at all because I really like Odie, but I think I’ve totally blown it now.” Her sobs pick up pace.

  “You don’t know that until you talk to him. It’s clear he likes you, and Dante obviously realizes that too, hence why he went all gung-ho on him this evening. Is Odie going to be okay?” I hand her a tissue.

  “Yeah. He’s a bit battered and bruised, but nothing is broken, thank God. He refused to speak to me afterwards. I think he’s finished with me now.” Her expression is full of remorse and regret.

  “Give him time to cool off. Hopefully he’ll come around.”


  The next two days pass without incident. Odie is giving Jenna the silent treatment, and she’s growing more and more despondent. We stick to each other like glue, and I’m feeling very protective of her. Dante hovers like a thundercloud on a stormy day. I avail of every opportunity to glare at him. It must be working because he doesn’t approach Jenna, though he watches her with possessive intensity, like a stalker in training.

  I’m grateful Jenna needs me because it means I don’t spend every single solitary minute thinking and dreaming of Logan.

  Only every second one.

  Neve and I spend the night in the library devouring books. While her reaction to Dante’s attack on Odie bugs me—and no matter how I try to justify it, I can’t understand it or relate to it—I can’t deny how much I’ve come to enjoy her company.


  I’m skulking down the corridor at five minutes to midnight, fervently hoping no one’s around. I tug self-consciously on the hem of my red dress, willing it to miraculously grow another few inches before I reach the library. Logan begged me to wear it for him tonight. I didn’t want to admit that it’s too short, far too tight, and that I can barely breathe in it, let alone speak.

  Up ahead, the sound of hushed bickering tickles my ears. My feet take root on the ground. A quick glance at my watch tells me there’s no time to go back and change: I hate to keep Logan waiting. Slinking along the corridor with my back flat to the wall, I pray I’m not spotted. I’ve no idea how to explain that I’m dressed as if I’m going on a real date.

  When I reach the top of the corridor, I tentatively peep around the corner. Neve is reclining against the entrance to the male dorm, her back to me, talking animatedly to someone hidden behind the doorframe. I’m instantly intrigued though I don’t have time to dwell on it. I risk another fleeting glance. They are totally engrossed in their conversation, and I reckon I should be able to dash undetected to the other side. Blessing myself, I race across the corridor to the library door.

  I’m almost on the home stretch when Neve’s head whips around and she sees me. Dammit to hell and back. Now I’ll have to bring her into my confidence about Logan, which is something I didn’t plan on sharing yet. Besides Jenna, no one else knows anything about him. Until I figure out exactly what’s going on between us, I’d planned to keep him a secret.

  If it all blows up in my face, the less people that know, the better.

  Carefully, I close the door behind me and log on to my D-pad.

  “Wow,” Logan says, the minute the screen activates, “you look gorgeous. Red is most definitely your color.” His eyes shimmer with blatant admiration.

  “Thanks.” I accept his compliment graciously. I glance apprehensively over my shoulder. “We may have company in a sec. I’ve been busted.” He looks inquisitively at me. I open my mouth to explain, but I’m silenced by the vulgar slamming of the door.

  “Sadie, why the hell are you dressed …” Neve’s mouth hangs open as she spies Logan on the screen. Her eyes dart between the screen and me, and her head flits from one of us to the other so fast I feel dizzy looking at her. “What’s going on, Sadie?” Her pupils narrow to pinpricks as she flings a suspicious look at me. “What are you doing?”

  I’m not sure where to start, but it’s only after I open my mouth to speak that I realize she hasn’t directed that last question at me. Wait? What? Neve’s expression is thunderous as she glowers at Logan. Her hands are fisted so tight at her sides that her knuckles blanch white with the effort. My attention diverts to Logan, and his eyes are locked on Neve. They stare at each other without uttering a word, and the atmosphere is cloaked with obvious tension.

  What is going on here? “Neve?” I tug on her sleeve. She doesn’t budge an inch, so I tug harder. She is staring at Logan and I don’t like that one little bit. “Neve!” I yell. “What are you doing?”

  “Sadie?” Her face registers confusion and then amusement, and that irks me no end.

  “What’s going on? Do you two know each other, or something?” It’s the “or something” part I’m most worried about.

  Twisting my head to look at the screen, I stagger back and gasp.

  The screen is blank.

  Logan is gone.

  He didn’t even say goodbye.


  I’m certain my face registers the hurt and confusion I feel, but Neve looks at me as if what’s happened is nothing out of the ordinary. My level of distrust has skyrocketed and I’m suddenly wary.

  “What just happened? Why did Logan leave?” It makes absolutely no sense. They didn’t even speak. She shoots a “How the hell do I know?” look my way. It does nothing to appease my suspicion. “Do you know him … or something?” Inwardly, I cringe in preparation.

  “Nope.” She elegantly tosses her long, blonde hair.

  “I don’t believe you.” My stare is challenging.

  “Look, forget about him,” she says, seizing my forearms. “I’ve something I want to ask you.”

  Extracting myself from her grip, I pitch an incredulous look at her. “I don’t want to forget about him. I want to know why you got so mad when you noticed him. Tell me.” I’m only short of stomping my foot.

  She stares right through me and I’m seething. Grabbing my D-pad, I fling a filthy look her way as my fingers grip the door handle.

  “Wait,” Neve says, moving toward me. “I wanted to ask if you’d share an apartment with me when we get to Thalassic City.”

  That stops me dead in my tracks. Spinning around, I stare at her in surprise, incredulous that she can dismiss what’s transpired. Briefly, I wonder if she’s delusional or suffering from some form of mental illness. “No. I already promised Jen.” I grit out harshly. “And quite frankly, Neve, unless you’re planning on being truthful, I’m not sure I want anything more to do with you.”

  “You don’t mean that,” she says in a shocked tone.

  “Eh, yeah, I do.”

you all so melodramatic?” Her expression is one of bewildered amusement.

  Anger solidifies inside me at her accusation, especially with the realization that the “all” she refers to is clearly a reference to the lower class. Guess there’s a reason why the government keeps bullions and stars separated, if Neve’s attitude is typical of the upper-class mindset. How I could’ve ever felt a connection to someone like her is unfathomable in this moment, and I curse my stupid naivety. “Are you going to tell me the truth?”

  “There’s nothing to tell.” She looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but I’m not buying it.

  “Stay away from me,” I tell her. “Unless you’re prepared to explain yourself.”

  Stupid tears stab at my eyes as I storm off down the corridor. I quickly swipe them away. Neve runs after me and fists a hand in my shirt.

  “I value your friendship, Sadie. Let’s not fall out over this, please.” She smiles sweetly as if all it will take to win me over are a few trite words and a sickly sweet smile.

  How little she must think of me. “I meant what I said. Leave me alone.” Shoving her arm away, I stride to my dorm and fling myself down on the bed.

  Once I’ve showered, changed, and given myself time to calm down, I snuggle under my comforter and open up my D-pad. No messages from Logan, which only adds to the confusion I feel. No matter how many times I replay it in my mind, I cannot make any sense of what transpired tonight. Did Neve’s evil eye send him running scared or is there more to it than that? Only one way to find out, I suppose. Considering Neve gave up nothing, I’ll have to ask him.

  I tap out a quick message asking him to explain what’s wrong.

  An hour later and I still have no reply. An unpleasant sensation ties my stomach in knots, and I’ve all but chewed my fingernails to the bone. Something is wrong and it’s killing me that I don’t know what or why.

  I send off another message: Write me, PLEASE.

  And another one thirty minutes later.

  After the fourth message, I force myself to stop acting like a crazy stalker. He clearly doesn’t want to speak to me. Or he could be asleep. Either way, I warn myself not to send any more messages lest I come off like the desperate freak I am.


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